5,006 research outputs found

    The Existence and Asymptotic Properties of a Backfitting Projection Algorithm Under Weak Conditions

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    We derive the asymptotic distribution of a new backfitting procedure for estimating the closest additive approximation to a nonparametric regression function. The procedure employs a recent projection interpretation of popular kernel estimators provided by Mammen et al. (1997), and the asymptotic theory of our estimators is derived using the theory of additive projections reviewed in Bickel et al. (1995). Our procedure achieves the same bias and variance as the oracle estimator based on knowing the other components, and in this sense improves on the method analyzed in Opsomer and Ruppert (1997). We provide 'high level' conditions independent of the sampling scheme. We then verify that these conditions are satisfied in a time series autoregression under weak conditions.Additive models, alternating projections, backfitting, kernel smoothing, local polynomials, nonparametric regression

    The existence and asymptotic properties of a backfitting projection algorithm under weak conditions.

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    We derive the asymptotic distribution of a new backfitting procedure for estimating the closest additive approximation to a nonparametric regression function. The procedure employs a recent projection interpretation of popular kernel estimators provided by Mammen, Marron, Turlach and Wand and the asymptotic theory of our estimators is derived using the theory of additive projections reviewed in Bickel, Klaassen, Ritov and Wellner. Our procedure achieves the same bias and variance as the oracle estimator based on knowing the other components, and in this sense improves on the method analyzed in Opsomer and Ruppert. We provide ‘‘high level’’ conditions independent of the sampling scheme. We then verify that these conditions are satisfied in a regression and a time series autoregression under weak conditions.

    Testing the Capital Asset Pricing Model Efficiently Under Elliptical Symmetry: A Semiparametric Approach

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    We develop new tests of the capital asset pricing model (CAPM) that take account of and are valid under the assumption that the distribution generating returns is elliptically symmetric; this assumption is necessary and sufficient for the validity of the CAPM. Our test is based on semiparametric efficient estimation procedures for a seemingly unrelated regression model where the multivariate error density is elliptically symmetric, but otherwise unrestricted. The elliptical symmetry assumption allows us to avert the curse of dimensionality problem that typically arises in multivariate semiparametric estimation procedures, because the multivariate elliptically symmetric density function can be written as a function of a scalar transformation of the observed multivariate data. The elliptically symmetric family includes a number of thick-tailed distributions and so is potentially relevant in financial applications. Our estimated betas are lower than the OLS estimates, and our parameter estimates are much less consistent with the CAPM restrictions than the corresponding OLS estimates. Nous développons de nouveaux tests du modèle d'évaluation des actifs financiers (" CAPM ") qui tiennent compte de, et sont valides sous, l'hypothèse que les retours des actifs découlent d'un loi de probabilité elliptiquement symétrique. Cette hypothèse est nécessaire et suffisante pour la validité du CAPM. Notre test utilise un estimateur des paramètres du modèle qui a l'efficacité semiparamétrique quand on a un modèle de régression apparemment sans relation et qui a des erreurs qui suivent une loi elliptiquement symétrique. L'hypothèse de la symétrie elliptique nous permet d'éviter le problème d'estimer non-paramétriquement une fonction de haute dimension parce qu'on peut écrire la densité d'une loi elliptique comme une fonction d'une transformation unidimensionnelle de la variable aléatoire multidimensionnelle. La famille des lois elliptiquement symétriques inclue plusieurs lois leptokurtiques, donc elle est pertinente à des applications financières. Les bêtas obtenus avec notre estimateur sont plus bas que ceux qui sont obtenus en utilisant des moindres carrés, et sont moins compatibles avec le CAPM.Adaptive estimation, capital asset pricing model, elliptical symmetry, semiparametric efficiency

    Estimating Yield Curves by Kernel Smoothing Methods

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    We introduce a new method for the estimation of discount functions, yield curves and forward curves for coupon bonds. Our approach is nonparametric and does not assume a particular functional form for the discount function although we do show how to impose various important restrictions in the estimation. Our method is based on kernel smoothing and is defined as the minimum of some localized population moment condition. The solution to the sample problem is not explicit and our estimation procedure is iterative, rather like the backfitting method of estimating additive nonparametric models. We establish the asymptotic normality of our methods using the asymptotic representation of our estimator as an infinite series with declining coefficients. The rate of convergence is standard for one dimensional nonparametric regression.Coupon bonds; forward curve; Hilbert space; local linear; nonparametric regression; yield curve

    On a semiparametric survival model with flexible covariate effect.

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    A semiparametric hazard model with parametrized time but general covariate dependency is formulated and analyzed inside the framework of counting process theory. A profile likelihood principle is introduced for estimation of the parameters: the resulting estimator is n1/2-consistent, asymptotically normal and achieves the semiparametric efficiency bound. An estimation procedure for the nonparametric part is also given and its asymptotic properties are derived. We provide an application to mortality data.

    Psychological interventions for patients with chronic back pain

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    Chronic back pain is a major cause of disability and absenteeism in Western countries. Intense suffering associated with backache is pooly relieved by traditional medical treatments and many alternative therapies have been developed to approach this problem, including recent advances in psychological interventions. In this regard, we discuss here: 1) five common techiniques of the cognitive-behavioural approach (relaxation, operant, cognitive, social training and coping); 2) the operant activities training programme; 3) a clinical case ilustrating the application of this programme.Lombalgia crônica é uma causa importante de incapacidade física e ausência do trabalho nos países ocidentais. O desconforto intenso associado a este sintoma não é satisfatoriamente aliviado pela terapêutica médica tradicional, levando ao desenvolvimento de terapias alternativas, incluindo avanços recentes nas intervenções psicológicas. Neste aspecto, discutimos aqui: 1) cinco técnicas comuns da abordagem comportamental-cognitiva (técnicas de relaxamento, operantes, cognitivas, de treinamento social e de aceitação; 2) o programa de treino de atividades operantes e 3) um caso clínico ilustrando a aplicação deste programa

    More Efficient Kernel Estimation in Nonparametric Regression with Autocorrelated Errors

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    We propose a modification of kernel time series regression estimators that improves efficiency when the innovation process is autocorrelated. The procedure is based on a pre-whitening transformation of the dependent variable that has to be estimated from the data. We establish the asymptotic distribution of our estimator under weak dependence conditions. It is shown that the proposed estimation procedure is more efficient than the conventional kernel method. We also provide simulation evidence to suggest that gains can be achieved in moderate sized samples.Backfitting, efficiency, kernel estimation, time series.

    Yield Curve Estimation by Kernel Smoothing Methods

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    We introduce a new method for the estimation of discount functions, yield curves and forward curves from government issued coupon bonds. Our approach is nonparametric and does not assume a particular functional form for the discount function although we do show how to impose various restrictions in the estimation. Our method is based on kernel smoothing and is defined as the minimum of some localized population moment condition. The solution to the sample problem is not explicit and our estimation procedure is iterative, rather like the backfitting method of estimating additive nonparametric models. We establish the asymptotic normality of our methods using the asymptotic representation of our estimator as an infinite series with declining coefficients. The rate of convergence is standard for one dimensional nonparametric regression. We investigate the finite sample performance of our method, in comparison with other well-established methods, in a small simulation experiment.