5 research outputs found

    Reproductive notes and larval development of Macrogenioglottus alipioi (Anura: Odontophrynidae) from the northern Atlantic forest

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    Macrogenioglottus alipioi é uma espécie rara, alocada em um gênero monotípico, habitante da serapilheira de florestas da região Neotropical, com ampla distribuição no leste do Brasil. Apresentamos alguns dados reprodutivos dessa espécie, a partir de uma população encontrada ao norte do rio São Francisco, no nordeste brasileiro. Incluímos informações a respeito do amplexo, desova, cantos de anúncio e de soltura, em conjunto com a descrição do seu desenvolvimento larval. Indivíduos adultos foram observados apenas após chuvas fortes e contínuas, em poça temporária no interior da mata. Machos cantam em coro na margem da poça. O canto de anúncio consiste em uma única nota pulsátil sem diferenças significativas das demais populações da espécie, mas que prontamente difere Macrogenioglottus dos demais Odontophrynidae. O amplexo é do tipo axilar. Uma fêmea depositou 298 ovos pigmentados em um saco plástico. O girino adquire o seu maior tamanho do estágio 39, sendo o maior girino dentre aqueles das demais espécies na família. No final da metamorfose o comprimento rostro–cloacal juvenil é equivalente ao comprimento total do girino em estágio 26–27, indicando um crescimento posmetamórfico substancial até atingir a idade adulta. Também fornecemos dados dos tamanhos dos machos e fêmeas. A peculiaridade de alguns caracteres larvais e, principalmente, de alguns atributos do canto, corrobora a distinção sistemática de Macrogenioglottus.The neotropical monotypic genus Macrogenioglottus, described to enclose M. alipioi, is a forest leaf litter frog with a wide geographic distribution in eastern Brazil, despite being considered a rare species. Herein, we present some reproductive data of this species from a population of the north of the São Francisco River, Northeastern Brazil. We present information on the amplexus, egg clutch, advertisement, and release calls, along with a description of its larval development. Adults were observed only after heavy and continuous rains, in a temporary pond located inside the forest. Males call in chorus at the edge of the pond. The advertisement call consists of a pulsatile single note, with no substantial variation in relation to the other population of the species, but which promptly differs this genus from the remaining Odontophrynidae. The amplexus is axillary. One female deposited 298 pigmented eggs in a plastic bag. The tadpole reaches its larger size at Stage 39, being the largest tadpole within the family. At the end of metamorphosis, the froglet snout–vent length is equivalent to tadpole total length at stage 26–27, indicating substantial postmetamorphic growth until adulthood. Data on body size of males and females are also provided. The uniqueness of some larval traits and mainly on some call attributes supports the systematic distinction of Macrogenioglottus

    Description of the Tadpole of Proceratophrys renalis (Miranda-Ribeiro, 1920) (Anura: Cycloramphidae)

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    The tadpole of Proceratophrys renalis is described based on specimens from Maceió, State of Alagoas, northeastern Brazil. At stage 35 the body is slightly dorso-ventrally depressed, ovoid in lateral, dorsal, and ventral views. Oral disc is ventral with lateral emarginations, surrounded by a single row of marginal papillae with a large gap on the upper labium. Labial tooth row formula is 2(2)/3(1). The analysis of internal oral anatomy revealed two possible characters that readily distinguish P. renalis from P. boiei, supporting the recent ressurection of P. renalis. Comparisons with available descriptions of the larvae for other species in the genus are provided

    Description of the Tadpole of \u3cem\u3eProceratophrys renalis\u3c/em\u3e (Miranda-Ribeiro, 1920) (Anura: Cycloramphidae)

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    The tadpole of Proceratophrys renalis is described based on specimens from Maceió, State of Alagoas, northeastern Brazil. At stage 35 the body is slightly dorso-ventrally depressed, ovoid in lateral, dorsal, and ventral views. Oral disc is ventral with lateral emarginations, surrounded by a single row of marginal papillae with a large gap on the upper labium. Labial tooth row formula is 2(2)/3(1 ). The analysis of internal oral anatomy revealed two possible characters that readily distinguish P. renalis from P. boiei, supporting the recent resurrection of P. renal is. Comparisons with available descriptions of the larvae for other species in the genus are provided

    The advertisement call of Boana freicanecae (Carnaval & Peixoto, 2004) (Anura Hylidae), an endemic and poorly known treefrog from northeastern Brazil

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    Marinho, Pedro, Roberto, Igor Joventino, Lisboa, Barnagleison S. (2020): The advertisement call of Boana freicanecae (Carnaval & Peixoto, 2004) (Anura Hylidae), an endemic and poorly known treefrog from northeastern Brazil. Zootaxa 4853 (3): 442-446, DOI: https://doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.4853.3.

    FIGURE 1 in The advertisement call of Boana freicanecae (Carnaval & Peixoto, 2004) (Anura Hylidae), an endemic and poorly known treefrog from northeastern Brazil

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    FIGURE 1. Color in life and advertisement call of Boana freicanecae. (A and B) Calling males (MUFAL 10855 above and MUFAL11077 below) recorded at the ESEC Murici, Municipality of Murici, State of Alagoas, Brazil. (C) Oscillogram, (D) spectrogram, black arrows indicate the energy in between the sparse harmonic bands and (E) power spectrum of a call composed of two notes (Boana_freicanecaeMurici_AL1aBSL, date 01 May 2013, local horary 22:32h, air temperature 23.4ºC, air relative humidity 92%).Published as part of Marinho, Pedro, Roberto, Igor Joventino & Lisboa, Barnagleison S., 2020, The advertisement call of Boana freicanecae (Carnaval & Peixoto, 2004) (Anura Hylidae), an endemic and poorly known treefrog from northeastern Brazil, pp. 442-446 in Zootaxa 4853 (3) on page 443, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4853.3.7, http://zenodo.org/record/441093