888 research outputs found

    MA-XRF measurement for corrosion assessment on bronze artefacts

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    In this study, an innovative portable macro X-Ray Fluorescence (MA-XRF) scanner prototype has been employed in order to gain information on composition and distribution of corrosion products artificially grown on Cu-based coupons. First results have shown the importance of using artificially corroded reference samples before any assessment on archaeological artefacts. Moreover, the prototype used demonstrated to be a powerful tool for understanding complex corrosion processes which might occur on Cu-based alloys. The scanner was able to detect light elements as S and Cl, essential for studying the distribution of specific corrosion compounds. Using imaging techniques, it was possible to observe a gradient in Cu elemental maps intensity caused by the overlapping of a thicker corrosion product layer

    MA-XRF measurement for corrosion assessment on bronze artefacts

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    In this study, an innovative portable macro X-Ray Fluorescence (MA-XRF) scanner prototype has been employed in order to gain information on composition and distribution of corrosion products artificially grown on Cu-based coupons. First results have shown the importance of using artificially corroded reference samples before any assessment on archaeological artefacts. Moreover, the prototype used demonstrated to be a powerful tool for understanding complex corrosion processes which might occur on Cu-based alloys. The scanner was able to detect light elements as S and Cl, essential for studying the distribution of specific corrosion compounds. Using imaging techniques, it was possible to observe a gradient in Cu elemental maps intensity caused by the overlapping of a thicker corrosion product layer

    Olympic ranking based on a zero sum gains DEA model.

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    It is usual to rank the participant countries in the Olympic Games in accordance with the number of medals they have won. An alternative ranking is suggested in this paper. This ranking is based on each country's ability to win medals in relation to its available resources. This is an efficiency that can be measured with the help of data envelopment analysis (DEA) for which two models exist: the traditional DEA model, that takes into account variable returns to scale, and a DEA model based on the premise that the sum of the gains is zero (constant sum of outputs). It is the latter that is developed in this paper

    Selección de Variables para el incremento del poder de discriminación de los modelos DEA.

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    O artigo propõe um novo método de análise da eficiência, em complementação ao DEA, para analisar a eficiência dos Programas de Pós Graduação em Engenharia da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)

    Changes in soil carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus due to land-use changes in Brazil

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    In this paper, soil carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations and stocks were investigated in agricultural and natural areas in 17 plot-level paired sites and in a regional survey encompassing more than 100 pasture soils In the paired sites, elemental soil concentrations and stocks were determined in native vegetation (forests and savannas), pastures and crop-livestock systems (CPSs). Nutrient stocks were calculated for the soil depth intervals 0-10, 0-30, and 0-60 cm for the paired sites and 0-10, and 0-30 cm for the pasture regional survey by sum stocks obtained in each sampling intervals (0-5, 5-10, 10-20, 20-30, 30-40, 40-60 cm). Overall, there were significant differences in soil element concentrations and ratios between different land uses, especially in the surface soil layers. Carbon and nitrogen contents were lower, while phosphorus contents were higher in the pasture and CPS soils than in native vegetation soils. Additionally, soil stoichiometry has changed with changes in land use. The soil C:N ratio was lower in the native vegetation than in the pasture and CPS soils, and the carbon and nitrogen to available phosphorus ratio (P-ME) decreased from the native vegetation to the pasture to the CPS soils. In the plot-level paired sites, the soil nitrogen stocks were lower in all depth intervals in pasture and in the CPS soils when compared with the native vegetation soils. On the other hand, the soil phosphorus stocks were higher in all depth intervals in agricultural soils when compared with the native vegetation soils. For the regional pasture survey, soil nitrogen and phosphorus stocks were lower in all soil intervals in pasture soils than in native vegetation soils. The nitrogen loss with cultivation observed here is in line with other studies and it seems to be a combination of decreasing organic matter inputs, in cases where crops replaced native forests, with an increase in soil organic matter decomposition that leads to a decrease in the long run. The main cause of the increase in soil phosphorus stocks in the CPS and pastures of the plot-level paired site seems to be linked to phosphorus fertilization by mineral and organics fertilizers. The findings of this paper illustrate that land-use changes that are currently common in Brazil alter soil concentrations, stocks and elemental ratios of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus. These changes could have an impact on the subsequent vegetation, decreasing soil carbon and increasing nitrogen limitation but alleviating soil phosphorus deficiency121547654780British Embass

    A next generation measurement of the electric dipole moment of the neutron at the FRM II

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    In this paper we discuss theoretical motivations and the status of experimental searches to find time-reversal symmetry-violating electric dipole moments (EDM). Emphasis is given to a next generation search for the EDM of the neutron, which is currently being set up at the FRM II neutron source in Garching, with an ultimate sensitivity goal of 5 × 10−28 cm (3σ). The layout of the apparatus allows for the detailed investigation of systematic effects by combining various means of magnetic field control and polarized UCN optics. All major components of the installations are portable and can be installed at the strongest available UCN beam