1,122 research outputs found

    The Behaviour of the Green Function for the BFKL Pomeron with Running Coupling

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    We analyse here in LO the physical properties of the Green function solution for the BFKL equation. We show that the solution obeys the orthonormality conditions in the physical region and fulfills the completeness requirements. The unintegrated gluon density is shown to consists of a set of few poles with parameters which could be determined by comparison with the DIS data of high precision

    Indirect Evidence for New Physics at the 10 TeV Scale

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    We show that the supersymmetric extension of the Standard Model modifies the structure of the low lying BFKL discrete pomeron states (DPS) which give a sizable contribution to the gluon structure function in the HERA x and Q2 region. The comparison of the gluon density, determined within DPS with N=1 SUSY, with data favours a supersymmetry scale of the order of 10 TeV. The DPS method described here could open a new window to the physics beyond the Standard Model.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figure

    Effective action for the Regge processes in gravity

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    It is shown, that the effective action for the reggeized graviton interactions can be formulated in terms of the reggeon fields A++A^{++} and AA^{--} and the metric tensor gμνg_{\mu \nu} in such a way, that it is local in the rapidity space and has the property of general covariance. The corresponding effective currents jj^{-} and j+j^{+} satisfy the Hamilton-Jacobi equation for a massless particle moving in the gravitational field. These currents are calculated explicitly for the shock wave-like fields and a variation principle for them is formulated. As an application, we reproduce the effective lagrangian for the multi-regge processes in gravity together with the graviton Regge trajectory in the leading logarithmic approximation with taking into account supersymmetric contributions.Comment: 39 page

    Effective Action for High-Energy Scattering in Gravity

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    The multi-Regge effective action is derived directly from the linearized gravity action. After excluding the redundant field components we separate the fields into momentum modes and integrate over modes which correspond neither to the kinematics of scattering nor to the one of exchanged particles. The effective vertices of scattering and of particle production are obtained as sums of the contributions from the triple and quartic interaction terms and the fields in the effective action are defined in terms of the two physical components of the metric fluctuation.Comment: 15 pages, LATE

    Order-dependent mappings: strong coupling behaviour from weak coupling expansions in non-Hermitian theories

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    A long time ago, it has been conjectured that a Hamiltonian with a potential of the form x^2+i v x^3, v real, has a real spectrum. This conjecture has been generalized to a class of so-called PT symmetric Hamiltonians and some proofs have been given. Here, we show by numerical investigation that the divergent perturbation series can be summed efficiently by an order-dependent mapping (ODM) in the whole complex plane of the coupling parameter v^2, and that some information about the location of level crossing singularities can be obtained in this way. Furthermore, we discuss to which accuracy the strong-coupling limit can be obtained from the initially weak-coupling perturbative expansion, by the ODM summation method. The basic idea of the ODM summation method is the notion of order-dependent "local" disk of convergence and analytic continuation by an order-dependent mapping of the domain of analyticity augmented by the local disk of convergence onto a circle. In the limit of vanishing local radius of convergence, which is the limit of high transformation order, convergence is demonstrated both by numerical evidence as well as by analytic estimates.Comment: 11 pages; 12 figure

    Multi-Instantons and Exact Results II: Specific Cases, Higher-Order Effects, and Numerical Calculations

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    In this second part of the treatment of instantons in quantum mechanics, the focus is on specific calculations related to a number of quantum mechanical potentials with degenerate minima. We calculate the leading multi-instanton constributions to the partition function, using the formalism introduced in the first part of the treatise [J. Zinn-Justin and U. D. Jentschura, e-print quant-ph/0501136]. The following potentials are considered: (i) asymmetric potentials with degenerate minima, (ii) the periodic cosine potential, (iii) anharmonic oscillators with radial symmetry, and (iv) a specific potential which bears an analogy with the Fokker-Planck equation. The latter potential has the peculiar property that the perturbation series for the ground-state energy vanishes to all orders and is thus formally convergent (the ground-state energy, however, is nonzero and positive). For the potentials (ii), (iii), and (iv), we calculate the perturbative B-function as well as the instanton A-function to fourth order in g. We also consider the double-well potential in detail, and present some higher-order analytic as well as numerical calculations to verify explicitly the related conjectures up to the order of three instantons. Strategies analogous to those outlined here could result in new conjectures for problems where our present understanding is more limited.Comment: 55 pages, LaTeX; refs. to part I preprint update

    Analytic properties of high energy production amplitudes in N=4 SUSY

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    We investigate analytic properties of the six point planar amplitude in N=4 SUSY at the multi-Regge kinematics for final state particles. For inelastic processes the Steinmann relations play an important role because they give a possibility to fix the phase structure of the Regge pole and Mandelstam cut contributions. These contributions have the Moebius invariant form in the transverse momentum subspace. The analyticity and factorization constraints allow us to reproduce the two-loop correction to the 6-point BDS amplitude in N=4 SUSY obtained earlier in the leading logarithmic approximation with the use of the s-channel unitarity. The exponentiation hypothesis for the remainder function in the multi-Regge kinematics is also investigated. The 6-point amplitude in LLA can be completely reproduced from the BDS ansatz with the use of the analyticity and Regge factorization.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of 16th International Seminar on High Energy Physics, QUARKS-2010, Kolomna, Russia, 6-12 June, 2010. 15 page

    Symmetry Properties of the Effective Action for High-Energy Scattering in QCD

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    We study the effective action describing high-energy scattering processes in the multi-Regge limit of QCD, which should provide the starting point for a new attempt to overcome the limitations of the leading logarithmic and the eikonal approximations. The action can be obtained via simple graphical rules or by integrating in the QCD functional integral over momentum modes of gluon and quark fields that do not appear explicitely as scattering or exchanged particles in the considered processes. The supersymmetry is used to obtain the terms in the action involving quarks fields from the pure gluonic ones. We observe a Weizs\"acker - Williams type relations between terms describing scattering and production of particles.Comment: 37 pages LATEX, 1 Table and 7 figures using package FEYNMA

    Anisotropy beta functions

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    The flow of couplings under anisotropic scaling of momenta is computed in ϕ3\phi^3 theory in 6 dimensions. It is shown that the coupling decreases as momenta of two of the particles become large, keeping the third momentum fixed, but at a slower rate than the decrease of the coupling if all three momenta become large simultaneously. This effect serves as a simple test of effective theories of high energy scattering, since such theories should reproduce these deviations from the usual logarithmic scale dependence.Comment: uuencoded ps file, 6 page