11 research outputs found

    Udział kobiet w protestach przeciwko juncie wojskowej w Mjanmie w 2021 roku

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    Artykuł ma na celu przybliżenie wydarzeń związanych z zamachem stanu w Mjanmie w 2021 roku oraz ukazanie roli kobiet uczestniczących w protestach przeciwko temu przewrotowi. Państwo birmańskie od momentu wyzwolenia się spod jarzma władzy kolonialnej i uzyskania niepodległości boryka się z wieloma problemami. Jednym z nich jest ciągła aktywność junty wojskowej w polityce kraju. Junta rządziła państwem nieprzerwanie od roku 1962 do 2011, kiedy to władzę przejęła partia demokratyczna i ustanowiono cywilnego przywódcę. Czas demokracji nie potrwał jednak długo, ponieważ 1 lutego 2021 roku junta dokonała zamachu stanu i ponownie przejęła władzę. Spotkało się to z niezadowoleniem obywateli, zaczęli organizować prodemokratyczne protesty i stawiać opór reżimowi. Jedną z czołowych grup były kobiety. Stanowiły ponad połowę protestujących i często były liderkami marszów protestacyjnych. Ich wysoka aktywność w protestach wynikała nie tylko z chęci obalenia junty, ale także z potrzeby walki o prawa równościowe w patriarchalnym społeczeństwie

    Leisure activities and feelings of stress in the workplace. The mediating role of emotional reactivity and activity

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between being stressed in the work environment and different leisure activities, also whether specific temperamental characteristics compatible with Regulative Theory of Temperament by Strelau - emotional reactivity and activity – influence the connection between above mentioned variables in a major way. The study included 124 professionally active participants with age ranging from 18 through to 65 years old. It was conducted through paper-pencil method in stationary mode using three tools: Formal Characteristics of Behaviour – Temperament Questionnaire Revised Version, Subjective Work Assessment Questionnaire and Free Time Spending Questionnaire. Results showed that as the level of stress at work increases, relaxation and physical activity decreases, as well as activity, while emotional reactivity increases. At the same time, the higher the relaxation and physical activity, the higher level of activity and the lower emotional reactivity. Moreover, those two temperament traits can modify the relationship between leisure and workplace stress

    POSS Fillers as a Factor Influencing on Viscoelastic Properties, Crystallization, and Thermo-Oxidative Degradation of Poly(Lactic Acid)-Epoxidized Natural Rubber PLA/ENR Blend

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    Polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes (POSS) can be considered as the smallest silica particles that contain an inorganic cage-like silicon-oxygen structure surrounded by organic substituents. POSS are known to be reinforcing fillers able to enhance the fire retardancy and to increase the thermo-oxidative stability. The application of POSS with various functional groups and their effect on the properties of poly(lactic acid) (PLA) is analyzed based on the literature review. The influence of POSS with hydroxyl and glycidyl groups on the viscoelastic properties, crystallization, and thermo-oxidative degradation of PLA containing various contents of natural rubber ENR is discussed. The application of POSS with hydroxyl and glycidyl groups as an additive enhancing compatibility of PLA toughened by epoxidized rubber (ENR) is described. It is reported that POSS molecules with hydroxyl groups can enhance the thermo-oxidative stability of PLA melt

    The current possible treatment approaches of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

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    Introduction             Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), first described by Stein and Leventhal in 1935, is one of the most prevalent endocrine system conditions affecting women of reproductive age. It affects between 6% and 13% of women and the majority of cases are identified between the ages of 20 and 30. Unfortunately, the disease is usually diagnosed only when bothersome symptoms such as hair loss, alopecia, acne, and infertility-related problems occur. Based on the Rotterdam criteria, four phenotypes of PCOS are distinguished. Aim of the study             This review aims to present the current state of knowledge about possible treatment approaches, both non-pharmacological and pharmacological. Materials and methods            The paper was created based on the Pubmed database. The literature was reviewed using the keywords: ”PCOS”, ”PCOS treatment” and “ PCOS medications “. The current state of knowledge           Treatments for PCOS must be tailored to the specific needs of each patient. In the management of PCOS, special attention is paid to diet, physical activity, and restoration of the Gut Microbiome. Medications used in therapy are oral contraceptives and anti-androgens, insulin sensitizers, ovulation inducers, calcium and vitamin D supplements, statins, Glucagon-like-peptide-1 (GLP-1) agonists, inositols and interleukin 22 (IL-22)  therapy. Summary            Treatment options for menstrual irregularities and hirsutism are based on the clinical goals and preferences of the patient. The ideal would be causal treatment, but due to the ongoing lack of full understanding of the pathogenesis of the syndrome, is not entirely feasible. The ideal would be causal treatment, but due to the ongoing lack of full understanding of the pathogenesis of the syndrome, is not entirely feasible. The most important is a multimodal approach to treat comorbid conditions such as diabetes mellitus type 2, obesity, hyperlipidemia, depression, and infertility

