178 research outputs found


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    What Developmental Linguistics Can Offer L1 Education. An Example of the Relation between Implicit and Explicit Word-formation Knowledge in Slovak Speaking Children

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    The paper focuses on defining the relationship between developmental linguistics and L1 education. We consider both theories and empirical research in developmental linguistics an important theoretical basis for L1 education, especially in pre-school and junior school aged children. The examples of research on child language in Slovak speaking children are used to clarify the possibilities of transforming the findings in developmental linguistics into the curriculum of language learning/teaching. The dynamic interactions of implicit and explicit linguistic knowledge in L1 education is the way how developmental linguistics’ knowledge base can positively influence the results of language learning. The paper is based both on the analysis of theoretical sources and the empirical findings of qualitative linguistic research.This study is being carried out under the auspices of the Scientific Grant Agency of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic, research project VEGA 1/0353/18 Implicit linguistic knowledge of a junior school-aged child. The project is being conducted between 2018 and 2020. Institutional Executor: University of Prešov, Faculty of Education. Head of Project: Professor Ľudmila Liptáková, [email protected]Ľudmila Liptáková, PhD, is a professor at the University of Prešov, Faculty of Education, Slovakia. She works in the field of linguistics and methodology of L1 teaching/learning. Her research covers the following areas: word-formation of the contemporary Slovak language; lexical and word-formation development in Slovak speaking children; implicit linguistic knowledge of a child; methodology of L1 teaching/learning; stimulation of executive and cognitive functions in junior school aged children. She is a member of The International Association for Research in L1 Education (ARLE) and participated in ARLE conferences.University of Prešov, SlovakiaAdamčíková, V. & Tarábek, P. 2008. Didaktická komunikácia v predmetových didaktikách [Didactic communication in subject didactics]. In: L. Sičáková, K. Vužňáková & R. Rusňák (eds.), Slovo o slove 14, 136–149. Prešov: Prešovská univerzita, Pedagogická fakulta.Buzássyová, K. 1990. Okazionálna slovotvorba ako indikátor synchrónnej a diachrónnej dynamiky [Occasional word-formation as an indicator of synchronous and diachronous dynamics]. In: V. Blanár (ed.), Metódy výskumu a opisu lexiky slovanských jazykov, 63–73. Bratislava, Jazykovedný ústav Ľ. Štúra SAV.Clark, E. V. 2009. First Language Acquisition (2nd edition). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.Čukovskij, K. I. 1963. Od dvoch do piatich [From two to five] (2nd edition). Bratislava: Mladé letá.Ellis, N. C. 2008. Implicit and Explicit Knowledge about Language. In: J. Cenoz & N. Hornberger (eds.), Encyclopedia of Language and Education (2nd edition), Volume 6: Knowledge about Language, 1–13. New York: Springer Science+Business Media LLC.Ellis, N. C. 2005. At the Interface: Dynamic Interactions of Explicit and Implicit Language Knowledge. Studies in Second Language Acquisition 27(2): 305–352.Fleischer, W. 1988. Produktivität – Akzeptabilität – Aktivität. Zur Theorie der Wortbildung (im Deutschen). In: Zur Theorie der Wortbildung im Deutschen, 8–16. Berlin: Akademie – Verlag.Gogová, E. 2017. Slovotvorná kategorizácia ako stratégia pri rozvíjaní porozumenia učebného textu [Word-formative categorization as a strategy in developing comprehension of informational text]. O dieťati, jazyku, literatúre 5(2): 21–40.Hoff, E. 2001. Language Development (2nd edition). Wadsworth: Thomson Learning.Kubrjakova, E. S. 1981. Tipy jazykovych značenij. Semantika proizvodnogo slova. Moskva: Nauka.Liptáková, L. et al. 2015. Integrovaná didaktika slovenského jazyka a literatúry pre primárne vzdelávanie [Integrative didactics of Slovak language and literature for primary education] (2nd edition). Prešov: Prešovská univerzita v Prešove, Pedagogická fakulta.Liptáková, L. & Vužňáková, K. 2009. Dieťa a slovotvorba [A child and word-formation]. Prešov: Prešovská univerzita, Pedagogická fakulta.Liptáková, L. 2000. Okazionalizmy v hovorenej slovenčine [Nonce-words in spoken Slovak]. Prešov: Náuka.Lykov, A. G. 1976. Sovremennaja russkaja leksikologija (Russkoje okkazionaľnoje slovo). Moskva: Vysšaja škola.Motsch, W. 1988. Analogie und Regel in der Wortbildung. In: Zur Theorie der Wortbildung im Deutschen, 30–33. Berlin, Akademie – Verlag.Oakhill, J., Cain, K. & Elbro, C. 2015. Understanding and Teaching Reading Comprehension. A Handbook. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.Owens, R. E. 2008. Language Development. An Introduction (7th edition). New York: Allyn and Bacon.Piaget, J. & Inhelder, B. 1997. Psychologie dítěte [The psychology of the child]. Praha: Portál.Průcha, J. 2011. Dětská řeč a komunikace. Poznatky vývojové lingvistiky [Child’s language and communication. Knowledge of psycholinguistics]. Praha: Grada Publishing.Slančová, D. (ed.). 2018. Desať štúdií o detskej reči [Ten studies on child language]. Bratislava – Prešov: VEDA, vydavateľstvo SAV, – Filozofická fakulta Prešovskej univerzity.Slančová, D. (ed.). 2008. Štúdie o detskej reči [Studies on child language]. Prešov: Prešovská univerzita, Filozofická fakulta.Šebesta, K. et al. 2016. Aplikovaná lingvistika [Applied linguistics]. Praha: Karolinum.Valeková, L. 1993. Okazionalizmy v tvorbe Daniela Heviera pre deti [Nonce-words in the children’s books by Daniel Hevier]. Slovenská reč 58(2): 72–77.Vygotskij, L. S. 1970. Myšlení a řeč [Thought and language]. Praha: SPN.24 (1/2019)122


