165 research outputs found

    Hydrogeology and geochemistry of the sulfur karst springs at Santa Cesarea Terme (Apulia, southern Italy)

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    This work describes the geochemical and hydrogeological characteristics of Santa Cesarea Terme, an active sulfuric acid speleogenetic system located along the Adriatic coastline (Apulia, southern Italy). It represents a very peculiar site, where rising thermal and acidic waters mix with seawater creating undersaturated solutions with respect to CaCO3, able to dissolve and corrode limestone and create caves. The Santa Cesarea Terme system is composed of four caves: Fetida, Sulfurea, Gattulla, and Solfatara. Hypogene morphologies and abundant deposits of native sulfur (especially in Gattulla Cave) and sulfate minerals are present in these caves. Fetida and Gattulla caves were investigated primarily because they are easily accessible throughout the whole year through artificial entrances, the other caves being reachable only from the sea. Geochemical analysis of water, monitoring of cave atmosphere, and measurement of the stable isotopes of S, O, and H helped to identify the main processes occurring in this complex cave system. In particular, changes in Ba2+ and Sr2+ concentration allowed for the identification of two main domains of influence, characterized by marine and rising acidic waters

    Hydrogeology and geochemistry of the sulfur karst springs at Santa Cesarea Terme (Apulia, southern Italy)

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    This work describes the geochemical and hydrogeological characteristics of Santa Cesarea Terme, an active sulfuric acid speleogenetic system located along the Adriatic coastline (Apulia, southern Italy). It represents a very peculiar site, where rising thermal and acidic waters mix with seawater creating undersaturated solutions with respect to CaCO3, able to dissolve and corrode limestone and create caves. The Santa Cesarea Terme system is composed of four caves: Fetida, Sulfurea, Gattulla, and Solfatara. Hypogene morphologies and abundant deposits of native sulfur (especially in Gattulla Cave) and sulfate minerals are present in these caves. Fetida and Gattulla caves were investigated primarily because they are easily accessible throughout the whole year through artificial entrances, the other caves being reachable only from the sea. Geochemical analysis of water, monitoring of cave atmosphere, and measurement of the stable isotopes of S, O, and H helped to identify the main processes occurring in this complex cave system. In particular, changes in Ba2+ and Sr2+ concentration allowed for the identification of two main domains of influence, characterized by marine and rising acidic waters

    Aquaporin 9 contributes to the maturation process and inflammatory cytokine secretion of murine dendritic cells

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    Dendritic cells (DCs) are the most potent antigen-presenting cells able to trigger the adaptive immune response to specific antigens. When non-self-antigens are captured, DCs switch from an "immature" to a "mature" state to fulfill their function. Among the several surface proteins involved in DCs maturation, the role of aquaporins (AQPs) is still poorly understood. Here we investigated the expression profile of Aqps in murine bone marrow derived dendritic cells (BMDCs). Among the Aqps analyzed, Aqp9 was the most expressed by DCs. Its expression level was significantly upregulated 6 h following LPS exposure. Chemical inhibition of Aqp9 led to a decreased inflammatory cytokines secretion. BMDCs from AQP9-KO mice release lower amount of inflammatory cytokines and chemokines and increased release of IL-10. Despite the reduced release of inflammatory cytokines, Aqp9-KO mice were not protected from DSS induced colitis. All together, our data indicate that AQP9 blockade can be an efficient strategy to reduce DCs inflammatory response but it is not sufficient to protect from acute inflammatory insults such as DSS induced colitis

    A diamond detector based dosimetric system for instantaneous dose rate measurements in FLASH electron beams

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    Objective. A reliable determination of the instantaneous dose rate (I-DR) delivered in FLASH radiotherapy treatments is believed to be crucial to assess the so-called FLASH effect in preclinical and biological studies. At present, no detectors nor real-time procedures are available to do that in ultra high dose rate (UH-DR) electron beams, typically consisting of μs pulses characterized by I-DRs of the order of MGy/s. A dosimetric system is proposed possibly overcoming the above reported limitation, based on the recently developed flashDiamond (fD) detector (model 60025, PTW-Freiburg, Germany). Approach. A dosimetric system is proposed, based on a flashDiamond detector prototype, properly modified and adapted for very fast signal transmission. It was used in combination with a fast transimpedance amplifier and a digital oscilloscope to record the temporal traces of the pulses delivered by an ElectronFlash linac (SIT S.p.A., Italy). The proposed dosimetric systems was investigated in terms of the temporal characteristics of its response and the capability to measure the absolute delivered dose and instantaneous dose rate (I-DR). A ‘standard’ flashDiamond was also investigated and its response compared with the one of the specifically designed prototype. Main results. Temporal traces recorded in several UH-DR irradiation conditions showed very good signal to noise ratios and rise and decay times of the order of a few tens ns, faster than the ones obtained by the current transformer embedded in the linac head. By analyzing such signals, a calibration coefficient was derived for the fD prototype and found to be in agreement within 1% with the one obtained under reference 60Co irradiation. I-DRs as high as about 2 MGy s−1 were detected without any undesired saturation effect. Absolute dose per pulse values extracted by integrating the I-DR signals were found to be linear up to at least 7.13 Gy and in very good agreement with the ones obtained by connecting the fD to a UNIDOS electrometer (PTW-Freiburg, Germany). A good short term reproducibility of the linac output was observed, characterized by a pulse-to-pulse variation coefficient of 0.9%. Negligible differences were observed when replacing the fD prototype with a standard one, with the only exception of a somewhat slower response time for the latter detector type. Significance. The proposed fD-based system was demonstrated to be a suitable tool for a thorough characterization of UH-DR beams, providing accurate and reliable time resolved I-DR measurements from which absolute dose values can be straightforwardly derived

