57 research outputs found

    At stake with implementation: trials of explicitness in the description of the state

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    We develop the notion of "trials of explicitness" as a conceptual instrument for the study of the state from a pragmatist, sociological angle. We present results from an empirical case study on how state practitioners (i.e. actors in charge of expressing, evaluating, executing or reforming the action of the state) confront the problem of the clarification of the agency of the state. We focus on the implementation, from the early 2000s onwards, of a reform of public management in France which called for a revision of the description of the perimeters and achievements of the action of the state. The reform targeted the rules governing the budgetary process and included, along with new accounting methods, new forms of reporting and assessment aiming at identifying the performance of governmental and administrative action. We consider the implementation process as a set of trials of explicitness in which a number of state practitioners struggled to elucidate the meaning of the reform and to flesh out its orientation. We analyze, using archival material, a number of such trials in the domain of national science and research policy.Science and technology studies; science and technology policy; political sociology; government; France; LOLF; performance; New Public Management; statistics

    The check and the guardianship: A comparison of surveillance at an airport and a housing-estate area in the Paris outskirts

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    International audienceThis chapter approaches the question of government and surveillance through a comparison between the control practices observable in two types of places. First, we focus on international airports, specifically the French international airport of Orly. Airports are maximum security zones where persons perceived as having no legitimate business are expelled and where suspicious objects are destroyed. The second kind of places are the ones labeled as "no-go areas", violent pockets within urban space. Social housing projects located in the bleak suburbs of French cities are such dangerous zones. Both kinds of places - airports and no-go areas - have very different time and space features: people briefly pass through anonymous airports where relationships are kept at an impersonal minimum, whereas the population of a housing estate area is made of "permanent transients" pinned down by a shared fate of which there seems no escape

    At stake with implementation: trials of explicitness in the description of the state

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    http://www.csi.ensmp.fr/Items/WorkingPapers/Download/DLWP.php?wp=WP_CSI_015.pdfWe develop the notion of "trials of explicitness" as a conceptual instrument for the study of the state from a pragmatist, sociological angle. We present results from an empirical case study on how state practitioners (i.e. actors in charge of expressing, evaluating, executing or reforming the action of the state) confront the problem of the clarification of the agency of the state. We focus on the implementation, from the early 2000s onwards, of a reform of public management in France which called for a revision of the description of the perimeters and achievements of the action of the state. The reform targeted the rules governing the budgetary process and included, along with new accounting methods, new forms of reporting and assessment aiming at identifying the performance of governmental and administrative action. We consider the implementation process as a set of trials of explicitness in which a number of state practitioners struggled to elucidate the meaning of the reform and to flesh out its orientation. We analyze, using archival material, a number of such trials in the domain of national science and research policy

    L'expérimentation : un autre agir politique

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    http://www.csi.ensmp.fr/Items/WorkingPapers/Download/DLWP.php?wp=WP_CSI_013.pdfEssai sur le potentiel de la notion d'expérimentation pour le renouveau du répertoire de la sociologie politique

    RĂ©clusion rĂ©volutionnaire. La confrontation en prison entre des organisations clandestines rĂ©volutionnaires et un Etat – le cas de l’Allemagne dans les annĂ©es 1970

