33 research outputs found

    Assessing the Impact of Marine Protected Areas in Moorea (French Polynesia)

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    Algal food processing by Stegastes nigricans, an herbivorous damselfish: differences between an undisturbed and a disturbed coral reef site (La Reunion, Indian Ocean)

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    There has, as yet, been little study of nutrient disturbance and its consequences on the functional biology of primary consumers in coral reefs. The processing of epilithic algal communities by the damselfish Stegastes nigricans was investigated at La Reunion, at two sites of a fringing reef, oligotrophic for one and eutrophic for the other. Differences between sites were analyzed in quantifying organic matter, organic carbon, nitrogen, and organic 'nutrients' (carbohydrate, lipid and protein) in the algal food, the digestive contents and the faeces of S. nigricans. In the disturbed site, algal turfs and digestive contents presented significantly higher organic matter, organic carbon, nitrogen and organic nutrient values. Absorption efficiency of total matter was higher in fish from this site (26.8 %) than from the undisturbed site (16.3 %), as well for organic matter, organic carbon, nitrogen and organic nutrients. A larger mean total length was also measured for fish sampled in the disturbed site (11.4 cm versus 10.9 cm). The reinjection of organic nutrients by this herbivorous fish appeared to be enhanced in this site. It is suggested that eutrophication is the main disturbance factor accounting for the recorded differences.L'effet des perturbations trophiques et leurs consĂ©quences sur la biologie fonctionnelle des consommateurs primaires des rĂ©cifs coralliens a Ă©tĂ© peu Ă©tudiĂ©. Cet article prĂ©sente la transformation des communautĂ©s algales Ă©pilithiques (gazons algaux) par le poisson demoiselle herbivore Stegastes nigricans, sur un rĂ©cif frangeant de l'Ile de La RĂ©union dans deux sites du platier rĂ©cifal interne : non perturbĂ© et oligotrophe pour l'un, perturbĂ© et eutrophe pour l'autre. Les diffĂ©rences entre les sites ont Ă©tĂ© analysĂ©es en quantifiant les teneurs en matiĂšre organique, carbone organique, azote total et ‘nutriments’ (glucides, lipides et protĂ©ines), dans la nourriture algale, les contenus digestifs et les fĂšces de S. nigricans. Dans le site perturbĂ©, les gazons algaux et les contenus digestifs des poissons sont caractĂ©risĂ©s par des pourcentages de matiĂšre organique et des teneurs en carbone organique, azote total et nutriments significativement plus Ă©levĂ©s que dans le site non-perturbĂ©. Les taux d'absorption totaux sont plus Ă©levĂ©s chez les poissons de ce site (26,8 %) que chez les poissons du site non-perturbĂ© (16,3 %). Le mĂȘme rĂ©sultat est observĂ© pour les taux d'absorption de la matiĂšre organique, du carbone organique, de l'azote total et des nutriments. La longueur totale des poissons prĂ©levĂ©s est supĂ©rieure chez les poissons prĂ©levĂ©s sur le site perturbĂ© (11,4 cm contre 10,9 cm). La rĂ©injection de nutriments dans l'Ă©cosystĂšme par ce poisson herbivore est plus importante dans ce site. L'eutrophisation semble ĂȘtre le facteur principal qui explique les diffĂ©rences relevĂ©es entre les sites

    Long-term spatiotemporal variations in coral-reef fish community structure and fishing at a South Pacific atoll

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    In many atolls of the South Pacific, a shift has occurred in the past couple of decades from traditional to more intensive fishing practices. Increasing fishing pressure on coral reefs raises the need for long-term studies to understand how fish communities react to fishing practice changes. The objective of this study was to analyse the variations of reef fish communities (in terms of species richness, diversity, density and structure) during a long time lapse at Tikehau atoll (Tuamotu archipelago, French Polynesia). The same eight lagoon pinnacles were sampled in 1987 and 2003 at 6 and 12 m depth. Quantitative data were collected by visual census techniques (UVC) on 50 m × 5 m belt transects. Analyses were conducted using a multiple spatial scale (depth, pinnacle and whole lagoon) approach with a particular attention on commercial species such as Scaridae (parrotfish), Acanthuridae (surgeonfish), Lutjanidae (snapper), Lethrinidae (emperor), Serranidae (grouper). Despite an increased sampling effort between 1987 and 2003, the mean species richness per transect decreased significantly from 26.2 ± 6.2 to 21.6 ± 9.6. The mean diversity varied similarly. A stronger decrease happened at pinnacles close to the village, where fish density also decreased. Conversely, fish density, species richness and diversity increased at pinnacles less visited by inhabitants. The community structure shifted from commercial species to small site-attached species e.g. Pomacentridae (damselfish), Ptereleotridae (dartfish) as fishing reduced the abundance (and biomass) of targeted stocks. We argue that these spatiotemporal variations resulted from a drastic change in fishing practices over the 16 years period, that shifted a sustainable fishery using traditional fish traps to an unbalanced, species-threatening, selective fishery. This study underlines the need for management and for the implementation of marine protected areas (including no-take zones) in order to protect the coral reef ecosystem and favor sustainable fisheries at Tikehau atoll

    Suivi à long terme des assemblages de coraux et de poissons (1983-2014) sur le récif de Tiahura, Moorea, Polynésie française