    The multimodal approach to obesity treatment – current pharmacological and surgical methods and lifestyle changes

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    Introduction            Obesity is one of the major health problems of today’s population and is defined as a body mass index ≥ 30 kg/m2.  It is known that obesity may cause many complications such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, osteoarthritis, obstructive sleep, apnoea, and several cancers. The only effective treatment of obesity can be pharmacological or surgical, especially when a years-long attempt to change habits has had no effects.  Aim of the study This review aims to present the current state of knowledge about non-pharmacological and pharmacological obesity treatment methods. Materials and methods            The paper was created based on the Pubmed database. The literature was reviewed using the keywords: ”obesity”, ”obesity treatment”, “ obesity lifestyle changes”, “obesity medications” and ”obesity surgery”. The current state of knowledge           The treatment of obesity requires a multimodal approach to treatment, including the addition of anti-obesity medications or bariatric surgery, or both, to assist people in reaching and sustaining sufficient weight loss to meet treatment goals. The 3 principal components of a comprehensive lifestyle intervention are diet, physical activity, and behavioral therapy. Among available anti-obesity medications include orlistat, phentermine, topiramate, naltrexone, bupropion, liraglutide, and semaglutide. Summary            The key challenge in the treatment of obesity is to maintain the effects obtained with multimodal therapy. Without proper motivation of patients and changes in eating and behavioral habits, it is impossible to achieve optimal results, therefore, in addition to medical interventions, more and more attention should be paid to psychological interventions

    Women’s Participation in Protests Against the Military Junta in Myanmar in 2021

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    Artykuł ma na celu przybliżenie wydarzeń związanych z zamachem stanu w Mjanmie w 2021 roku oraz ukazanie roli kobiet uczestniczących w protestach przeciwko temu przewrotowi. Państwo birmańskie od momentu wyzwolenia się spod jarzma władzy kolonialnej i uzyskania niepodległości boryka się z wieloma problemami. Jednym z nich jest ciągła aktywność junty wojskowej w polityce kraju. Junta rządziła państwem nieprzerwanie od roku 1962 do 2011, kiedy to władzę przejęła partia demokratyczna i ustanowiono cywilnego przywódcę. Czas demokracji nie potrwał jednak długo, ponieważ 1 lutego 2021 roku junta dokonała zamachu stanu i ponownie przejęła władzę. Spotkało się to z niezadowoleniem obywateli, zaczęli organizować prodemokratyczne protesty i stawiać opór reżimowi. Jedną z czołowych grup były kobiety. Stanowiły ponad połowę protestujących i często były liderkami marszów protestacyjnych. Ich wysoka aktywność w protestach wynikała nie tylko z chęci obalenia junty, ale także z potrzeby walki o prawa równościowe w patriarchalnym społeczeństwie.The article aims to present the events related to the coup d’état in Myanmar in 2021 and the role of women participating in the protests against this coup. The Burmese state has been struggling with many problems since its independence from the colonial rule. One of them is the continued activity of the military junta in the country’s politics. The junta ruled the country continuously from 1962 to 2011, when a democratic party took power and a civilian leader was appointed. However, the time of democracy did not last long, because on February 1, 2021, the junta staged a coup d’état and took power again. This met with discontent among the citizens, who began organizing pro-democracy protests and resisting the regime. One of the leading groups of protesters were women. They accounted for more than half of the protesters and were often the leaders of protest marches. Their high activity in protests results not only from the desire to overthrow the junta, but also from the need to fight for equality rights in a patriarchal country

    „Hættu nú að tala pólsku, þú ert á Íslandi“ : reynsla fimm mæðra af menntunarferli tvítyngdra barna þeirra

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    Þetta er lokaverkefni til BA-prófs í Þroskaþjálfafræði við Menntavísindasvið Háskóla Íslands vorið 2022. Verkefnið fjallar um menntunarferli tvítyngdra barna á Íslandi og í rannsókninni verður skoðað hvaða hindranir og annmarka foreldrar tvítyngdra barna upplifa þegar kemur að menntun barna þeirra. Á undanförnum árum hefur það færst í aukana að fólk flytjist búferlum á milli landa. Það hefur orðið til þess að tví- og fjöltyngdum börnum í íslensku menntakerfi hefur fjölgað umtalsvert. Það er nauðsynlegt að mæta þörfum þessara barna með viðeigandi stuðningi og aðstoð. Mikilvægt er að börnin nái góðum tökum á móðurmálinu til þess að gera þeim auðveldara að læra annað tungumál. Markmiðið með þessu verkefni er að sýna fram á mikilvægi móðurmálsins og mikilvægi þess að skólinn efli færni barna í báðum eða öllum tungumálum. Rannsóknin byggir á hugsmíðahyggju og notast verður við eigindlega rannsóknaraðferð, tekin verða hálfstöðluð einstaklingsviðtöl við fimm pólskar mæður. Þá verður leitast við að svara því hver reynsla þeirra er af menntunarferli barna þeirra. Fjallað er um niðurstöður í samhengi við hugtök eins og tvítyngi, móðurmál og fjölmenningu. Hlutverk og stefnur skóla þegar kemur að virku tvítyngi og menntun tvítyngdra barna verða skoðuð út frá hugmyndafræði um fjölmenningarlega menntun og skóla án aðgreiningar. Þá verður jafnframt litið til sjálfsmyndar og stöðu tvítyngdra barna í menntakerfinu auk áhrifa þjóðernishyggju, útlendingahræðslu, öráreitni og fordóma á menntakerfið. Þá verður jafnframt horft á niðurstöðurnar með tilliti til aðalnámskrár og laga og reglugerða sem tengjast menntunarferli barna á Íslandi. Niðurstöður rannsóknarinnar benda til að ekki sé nægilega vel hugað að samvinnu og samskiptum á milli foreldra og skóla, auk þess sem ekki er nægilega vel hlúð að virku tvítyngi hjá börum af erlendum uppruna

