73 research outputs found

    Funkcjonowanie systemu gospodarczego Arabskiej Republiki Egiptu a problem stabilności egipskiego systemu władzy

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    This article presents an analysis of the functioning of the Egyptian political system in the context of liberalization of the economic system of the Arab Republic of Egypt. The process of liberalization began in the 1970's, but accelerated in the late 1980's and the early 1990's. This was an effect of the pressure exerted by international financial institutions involved in the Egyptian economy which in the 1980 was in very poor condition. All this led to debt reduction as well as the reduction of state influence on various spheres of socio-economic life through which the Egyptian authoritarian regime could control the whole society. In order to secure its position and ensure the stability of the government, the authorities need to tighten repression against the increasingly radical opposition, and thus bring about what Eberhard Kienle called "deliberalisation", i.e. the economic liberalization of the Egyptian political system

    Transformacja polityczna w egipcie w okresie prezydentury Muhammada Mursiego

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    This article refers to the second phase of political transformation in Egypt, which coincides with the period of Muhammad Morsi’s presidency. The attention is paid not only to the internal dimension of the transformation, but also its main external circumstances. With regard to the functioning of the Egyptian political system, there were no significant changes – comparing to the period preceding the M. Morsi’s presidency. The holding of free elections (parliamentary and presidential) does not mean that Egypt has become a democratic state. It rather remains the state that “stuck” in transition, especially after the coup of July 3, 2013

    Przemiany polityczne w Egipcie po dymisjI Husniego Mubaraka

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    In this article I have characterized the first year of the political transformation in Egypt. The character of this process causes a lot of controversies and objections within the Egyptian society and main political groups, what – in effect – induces the situation of permanent political crisis. First of all, I have presented a very beginnings of this process, and then depicted the main political events. After that, I have marked the main political groups and characterized them aims. I have also depicted the framework of temporary political system, analyzed the parliamentary elections, characterized the problems with the presidential elections and with the drafting of a new constitution. The main thesis of this article is the assertion that the army (as main political actor) tend to exert influence on a new constitution – in order to maintain its corporatist interests and to be able to affect the Egyptian politics indirectly, what does not favour the democratization

    Egipt wobec głównych osi rywalizacji międzynarodowej na Bliskim Wschodzie po Arabskiej Wiośnie

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    Celem artykułu jest analiza polityki zagranicznej Egiptu wobec głównych osi rywalizacji na Bliskim Wschodzie po Arabskiej Wiośnie. Jedna z nich ma charakter rywalizacji globalnej, a druga regionalnej. W przypadku rywalizacji pierwszego typu należy zwrócić uwagę na Stany Zjednoczone, dążące do zachowania statusu światowego supermocarstwa, jak również na Federację Rosyjską, która dąży do tego, aby ze statusu mocarstwa regionalnego przekształcić się w mocarstwo globalne. Druga to rywalizacja saudyjsko-irańska o hegemonię w regionie Bliskiego Wschodu. W tym kontekście egipskie władze dążą do dywersyfikacji relacji sojuszniczych, co wynika z silnego poczucia podmiotowości egipskiego państwa. Słowa kluczowe: Polityka zagraniczna Egiptu, Stany Zjednoczone, Federacja Rosyjska, Arabia Saudyjska, Bliski Wschód, stosunki międzynarodoweThis article aims to analyse Egypt’s foreign policy toward the principal axes of rivalry in the Middle East after the Arab Spring. One of them is a global rivalry; the other is a regional one. In the fi rst case, attention should be paid to both – the United States, seeking to preserve the status of a global superpower, and the Russian Federation, trying to transform its status from being a regional power into a global power. The second type is the Saudi-Iranian rivalry for hegemony in the Middle Eastern region. In this context, Egypt seeks to diversify its allied relations, which results from the strong sense of subjectivity of the Egyptian state. Key words: Foreign policy of Egypt, United States, Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, Middle East, international relation

    Główne kierunki polityki zagranicznej Egiptu od 1979 r. ciągłość czy zmiana?

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    The paper aims at presenting the Egypt’s foreign policy from 1979 in terms of stability and change (regarding relations with the United States, Israel, Egypt’s southern neighbours, and the Gulf states, especially Saudi Arabia). The main thesis of this article is the assertion that the foreign policy of Egypt remains stable, despite internal political turbulences and dismissal of Muhammad Husni Mubarak in 2011

    Three-dimensional neurosonography — a novel field in fetal medicine

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    Neurosonography is a promising technique for prenatal diagnosis, combining features of ultrasound imaging with fetal neurology. The brain is a three-dimensional structure, therefore observing brain structure in the three basic planes (sagittal, coronal and axial) is mandatory. The anterior fontanelle and sagittal suture may serve as acoustic ultrasound windows in the transvaginal brain scan, allowing to obtain high-resolution neuroimages of the intracranial structures. Furthermore, three-dimensional (3D) ultrasound combined with the transvaginal brain approach provides detailed and sophisticated neuroimages. Three orthogonal planes of the brain, tomographic ultrasound imaging (TUI) and other off-line approaches (e.g. volume contrast imaging (VCI) or HDlive silhouette imaging) may be obtained from a single 3D dataset. 3D Doppler ultrasound enables visualization of the intracerebral vascularity, allowing to obtain more precise information on cerebral perfusion. Various abnormal brain conditions, including ventriculomegaly, agenesis of the corpus callosum, posterior fossa abnormalities and others, can be well-demonstrated. Due to high rates of the associated anomalies and uncertain prognosis, any suspicion of CNS abnormalities shall imply detailed ultrasonographic evaluation of the fetal anatomy to exclude the associated anomalies. Despite a growing number of neuroimaging modalities, prenatal counselling remains a challenge as prediction of brain functionality and the neurological prognosis often remain uncertain. New investigations on the relations between various migration disorders and gene mutations, as well as recent clinical research on the relations between neuroimaging detection of local migration disorders using sophisticated imaging technologies and the postnatal neurological prognosis will contribute to the development of maternal-fetal medicine as well as pediatric neurology

    FetalNet: Multi-task Deep Learning Framework for Fetal Ultrasound Biometric Measurements

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    In this paper, we propose an end-to-end multi-task neural network called FetalNet with an attention mechanism and stacked module for spatio-temporal fetal ultrasound scan video analysis. Fetal biometric measurement is a standard examination during pregnancy used for the fetus growth monitoring and estimation of gestational age and fetal weight. The main goal in fetal ultrasound scan video analysis is to find proper standard planes to measure the fetal head, abdomen and femur. Due to natural high speckle noise and shadows in ultrasound data, medical expertise and sonographic experience are required to find the appropriate acquisition plane and perform accurate measurements of the fetus. In addition, existing computer-aided methods for fetal US biometric measurement address only one single image frame without considering temporal features. To address these shortcomings, we propose an end-to-end multi-task neural network for spatio-temporal ultrasound scan video analysis to simultaneously localize, classify and measure the fetal body parts. We propose a new encoder-decoder segmentation architecture that incorporates a classification branch. Additionally, we employ an attention mechanism with a stacked module to learn salient maps to suppress irrelevant US regions and efficient scan plane localization. We trained on the fetal ultrasound video comes from routine examinations of 700 different patients. Our method called FetalNet outperforms existing state-of-the-art methods in both classification and segmentation in fetal ultrasound video recordings.Comment: Accepted to 28th International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP) 2021, Bali, Indonesia, 8-12 December, 202