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    International audienceCoral reefs are one of the most diverse ecosystems on Earth and sustain millions of people worldwide.However, coral reefs are temporally dynamic and fragile systems subject to ever increasing disturbancesof anthoropogenic and natural origins. Understanding the patterns and trajectories of changes through time isurgently needed to estimate the resilience of coral reefs. To ascertain these patterns, we depend on the availabilityof long-term datasets, which are seldom available. In this study, we present the data set which allowed us to analysethe long-term trends of coral and fish assemblages for the island of Moorea (French Polynesia) from 1983to 2014, a dataset spanning 32 years, comprising two Acanthaster planci outbreaks (1987 and 2006) and severalhurricanes (1982, 1983, 1991 and 2010), on three permanent monitoring sites (quadrats of 50 × 2 m2) located onboth fringing and barrier reefs as well as on the outer slope. Coral cover oscillated significantly over time, particularlyon the outer slope where it suffered greatly from the effects of A. planci outbreaks and hurricanes. Totalfish and commercial fish abundances varied significantly across the three habitats. Prior to 2000, both total fishand herbivorous fish abundances increased on the barrier reef while after this time, numbers began to drop significantlyalong the outer slope. Species richness for total, commercialized and herbivorous fish increased over thesampling period for all three habitats. There were varied responses amongst species to disturbances on the outerslope over the sampling period: while some tended to disappear for a while before reappearing, others showed apeak in abundance in the middle of the sampling period, and still others increased or decreased continuously orwere stable over time. Our results support the view that coral reefs are highly dynamic systems and that differentfunctional groups show different temporal trajectories. While disturbance is probably the major driver for coralcover dynamics, its impact is less obvious for fish, possibly due to their mobility and population dynamics whichmay mask the effect of disturbance.Les rĂ©cifs coralliens sont des systĂšmes dynamiques et diversifiĂ©s rĂ©guliĂšrement soumis Ă  des perturbationsnaturelles et anthropiques, sources d’hĂ©tĂ©rogĂ©nĂ©itĂ© spatiale et temporelle dans la structure et la dynamique deces communautĂ©s d’organismes que sont, entre autres, les poissons et les coraux. RĂ©cemment, il a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©montrĂ©que les activitĂ©s humaines pouvaient modifier les rĂ©gimes naturels de perturbations des rĂ©cifs coralliens en transformantles Ă©vĂ©nements ponctuels en perturbations persistantes ou en stress chronique, soit en introduisant denouveaux types de perturbations, soit en ajoutant ou altĂ©rant certaines perturbations naturelles nĂ©cessaires au bonmaintien de la dynamique inhĂ©rente aux rĂ©cifs. Dans cette Ă©tude, nous prĂ©sentons la base de donnĂ©es qui nouspermettra d’analyser les tendances Ă  long-terme des assemblages de poissons et de coraux de l’üle de Moorea(PolynĂ©sie française) entre 1983 et 2014 sur une pĂ©riode de 32 ans, comprenant deux prolifĂ©rations d’Acanthasterplanci (1987 et 2006) et plusieurs cyclones (1982, 1983, 1991 et 2010), sur trois sites de suivi permanents(quadrats de 50 × 2 m2) sur les rĂ©cifs barriĂšre et frangeant ainsi que sur la pente externe. La couverture corallienneprĂ©sente de fortes oscillations, en particulier sur la pente externe oĂč elle a rĂ©pondu fortement Ă  la prolifĂ©rationd’A. planci et des cyclones. Les abondances des poissons totaux et des poissons commercialisĂ©s montrent destendances contrastĂ©es sur les trois habitats, avec, plus particuliĂšrement, une augmentation sur le rĂ©cif barriĂšre etune diminution sur la pente externe aprĂšs 2000. Ces tendances se retrouvent chez les poissons herbivores dansces deux habitats. La richesse spĂ©cifique des poissons totaux, commerciaux et herbivores, augmente de façoncontinue au cours de la pĂ©riode d’étude dans les trois habitats. Des groupes particuliers d’espĂšces rĂ©pondentdiffĂ©remment aux perturbations de la pente externe au cours du suivi : alors que certaines espĂšces ont tendanceĂ  disparaĂźtre pendant quelques annĂ©es avant de rĂ©apparaĂźtre, d’autres prĂ©sentent un pic en terme d’abondanceen milieu de suivi ; d’autres espĂšces ont des abondances qui augmentent ou diminuent de façon continue, etd’autres encore montrent des abondances stables. Ceci indique que les rĂ©cifs coralliens sont des systĂšmes trĂšsdynamiques dans lesquels les perturbations naturelles peuvent affecter les espĂšces de façon diffĂ©rente. Alors quele rĂ©gime de perturbations naturelles semble ĂȘtre important pour la dynamique de la couverture corallienne danscertains habitats, cela se retrouve beaucoup moins pour les poissons. Cette attĂ©nuation des fluctuations spatialeset temporelles peut ĂȘtre due aux aptitudes de dispersion de nombreuses espĂšces de poissons, capables de chercherun autre habitat favorable en cas de perturbation de l’habitat corallien d’origine

    Net growth (mean + 1SE) of <i>Acropora pulchra</i> and <i>Porites rus</i> exposed to different combinations of consumers (open <i>versus</i> caged <i>versus</i> half-cages) and cover of <i>Turbinaria ornata</i> (absent <i>versus</i> medium cover <i>versus</i> high cover).

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    <p>Letters above bars illustrate the outcome of SNK (Student-Newman-Keuls) tests for the interaction Consumers × <i>T. ornata</i>; different letters indicate significant differences at <i>P</i><0.05. Data are averages across slabs; <i>n</i> = 12. §  =  no data (the combination <i>T. ornata</i> medium cover and half cage was not included in the experiment design).</p