2,065 research outputs found

    Definition of the stimulated emission threshold in high-β\beta nanoscale lasers through phase-space reconstruction

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    Nanoscale lasers sustain few optical modes so that the fraction of spontaneous emission β\beta funnelled into the useful (lasing) mode is high (of the order of few 10−1^{-1}) and the threshold, which traditionally corresponds to an abrupt kink in the light in- light out curve, becomes ill-defined. We propose an alternative definition of the threshold, based on the dynamical response of the laser, which is valid even for β=1\beta=1 lasers. The laser dynamics is analyzed through a reconstruction of its phase-space trajectory for pulsed excitation. Crossing the threshold brings about a change in the shape of the trajectory and in the area contained in it. An unambiguous definition of the threshold in terms of this change is shown theoretically and illustrated experimentally in a photonic crystal laser

    Are leukocyte and platelet abnormalities and complete blood count ratios potential prognostic markers in canine sepsis?

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    Background: Sepsis is a common disease in which early diagnosis and prognosis assessment are the main aims in order to arrange a prompt and effective treatment. Objectives: (1) To compare leukogram parameters (WBC, segmented and band neutrophils,lymphocytes,monocytes),plateletcount(PLT),meanplateletvolume(MPV), and some leukocyte/platelet ratio such as NLR, NBNLR, PLR, and MLR between dogs with systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) and sepsis. (2) To investigate any difference in the trend of these latter parameters between survivors and non-survivors septic dogs. Animals: 57 dogs with confirmed sepsis and 57 dogs with non-septic SIRS. Methods: A review of the medical records was conducted in order to find dogs with sepsis. Sepsis was defined as the presence of an infectious focus with fulfillment of systemic inflammatory response syndrome criteria (SIRS). Septic dogs had to have a CBC at admission and another CBC within 48h from the previous timepoint. Purebreds with CBC breed-related abnormalities were excluded, together with dogs without confirmed sepsis and dogs with only a single CBC. NLR, NBNLR, PLR, and MLR were calculated. Univariate analysis of all blood parameters studied was assessed between SIRS and septicdogs. Generalized Estimating Equations models for repeated measures were used to test if the blood parameters studied were modified between survivors and non-survivors in the septic group. Results: Septic dogs had lower median segmented neutrophils count and NLR compared to SIRSdogs (p=0.02andp=0.04, respectively).Lastly,septicdogs hada higherprevalenceoftoxicneutrophilthanSIRSdogs(p=0.01).Wefoundthatfora1-unit increase of PLR and MLR, the risk of death increased by 50.5 and 60%, respectively. Conclusion and Clinical Importance: Evaluation of NLR at hospital admission may be a useful marker of inflammation, although it showed low sensitivity in differentiating SIRS and septic dogs. The monitoring of some CBC parameters, especially PLR and MLR may be useful in the establishment of prognosis in septic dogs

    Intravenous lipid emulsion and dexmedetomidine for treatment of feline permethrin intoxication: A report from 4 cases

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    Four cases of feline permethrin intoxication are described. The cause of intoxication is the application of canine permethrin spot-on product (Advantix®, Bayer) by the owners. Principal clinical guidelines recommends the use of anticonvulsant drugs to treat seizures or neurological symptoms after initial stabilization and dermal decontamination. The use of lipid emulsion had an increasing interest in the last decade for treatment of toxicosis caused by lipophylic drugs as reported in human and in veterinary medical practices. All cats presented in this study, were treated with intravenous lipid emulsion (ILE) at variable dosages, and dexmedetomidine was also administered by intravenous way. No adverse reaction such as thrombophlebitis, overload circulation or others was noticed during and after administration of ILE. Dexmedetomidine was proved to be helpful in tranquillizing the cats. All cats were discharged in good condition faster than other cases treated without their use

    Mean temperature and humidity variations, along with patient age, predict the number of visits for renal colic in a large urban Emergency Department: Results of a 9-year survey

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    Background: A marked geographic variability has been reported in stone disease, partially attributed to the Mean Annual Temperature (MAT), as well as to the seasonal fluctuations of climatic conditions. Accordingly, peaks in Emergency Department (ED) visits for renal colic are commonplace during the summer. Materials and methods: The aim of this study was to assess the influence of day-by-day climate changes on the number of visits as a result of renal colic in the ED (City of Parma, northern Italy, temperate continental climate). A total of 10,802 colic episodes were retrieved from the database during a period of 3286 days (January 2002 to December 2010). Results: The analysis of the data confirms a peak of renal colic cases during the summer, especially in July (maximum number of 4.1 cases of renal colic per day), and a winter nadir (minimum number of 2.7 cases of renal colic per day, in February). The linear regression analysis shows a high and significant correlation between the mean number of cases of renal colic per day and both the mean daily temperature (positive association, R = 0.93; p 70 years of age. Conclusion: The combined data suggest that the hot and dry climate would favor an acceleration of the process of stone formation, which seems more pronounced in the older population

