167 research outputs found

    Avaliação da retrolavagem em um sistema de filtração lenta utilizando areia e carvão antracitoso como material filtrante

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Engenharia Sanitária e Ambiental.Filtros lentos são considerados por diversos autores uma excelente alternativa para o fornecimento de água potável em comunidades rurais e/ou isoladas. Alguns trabalhos utilizam a retrolavagem como forma de limpeza do filtro, esta operação é vantajosa e prática. Apenas com a abertura de uma válvula é possível inverter o fluxo da água, fornecendo uma vazão capaz de assegurar a expansão adequada do meio filtrante, possibilitando uma limpeza eficiente. No entanto, até o momento não se tem registros na literatura acerca de estudos sobre o comportamento da expansão de areia e antracito utilizados em conjunto como meio filtrante durante a retrolavagem. A elaboração deste estudo teve como propósito investigar o comportamento hidráulico de meios filtrantes constituídos de camada dupla com areia e carvão antracitoso, camada simples de areia e camada simples de antracito. O comportamento de ambos os meios filtrantes foi avaliado durante o seu processo de fluidificação e expansão, quando submetidos a diferentes velocidades de aproximação da água (0,08 a 0,80 m/min). Os experimentos realizados demostraram que a camada simples de areia se mostrou mais vantajosa em termos de velocidade de aproximação da água para uma expansão de 40%, considerada eficiente para a limpeza. A camada simples de carvão antracito apresentou maior demanda de energia para fluidificação, em virtude dos seus grãos serem mais pesados. Para a camada dupla, durante o processo de fluidificação e expansão os meios filtrantes comportaram-se de modo distinto devido as diferentes propriedades físicas dos materiais filtrantes utilizados, tais como a massa específica e diâmetro efetivo. No que diz respeito a perda de carga no meio filtrante, na camada suporte e total no filtro, o carvão antracitoso foi o que apresentou melhor resultado. Em função dos resultados obtidos, este trabalho pode-se considerar uma avaliação inicial dos materiais filtrantes e suas configurações de camada dupla e simples de antracito, podendo resultar no aumento da utilização destas configurações para filtros lentos retrolaváveis

    Lexicon as an evidence of orality in manuscripts from the first half of 18TH century Minas Geraes.

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    N?o existe outra forma de pesquisar a l?ngua pret?rita que n?o seja por meio da escrita, sejam os textos liter?rios ou n?o-liter?rios. Mas qual o grau de representatividade da oralidade em documentos pret?ritos? Esta ? a quest?o que, de forma geral, conduziu a pesquisa realizada e cujos resultados ser?o apresentados neste artigo. Nosso objetivo ? discutir (e mostrar) de que forma combina??es lexicais restritas, extra?das de 14 processos-crime, escritos em Vila Rica e em Vila Real de Sabar?, na primeira metade do s?culo XVIII, per?odo que marca a coloniza??o das Minas Geraes, indiciam a presen?a de oralidade nesses documentos. Ap?s o levantamento e an?lise de 42 combina??es lexicais restritas e a respectiva busca em corpora coet?neos, constatou-se que nove delas, que n?o figuraram nos bancos de dados, podem ser consideradas como resqu?cios de oralidade.There is no way to research old language other than by written sources, whether the texts are literary or not. However, what is the extent of orality traces in old documents? That question has mainly guided this work. Our main objective is to discuss and show how combinations of restricted lexical units evince orality in the studied documents. The data consist of 14 criminal procedures written in Vila Rica and Vila Real de Sabar? during the first half of the 18th century. After collecting and analysing 42 combinations of restricted lexical units, and searching coeval corpora, nine of these combinations, which have not appeared in supporting databases, have been deemed remnants of orality

    The transcriptome of corona radiata cells from individual MII oocytes that after ICSI developed to embryos selected for transfer: PCOS women compared to healthy women

