12 research outputs found

    CloneQC: lightweight sequence verification for synthetic biology

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    Synthetic biology projects aim to produce physical DNA that matches a designed target sequence. Chemically synthesized oligomers are generally used as the starting point for building larger and larger sequences. Due to the error rate of chemical synthesis, these oligomers can have many differences from the target sequence. As oligomers are joined together to make larger and larger synthetic intermediates, it becomes essential to perform quality control to eliminate intermediates with errors and retain only those DNA molecules that are error free with respect to the target. This step is often performed by transforming bacteria with synthetic DNA and sequencing colonies until a clone with a perfect sequence is identified. Here we present CloneQC, a lightweight software pipeline available as a free web server and as source code that performs quality control on sequenced clones. Input to the server is a list of desired sequences and forward and reverse reads for each clone. The server generates summary statistics (error rates and success rates target-by-target) and a detailed report of perfect clones. This software will be useful to laboratories conducting in-house DNA synthesis and is available at http://cloneqc.thruhere.net/ and as Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD) licensed source

    Detailed Mapping of the Nuclear Export Signal in the Rous Sarcoma Virus Gag Protein

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    The Rous sarcoma virus (RSV) Gag polyprotein undergoes transient nuclear trafficking as an intrinsic part of the virus assembly pathway. Nuclear export of Gag is crucial for the efficient production of viral particles and is accomplished through the action of a leptomycin B (LMB)-dependent nuclear export signal (NES) in the p10 domain (L. Z. Scheifele, R. A. Garbitt, J. D. Rhoads, and L. J. Parent, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 99:3944-3949, 2002). We have now mapped the nuclear export activity to the C-terminal portion of the p10 sequence and identified the four hydrophobic amino acids within this region that comprise a leucine-rich NES. Alteration of these hydrophobic residues resulted in the accumulation of Gag proteins within the nucleus and a budding defect greater than that obtained with LMB treatment of cells expressing the wild-type Gag protein (Scheifele et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 99:3944-3949, 2002). In addition, export of Gag from the nucleus was found to be a rate-limiting step in virus-like particle production. Consistent with a role for the NES sequence in viral replication, this cluster of hydrophobic residues in p10 is conserved across a wide range of avian retroviruses. Furthermore, naturally occurring substitutions within this region in related viruses maintained nuclear export activity and remained sensitive to the activity of LMB. Using gain-of-function approaches, we found that the hydrophobic motif in p10 was sufficient to promote the nuclear export of a heterologous protein and was positionally independent within the Gag polyprotein. Finally, the export pathway was further defined by the ability of specific nucleoporin inhibitors to prevent the egress of Gag from the nucleus, thereby identifying additional cellular mediators of RSV replication

    Specificity of Plasma Membrane Targeting by the Rous Sarcoma Virus Gag Protein

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    Budding of C-type retroviruses begins when the viral Gag polyprotein is directed to the plasma membrane by an N-terminal membrane-binding (M) domain. While dispersed basic amino acids within the M domain are critical for stable membrane association and consequent particle assembly, additional residues or motifs may be required for specific plasma membrane targeting and binding. We have identified an assembly-defective Rous sarcoma virus (RSV) Gag mutant that retains significant membrane affinity despite having a deletion of the fourth alpha-helix of the M domain. Examination of the mutant protein's subcellular distribution revealed that it was not localized to the plasma membrane but instead was mistargeted to intracytoplasmic membranes. Specific plasma membrane targeting was restored by the addition of myristate plus a single basic residue, by multiple basic residues, or by the heterologous hydrophobic membrane-binding domain from the cellular Fyn protein. These results suggest that the fourth alpha-helix of the RSV M domain promotes specific targeting of Gag to the plasma membrane, either through a direct interaction with plasma membrane phospholipids or a membrane-associated cellular factor or by maintaining the conformation of Gag to expose specific plasma membrane targeting sequences

    Importin-Ī² Family Members Mediate Alpharetrovirus Gag Nuclear Entry via Interactions with Matrix and Nucleocapsid

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    The retroviral Gag polyprotein orchestrates the assembly and release of virus particles from infected cells. We previously reported that nuclear transport of the Rous sarcoma virus (RSV) Gag protein is intrinsic to the virus assembly pathway. To identify cis- and trans-acting factors governing nucleocytoplasmic trafficking, we developed novel vectors to express regions of Gag in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The localization of Gag proteins was examined in the wild type and in mutant strains deficient in members of the importin-Ī² family. We confirmed the Crm1p dependence of the previously identified Gag p10 nuclear export signal. The known nuclear localization signal (NLS) in MA (matrix) was also functional in S. cerevisiae, and additionally we discovered a novel NLS within the NC (nucleocapsid) domain of Gag. MA utilizes Kap120p and Mtr10p import receptors while nuclear entry of NC involves the classical importin-Ī±/Ī² (Kap60p/95p) pathway. NC also possesses nuclear targeting activity in avian cells and contains the primary signal for the import of the Gag polyprotein. Thus, the nucleocytoplasmic dynamics of RSV Gag depend upon the counterbalance of Crm1p-mediated export with two independent NLSs, each interacting with distinct nuclear import factors

    sj-docx-1-pus-10.1177_09636625221135858 ā€“ Supplemental material for Community laboratories in the United States: BioMakerspaces for life science learning

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    Supplemental material, sj-docx-1-pus-10.1177_09636625221135858 for Community laboratories in the United States: BioMakerspaces for life science learning by Justice T. Walker, Lydia Stamato, S. Nisa Asgarali-Hoffman, Foad Hamidi and Lisa Z. Scheifele in Public Understanding of Science</p

    Teaching Synthetic Biology, Bioinformatics and Engineering to Undergraduates: The Interdisciplinary Build-a-Genome Course

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    A major challenge in undergraduate life science curricula is the continual evaluation and development of courses that reflect the constantly shifting face of contemporary biological research. Synthetic biology offers an excellent framework within which students may participate in cutting-edge interdisciplinary research and is therefore an attractive addition to the undergraduate biology curriculum. This new discipline offers the promise of a deeper understanding of gene function, gene order, and chromosome structure through the de novo synthesis of genetic information, much as synthetic approaches informed organic chemistry. While considerable progress has been achieved in the synthesis of entire viral and prokaryotic genomes, fabrication of eukaryotic genomes requires synthesis on a scale that is orders of magnitude higher. These high-throughput but labor-intensive projects serve as an ideal way to introduce undergraduates to hands-on synthetic biology research. We are pursuing synthesis of Saccharomyces cerevisiae chromosomes in an undergraduate laboratory setting, the Build-a-Genome course, thereby exposing students to the engineering of biology on a genomewide scale while focusing on a limited region of the genome. A synthetic chromosome III sequence was designed, ordered from commercial suppliers in the form of oligonucleotides, and subsequently assembled by students into āˆ¼750-bp fragments. Once trained in assembly of such DNA ā€œbuilding blocksā€ by PCR, the students accomplish high-yield gene synthesis, becoming not only technically proficient but also constructively critical and capable of adapting their protocols as independent researchers. Regular ā€œlab meetingā€ sessions help prepare them for future roles in laboratory science