271 research outputs found

    Cross-fertilisation in the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum

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    Characterisation of species and diversity of Anopheles gambiae Keele Colony

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    Anopheles gambiae sensu stricto was recently reclassified as two species, An. coluzzii and An. gambiae s.s., in wild-caught mosquitoes, on the basis of the molecular form, denoted M or S, of a marker on the X chromosome. The An. gambiae Keele line is an outbred laboratory colony strain that was developed around 12 years ago by crosses between mosquitoes from 4 existing An. gambiae colonies. Laboratory colonies of mosquitoes often have limited genetic diversity because of small starting populations (founder effect) and subsequent fluctuations in colony size. Here we describe the characterisation of the chromosomal form(s) present in the Keele line, and investigate the diversity present in the colony using microsatellite markers on chromosome 3. We also characterise the large 2La inversion on chromosome 2. The results indicate that only the M-form of the chromosome X marker is present in the Keele colony, which was unexpected given that 3 of the 4 parent colonies were probably S-form. Levels of diversity were relatively high, as indicated by a mean number of microsatellite alleles of 6.25 across 4 microsatellites, in at least 25 mosquitoes. Both karyotypes of the inversion on chromosome 2 (2La/2L+a) were found to be present at approximately equal proportions. The Keele colony has a mixed M- and S-form origin, and in common with the PEST strain, we propose continuing to denote it as an An. gambiae s.s. line

    Pathways From Individual Characteristics to Subjective Consequences of Sex: The Mediating Role of Risky Sexual Encounters

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    Objectives: This study examined associations between young adults’ psychological characteristics and psychosocial consequences of sex, and whether risky sexual encounters mediated these associations. Methods: College students (N=265; Mage=19.49) completed questionnaires concerning risky sexual relationships, behaviors, situations, and psychosocial consequences during their most recent encounter and over the last year. Results: Sexual restraint indirectly predicted positive consequences of the most recent encounter via risky sexual behaviors. Sexual restraint and permissiveness predicted positive and negative consequences over the past year via risky relationships. Conclusions: Psychological characteristics may influence the likelihood of risky sexual encounters, thereby influencing consequences. Includes supplemental Table S1

    Editorial: Special issue avian malaria

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    Avian malaria parasites or haemosporidia are found in bird species worldwide. This special issue focusses on three most commonly studied genera: Haemoproteus, Plasmodium and Leucocytozoon. Seven research articles and reviews are provided to illustrate the breadth of knowledge of the diversity of avian malaria parasites in different regional habitats and across bird species, and the use of avian haemosporidian systems to examine host-parasite ecoevolutionary questions

    An improved and highly sensitive microfluorimetric method for assessing susceptibility of Plasmodium falciparum to antimalarial drugs in vitro

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    BACKGROUND: The standard in vitro protocol currently in use for drug testing against Plasmodium falciparum, based on the incorporation of the purine [(3)H]-hypoxanthine, has two serious drawbacks. Firstly it is unsuitable for the testing of drugs that directly or indirectly impact on purine salvage or metabolism. Secondly, it relies on the use of expensive radiolabelled material, with added issues concerning detection, storage and waste disposal that make it unsuitable for use in many disease-endemic areas. Recently, the use of fluorochromes has been suggested as an alternative, but quenching of the fluorescence signal by the haemoglobin present in cultures of Plasmodium falciparum-infected erythrocytes severely limits the usefulness of this approach. METHODS: In order to resolve this problem, a new PicoGreen(®)-based procedure has been developed which incorporates additional steps to remove the interfering haemoglobin. The 50% inhibitory concentration (IC(50)) values of chloroquine and pyrimethamine against P. falciparum laboratory lines 3D7 and K1 were determined using the new protocol. RESULTS: The IC(50 )values of chloroquine and pyrimethamine against P. falciparum laboratory lines 3D7 and K1 determined with the new fluorescence-based protocol were statistically identical to those obtained using the traditional (3)H-hypoxanthine incorporation method, and consistent with literature values. CONCLUSION: The new method proved to be accurate, reproducible and sensitive, and has the advantage of being non-radioactive. The improved PicoGreen(® )method has the potential to replace traditional in vitro drug resistance assay techniques

    Estimation of parasite age and synchrony status in Plasmodium falciparum infections

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    Human malaria parasites have complex but poorly understood population dynamics inside their human host. In some but not all infections, parasites progress synchronously through the 48 h lifecycle following erythrocyte invasion, such that at any one time there is a limited spread of parasites at a particular time (hours) post-invasion. Patients presenting with older parasites, and with asynchronous infections, have been reported to have higher risks of fatal outcomes, associated with higher parasite biomass and multiplication rates respectively. However, practical tools to assess synchrony and estimate parasite age post-invasion in patient samples are lacking. We have developed a novel method based on three genes differentially expressed over the parasite intra-erythrocytic lifecycle, and applied it to samples from patients with uncomplicated malaria attending two health clinics in Ghana. We found that most patients presented with synchronous infections, and with parasites within 12 h of erythrocyte invasion. Finally we investigated if clinical features such as fever and parasite density could act as predictors of parasite age and synchrony. The new method is a simple and practicable approach to study parasite dynamics in naturally-infected patients, and is a significant improvement on the subjective microscopical methods for parasite staging in vivo, aiding patient management