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    BACKGROUND: Corona radiata cells (CRCs) refer to the fraction of cumulus cells just adjacent to the oocyte. The CRCs are closely connected to the oocyte throughout maturation and their gene expression profiles might reflect oocyte quality. Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common cause of infertility. It is controversial whether PCOS associate with diminished oocyte quality. The purpose of this study was to compare individual human CRC samples between PCOS patients and controls. METHODS: All patients were stimulated by the long gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) agonist protocol. The CRC samples originated from individual oocytes developing into embryos selected for transfer. CRCs were isolated in a two-step denudation procedure, separating outer cumulus cells from the inner CRCs. Extracted RNA was amplified and transcriptome profiling was performed with Human Agilent® arrays. RESULTS: The transcriptomes of CRCs showed no individual genes with significant differential expression between PCOS and controls, but gene set enrichment analysis identified several cell cycle- and DNA replication pathways overexpressed in PCOS CRCs (FDR < 0.05). Five of the genes contributing to the up-regulated cell cycle pathways in the PCOS CRCs were selected for qRT-PCR validation in ten PCOS and ten control CRC samples. qRT-PCR confirmed significant up-regulation in PCOS CRCs of cell cycle progression genes HIST1H4C (FC = 2.7), UBE2C (FC = 2.6) and cell cycle related transcription factor E2F4 (FC = 2.5). CONCLUSION: The overexpression of cell cycle-related genes and cell cycle pathways in PCOS CRCs could indicate a disturbed or delayed final maturation and differentiation of the CRCs in response to the human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) surge. However, this had no effect on the in vitro development of the corresponding embryos. Future studies are needed to clarify whether the up-regulated cell cycle pathways in PCOS CRCs have any clinical implications. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s13048-014-0110-6) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    Treatment given to linguistic variation in mother language classes in schools in Mariana/MG.

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    O presente artigo pretende expor os resultados parciais da pesquisa vinculada ao projeto Ensino de L?ngua Portuguesa: estudo das pr?ticas discursivas na educa??o b?sica das escolas de Mariana, Ouro Preto e seus distritos, bem como analisar o tratamento dado ? varia??o lingu?stica em aulas de l?ngua materna no ensino b?sico. A an?lise se fundamenta, principalmente, no que dizem os documentos oficiais e em aportes te?rico-metodol?gicos relacionados ? pedagogia da varia??o lingu?stica. Os resultados apresentados referem-se ? observa??o realizada em uma turma da 2? s?rie do Ensino M?dio de uma escola privada, e mostraram que o material estudado n?o aborda a varia??o lingu?stica em qualquer n?vel, seja sem?ntico, lexical, fonol?gico ou morfossint?tico, apresentando algumas limita??es.This article aims at showing the partial results of a research conducted under the Project Portuguese language teaching: study of the discursive acts on elementary schools in Mariana, Ouro Preto and neighborhood, as well as analyzing the treatment given to linguistic variation in mother language classes in elementary classes. The analysis is mainly based on what official documents say and in theoretical-methodological literature pertaining to the pedagogy of linguistic variation. The results presented refer to the observation of a high school second grade class in a private school and show that the material used does not deal with linguistic variation on any level, be it semantic, lexical, phonologic or in morph syntax, thus presenting some limitations

    Competências do Bom Professor na Ótica de Alunos de um Curso de Especialização da Área da Saúde

