66 research outputs found

    Russian regions in the transformed economic space

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    The Russian economic space has been transformed during the reforms of 1992-1997. The principal force of this transformation is the new price system, the transition from the old "low-level"system towards the new "high-level" one. The old system was crystallized in the 1930s and was characterized by the low level of prices on labour, goods and services (as well as by their permanent shortage and low quality. The main spatial consequences of this transformation are: 1) The closing of the local and regional markets as a result of a many thousands times growth of energy prices and transportation costs. 2) A disintegration of the national economic space and a reorientation of the regional trade flows, especially in the distant Russian regions. 3) A deep decline of the Northern regions. 4) A high growth of the new activities (finance, commerce. real estate) in the city of Moscow and in some other macroregional centres. 5) A strong economic differentiation between Russian regions that is caused by the industrial structure of the regional economy (the most favourable branches are those that have an export orientation - oil and gas extraction, metallurgy, some sub-branches of chemical industry).

    Forecasting Russian regional social-economic development and its adaptation to the world economy

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    The combination of modern economic-geographical methods and methodological approaches is used for the social-economic forecasting. The two-dimensional language reguires the simultaneous description of basic characteristics of the object (system or process) and its distinct positioning on the territory and on the taxonomic scale of the spatial hierarchy. It provides the framework for methodological unity. The spatial analysis includes both the oldest comparative-geographical methods and the modern mathematical. These methods provide an adequate analysis of Russian social-economic regularities. Mathematical statistics was used to reveal the gobal synergetic effects that determine spatial development of the three main types of states, i.e. developed, developing and transitional economies. The paper shows that the fundamental feature of the Russian economy is the abolition of the low prices' system, which determined the overall Russian reality until 1992 and the deep inequilibrium of the supply prices today. This inequilibrium caused the disintegration of the Russian economic space, the local and regional market autonomy, and the flows of goods and passengers under their abrupt decline and redistribution. Under these conditions there are two main development trajectories for Russia: a) an inertia oriented towards the raw material production, with limited defense of the Russian market in the coordination with the WTO principles; b) an orientation towards innovational activities without a refuse from the support of the traditional exports and import substitute industries (taking into account their economic efficiency). The paper discusses mostly the second trajectory.

    Dialogue of cultures in the context of globalization : an ethnic aspect

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    The article touches upon the range of problems concerning globalization of culture and the way globalization influences the process of the world development in its sociocultural and ethnic aspects. Much attention is paid to the necessity of the interaction of cultures, their dialogue which may serve as basis for the development of interethnic relations. The fact that a distinctive feature of the modern world is the transition to a new qualitative state of society, which is characterized by a sharp increase in information processes is underlined too. The process of creating a new information culture is not easy at all because it is based on the confrontation of national interests but it is very important for assistance in the issue of dialogue of cultures.peer-reviewe

    Challenges of an innovative economy in the context of the growing competitiveness of the information services sector

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    In the century of the global information society and innovation economy, the introduction of modern computer and telecommunication technologies in almost all spheres of human life and activities, has led to the formation of a single space using information services. In the context of information development in an innovative economy, information is becoming an increasingly important and integral part of every competitive company. In innovation economics, this component is becoming the subject of the rapid development of communications, telecommunications, computer and information technologies. By increasing information and intellectual abilities in various market spheres of economic activity of companies, an innovative economy increases its competitive advantages and, consequently, its competitive potential, since its elementary composition receives multilateral economic, personnel, organizational and information support. Information services are considered one of the most promising areas of an innovative economy and their further development is based not only on the timely creation, but also on the implementation of innovations

    Одержання моделей комбінованих імунобіологічних препаратів, що володіють противірусною та імунокорегуючою дією для забезпечення протективного імунітету

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    У статті розглянуто імунобіологічна активність людського гранулоцитарного колоніє стимулюючого фактора Г-КСФ (Філстим), інтерферону α-2b рекомбінантного (Лаферобіон), Герпевіру (міжнародна назва Ацикловір) та нанорозмірного біополімеру клітинної стінки Staphylococcus aureus. Також проаналізовано впливи моделей комбінованих імунобіологічних препаратів для забезпечення протективного імунітету та оптимізацію процесу виробництва препарату, що володіє противірусною, імуномодулюючою та імунокорегуючою дією. Показано, що при комбінованому застосуванні досліджуваного біополімера стафілокока (білку-адгезину ЕАР) та фармацевтичних препаратів спостерігали синергізм дії по імуномодулюючим властивостями, продукції захисних цитокінів та забезпеченні протективного імунітету. Отже отриманий нанорозмірний біополімер може бути використаний для моделювання біофармацевтичних препаратів з подібними властивостями.The article discusses the immunobiological activity of human granulocyte colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) (Filsm), recombinant interferon α-2b (Laferobion), Herpevir (international name Acyclovir) and nano-sized cell wall biopolymer of Staphylococcus aureus. We analyzed the effect of the combinations of these drugs on the development of protective immunity and conducted optimization of the drug production process to achieve antiviral, immunomodulatory and immuneregulating effects. Application of the staphylococcal adherence protein (EAP) biopolymer in combination with aforementioned drugs resulted in synergistic immunomodulatory activity, production of protective cytokines, and enhancement of protective immunity. Thus, a nano-sized biopolymer can be used to potentiate other drugs with similar properties

