132 research outputs found

    Impact of neurological disorders occurring in neurodegenerative diseases on the conversation process and patients' quality of life

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    Introduction : Dialogue, or conversation, is the ability to speak as well as listen.  It plays a very important role in interpersonal relations.Speech disorders are a group of of disorders that includes various types of speech production difficulties. Speech production depends on the coordination of several motor acts: respiration, phonation, articulation, resonance and prosody. Phonation is the complex activity of producing sound by vibration of the vocal cords.  Resonance is the amplification of sounds at specific frequencies through vibration in the chest, throat and sinuses. Prosody includes a set of phonetic features, such as tone, loudness, tempo, and the overall timbre of speech, which are designed to intended to preserve the meaning and character of speech. Disruption of any of these related elements results in motor speech disorders. Material and method : An overview is presented of language disorders in diseases neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson's disease(PD) and Friedreich's ataxia (FRDA). Their impact on the conversation process and the patient's quality of life assessment was evaluated. The paper was based on scientific publications posted on the PubMed scientific platform. Results : Speech and language disorders are the main symptoms of FRDA, which significantly affect the patients' quality of life. Patients often present with dysarthria, resulting from causes of central and peripheral and additional primary language disorders. The classic speech disorder in PD is hypokinetic dysarthria, manifested by hypophonia; monotonous, uneven and strained speech; reduced prosody (melodic voice); crowded articulation; inadequate pauses in speech; freezing of speech, unclear articulation. Conclusions : The described disease entities show a significant impact on the deterioration of the process of of conversation by the patient, thus showing a significantly negative impact on the patients' quality of life.   &nbsp

    Speech disorders in primary progressive aphasia (PPA)

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    Introduction : Primary progressive aphasia (PPA) is a group of neurodegenerative disorders whose main feature is speech and language dysfunction. There are three main forms of PPA - non-fluent variant - agrammatic (nfvPPA), semantic variant (svPPA) and logopenic variant (lvPPA). These include the canonical syndromes currently recognized by consensus diagnostic criteria. . Material and method : An overview of language disorders in primary progressive aphasia is presented. The impact on the conversation process and the patient's quality of life assessment was evaluated. The work was based on scientific publications posted on the scientific platform PubMed. Results : In order to diagnose PPA, criteria must be met, i.e., language difficulties are the main feature of the clinical picture, language difficulties are the main cause of disability in daily life, and that aphasia is the most significant disorder in the initial period of the disease. Conclusions : PPA significantly affects both the production and comprehension of speech. It affects the idea, content, construction and delivery of the patient's speech. In addition, it causes significant difficulties in the repetition of speech, both full sentences and words alone. Keywords : "speech disorders", "aphasia", "dysarthria", "primary progressive aphasia". &nbsp

    Neurological and neuropsychological post-covid complications

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    Introduction: COVID-19 is an acute respiratory disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. It attacks the respiratory system in particular, however, it can also lead to gastrointestinal or neurological diseases. The disease leads to numerous neurological complications. Material and method: the purpose of this study is to review the neurological and neuropsychological complications that have arisen as a result of COVID-19 outbreak. The literature available on the PubMed scientific platform was reviewed. Time descriptors were set for 2020-2022. Results: Neurological symptoms are mainly due to cerebral hypoxia due to respiratory failure. These include encephalitis, meningitis, encephalopathies, seizures, disorders of consciousness, smell, taste and vision, among others. Neuropsychological complications can also occur. Conclusions: Pulmonary abnormalities, neurological complications and exercise intolerance were frequently identified complications among COVID-19 survivors. The main neurological symptoms reported were fatigue, concentration changes, memory loss, and sleep disturbances. In contrast, the longest-lasting complications were fatigue, loss of concentration or memory, weakness, pain and dizziness. Keywords: "COVID-19", "postcovid neurological symptoms", "neurological complications"

    Opis przypadków postępowania protetycznego w połączeniu z zabiegami fizjoterapeutycznymi u chorych z jatrogennym ograniczeniem odwodzenia żuchwy