    The effect of a diet supplement containing S-acetyl-glutathione (SAG) and other antioxidant natural ingredients on glutathione peroxidase in healthy dogs: a pilot study

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    Oxidative stress is common in several human and veterinary conditions and it is associated to alteration of the glutathione peroxidase (GPx) level. GPx is an enzyme present in erythrocytes, kidney, and liver and it has a role in protecting against oxidative damage. In this randomised double-blinded control trial on healthy dogs, we present findings indicating that the administration for a total of 35 days of a supplement containing S-acetyl-glutathione (SAG) alongside other antioxidant natural ingredients, leads to an increase in the GPx level. Furthermore, the supplement positively changes liver blood parameters, even in healthy dogs. These preliminary results hold promise for conducting new studies using the same supplement on dogs affected by liver conditions, thereby confirming its antioxidant effects and the potential improvement of altered blood parameters

    Erythrogram patterns in dogs with chronic kidney disease

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    Anemia is considered a common finding in dogs with chronic kidney disease (CKD), typically as normochromic, normocytic, and non-regenerative. Although anemia can occur at any CKD IRIS (International Renal Interest Society) stage, its severity is related with the loss of kidney function. The aim of the present study was to retrospectively evaluate quantitative and morphological abnormalities of the erythrogram in dogs at different CKD IRIS stages. A total of 482 CBCs from 3648 initially screened were included in the study. Anemia was present in 302/482 (63%) dogs, in the majority of which it was normochromic, normocytic, and non-regenerative (295/302; 98%). The number of reticulocytes was <60,000/mu L in the majority of dogs (248/295; 84%), with a correlation between poor regeneration rate and progression of CKD (p = 0.0001). The frequency of anemia significantly differed (p = 0.0001) among the IRIS stages: 108/231 (47%) in IRIS 2, 77/109 (71%) in IRIS 3, and 117/142 (82%) in IRIS 4. Dogs at IRIS stages 3 and 4 were more likely to have moderate to severe anemia, compared to dogs at IRIS stage 2 (p = 0.0001). Anisocytosis was the most frequent morphological abnormality (291/482; 60%), whereas the presence of poikilocytosis showed an association with progression of IRIS stages (p = 0.009). Among different morphological abnormalities, the frequency of fragmented red blood cells and Howell-Jolly bodies showed a significant association with the progression of CKD. Anemia was a frequent finding in CKD dogs, mostly associated with none to poor regeneration rate. Similar to human medicine, advanced CKD stages are more frequently characterized by morphological alterations, such as fragmented red blood cells and Howell-Jolly bodies, which may suggest a more severe condition of reduced bone marrow activity and microangiopathy

    First evaluation of neutron induced single event effects on the CMS barrel muon electronics

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    Neutron irradiation tests of the currently available electronics for the CMS barrel muon detector were performed using Thermal and fast neutrons at E< 11MeV. The Single Event Upset rate on the Static RAM was measured, while upper limits are derived for events having experienced no failure. The results are used to guess the upper limits on the mean time between failures in the whole barrel muon detector

    Renal Measures in Healthy Italian Trotter Foals and Correlation Between Renal and Biometric Measures: Preliminary Study

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate ultrasonographic renal measures in healthy foals aged 1–6 weeks and to verify the correlation between biometric measures to ultrasonographic renal ones. A total of nine Italian trotter foals born in the same stud farm and underwent similar management conditions were enrolled. Inclusion criteria were normal gestation time, unassisted delivery, and normal physical examination at all evaluation times. Length and height of both kidneys were measured by ultrasound weekly from 1 to 6 weeks of life, along with the thoracic and the middle third of the metacarpal area circumferences. Data were expressed as mean and standard deviation, and distribution was evaluated. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was applied to verify differences related to time. The Pearson correlation test was carried out to evaluate the linearity between time versus all the parameters measured. Student's t test was used to verify differences in ultrasound measures between right and left kidney at all recorded times. The Pearson test was applied to a mean-variance matrix to verify the correlation between each biometrical versus all renal measures. Significance level was set at P <.05. One-way ANOVA showed differences in biometric and renal measures related to time. Correlation test revealed a linear growth. Differences in ultrasound renal measures between right and left kidney were obtained. Correlation was found between biometrical parameters versus kidney measures. Renal measures and differences between left and right kidneys were in line with literature. Correlation test revealed a linear growth. Renal growth is correlated with age and biometric measure
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