    Use of Thrombodynamics for revealing the participation of platelet, erythrocyte, endothelial, and monocyte microparticles in coagulation activation and propagation

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    Background and objective: For many pathological states, microparticles are supposed to be one of the causes of hyper-coagulation. Although there are some indirect data about microparticles participation in coagulation activation and propagation, the integral hemostasis test Thrombodynamics allows to measure micropaticles participation in these two coagulation phases directly. Demonstrates microparticles participation in coagulation activation by influence on the appearance of coagulation centres in the plasma volume and the rate of clot growth from the surface with immobilized tissue factor.Methods: Microparticles were obtained from platelets and erythrocytes by stimulation with thrombin receptor-activating peptide (SFLLRN) and calcium ionophore (A23187), respectively, from monocytes, endothelial HUVEC culture and monocytic THP cell culture by stimulation with lipopolysaccharides. Microparticles were counted by flow cytometry and titrated in microparticle-depleted normal plasma in the Thrombodynamics test.Results: Monocyte microparticles induced the appearance of clotting centres through the TF pathway at concentrations approximately 100-fold lower than platelet and erythrocyte microparticles, which activated plasma by the contact pathway. For endothelial microparticles, both activation pathways were essential, and their activity was intermediate. Monocyte microparticles induced plasma clotting by the appearance of hundreds of clots with an extremely slow growth rate, while erythrocyte microparticles induced the appearance of a few clots with a growth rate similar to that from surface covered with high-density tissue factor. Patterns of clotting induced by platelet and endothelial microparticles were intermediate. Platelet, erythrocyte and endothelial microparticles impacts on the rate of clot growth from the surface with tissue factor did not differ significantly within the 0-200-10(3)/ulrange of microparticles concentrations. However, at concentrations greater than 500.10(3)/mu l, erythrocyte microparticles increased the stationary clot growth rate to significantly higher levels than do platelet microparticles or artificial phospholipid vesicles consisting of phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylserine.Conclusion: Microparticles of different origins demonstrated qualitatively different characteristics related to coagulation activation and propagation.</div

    The effect of sepsis and its inflammatory response on mechanical clot characteristics: a prospective observational study

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    Purpose: Sepsis and its progression are known to have a major influence on the coagulation system. Current coagulation tests are of limited use when assessing coagulation in sepsis patients. This study aims to assess the potential for a new functional biomarker of clot microstructure, fractal dimension, to identify changes in the mechanical properties of clot microstructure across the sepsis spectrum (sepsis, severe sepsis and septic shock). Methods: A total of 100 patients that presented acutely to a large teaching hospital were included in this prospective observational study (50 sepsis, 20 severe sepsis and 30 septic shock) against a matched control of 44 healthy volunteers. Fractal analysis was performed, as well as standard markers of coagulation, and six plasma markers of inflammation. Results: Fractal dimension was significantly higher in the sepsis and severe sepsis groups than the healthy control (1.78 ± 0.07 and 1.80 ± 0.05 respectively vs 1.74 ± 0.03) (p < 0.001), indicating a significant increase in mechanical clot strength and elasticity consistent with a hypercoagulable state. Conversely, fractal dimension was significantly lower in septic shock (1.66 ± 0.10, p < 0.001), indicating a significant reduction in mechanical clot strength and functionality consistent with a hypocoagulable state. This corresponded with a significant increase in the inflammatory response. Conclusions: This study confirms that clot microstructure is significantly altered through the various stages of sepsis. Of particular importance was the marked change in clot development between severe sepsis and septic shock, which has not been previously reported

    Integrated laboratory coagulation tests in hypercoagulation diagnosis and thrombosis risk assessment. Part II. The sensitivity of integral tests to hypercoagulable states

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    In the second part we present a review of the existing data about ability of integrated tests, as already introduced in clinical practice, and the new (test of thrombin generation, thromboelastography, thrombodynamics, perfusion chamber) to assess the risk of thrombosis in different pathologies. We can conclude that the existing integrated tests can be an important tool in the diagnosis of hypercoagulation. However, lack of standardization prevents their use: various tests and modifications of each test are different in sensitivity and specificity for each pathological condition. Furthermore, even in situations where the tests can reliably identify a group of patients with different degrees of thrombosis risk, their use in clinical practice is often difficult, since the differences between these groups were statistically significant, but the normal range and patients significantly overlap