    Cohort Profile: The epidemiology of chronic diseases and multimorbidity. The EpiChron cohort study

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    Why was the cohort set up? Greater life expectancy in Europe over the past few decades has been translated into an increasing burden of chronic diseases that accumulate as the population ages, whereas acute infectious diseases have been progressively pushed into the background. The incidence of conditions such as hypertension, obesity and asthma has increased dramatically worldwide, and cancer, diabetes and respiratory and cardiovascular diseases are responsible for almost 70% of global deaths. Concurrently, the prevalence of multimorbidity (as of people affected by more than one chronic disorder) is also increasing and appears as the most common chronic condition at present. Multimorbidity affects almost 3 in 4 individuals aged 65 years and older, although it represents a problem not only for the elderly but also for adult and even young populations, at whom prevention strategies should aim. People affected by multimorbidity often experience fragmentation of care, greater and inadequate use of health services and polypharmacy, which in turn may increase the risk of low adherence and adverse drug reactions. All of this leads to individuals’ quality of life deterioration and higher risk of mortality. Besides, handling patients with multimorbidity represents a daily challenge for physicians and health systems..

    Baseline chronic comorbidity and mortality in laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 cases: Results from the PRECOVID study in Spain

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    We aimed to analyze baseline socio-demographic and clinical factors associated with an increased likelihood of mortality in men and women with coronavirus disease (COVID-19). We conducted a retrospective cohort study (PRECOVID Study) on all 4412 individuals with laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 in Aragon, Spain, and followed them for at least 30 days from cohort entry. We described the socio-demographic and clinical characteristics of all patients of the cohort. Age-adjusted logistic regressions models were performed to analyze the likelihood of mortality based on demographic and clinical variables. All analyses were stratified by sex. Old age, specific diseases such as diabetes, acute myocardial infarction, or congestive heart failure, and dispensation of drugs like vasodilators, antipsychotics, and potassium-sparing agents were associated with an increased likelihood of mortality. Our findings suggest that specific comorbidities, mainly of cardiovascular nature, and medications at the time of infection could explain around one quarter of the mortality in COVID-19 disease, and that women and men probably share similar but not identical risk factors. Nonetheless, the great part of mortality seems to be explained by other patient-and/or health-system-related factors. More research is needed in this field to provide the necessary evidence for the development of early identification strategies for patients at higher risk of adverse outcomes

    Chronic diseases associated with increased likelihood of hospitalization and mortality in 68, 913 COVID-19 confirmed cases in Spain: A population-based cohort study

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    Background Clinical outcomes among COVID-19 patients vary greatly with age and underlying comorbidities. We aimed to determine the demographic and clinical factors, particularly baseline chronic conditions, associated with an increased risk of severity in COVID-19 patients from a population-based perspective and using data from electronic health records (EHR). Methods Retrospective, observational study in an open cohort analyzing all 68, 913 individuals (mean age 44.4 years, 53.2% women) with SARS-CoV-2 infection between 15 June and 19 December 2020 using exhaustive electronic health registries. Patients were followed for 30 days from inclusion or until the date of death within that period. We performed multivariate logistic regression to analyze the association between each chronic disease and severe infection, based on hospitalization and all-cause mortality. Results 5885 (8.5%) individuals showed severe infection and old age was the most influencing factor. Congestive heart failure (odds ratio -OR- men: 1.28, OR women: 1.39), diabetes (1.37, 1.24), chronic renal failure (1.31, 1.22) and obesity (1.21, 1.26) increased the likelihood of severe infection in both sexes. Chronic skin ulcers (1.32), acute cerebrovascular disease (1.34), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (1.21), urinary incontinence (1.17) and neoplasms (1.26) in men, and infertility (1.87), obstructive sleep apnea (1.43), hepatic steatosis (1.43), rheumatoid arthritis (1.39) and menstrual disorders (1.18) in women were also associated with more severe outcomes. Conclusions Age and specific cardiovascular and metabolic diseases increased the risk of severe SARSCoV-2 infections in men and women, whereas the effects of certain comorbidities are sex specific. Future studies in different settings are encouraged to analyze which profiles of chronic patients are at higher risk of poor prognosis and should therefore be the targets of prevention and shielding strategies. © 2021 Gimeno-Miguel et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited

    Identifying multimorbidity profiles associated with COVID-19 severity in chronic patients using network analysis in the PRECOVID Study; 35181720

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    A major risk factor of COVID-19 severity is the patient''s health status at the time of the infection. Numerous studies focused on specific chronic diseases and identified conditions, mainly cardiovascular ones, associated with poor prognosis. However, chronic diseases tend to cluster into patterns, each with its particular repercussions on the clinical outcome of infected patients. Network analysis in our population revealed that not all cardiovascular patterns have the same risk of COVID-19 hospitalization or mortality and that this risk depends on the pattern of multimorbidity, besides age and sex. We evidenced that negative outcomes were strongly related to patterns in which diabetes and obesity stood out in older women and men, respectively. In younger adults, anxiety was another disease that increased the risk of severity, most notably when combined with menstrual disorders in women or atopic dermatitis in men. These results have relevant implications for organizational, preventive, and clinical actions to help meet the needs of COVID-19 patients. © 2022, The Author(s)