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    W wyniku leczenia nowotworów w obrębie twarzowej części czaszki i sąsiednich tkanek, może dochodzić do jatrogennego ograniczenia zakresu odwodzenia żuchwy. Prowadzi to do trudności terapeutycznych i ograniczeń czynnościowych. Cel pracy. Celem pracy był opis przypadków leczenia protetycznego, w połączeniu z zabiegami fizjoterapeutycznymi, u pacjentów z ograniczeniem odwodzenia żuchwy w wyniku wcześniejszego leczenia nowotworu w obrębie głowy i szyi. W każdym opisanym przypadku podjęcie zabiegów fizjoterapeutycznych w celu zwiększenia zasięgu odwodzenia żuchwy było warunkiem przeprowadzenia leczenia protetycznego. W wyniku terapii manualnej oraz regularnych ćwiczeń zaleconych przez fizjoterapeutę, odwodzenie żuchwy zwiększyło się, co umożliwiło wykonanie wycisków i przeprowadzenie rehabilitacji protetycznej. Podsumowanie. Współpraca interdyscyplinarna, a szczególnie włączenie zabiegów fizjoterapeutycznych, pozwala skutecznie rehabilitować chorych okaleczonych w wyniku leczenia choroby nowotworowej zlokalizowanej w obrębie głowy i szyi.Treatment of cancer in the facial part of the skull and neighboring tissues can lead to an iatrogenic reduction in the extent of mandibular movement. This leads to difficulties in therapy and limitations in function. Aim of the study. To describe cases of prosthetic treatment involving physiotherapy in patients with reduction of mandibular movement as a result of the treatment of head and neck cancer. In every case described here, physiotherapeutic procedures to improve the extent of mandibular abduction were a prerequisite to prosthetic treatment. As a result of manual therapy and regular exercises prescribed by a physiotherapist, mandibular movement increased, which enabled taking impressions and undertaking prosthetic rehabilitation. Conclusion. Interdisciplinary cooperation, particularly the inclusion of physiotherapeutic procedures, enables effective rehabilitation of patients who have been affected by treatment of cancer located in the head and neck region

    Tissue mitral annular displacement — a novel technique for rapid quantitative assessment of global left ventricular systolic function based on speckle-tracking algorithm

