57 research outputs found

    Method for the determination of the spanwise lift distribution

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    The method for determination of the spanwise lift distribution is based on the Fourier series for the representation of the lift distribution. The lift distribution, as well as the angle of attack, is split up in four elementary distributions. The insertion of the angle-of-attack distribution in the Fourier series for the lift distribution gives a compound third series which is of particular advantage for the determination of the lift distribution. The method is illustrated in an example and supplemented by a graphical method. Lastly, the results of several comparative calculations with other methods are reported

    Problem of glider models

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    Any one endeavoring to solve the problem of soaring flight is confronted not only by structural difficulties, but also by the often far more difficult aerodynamic problem of flight properties and efficiency, which can only be determined by experimenting with the finished glider

    Recent tests of tailless airplanes

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    This report details the advantages and construction of tailless airplanes. Both a glider and a powered model were built and the specifications of both airplanes are listed

    The Development, Design and Construction of Gliders and Sailplanes

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    This report explains and details the history of glider design and construction through the impetus of the Rhon Sailplane contests. Some of the topics considered include: whether the longitudinal stability (dynamic and static) is sufficient in the tailless typo and a consideration that the structural weight of sweptback wings would be greater than that of a corresponding normal wing

    The 1929 Rhon soaring-flight contest

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    The limitation of the 1929 contest to performance gliders necessitated the establishment of a formula which would make it possible to distinguish between performance gliders and school and training gliders. The sinking speed was therefore adopted as the basis for such a distinction, and the requirement was made that the sinking speed of a performance glider should not exceed 0.8 m/s. The rest of the report details the different entries with regard to design and performance

    Effect of Aerodynamic Design on Glider Performance

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    The performance of a glider is determined by means of the velocity polar, which represents the connection between horizontal and sinking speed. The mean sinking speed for a given speed range can be determined on the basis of the velocity polar. These data form the basis for the most propitious design of a performance-type glider with a view to long-distance flight

    Theory of flapping flight

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    Before attempting to construct a human-powered aircraft, the aviator will first try to post himself theoretically on the possible method of operating the flapping wings. This report will present a graphic and mathematical method, which renders it possible to determine the power required, so far as it can be done on the basis of the wing dimensions. We will first consider the form of the flight path through the air. The simplest form is probably the curve of ordinary wave motion. After finding the flight curve, we must next determine the change in the angle of attack while passing through the different phases of the wave

    Approximation method for determining the static stability of a monoplane glider

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    The calculations in this paper afford an approximate solution of the static stability. A derivation of the formulas for moment coefficient of a wing, moment coefficient of elevator, and the total moment of the combined wing and elevator and the moment coefficient with reference to the center of gravity are provided