6 research outputs found

    Systematic study of the temperature dependence of the saturation magnetization in Fe, Fe-Ni and Co-based amorphous alloys

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    Magnetization versus temperature in the temperature interval 2-200 K was measured for amorphous alloys of three different compositions: Fe 81.5B14.5Si4, Fe40Ni38 Mo4B18, and Co70Fe5Ni 2Mo3B5Si15. The measurements were performed by means of a SQUID (superconducting quantum interference device) magnetometer. The aim was to extract information about the different mechanisms contributing to thermal demagnetization. A powerful data analysis technique based on successive minimization procedures has demonstrated that Stoner excitations of the strong ferromagnetic type play a significant role in the Fe-Ni alloy studied. The Fe-rich and Co-rich alloys do not show a measurable contribution from single-particle excitations

    Systematic study of the temperature dependence of the saturation magnetization in Fe, Fe-Ni and Co-based amorphous alloys

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    Magnetization versus temperature in the temperature interval 2-200 K was measured for amorphous alloys of three different compositions: Fe 81.5B14.5Si4, Fe40Ni38 Mo4B18, and Co70Fe5Ni 2Mo3B5Si15. The measurements were performed by means of a SQUID (superconducting quantum interference device) magnetometer. The aim was to extract information about the different mechanisms contributing to thermal demagnetization. A powerful data analysis technique based on successive minimization procedures has demonstrated that Stoner excitations of the strong ferromagnetic type play a significant role in the Fe-Ni alloy studied. The Fe-rich and Co-rich alloys do not show a measurable contribution from single-particle excitations

    Effect of ECH/ECCD on Energetic-Particle-Driven MHD Modes in Helical Plasmas

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    The effect of electron cyclotron heating (ECH) and current drive (ECCD) on energetic-particle (EP)-driven magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) modes is studied in the helical devices LHD, TJ-II and Heliotron J. We demonstrate that EP-driven MHD modes, including Alfvén eigenmodes (AEs) and energetic particle modes (EPMs), can be controlled by ECH/ECCD. In the LHD device, which has a moderate rotational transform and a high magnetic shear, co-ECCD enhances toroidal AEs (TAEs) and global AEs (GAEs), while counter-ECCD stabilizes them, which improves the neutron rate compared with the co-ECCD case. Counter-ECCD decreases the core rotational transform and increases the magnetic shear, strengthening the continuum damping on the shear Alfvén continua (SAC). In the TJ-II device, which has a high rotational transform, moderate magnetic shear and low toroidal field period, helical AEs (HAEs) appear when the HAE frequency gap of the SAC is changed by counter-ECCD combined with a bootstrap current and NB-driven current. On the other hand, both co- and counter-ECCD are effective in stabilizing GAEs and EPMs in the Heliotron J device, which has a low rotational transform and low magnetic shear. The experimental results indicate that the magnetic shear has a stabilizing effect regardless of its sign. Modelling analysis using the FAR3d code shows that the growth rates are reduced by both co- and counter-ECCD in Heliotron J, reproducing the show that the effect depends on the magnetic configuration. In Heliotron J, some modes are stabilizedexperimental results. ECH only also affects EP-driven MHD modes, and the experimental results with an increase in ECH power in the low-bumpiness magnetic configuration, while some modes are destabilized in the high- and medium-bumpiness magnetic configurations

    Overview of recent TJ-II stellarator results

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    The main results obtained in the TJ-II stellarator in the last two years are reported. The most important topics investigated have been modelling and validation of impurity transport, validation of gyrokinetic simulations, turbulence characterisation, effect of magnetic configuration on transport, fuelling with pellet injection, fast particles and liquid metal plasma facing components. As regards impurity transport research, a number of working lines exploring several recently discovered effects have been developed: the effect of tangential drifts on stellarator neoclassical transport, the impurity flux driven by electric fields tangent to magnetic surfaces and attempts of experimental validation with Doppler reflectometry of the variation of the radial electric field on the flux surface. Concerning gyrokinetic simulations, two validation activities have been performed, the comparison with measurements of zonal flow relaxation in pellet-induced fast transients and the comparison with experimental poloidal variation of fluctuations amplitude. The impact of radial electric fields on turbulence spreading in the edge and scrape-off layer has been also experimentally characterized using a 2D Langmuir probe array. Another remarkable piece of work has been the investigation of the radial propagation of small temperature perturbations using transfer entropy. Research on the physics and modelling of plasma core fuelling with pellet and tracer-encapsulated solid-pellet injection has produced also relevant results. Neutral beam injection driven Alfvénic activity and its possible control by electron cyclotron current drive has been examined as well in TJ-II. Finally, recent results on alternative plasma facing components based on liquid metals are also presented.ISSN:0029-5515ISSN:1741-432