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    Wstęp. Tkankowe przemieszczenie pierścienia mitralnego (TMAD) jest nową techniką szybkiej oceny funkcji skurczowej mięśnia lewej komory opartą na śledzeniu markerów akustycznych. Pozwala ona na ocenę przemieszczenia pierścienia mitralnego w stosunku do koniuszka w typowych projekcjach koniuszkowych (cztero- i dwujamowej).Celem pracy było porównanie parametrów otrzymanych przy użyciu TMAD z analizą trójwymiarowego (3D) pomiaru frakcji wyrzutowej lewej komory (LVEF) jako metody referencyjnej.Materiał i metody. Badaniem objęto 49 pacjentów (w tym 33 mężczyzn, średni wiek 65 ± 10 lat) hospitalizowanychz powodu bólów stenokardialnych, których poddano przezklatkowemu badaniu echokardiograficznemu z oceną LVEF 3D podczas analizy off-line na podstawie zbiorów uzyskanych z badania. Poza tym dokonano pomiarów przemieszczenia skurczowego pierścienia mitralnego przy użyciu algorytmu TMAD u wszystkich pacjentów.Wyniki. Ze względu niewystarczającą dla funkcji śledzenia markerów akustycznych jakość obrazu z badania wykluczono 5 pacjentów. Analiza TMAD w jednej z projekcji koniuszkowych zajęła przeciętnie 10 ± 4 s. Średnia wartość LVEF wyniosła 46,0% ± 12,3%. W grupie badanych pacjentów otrzymano istotną statystycznie korelację między LVEF a przemieszczeniem środka pierścienia mitralnego w kierunku koniuszka w projekcji koniuszkowej czterojamowej (r = 0,57; p &lt; 0,0001) oraz procentowym przemieszczeniem pierścienia w kierunku koniuszka (r = 0,63; p &lt; 0,0001). Porównywalne wyniki otrzymano dla przemieszczenia środka pierścienia mitralnego w kierunku koniuszka w projekcji koniuszkowej dwujamowej (r = 0,6; p &lt; 0,0001) oraz jego wartości procentowej (r = 0,65; p &lt; 0,0001).Wnioski. Pomiar skurczowego przemieszczenia pierścienia mitralnego przy użyciu algorytmu TMAD koreluje z referencyjnym pomiarem LVEF 3D, ale technika ta wymaga zbioru danych bardzo dobrej jakości.Introduction. Tissue mitral annular displacement (TMAD) is a new technique for rapid quantitative assessment of global left ventricular function based on tracking of acoustic markers. It allows for the assessment of mitral annulus displacement relative to the apex, based on standard apical views. Objective was to assess the feasibility and accuracy of measurements obtained with TMAD technique for the analysis of global left ventricular function using three-dimensional (3D) left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) measurements as a reference technique. Material and methods. The study included 49 patients (33 men, mean age 65 ± 10 years) admitted with stenocardia, who underwent two-dimensional and 3D transthoracic echocardiography with off-line measurement of LVEF using 3D datasets. Furthermore, measurements of mitral annulus displacement relative to apex with a TMAD algorithm were performed in all patients. Results. Due to the suboptimal quality of the data, insufficient for tracking the acoustic markers by the TMAD algorithm, 5 patients were excluded. TMAD analysis of one apical view took 10 ± 4 s. Mean LVEF was 46.0% ± 12.3%. Among this group of patients there was a statistically significant correlation between LVEF and the midpoint mitral annulus displacement towards the apex in the apical four-chamber view (r = 0.57, p < 0.0001) and the percentage of the midpoint mitral annulus displacement (r = 0.63, p < 0.0001). A similar correlation was observed between midpoint mitral annulus displacement in the apical two-chamber view (r = 0.6, p < 0.0001) and the percentage of the midpoint mitral annulus displacement (r = 0.65, p < 0.0001). Conclusion. Measurement of midpoint mitral annulus displacement by TMAD technique is very rapid and provides satisfactory correlation with 3D LVEF measurements. This technique, however, requires echocardiographic recording of good quality

    Ocena stężenia adypocytokin u dzieci z przewlekłą chorobą nerek

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    Introduction: Adipose tissue through the many secreted adipocytokines creates a highly active metabolic and endocrine organ. The evaluationof serum adipocytokine concentration in children with chronic kidney disease (CKD) could serve as a marker of cardio-vascularcomplication progression and an index of outcome in adulthood and after kidney transplantation.Material and methods: The aim of the study was to evaluate simultaneously the serum concentrations of six different adipocytokines:adiponectin, apelin, chemerin, omentin, resistin, and vaspin, in 28 children with CKD stage 5 on haemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis.Results: The concentration of apelin, omentin, and resistin in children with CKD was significantly higher and the concentration ofvaspin, adiponectin, and chemerin was significantly lower than in the control group. After adjusting to body mass index (BMI), the sameresults were obtained. After adjusting to body surface area (BSA), the concentration of vaspin, adiponectin, and chemerin did not differbetween children with CKD and the control group. In analysis of the correlation between serum total adipocytokine levels in childrenwith CKD we found a negative relationship in pairs: omentin–apelin and omentin–vaspin, and positive in pairs: adiponectin–chemerinand adiponectin–resistin.Conclusions: Our results show that changes in serum adipocytokines concentration are associated with the kidney dysfunction in CKDin children. Longitudinal studies on larger groups of paediatric cohorts would be helpful in investigating whether adipocytokines playa harmful role in the development of CKD and would enable further understanding of the risk factors for CKD progression.(Endokrynol Pol 2015; 66 (2): 100–107)Wstęp: Tkanka tłuszczowa poprzez wydzielane liczne adipocytokiny tworzy narząd bardzo aktywny metabolicznie i hormonalnie. Ocena stężenia adipocytokin w surowicy krwi u dzieci z przewlekłą chorobą nerek (CKD) może służyć jako marker progresji powikłań sercowo-naczyniowych i wskaźnik rokowniczy w wieku dorosłym i po przeszczepie nerki.Materiał i metody: Celem pracy była ocena stężenia w surowicy krwi jednocześnie sześciu różnych adipocytokin: adiponektyny, apeliny, chemeryny, omentyny, rezystyny i waspiny u 28 dzieci z CKD w stadium 5. leczonych hemodializami i dializą otrzewnową.Wyniki: Stężenie apeliny, omentyny i rezystyny u dzieci z CKD było znacząco wyższe, stężenie waspiny adiponektyny, chemeryny było znacząco niższe niż w grupie kontrolnej. Po skorygowaniu do wartości BMI uzyskano takie same wyniki. Po skorygowaniu do wartości powierzchni ciała stężenia waspiny, adiponektyny i chemeryny nie różniły się u dzieci z CKD i w grupie kontrolnej. W analizie korelacji pomiędzy całkowitym stężeniem adipocytokin w surowicy krwi u dzieci z CKD stwierdzono ujemną zależność w parach: omentyna–apelina i omentyna–waspina i pozytywną w parach: adiponektyna–chemeryna, rezystyna–adiponektyna.Wnioski: Wyniki przedstawionego badania wskazują, że zmiany stężenia adipocytokin w surowicy krwi są związane z upośledzeniem czynności nerek w CKD u dzieci. Długoterminowe badania w większych grupach pediatrycznych byłyby pomocne w wyjaśnieniu, czy adipocytokiny odgrywają niekorzystną rolę w rozwoju CKD, oraz umożliwiłyby dalsze zrozumienie czynników ryzyka progresji CKD. (Endokrynol Pol 2015; 66 (2): 100–107

