328 research outputs found

    Did inflation really soar after the euro cash changeover? Indirect evidence from ATM withdrawals

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    The introduction of the euro notes and coins in the first two months of 2002 was followed by a lively debate on the alleged inflationary effects of the new currency. In Italy, as in the rest of the euro area, survey-based measures signaled a much sharper rise in inflation than measured by the official price indices, whose quality was called into question. In this paper we gather indirect evidence on the behavior of prices from the analysis of cash withdrawals from ATM and their determinants. Since these data do not rely on official inflation statistics, they provide an independent check for the latter. We present a model in which the relationship between aggregate ATM withdrawals and aggregate expenditure is not homogenous of degree one in the price level, a prediction which is strongly supported by the data. This feature allows us to test the hypothesis that, after the introduction of the euro notes and coins, consumer prices underwent an increase not recorded by official inflation statistics. We do not find evidence in support of this hypothesis.banknotes, currency, euro, inflation.

    Multi-Task Attentive Residual Networks for Argument Mining

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    We explore the use of residual networks and neural attention for argument mining and in particular link prediction. The method we propose makes no assumptions on document or argument structure. We propose a residual architecture that exploits attention, multi-task learning, and makes use of ensemble. We evaluate it on a challenging data set consisting of user-generated comments, as well as on two other datasets consisting of scientific publications. On the user-generated content dataset, our model outperforms state-of-the-art methods that rely on domain knowledge. On the scientific literature datasets it achieves results comparable to those yielded by BERT-based approaches but with a much smaller model size.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, submitted to IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning System

    Attention in Natural Language Processing

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    Attention is an increasingly popular mechanism used in a wide range of neural architectures. The mechanism itself has been realized in a variety of formats. However, because of the fast-paced advances in this domain, a systematic overview of attention is still missing. In this article, we define a unified model for attention architectures in natural language processing, with a focus on those designed to work with vector representations of the textual data. We propose a taxonomy of attention models according to four dimensions: the representation of the input, the compatibility function, the distribution function, and the multiplicity of the input and/or output. We present the examples of how prior information can be exploited in attention models and discuss ongoing research efforts and open challenges in the area, providing the first extensive categorization of the vast body of literature in this exciting domain

    Argumentative Link Prediction using Residual Networks and Multi-Objective Learning.

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    We explore the use of residual networks for argumentation mining, with an emphasis on link prediction. We propose a domain-agnostic method that makes no assumptions on document or argument structure. We evaluate our method on a challenging dataset consisting of user-generated comments collected from an online platform. Results show that our model outperforms an equivalent deep network and offers results comparable with state-of-the-art methods that rely on domain knowledge

    Music and medicine

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    Healing sounds have always been considered in the past an important aid in medical practice, and nowadays, medicine has confirmed the efficacy of music therapy in many diseases. The aim of this study is to assess the curative power of music, in the frame of the current clinical relationship

    Neural-Symbolic Argumentation Mining: An Argument in Favor of Deep Learning and Reasoning

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    Deep learning is bringing remarkable contributions to the field of argumentation mining, but the existing approaches still need to fill the gap toward performing advanced reasoning tasks. In this position paper, we posit that neural-symbolic and statistical relational learning could play a crucial role in the integration of symbolic and sub-symbolic methods to achieve this goal

    Aggregation of Simple Linear Dynamics: Exact Asymptotic Results

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    his paper deal with aggregation of AR(1) micro variables driven by a common and idiosyncratic shock with random coefficients. We provide a rigorous analysis, based on results on sums of r.v.'s with a possibly finite first moment, of the aggregate variance and spectral density, as the number of micro units tends to infinity. If the AR coefficients lie below a critical away from unity, the aggregate process may exhibit infinite variance and long memory. Surprisingly, if the key parameter of the density function of the AR coefficients lies below a critical value (high density near unity), common and idiosyncratic components have the same importance in explaining aggregate variance, whereas the usual result, i.e. a vanishing importance of the idiosyncratic component, is obtained when the parameter lies above the critical value (low density near unity). Empirical analysis relative to major U.S. macroeconomic series, both in previous literature and in this paper, provides estimates of the parameter below the critical value.Aggregation, idiosymcratic-driven fluctuations, long memory, nonstationarity.

    Deep Learning for Detecting and Explaining Unfairness in Consumer Contracts

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    Consumer contracts often contain unfair clauses, in apparent violation of the rel- evant legislation. In this paper we present a new methodology for evaluating such clauses in online Terms of Services. We expand a set of tagged documents (terms of service), with a structured corpus where unfair clauses are liked to a knowledge base of rationales for unfairness, and experiment with machine learning methods on this expanded training set. Our experimental study is based on deep neural net- works that aim to combine learning and reasoning tasks, one major example being Memory Networks. Preliminary results show that this approach may not only pro- vide reasons and explanations to the user, but also enhance the automated detection of unfair clauses
