36 research outputs found

    Exploring within-person variability in qualitative negative and positive Emotional Granularity by means of Latent Markov Factor Analysis

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    Emotional granularity (EG) is an individual’s ability to describe their emotional experiences in a nuanced and specific way. In this paper, we propose that researchers adopt latent Markov factor analysis (LMFA) to investigate within-person variability in qualitative EG (i.e., variability in distinct granularity patterns between specific emotions across time). LMFA clusters measurement occasions into latent states according to state-specific measurement models. We argue that state-specific measurement models of repeatedly assessed emotion items can provide information about qualitative EG at a given point in time. Applying LMFA to the area of EG for negative and positive emotions separately by using data from an experience sampling study with 11,662 measurement occasions across 139 participants, we found three latent EG states for the negative emotions and three for the positive emotions. Momentary stress significantly predicted transitions between the EG states for both the negative and positive emotions. We further identified two and three latent classes of individuals who differed in state trajectories for negative and positive emotions, respectively. Neuroticism and dispositional mood regulation predicted latent class membership for negative (but not for positive) emotions. We conclude that LMFA may enrich EG research by enabling more fine-grained insights into variability in qualitative EG patterns

    A CTC(M-1) Model for Different Types of Raters

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    Many psychologists collect multitrait-multimethod (MTMM) data to assess the convergent and discriminant validity of psychological measures. In order to choose the most appropriate model, the types of methods applied have to be considered. It is shown how the combination of interchangeable and structurally different raters can be analyzed with an extension of the correlated trait-correlated method minus one [CTC(M-1)] model. This extension allows for disentangling individual rater biases (unique method effects) from shared rater biases (common method effects). The basic ideas of this model are presented and illustrated by an empirical example

    Subjective well-being, sun protection behavior, and multimethod measurement: Major research themes of the Methodology Group at the Freie Universität Berlin

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    Research of the Methodology Group at the Freie Universität Berlin focuses on subjective well-being, mood regulation, health psychology, and the development of new methods for the analysis of psychological data. In particular, we are interested in the role mood regulation plays for subjective well-being and the way people adapt to life events. In terms of health promotion, we study sun protection behavior and are interested in the prevention of skin cancer. In our methodological research, we are concerned with the development and application of new statistical models for analyzing longitudinal and multitrait-multimethod data


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    Structural equation modeling of multitrait-multimethod data: Different models for different types of methods

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    The question as to which structural equation model should be selected when multitrait-multimethod (MTMM) data are analyzed is of interest to many researchers. In the past, attempts to find a well-fitting model have often been data-driven and highly arbitrary. In the present article, the authors argue that the measurement design (type of methods used) should guide the choice of the statistical model to analyze the data. In this respect, the authors distinguish between (a) interchangeable methods, (b) structurally different methods, and (c) the combination of both kinds of methods. The authors present an appropriate model for each type of method. All models allow separating measurement error from trait influences and trait-specific method effects. With respect to interchangeable methods, a multilevel confirmatory factor model is presented. For structurally different methods, the correlated trait-correlated (method-1) model is recommended. Finally, the authors demonstrate how to appropriately analyze data from MTMM designs that simultaneously use interchangeable and structurally different methods. All models are applied to empirical data to illustrate their proper use. Some implications and guidelines for modeling MTMM data are discussed