    What do we know about rosacea? - pathophysiology and treatment

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    Introduction: rosacea affects approximately 10% of the world's population. It is a recurrent, inflammatory dermatosis that is difficult to deal with despite treatment. Material and methods: literature review from PubMed databases from 2017-2022. Conclusions: It is very difficult to find the cause of acne lesions. What is certain is that various factors overlap: genetic, environmental, immunological disorders, intestinal abnormalities, dietary factors. New treatments are constantly being sought. The overall health of the organism is very important in maintaining the proper function of every organ, but also of the skin - as a barrier against rosacea

    Molecular spectroscopic markers of abnormal protein aggregation

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    Abnormal protein aggregation has been intensively studied for over 40 years and broadly discussed in the literature due to its significant role in neurodegenerative diseases etiology. Structural reorganization and conformational changes of the secondary structure upon the aggregation determine aggregation pathways and cytotoxicity of the aggregates, and therefore, numerous analytical techniques are employed for a deep investigation into the secondary structure of abnormal protein aggregates. Molecular spectroscopies, including Raman and infrared ones, are routinely applied in such studies. Recently, the nanoscale spatial resolution of tip-enhanced Raman and infrared nanospectroscopies, as well as the high sensitivity of the surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy, have brought new insights into our knowledge of abnormal protein aggregation. In this review, we order and summarize all nano- and micro-spectroscopic marker bands related to abnormal aggregation. Each part presents the physical principles of each particular spectroscopic technique listed above and a concise description of all spectral markers detected with these techniques in the spectra of neurodegenerative proteins and their model systems. Finally, a section concerning the application of multivariate data analysis for extraction of the spectral marker bands is included

    Dodatkowa masa na elektrodzie wewnątrzsercowej &#8212; wątpliwości diagnostyczne i wybór postępowania leczniczego

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    We describe a case of a 30 year-old female with implantable cardioverter-defibrillator. One and a half year later the patient suffered from endocarditis und undevent surgery. The factor V Leiden mutation was diagnosed. Diagnosis and treatment of device-related interactive complications is discussed.We describe a case of a 30 year-old female with implantable cardioverter-defibrillator. One and a half year later the patient suffered from endocarditis und undevent surgery. The factor V Leiden mutation was diagnosed. Diagnosis and treatment of device-related interactive complications is discussed