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    O artigo objetiva identificar competências que marcam a postura do bom professor. Foram sujeitos 25 alunos do Curso de Especialização em Cinesiologia, da Universidade do Estado do Pará, egressos de cursos de Fisioterapia, Terapia Ocupacional e Educação Física. Os depoimentos foram obtidos durante a disciplina Metodologia da Educação Superior. Infere-se com base nos resultados que o bom professor é aquele que concilia competências afetivas/atitudinais/morais, profissionais e culturais, o que indica que os professores precisam desenvolver competências que vão além do domínio didático, o que levanta a expectativa que, cada vez mais, são exigidos não só o domínio de conhecimentos pedagógicos e específicos das disciplinas, como também, conhecimentos relativos às dimensões éticas, democráticas, morais, atitudinais e culturais. Conclui-se que tais competências contribuem para que os professores tornem-se inesquecíveis para seus alunos como exemplos de profissionais bem sucedidos.Palavras chave: Trabalho docente. Educação superior." Bom professor.Competences of the good teacher in the optics of students of a course of specialization of the area of the healthThe article aims at to identify competences that mark the good teacher's posture. They were subject 25 students of the Course of Specialization in Cinesiologia, of the University of the State ofPará, exits of courses of Physiotherapy, Occupational therapy and Physical education. The depositions were obtained during the discipline Methodology of the Superior Education. The subjects answered the subject: what is good teacher to be? It is inferred with base in the results that the good teacher is that that reconciles competences afetivas/atitudinais/morais, professionals and cultural, what indicates that the teachers need to develop competences to be going besides the didactic domain, what lifts the expectation that, more and more, they are demanded not only the domain of pedagogic and specific knowledge of the disciplines, as well as, relative knowledge to the dimensions ethical, democratic, moral, atitudinais and cultural. It is ended that such competences contribute for the teachers to become unforgettable for their students as professionals' examples well happened."KeyWords: I work educational. Superior education." Good teacher."

    Exposure assessment of extended-spectrum beta-lactamases/AmpC beta-lactamases-producing Escherichia coli in meat in Denmark

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    INTRODUCTION Extended-spectrum beta-lactamases (ESBL) and AmpC beta-lactamases (AmpC) are of concern for veterinary and public health because of their ability to cause treatment failure due to antimicrobial resistance in Enterobacteriaceae. The main objective was to assess the relative contribution (RC) of different types of meat to the exposure of consumers to ESBL/AmpC and their potential importance for human infections in Denmark. MATERIAL AND METHODS The prevalence of each genotype of ESBL/AmpC-producing E. coli in imported and nationally produced broiler meat, pork and beef was weighted by the meat consumption patterns. Data originated from the Danish surveillance program for antibiotic use and antibiotic resistance (DANMAP) from 2009 to 2011. DANMAP also provided data about human ESBL/AmpC cases in 2011, which were used to assess a possible genotype overlap. Uncertainty about the occurrence of ESBL/AmpC-producing E. coli in meat was assessed by inspecting beta distributions given the available data of the genotypes in each type of meat. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Broiler meat represented the largest part (83.8%) of the estimated ESBL/AmpC-contaminated pool of meat compared to pork (12.5%) and beef (3.7%). CMY-2 was the genotype with the highest RC to human exposure (58.3%). However, this genotype is rarely found in human infections in Denmark. CONCLUSION The overlap between ESBL/AmpC genotypes in meat and human E. coli infections was limited. This suggests that meat might constitute a less important source of ESBL/AmpC exposure to humans in Denmark than previously thought - maybe because the use of cephalosporins is restricted in cattle and banned in poultry and pigs. Nonetheless, more detailed surveillance data are required to determine the contribution of meat compared to other sources, such as travelling, pets, water resources, community and hospitals in the pursuit of a full source attribution model

    Type I Interferon Transcriptional Signature in Neutrophils and Low-Density Granulocytes Are Associated with Tissue Damage in Malaria

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    Neutrophils are the most abundant leukocyte population in the bloodstream, the primary compartment of Plasmodium sp. infection. However, the role of these polymorphonuclear cells in mediating either the resistance or the pathogenesis of malaria is poorly understood. We report that circulating neutrophils from malaria patients are highly activated, as indicated by a strong type I interferon transcriptional signature, increased expression of surface activation markers, enhanced release of reactive oxygen species and myeloperoxidase, and a high frequency of low-density granulocytes. The activation of neutrophils was associated with increased levels of serum alanine and aspartate aminotransferases, indicating liver damage. In a rodent malaria model, we observed intense recruitment of neutrophils to liver sinusoids. Neutrophil migration and IL-1beta and chemokine expression as well as liver damage were all dependent on type I interferon signaling. The data suggest that type I interferon signaling has a central role in neutrophil activation and malaria pathogenesis