2,762 research outputs found

    Short time-scale optical variability of the dwarf Seyfert nucleus in NGC 4395

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    We present optical spectroscopic observations of the least-luminous known Seyfert 1 galaxy, NGC 4395, which was monitored every half-hour over the course of 3 nights. The continuum emission varied by ~35 per cent over the course of 3 nights, and we find marginal evidence for greater variability in the blue continuum than the red. A number of diagnostic checks were performed on the data in order to constrain any systematic or aperture effects. No correlations were found that adequately explained the observed variability, hence we conclude that we have observed real intrinsic variability of the nuclear source. No simultaneous variability was measured in the broad H-beta line, although given the difficulty in deblending the broad and narrow components it is difficult to comment on the significance of this result. The observed short time-scale continuum variability is consistent with NGC 4395 having an intermediate-mass (~10^5 solar masses) central supermassive black hole, rather than a very low accretion rate. Comparison with the Seyfert 1 galaxy NGC 5548 shows that the observed variability seems to scale with black hole mass in roughly the manner expected in accretion models. However the absolute time-scale of variability differs by several orders of magnitude from that expected in simple accretion disc models in both cases.Comment: 16 pages, 14 figures, 5 tables, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Searching for molecular outflows in Hyper-Luminous Infrared Galaxies

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    We present constraints on the molecular outflows in a sample of five Hyper-Luminous Infrared Galaxies using Herschel observations of the OH doublet at 119 {\mu}m. We have detected the OH doublet in three cases: one purely in emission and two purely in absorption. The observed emission profile has a significant blueshifted wing suggesting the possibility of tracing an outflow. Out of the two absorption profiles, one seems to be consistent with the systemic velocity while the other clearly indicates the presence of a molecular outflow whose maximum velocity is about ~1500 km/s. Our analysis shows that this system is in general agreement with previous results on Ultra-luminous Infrared Galaxies and QSOs, whose outflow velocities do not seem to correlate with stellar masses or starburst luminosities (star formation rates). Instead the galaxy outflow likely arises from an embedded AGN.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS. 13 pages, 11 figures, 4 table

    Quantum gravity and Riemannian geometry on the fuzzy sphere

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    We study the quantum geometry of the fuzzy sphere defined as the angular momentum algebra [xi,xj]=2ıλpϵijkxk[x_i,x_j]=2\imath\lambda_p \epsilon_{ijk}x_k modulo setting ixi2\sum_i x_i^2 to a constant, using a recently introduced 3D rotationally invariant differential structure. Metrics are given by symmetric 3×33 \times 3 matrices gg and we show that for each metric there is a unique quantum Levi-Civita connection with constant coefficients, with scalar curvature 12(Tr(g2)12Tr(g)2)/det(g) \frac{1}{2}({\rm Tr}(g^2)-\frac{1}{2}{\rm Tr}(g)^2)/\det(g). As an application, we construct Euclidean quantum gravity on the fuzzy unit sphere. We also calculate the charge 1 monopole for the 3D differential structure.Comment: 15 pages latex, 1 figur

    Geometric Dirac operator on noncommutative torus and M2(C)M_2(\Bbb C)

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    We solve for quantum-geometrically realised spectral triples or `Dirac operators' on the noncommutative torus Cθ[T2]\Bbb C_\theta[T^2] and on the algebra M2(C)M_2(\Bbb C) of 2×22\times 2 matrices with their standard quantum metrics and associated quantum Levi-Civita connections. For Cθ[T2]\Bbb C_\theta[T^2], we obtain an even standard spectral triple but now uniquely determined by full geometric realisability. For M2(C)M_2(\Bbb C), we are forced to the flat quantum Levi-Civita connection and again obtain a natural fully geometrically realised even spectral triple. In both case there is also an odd spectral triple for a different choice of a sign parameter. We also consider an alternate quantum metric on M2(C)M_2(\Bbb C) with curved quantum Levi-Civita connection and find a natural 2-parameter of almost spectral triple in that DD fails to be antihermitian. In all cases, we split the construction into a local tensorial level related to the quantum geometry, where we classify the results more broadly, and the further requirements relating to the Hilbert space structure. We also illustrate the Lichnerowicz formula for D2D^2 which applies in the case of a full geometric realisation.Comment: 33 pages latex no figures. Moved the less interesting second quantum metric on M_2(C) into an appendix, corrected typos and added details of Lichnerowicz theorem related D^2 and Laplacian. This is a sequel to 2104.13212 (math.QA

    Asymmetric fiscal and monetary policies: a two country model of european integration

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    We use a 2-country model to analyze fiscal and monetary interactions in a Monetary union.Both countries are integrated and experience spillovers from their partners’ fiscal policies. Wesolve for Monetary Leadership - the Central Bank commits to an inflation target and the fiscalpolicymakers optimize spending - and for Fiscal Leadership - the Central Bank chooses its pre-ferred rate given exogenously defined fiscal policies. High inflation aversion and small outputgaps in one country can generate overspending in their integrated partners. Country weights determined by the Central Bank affect its policy making by overlooking smaller countries

    An infrared study of the double nucleus in NGC3256

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    We present new resolved near and mid-IR imaging and N-band spectroscopy of the two nuclei in the merger system NGCA3256, the most IR luminous galaxy in the nearby universe. The results from the SED fit to the data are consistent with previous estimates of the amount of obscuration towards the nuclei and the nuclear star formation rates. However, we also find substantial differences in the infrared emission from the two nuclei which cannot be explained by obscuration alone. We conclude that the northern nucleus requires an additional component of warm dust in order to explain its properties. This suggests that local starforming conditions can vary significantly within the environment of a single system.Comment: Accepted for publication (MNRAS