23 research outputs found

    Daily life and life quality 3 years following prostate cancer treatment.

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    Knowledge of experiences from prostate cancer is sparse in a longitudinal perspective. From a nursing perspective, results from combined qualitative and quantitative studies are lacking however would present the broadest knowledge base for best practice. Present descriptions of medical-physical symptoms such as urinary, bowel and sexual dysfunction from quantitative inquiries need be complemented with qualitative results. Such knowledge is essential in relation to treatment and communication with patients over the years and not only shortly after surgery

    Validation of the SAFER Human Body Model Kinematics in Far-Side Impacts

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    Human Body Models are essential for real-world occupant protection assessment. With the overall purpose to create a robust human body model which is biofidelic in a variety of crash situations, this study aims to evaluate the biofidelity of the SAFER human body model in far-side impacts. The pelvis, torso and the upper and lower extremities of the SAFER human body model were updated. In addition, the shoulder area was updated for improved shoulder belt interaction in far-side impacts. The model was validated using kinematic corridors based on published human subject test data from two far-side impact set-ups, one simplified and one vehicle-based. The simplified far-side set-up included six configurations with different parameter settings, and the vehicle-based included two configurations: with and without far-side airbag, respectively. The updated SAFER HBM was robust and in general the model predicted the published human subject responses (kinematic CORA score > 0.65) for all configurations in both test set-ups. An exception was a 90 degree far-side impact with the D-ring in the forward position, in the simplified set-up. Here the model could not predict the shoulder belt retention, resulting in a low CORA score. Based on the overall results, the model is considered valid to be used for assessment of far-side impact countermeasures

    Everyday problems in men with prostate cancer. Aspects of micturition, indwelling urinary catheter treathment and sexual life

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    The aim was to investigate the presence of everyday problems in men with prostate cancer, their relation to health-related quality of life, HRQOL, and sense of coherence, SOC, and to compare with men with benign prostatic hyperplasia, BPH, and a sample from the general population. The aim also was to investigate what nursing care needs there were in men with prostate cancer and how these were met during an in-patient period. Semi-structured interviews exploring everyday problems in men with prostate cancer (n=11) created the basis for further investigation. This was followed by an interview investigation (n=25) focusing the specific problems. The specific problems were also focus for the development of a study-specific questionnaire administered by mail-out mail-in procedure to men with prostate cancer (n=155), BPH (n=131), and the general population (n=129) and focused on micturition problems and sexual life problems, as well as provision and satisfaction with information. For assessment of indwelling urinary catheter treatment those with such experience were selected (prostate cancer n=71, BPH n=37). HRQOL (EORTC QLQ C-30) and SOC were additionally assessed. Living with prostate cancer meant alterations in life continuum, patients’ dealing with the altered life continuum and leaning on the next-of-kin for help and support, and that life was rearranged in relation to physical and existential fatigue, life in itself, life quality, and significant others. Living with micturition problems, indwelling urinary catheter treatment and sexual life meant a changed life continuum and changed life quality. Patients interpreted as passive (n=8) receivers were explicitly and implicitly stating unmet nursing care needs, or explicitly stating satisfaction and implicitly contradicting their statements. Active receivers (n=3) were explicitly stating unmet needs but seemed to get nursing care that met their needs, while passive receivers did not. HRQOL was reported at the same level though significantly lower (p=<0.002) in men with prostate cancer or BPH than in the general population. Those having a cancer diagnosis did not report more problems than those with BPH. Most troublesome urinary problems were leakage (m 2.74), feelings of discomfort (m 2.01) and disrupted urinary function and frequency (m 1.87). Sexual problems were related to pleasure and attraction (m 2.84), erectile function and sexual satisfaction (m 2.74), and sexual performance (m 2.83). Indwelling urinary catheter treatment was connected with discomfort in wearing a catheter (m 1.65), practical and psychosocial difficulties in handling and wearing (m 1.60), and discomfort at instalment (m 1.48). The information given on disease and treatment was stated to be satisfactory, however, reported to be too little. The results give some insights into what it means to live with prostate cancer or BPH. Special problems with micturition, catheter treatment and sexual life were identified, as well as the need for emotional support and professional availability indicating areas for nursing care measures

    Swedish men's experiences of becoming fathers to their preterm infants

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    PURPOSE: To describe Swedish men's experiences of becoming fathers to their preterm infants. DESIGN: A cross-sectional descriptive study. SAMPLE AND METHOD: Eight men participated in semistructured interviews with open-ended questions. The interviews were analyzed using manifest and latent content analysis. MAIN OUTCOME VARIABLES: The concepts of control and noncontrol. RESULT: The manifest analysis of the interview text produced six categories: concern, stress, helplessness, security, support, and happiness. The latent content interpretation indicated that the concepts of control and noncontrol were relevant to the fathers' experiences. The men's experiences of early fatherhood were influenced by their ability to experience control. When concern, stress, and helplessness dominated the fathers' experiences and coincided with low levels of happiness, support, and security, they experienced noncontrol. Conversely, when they experienced support, security, and happiness, they felt that they were in control and able to handle the situation