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    Croatia being above EU average in direct contribution to GDP can serve as a best practice for countries such as Slovakia. However, best practices is sometimes not easy to follow due to differences in the fundamentals of countries‟ potential such as forest, numbers of castles or caves and the like. Paper provides modest overview of the potential of the two destinations and then provides reader with comparison of data regarding employment and GDP

    Lactic Acid Bacteria and Fermentation of Cereals and Pseudocereals

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    The usage of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) in food as starters in fermentation technologies has a long tradition. Although the theorized idea of host‐friendly bacteria found in yoghurt has been formulated only over a century ago, both groups are widely used nowadays. Lactic acid bacteria alone or with special adjunct probiotic strains are inevitable for the preparation of various specific fermented and probiotic foods. Moreover, because of their growth and metabolism, the final products are preserved for a certain time. Growth dynamics of probiotic LAB and Fresco DVS 1010 in milk‐ and water‐based maize mashes with sucrose or flavours (chocolate, caramel and vanilla) were evaluated in this study. Although milk is typical growth medium for the LAB growth, observed strains showed sufficient growth in each of prepared mashes as well as they were able to maintain their content above 106 CFU ml-1 during storage period (6°C/21 d). Designed flavoured mashes were acceptable from the microbiological point of view, but according to the sensory evaluation they were provided with an attractive overall acceptability and are adequate alternative for celiac patients, people suffering from milk protein allergies or lactose intolerance

    Strategic Management in International Environment

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    Strategické řízení je klíčovou součástí každé úspěšné firmy. Cílem této diplomové práce je pomoci začínající firmě, se sídlem na Slovensku, vytvořit strategický plán, který bude zaměřen na vstup na nový trh a změnu oblasti jejich zaměření. Sledovaná firma plánuje transformaci z marketingové agentury na společnost zabývající se digitálním řešením. První část práce je věnována teoretickým podkladům strategického řízení. Druhá kapitola poskytuje krátký úvod do průzkumu trhu a jeho nástrojů, dále je zde proveden průzkum trhu České republiky. Třetí kapitola představuje společnost a formuluje její strategické cíle a plán. Poslední část diplomové práce je zaměřena na vyhodnocení úspěšnosti strategie s následným doporučením pro další rozvoj a zlepšení.Strategic management is a crucial part of every successful company. This master thesis aims to help a start-up company based in Slovakia to create a strategic plan which will be focused on entering a new market and transferring the focus of its operations. The monitored company is planning a transformation from a marketing agency to a digital solutions company. The first part of the thesis is dedicated to the theoretical background of strategic management. The second chapter provides a short introduction to market research and its tools, plus the market research of the Czech Republic is conducted in this part. The third chapter introduces the start-up company and formulates its strategic objectives and plan. The last part of the master thesis focuses on the evaluation of the success of the strategy with further recommendations.

    Surface growth of geotrichum candidum: effect of the environmental factors on its dynamics

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    The growth dynamics of Geotrichum candidum was studied on the surface of the skim milk agar with respect to the temperature, pH and water activity/NaCl content. At pH ranging from 5.0 to 7.0, the fungus growth rates were similar, whereas the temperature and water activity represented by salt addition in concentration of 3 % influenced the growth significantly. The effect of incubation temperature on the surface growth rate was modelled with G-Twmodel. Designed model proved to be good predictor of fungus growth at used environmental conditions. As the filamentous fungus under study is commonly present on the surface of various cheeses, the quantitative data found in this work can provide useful information closely related to real fungus growth, e.g. calculation of time required for G. candidum to reach visible 3 mm colony. The predictions showed that, for example at 0 % NaCl content, such colonies were grown for 52.2, 30.7, 18.4, 14.4, 13.9 hat temperatures of 10, 14, 19, 23, 27 °C, respectively


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    Tourism has considerable impact on the economic level of regions in all countries. The article points out the fusion of regions of the Central and Eastern Europe into clusters according to selected indicators of tourism using multidimensional statistical methods for classification. Moreover, differences between the clusters are defined

    Data Collection and Analysis for Non-Complex Aircraft Airworthiness Monitoring

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    Cílem práce je upravení systému sledování zachování letové způsobilosti (ACAM) jiných než složitých letadel Úřadem pro civilní letectví, tak, aby odpovídal standardizovaným metodikám. Nejdříve jsou rozebrány systémy používané pro sběr a zpracování dat, dále jsou analyzovány dostupné a potenciální datové zdroje, které tvoří základ modelu systému vytvořeného pomocí unifikovaného modelovacího jazyku (UML). V další části práce je navržena metoda vyhodnocování rizikovosti letadel, podle které jsou letadla doporučována na kontrolu. Modely i postupy vyhodnocení jsou v závěru práce validovány, mohou tak být použity v praxi či sloužit jako základ pro softwarový systém sloužící pro vyhodnocení rizikovosti letadla.The aim of the work is to modify the system of Aircraft Continuing Airworthiness Monitoring (ACAM) for non-complex aircraft, used by the Civil Aviation Authority, so that it corresponds to standardized methodologies. First, the systems used for data collection and processing are analyzed. Then the available and potential data sources are analyzed and form the basis of the system model created using the Unified Modeling Language (UML). In the next part of the work, a method for evaluating the risk of aircraft is proposed, according to which aircraft are recommended for inspection. Models and evaluation procedures are validated at the end of the work, so they can be used in practice or serve as a basis for a software system used to evaluate the risk of the aircraft