7 research outputs found

    Detection Framework of Abrupt Changes and Trends in Rainfall Erosivity in Three Gorges Reservoir, China

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    Rainfall erosivity is commonly used to estimate the probability of soil erosion caused by rainfall. The accurate detection of temporal changes in rainfall erosivity and the identification of abrupt changes and trends are important for understanding the physical causes of variation. In this study, a detection framework is introduced to identify temporal changes in rainfall erosivity time series as follows: (i) The significance of time series variation of rainfall erosivity is assessed based on the Hurst coefficient and divided into three levels: None, medium, and high. (ii) The detection of abrupt changes (Mann–Kendall, Moving T, and Bayesian tests) and trends (Spearman and Kendall rank correlation tests) of variate series and the correlation coefficient between the variation component and the original series is calculated. (iii) The modified series is obtained by preferentially eliminating the variation component (trend or change point) with larger correlation coefficients. (iv) We substituted the modified series into steps i to iii until the correlation coefficient was not significant. This framework is used to analyze the variation of rainfall erosivity in the Three Gorges Reservoir, China. The results showed that by using traditional methods, both an increasing trend and an upward change point were observed in Zigui station. However, after the upward change point was deducted from the annual rainfall erosivity series R(t), the resultant Rm(t) showed no statistically significant trend. Trend analysis should be performed considering the existence of an abrupt change to assess the long-term changes in rainfall erosivity series; otherwise, it would result in the wrong conclusion. In addition, the change points detected in the Rm(t) varied with the methods. Compared with the single-test method, the proposed framework can effectively reduce uncertainty

    Detection Framework of Abrupt Changes and Trends in Rainfall Erosivity in Three Gorges Reservoir, China

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    Rainfall erosivity is commonly used to estimate the probability of soil erosion caused by rainfall. The accurate detection of temporal changes in rainfall erosivity and the identification of abrupt changes and trends are important for understanding the physical causes of variation. In this study, a detection framework is introduced to identify temporal changes in rainfall erosivity time series as follows: (i) The significance of time series variation of rainfall erosivity is assessed based on the Hurst coefficient and divided into three levels: None, medium, and high. (ii) The detection of abrupt changes (Mann–Kendall, Moving T, and Bayesian tests) and trends (Spearman and Kendall rank correlation tests) of variate series and the correlation coefficient between the variation component and the original series is calculated. (iii) The modified series is obtained by preferentially eliminating the variation component (trend or change point) with larger correlation coefficients. (iv) We substituted the modified series into steps i to iii until the correlation coefficient was not significant. This framework is used to analyze the variation of rainfall erosivity in the Three Gorges Reservoir, China. The results showed that by using traditional methods, both an increasing trend and an upward change point were observed in Zigui station. However, after the upward change point was deducted from the annual rainfall erosivity series R(t), the resultant Rm(t) showed no statistically significant trend. Trend analysis should be performed considering the existence of an abrupt change to assess the long-term changes in rainfall erosivity series; otherwise, it would result in the wrong conclusion. In addition, the change points detected in the Rm(t) varied with the methods. Compared with the single-test method, the proposed framework can effectively reduce uncertainty

    Spatio-Temporal Constrained Human Trajectory Generation from the PIR Motion Detector Sensor Network Data: A Geometric Algebra Approach

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    Passive infrared (PIR) motion detectors, which can support long-term continuous observation, are widely used for human motion analysis. Extracting all possible trajectories from the PIR sensor networks is important. Because the PIR sensor does not log location and individual information, none of the existing methods can generate all possible human motion trajectories that satisfy various spatio-temporal constraints from the sensor activation log data. In this paper, a geometric algebra (GA)-based approach is developed to generate all possible human trajectories from the PIR sensor network data. Firstly, the representation of the geographical network, sensor activation response sequences and the human motion are represented as algebraic elements using GA. The human motion status of each sensor activation are labeled using the GA-based trajectory tracking. Then, a matrix multiplication approach is developed to dynamically generate the human trajectories according to the sensor activation log and the spatio-temporal constraints. The method is tested with the MERL motion database. Experiments show that our method can flexibly extract the major statistical pattern of the human motion. Compared with direct statistical analysis and tracklet graph method, our method can effectively extract all possible trajectories of the human motion, which makes it more accurate. Our method is also likely to provides a new way to filter other passive sensor log data in sensor networks

    A Hierarchical Tensor-Based Approach to Compressing, Updating and Querying Geospatial Data

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    Effects of Water Molecule on CO Oxidation by OH: Reaction Pathways, Kinetic Barriers, and Rate Constants

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    The water dilute oxy-fuel combustion is a clean combustion technology for near-zero emission power; and the presence of water molecule could have both kinetic and dynamic effects on combustion reactions. The reaction OH + CO → CO<sub>2</sub> + H, one of the most important elementary reactions, has been investigated by extensive electronic structure calculations. And the effects of a single water molecule on CO oxidation have been studied by considering the preformed OH­(H<sub>2</sub>O) complex reacts with CO. The results show little change in the reaction pathways, but the additional water molecule actually increases the vibrationally adiabatic energy barriers (<i>V</i><sub>a</sub><sup>G</sup>). Further thermal rate constant calculations in the temperature range of 200 to 2000 K demonstrate that the total low-pressure limit rate constant for the water assisted OH­(H<sub>2</sub>O) + CO → CO<sub>2</sub> + H<sub>2</sub>O + H reaction is 1–2 orders lower than that of the water unassisted one, which is consistent with the change of <i>V</i><sub>a</sub><sup>G</sup>. Therefore, the hydrated radical OH­(H<sub>2</sub>O) would actually slow down the oxidation of CO. Meanwhile, comparisons show that the M06-2X/aug-cc-pVDZ method gives a much better estimation in energy and thus is recommended to be employed for direct dynamics simulations