    Svenskämnet i gymnasieskolan - möjligheter och hinder

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    Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka vilken bild svensklärare på gymnasiet har av ämnet och vad som styr valet av innehållet i deras undervisning. Detta görs i en komparativ studie av lärare på studieförberedande och yrkesförberedande program, genom kvalitativa halvstrukturerade intervjuer med fem svensklärare i gymnasieskolan. I litteraturgenomgången presenteras olika forskares syn på svenskämnet ur ett innehållsperspektiv. Forskarna visar även på olika faktorer som kan ligga till grund för vad som styr lärarna i deras val av innehåll i undervisningen. Resultatet visar att det är stor skillnad i hur lärarna på de olika programmen ser på sitt ämne och hur de anpassar undervisningen till eleverna. Lärarna på programmen är överens om att kursplanerna med dess mål och betygskriterier, samt elevgruppens förutsättningar, är det som främst styr deras val av innehåll i svenskämnet. En av slutsatserna vi drar utifrån de resultat vi fått fram är att det inte existerar ett svenskämne utan flera

    Narrative therapy for older people with depression : A literature study

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    Studien undersöker narrativ terapi som behandlingsmetod. Syftet med vår uppsats är att belysa och öka kunskapen om metoden narrativ terapi, och att kartlägga kunskapsläget om narrativ terapi och närliggande terapiformer i relation till äldre med depression. Följande frågeställningar har varit aktuella under arbetets gång: Vad är narrativ terapi för slags metod? Hur ser kunskapsläget ut gällande metoden narrativ terapi? I vilka sammanhang används narrativ terapi som metod? Vilken kritik har riktats mot narrativ terapi? Vi har genomfört en litteraturstudie genom att läsa och analysera 15 vetenskapliga artiklar som handlar om narrativ terapi och närliggande metoder, vars fokus är berättandet. Utifrån dessa artiklar har ett resultat sammanställts, indelat i fyra olika teman. Ett av dessa teman beskriver den narrativa terapins praktik. Ett annat tema handlar om att narrativ terapi ofta kombineras med andra behandlingsmetoder. I resultatet tas det också upp att det finns olika varianter av narrativ terapi samt att det finns kritik riktad mot narrativ terapi. Materialet som vi har använt består av vetenskapliga artiklar som vi har granskat, sammanfattat, tematiserat, analyserat och diskuterat utifrån uppsatsens syfte och frågeställningar. I slutsatsen konstateras att narrativ terapi är en metod som ofta används i kombination med andra metoder, och att enbart denna terapi-form inte har studerats närmare i relation till äldre

    Patient reported outcome measure (PROM) of quality of life after prostatectomy : results from a 5-year study

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    Prostate cancer is the most common cancer among men in Sweden, and treatment is negatively affecting the patients' quality of life. Even so, long term experiences are sparse and implications for nursing practice are little known. The aim of this study was to determine areas of functioning and factors impacting quality of life, QOL, during and five years after radical prostatectomy (RP) using a quality of life questionnaire and a specific module for prostate cancer. A longitudinal study was performed with consecutively included Swedish men from baseline and after RP treatment (n=222) from 2003 to 2011 to obtain their opinions on quality of life. Data was gathered through a mail out - mail in procedure at baseline, 3 months, 1-3 and 5 years after treatment with a response rate of 94.14% - 75.2%. One reminder was sent on each occasion. Identified areas with increased functioning after five years were emotional and social functioning. QOL ratings did not change over the years. Sexual activity and functioning decreased and hormonal treatment-related symptoms increased. Impact on QOL was found regarding emotional and social functioning, nausea/vomiting, pain and hormone-related symptoms. Increasing age, living with a partner and educational level had no significant impact on QOL. Implications for nursing are to initially focus on physical problems and at times for follow-up visits pay attention also to emotional and social aspects of life. To be able to make a difference in the patient's life, nurses need to bridge the gap between in-hospital treatment and everyday life outside hospital

    Utvärdering av ett samverkansprojekt mellan Cancerreahbiliteringsmottagningen och Försäkringskassan i Kristianstad

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    Cancerrehabilitering ska vara en integrerad del av svensk cancervård och alla patienter med cancer och deras närstående ska få möjlighet till rehabiliteringsinsatser utifrån sina individuella behov. Försäkringskassans uppdrag är att besluta om och betala ut en stor del av de förmåner som ingår i socialförsäkringen. För att förbättra bemötandet av sjukskrivna personer med cancer, utsågs två handläggare på Försäkringskassan att inrikta sig på sjukskrivna personer med cancer. Dessa två handläggare fick extra utbildning i ämnet, och ett samarbete inleddes mellan Försäkringskassan och cancerrehabiliteringsmottagningen på Centralsjukhuset i Kristianstad. Det övergripandesyftet med studien var att undersöka patienters och medarbetares erfarenheter och upplevelser av Försäkringskassans och Cancerrehabiliteringsmottagningens insatser. Utvärderingens form har teoretiskt inspirerats av metoder som beskriver vikten av att forskningspersoner görs delaktiga i forskning och utvärdering och därmed bidrar till kunskapsutveckling. Datainsamlingen bestod av enkäter och fokusgruppsintervjuer och både kvantitativa och kvalitativa analyser har använts. Slutsatsen är att patienterna är övervägande nöjda med bemötandet från såväl handläggarna på Försäkringskassan och på Cancerrehabiliteringsmottagningen, men att mer insatser krävs för att nå alla patienter