18 research outputs found

    Extension and approximation of mm-subharmonic functions

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    Let ΩCn\Omega\subset \mathbb C^n be a bounded domain, and let ff be a real-valued function defined on the whole topological boundary Ω\partial \Omega. The aim of this paper is to find a characterization of the functions ff which can be extended to the inside to a mm-subharmonic function under suitable assumptions on Ω\Omega. We shall do so by using a function algebraic approach with focus on mm-subharmonic functions defined on compact sets. We end this note with some remarks on approximation of mm-subharmonic functions

    The plurisubharmonic Mergelyan property

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    In this thesis, we study two different kinds of approximation of plurisubharmonic functions. The first one is a Mergelyan type approximation for plurisubharmonic functions. That is, we study which domains in C^n have the property that every continuous plurisubharmonic function can be uniformly approximated with continuous and plurisubharmonic functions defined on neighborhoods of the domain. We will improve a result by Fornaess and Wiegerinck and show that domains with C^0-boundary have this property. We will also use the notion of plurisubharmonic functions on compact sets when trying to characterize those continuous and plurisubharmonic functions that can be approximated from outside. Here a new kind of convexity of a domain comes in handy, namely those domains in C^n that have a negative exhaustion function that is plurisubharmonic on the closure. For these domains, we prove that it is enough to look at the boundary values of a plurisubharmonic function to know whether it can be approximated from outside. The second type of approximation is the following: we want to approximate functions u that are defined on bounded hyperconvex domains Omega in C^n and have essentially boundary values zero and bounded Monge-Ampère mass, with increasing sequences of certain functions u_j that are defined on strictly larger domains. We show that for certain conditions on Omega, this is always possible. We also generalize this to functions with given boundary values. The main tool in the proofs concerning this second approximation is subextension of plurisubharmonic functions

    Approximation and Subextension of Negative Plurisubharmonic Functions

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    In this thesis we study approximation of negative plurisubharmonic functions by functions defined on strictly larger domains. We show that, under certain conditions, every function u that is defined on a bounded hyperconvex domain Ω in Cn and has essentially boundary values zero and bounded Monge-Ampère mass, can be approximated by an increasing sequence of functions {uj} that are defined on strictly larger domains, has boundary values zero and bounded Monge-Ampère mass. We also generalize this and show that, under the same conditions, the approximation property is true if the function u has essentially boundary values G, where G is a plurisubharmonic functions with certain properties. To show these approximation theorems we use subextension. We show that if Ω_1 and Ω_2 are hyperconvex domains in Cn and if u is a plurisubharmonic function on Ω_1 with given boundary values and with bounded Monge-Ampère mass, then we can find a plurisubharmonic function û defined on Ω_2, with given boundary values, such that û <= u on Ω and with control over the Monge-Ampère mass of û

    Subextension of plurisubharmonic functions without increasing the total Monge-Ampère mass

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    Subextension of plurisubharmonic functions without increasing the total Monge–Ampère mass

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