    Infantile seborrheic dermatitis differential diagnosis based on case report

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    Infantile seborrheic dermatitis often occurs during the first three months of life and most frequently presents as erythema and greasy scales located especially on the scalp (commonly called “cradle cap”). Usually, it is a mild, self-limiting condition. The severe, erythrodermic clinical appearance is rare and often demands differential diagnosis with other more serious skin conditions. We report a case of severe seborrheic dermatitis in an infant. A 5-weeks male infant presented with erythrodermic scaling lesions and exfoliation of the outermost layer of the epidermis, which had appeared after birth. Greasy scales were observed on the scalp, eyelids, and face accompanied by inflammation of the eyelids. Moreover, erythematous, well-demarcated lesions were noticed in the neck folds, behind the ears, in the axillary region, and diaper area. Considering the severe clinical appearance, additional tests such as skin biopsy and genetic analysis were performed to exclude other possible causes such as atopic dermatitis, Langerhans histiocytosis, congenital ichthyosis, and psoriasis. Based on clinical presentation and additional test results, infantile seborrheic dermatitis seemed to be the most probable diagnosis. The treatment including 1% tannic acid, 0.5% erythromycin eye cream, clotrimazole cream, hydrocortisone cream, and emollients was started in the hospital with a good response. After a month of therapy, the patient was re-admitted for the follow-up, with further improvement of the skin condition. It is essential to remember that the dermatoses that we should take into consideration during the differential diagnosis of severe infantile seborrheic dermatitis are atopic dermatitis, Langerhans histiocytosis, congenital ichthyosis, and psoriasis

    Diagnostyka różnicowa łojotokowego zapalenia skóry u niemowląt — opis przypadku

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    Łojotokowe zapalenie skóry u niemowląt często występuje w ciągu pierwszych trzech miesięcy życia i najczęściej objawia się rumieniem oraz obecnością tłustych łusek występujących zwłaszcza na skórze głowy (potocznie nazywanych „ciemieniuchą”). Zazwyczaj ma charakter łagodny i samoograniczający się. Ciężka, erytrodermiczna postać kliniczna jest rzadka i często wymaga diagnostyki różnicowej z innymi poważniejszymi chorobami skóry. W niniejszej pracy opisano przypadek ciężkiego łojotokowego zapalenia skóry u niemowlęcia. U pięciotygodniowego dziecka płci męskiej pojawiły się po urodzeniu erytrodermiczne zmiany skórne i złuszczanie zewnętrznej warstwy naskórka. Na skórze głowy, powiekach i twarzy zaobserwowano tłuste łuski, którym towarzyszył stan zapalny powiek. Ponadto stwierdzono dobrze odgraniczone zmiany rumieniowe w fałdach szyi, za uszami, w okolicy pach i okolicy pieluszkowej. Ze względu na ciężką postać kliniczną choroby wykonano dodatkowe badania, takie jak biopsja skóry i analiza genetyczna. Celem tego było wykluczenie innych możliwych przyczyn, takich jak atopowe zapalenie skóry, histiocytoza Langerhansa, wrodzona rybia łuska i łuszczyca. Na podstawie obrazu klinicznego i wyników badań dodatkowych za najbardziej prawdopodobną diagnozę uznano łojotokowe zapalenie skóry niemowląt. Pacjent wykazał dobrą odpowiedź na rozpoczęte w szpitalu leczenie obejmujące 1-procentowy kwas taninowy, 0,5-procentowy krem pod oczy z erytromycyną, krem z klotrimazolem, krem z hydrokortyzonem i emolienty. Po miesiącu leczenia przeprowadzono badanie kontrolne, stwierdzając dalszą poprawę stanu skóry. Należy pamiętać, że dermatozami, które trzeba wziąć pod uwagę podczas diagnostyki różnicowej ciężkiego łojotokowego zapalenia skóry u niemowląt są atopowe zapalenie skóry, histiocytoza Langerhansa, wrodzona rybia łuska i łuszczyca