4 research outputs found


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    Travnjaci predstavljaju sirovinsku osnovu stočarske proizvodnje. Gnojidba travnjaka je agrotehnički zahvat koji se provodi u cilju proizvodnje krme visokog prinosa i visoke hranidbene vrijednosti za hranidbu životinja. Svaka farma proizvodi stajski gnoj kao posljedicu držanja životinja, a travnjak je idealno mjesto za primjenu, a time i zbrinjavanje proizvedenog stajskog gnoja. Cilj ovog rada bio je prikazati: (i) osnovne aspekte primjene gnojiva na travnjacima s naglaskom na primjenu krutog stajskog gnoja (KSG), (ii) preporučene količine, vrijeme primjene i frekvenciju primjene KSG na travnjacima, (iii) utjecaj primjene KSG na travnjacima na prinos i hranidbenu vrijednost krme i (v) neke od negativnih posljedica primjene KSG na travnjacima. KSG ima visoki potencijal u gnojidbi travnjaka. Njegovim zbrinjavanjem na travnjacima dolazi do recikliranja hranjiva i povećanja organske tvari u tlu, povećanja vodnog i vodozračnog kapaciteta tla te promicanja održivosti poljoprivrednih ekosustava. KSG se preporuča koristiti u svim sustavima poljoprivredne proizvodnje, osobito u ekološkom uzgoju. Radi visoke varijabilnosti kemijskog sastava KSG te utjecaja mikroklime, tla i vode na usvajanje hranjivih tvari od strane biljaka, neophodno je provoditi vlastita istraživanja na određenim mikroklimatskim lokacijama u cilju utvrđivanja optimalne količine, frekvencije i vremena primjene na prinos i hranidbenu vrijednost krme.Grasslands are the basis for livestock production. Grassland fertilization is an agro-technical procedure carried out with the aim of producing high-yield and high quality forage for animal nutrition. Each farm produces manure as a result of keeping animals, and the grassland is an ideal place to apply and thus dispose of the manure produced. The aim of this paper was to present: (i) basic aspects of lawn fertilizer application with emphasis on farm yard manure (FYM), (ii) recommended quantity, application time and frequency of FYM application on grassland, (iii) impact of FYM application on grassland yield and forage feeding value (v) some of the negative consequences of FYM application on grasslands. Due to the high variability in chemical composition of FYM and the influence of microclimate, soil and water on the uptake of nutrients by plants, it is necessary to conduct own research in certain microclimatic locations to determine the optimal amount, frequency and time of application on forage yield and nutritive value. FYM has a high potential in grassland fertilization. Its disposal on lawns leads to the recycling of nutrients and the increase of organic matter in the soil, the increase of water and air capacity of the soil and the promotion of the sustainability of agricultural ecosystems. FYM is recommended for application in all systems of agricultural production, especially in organic farming

    Correlation between Targeted qPCR Assays and Untargeted DNA Shotgun Metagenomic Sequencing for Assessing the Fecal Microbiota in Dogs

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    DNA shotgun sequencing is an untargeted approach for identifying changes in relative abundances, while qPCR allows reproducible quantification of specific bacteria. The canine dysbiosis index (DI) assesses the canine fecal microbiota by using a mathematical algorithm based on qPCR results. We evaluated the correlation between qPCR and shotgun sequencing using fecal samples from 296 dogs with different clinical phenotypes. While significant correlations were found between qPCR and sequencing, certain taxa were only detectable by qPCR and not by sequencing. Based on sequencing, less than 2% of bacterial species (17/1190) were consistently present in all healthy dogs (n = 76). Dogs with an abnormal DI had lower alpha-diversity compared to dogs with normal DI. Increases in the DI correctly predicted the gradual shifts in microbiota observed by sequencing: minor changes (R = 0.19, DI 2, DI > 5, and DI > 8, respectively), compared to dogs with a normal DI (DI < 0, all targets within the RI), as higher R-values indicated larger dissimilarities. In conclusion, the qPCR-based DI is an effective indicator of overall microbiota shifts observed by shotgun sequencing in dogs

    A comparison of the oral microbiota in healthy dogs and dogs with oral tumors

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    The aim of this study was to further describe the oral microbiota of healthy dogs by DNA shotgun sequencing and compare those to dogs with oral tumors. Oral swabs (representative of all niches of the oral cavity) were collected from healthy dogs (n = 24) and from dogs with different oral tumors (n = 7). DNA was extracted from the swabs and shotgun metagenomic sequencing was performed. Only minor differences in microbiota composition were observed between the two groups. At the phylum level, the Bacteroidota, Proteobacteria, Actinobacteriota, Desulfobacterota and Firmicutes were most abundant in both groups. Observed Operational Taxonomic Units—OTUs (species richness) was significantly higher in the healthy patients, but there was no significant difference in the Shannon diversity index between the groups. No significant difference was found in beta diversity between the groups. The core oral microbiota consisted of 67 bacterial species that were identified in all 24 healthy dogs. Our study provides further insight into the composition of the oral microbiota of healthy dogs and in dogs with oral tumors

    The effect of farm yard manure application on the forage yield of semi-natural grassland

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    Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi prinos suhe tvari (ST) krme poluprirodnog travnjaka nakon jedne godine i nakon deset godina proljetne i jesenske primjene krutog stajskog gnoja (KSG) u količini od 30 t ha-1 te isto usporediti s rezultatima klasične mineralne gnojidbe. Za potrebe ovog istraživanja provedena su četiri gnojidbena tretmana: (i) 30 t ha-1 KSG-a svako proljeće (tretman A); 30 t ha-1 KSG-a svaku jesen (tretman B); (iii) 0 t/ha KSG-a + NPK i KAN svako proljeće (tretman C); (iv) 0 t/ha KSG-a + NPK i KAN svaku jesen (tretman D). U dvogodišnjem prosjeku utvrđen je ukupan prosječan viši prinos ST krme (P0,05). Zaključeno je da je efikasnija gnojidba poluprirodnog travnjaka s 30 t KSG ha-1 u jesen nego u proljeće jer je rezultirala višim prinosom ST krme poluprirodnog travnjaka. Primjena mineralnih gnojiva se pokazala superiornijom u odnosu na gnojidbu s 30 t KSG/ha-1 u proljeće ili u jesen.The objective of the study was to determine the yield of forage dry matter (DM) of a semi-natural lawn after one year and after ten years of spring and autumn application of farm yrd manure (FYM) in the amount of 30 t ha-1 and to compare the same with the results of standard mineral fertilization. Four fertilizing treatments with fertilizer application were investigated: (i) 30 t ha-1 of FYM every spring (treatment A); 30 t ha-1 of FYM every fall (treatment B); (iii) 0 t ha-1 of FYM + NPK and KAN every spring (treatment C); (iv) 0 t ha-1 of FYM + NPK and KAN every autumn (treatment D). The total average higher DM forage yield (P<0.05) of treatment B (8.28 t ha-1) compared to treatment A (7.63 t ha-1) was determined. Statistically significant differences in DM yield after the first year of the study or after the 10th year of the study were found between A and B fertilizing treatments. Fertilization with mineral fertilizers in the spring (treatment C) and in the autumn (treatment D) resulted in a higher DM yield compared to FYM treatments. It was concluded that, in terms of DM yield, the fertilization of semi-natural lawn with 30 t of FYM ha-1 is more efficient in autumn than in spring. The application of mineral fertilizers was found superior to fertilization with 30 t of FYM ha-1 in spring or autumn