    Susceptibility of Anopheles gambiae and Anopheles stephensi to tropical isolates of Plasmodium falciparum

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    Background: The susceptibility of anopheline mosquito species to Plasmodium infection is known to be variable with some mosquitoes more permissive to infection than others. Little work, however, has been carried out investigating the susceptibility of major malaria vectors to geographically diverse tropical isolates of Plasmodium falciparum aside from examining the possibility of infection extending its range from tropical regions into more temperate zones. Methods: This study investigates the susceptibility of two major tropical mosquito hosts (Anopheles gambiae and Anopheles stephensi) to P. falciparum isolates of different tropical geographical origins. Cultured parasite isolates were fed via membrane feeders simultaneously to both mosquito species and the resulting mosquito infections were compared. Results: Infection prevalence was variable with African parasites equally successful in both mosquito species, Thai parasites significantly more successful in An. stephensi, and PNG parasites largely unsuccessful in both species. Conclusion: Infection success of P. falciparum was variable according to geographical origin of both the parasite and the mosquito. Data presented raise the possibility that local adaptation of tropical parasites and mosquitoes has a role to play in limiting gene flow between allopatric parasite populations

    Mosquito host-seeking diel rhythm and chemosensory gene expression is affected by age and Plasmodium stages

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    Malaria parasites can affect vector-related behaviours, increasing transmission success. Using Anopheles gambiae and Plasmodium falciparum, we consider the effect of interaction between infection stage and vector age on diel locomotion in response to human odour and the expression of antennal chemosensory genes. We identified age-dependent behavioural diel compartmentalisation by uninfected females post-blood meal. Infection disrupts overall and diel activity patterns compared with age-matched controls. In this study, mosquitoes carrying transmissible sporozoites were more active, shifting activity periods which corresponded with human host availability, in response to human odour. Older, uninfected, blood-fed females displayed reduced activity during their peak host-seeking period in response to human odour. Age- and infection stage-specific changes in odour-mediated locomotion coincide with altered transcript abundance of select chemosensory genes suggesting a possible molecular mechanism regulating the behaviour. We hypothesize that vector-related behaviours of female mosquitoes are altered by infection stage and further modulated by the age post-blood meal of the vector. Findings may have important implications for malaria transmission and disease dynamics

    Tunnel Magnetoresistance Sensor for Point-of-Care and Rapid Label-free Malaria Diagnosis

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    Traditional point-of-care malaria diagnostic platforms lack sensitivity, the devices of them are bulky and expensive. To meet the demand for malaria diagnosis in malaria-endemic countries with low-resource, a cost-effective, easy-to-use, high-sensitivity and rapid diagnostic platform is needed. Here, we report the tunnel magnetoresistance (TMR) sensor to diagnose malaria by detecting the hemozoin. The hand-held device of TMR diagnostic platform consists of a cylindrical magnet, a TMR sensor, an Analog-Front-End circuit, and a microprocessor to display the results. The test result shows that this device can detect the synthetic hemozoin in labs and have the potential to be a point-of-care diagnosis

    PfeIK1, a eukaryotic initiation factor 2α kinase of the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum, regulates stress-response to amino-acid starvation

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Post-transcriptional control of gene expression is suspected to play an important role in malaria parasites. In yeast and metazoans, part of the stress response is mediated through phosphorylation of eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2α (eIF2α), which results in the selective translation of mRNAs encoding stress-response proteins.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The impact of starvation on the phosphorylation state of PfeIF2α was examined. Bioinformatic methods were used to identify plasmodial eIF2α kinases. The activity of one of these, PfeIK1, was investigated using recombinant protein with non-physiological substrates and recombinant PfeIF2α. Reverse genetic techniques were used to disrupt the <it>pfeik1 </it>gene.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The data demonstrate that the <it>Plasmodium falciparum </it>eIF2α orthologue is phosphorylated in response to starvation, and provide bioinformatic evidence for the presence of three eIF2α kinases in <it>P. falciparum</it>, only one of which (PfPK4) had been described previously. Evidence is provided that one of the novel eIF2α kinases, PfeIK1, is able to phosphorylate the <it>P. falciparum </it>eIF2α orthologue <it>in vitro</it>. PfeIK1 is not required for asexual or sexual development of the parasite, as shown by the ability of <it>pfeik1</it><sup>- </sup>parasites to develop into sporozoites. However, eIF2α phosphorylation in response to starvation is abolished in <it>pfeik1</it><sup>- </sup>asexual parasites</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This study strongly suggests that a mechanism for versatile regulation of translation by several kinases with a similar catalytic domain but distinct regulatory domains, is conserved in <it>P. falciparum</it>.</p