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    Comprendre la prison comme un terrain d’affrontement entre des groupes armĂ©s clandestins et l’Etat ne va pas de soi. A priori, la capture et l’enfermement des « terroristes » apparaissent en effet comme un point d’arrĂȘt. Pourtant, en Allemagne, au cours des annĂ©es 1970, des membres emprisonnĂ©s de groupes se revendiquant d’une stratĂ©gie de « guĂ©rilla urbaine », ont fait de l’enceinte de la prison une arĂšne Ă  part entiĂšre du conflit qui les opposait Ă  l’Etat ouest-allemand. L’article reconstitue l’histoire de la conversion de la prison en un milieu d’affrontement politique, et la politisation subsĂ©quente de l’univers carcĂ©ral, sous un triple rapport. D’abord, sera dĂ©crite la constitution de l’espace carcĂ©ral en une scĂšne du conflit par l’élaboration progressive d’une stratĂ©gie de « subversion » ajustĂ©e Ă  cet espace. Ensuite sont prĂ©sentĂ©s ses modalitĂ©s concrĂštes et les effets que cette transformation de la prison a produits. Enfin, sera montrĂ© comment cette lutte s’est transformĂ©e en une Ă©preuve pour un Etat dont la rĂ©action parut Ă  beaucoup dĂ©mesurĂ©e et fort peu respectueuse des exigences dĂ©mocratiques dont il se rĂ©clamait. Les critiques qui lui ont Ă©tĂ© adressĂ©es et l’affaire qui s’est dĂ©ployĂ©e peuvent ĂȘtre compris comme le moment – au double sens du terme – par lequel s’est collectivement redĂ©finie la maniĂšre lĂ©gitime d’enfermer les opposants politiques radicaux.Understanding prison as a confrontation ground between clandestine armed groups and the State is not obvious. In deed, the capture and the confinement of “terrorists” first appear as an end. But in Germany, during the 1970s, imprisoned members of “urban guerrilla” groups have transformed the prison enclosure into a real conflict arena between them and the West German State. The article reconstitutes, in a triple relation, the history of this conversion of the prison into a political confrontation area and the subsequent politization of the penitentiary universe. This text firstly describes the constitution of this penitentiary space into a conflict scene by the progressive elaboration of a specifically adjusted “subversion” strategy. The text then presents the concrete modalities and effects produced by this transformation of the prison. Lastly, this article shows how this battle transformed into an ordeal for a State which reaction was seen by many as exaggerated and not respectful of the democratic requirements itself referred to. The critiques the State suffered from and the whole affair can be understood as the moment – in both meanings – through which the legitimate way to confine radical political opponents has been collectively redefined

    Avant-propos : Ă©preuves d’État

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    « Est rĂ©el ce qui rĂ©siste dans l’épreuve » Bruno Latour Le lecteur trouvera rassemblĂ©es dans ce dossier quatre Ă©tudes de sociologie et d’anthropologie de l’État qui, par-delĂ  la diversitĂ© des terrains traitĂ©s, partagent un mĂȘme horizon : elles examinent des processus dans et par lesquels l’État se redĂ©finit et se recompose relativement Ă  des contextes et Ă  des problĂšmes donnĂ©s. Ces processus forment autant d’épreuves d’État. Il convient d’entendre cette notion au sens fort. Car il ne s’agit ..

    Avant-propos : Ă©preuves d’État

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    « Est rĂ©el ce qui rĂ©siste dans l’épreuve » Bruno Latour Le lecteur trouvera rassemblĂ©es dans ce dossier quatre Ă©tudes de sociologie et d’anthropologie de l’État qui, par-delĂ  la diversitĂ© des terrains traitĂ©s, partagent un mĂȘme horizon : elles examinent des processus dans et par lesquels l’État se redĂ©finit et se recompose relativement Ă  des contextes et Ă  des problĂšmes donnĂ©s. Ces processus forment autant d’épreuves d’État. Il convient d’entendre cette notion au sens fort. Car il ne s’agit ..

    IMM-GSPM – Groupe de sociologie politique et morale

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    Laure BlĂ©vis, maĂźtre de confĂ©rences Ă  l’UniversitĂ© Paris-Ouest La-DĂ©fenseDeborah Puccio-Den, chargĂ©e de recherche au CNRS La violence « mesurĂ©e » Le sĂ©minaire avait comme but de confronter plusieurs recherches issues de diffĂ©rentes disciplines (sociologie, histoire, anthropologie, sciences politiques) autour de situations qualifiĂ©es comme « violentes » ou suscitant des questionnements, dĂ©bats ou controverses sur la limite entre une violence lĂ©gitime et une violence illĂ©gitime. Ont Ă©tĂ© examinĂ©..

    SociologĂ­a pragmĂĄtica: manual de uso

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    En treinta años, la “sociologĂ­a pragmĂĄtica” (tambiĂ©n denominada “sociologĂ­a de las pruebas”) ha producido investigaciones empĂ­ricas que abarcan todos los ĂĄmbitos de la vida social. De conformidad con los postulados teĂłricos que tenĂ­an la intenciĂłn de defender, los investigadores que se reconocen en esa corriente sociolĂłgica establecieron formas sensiblemente nuevas de dirigir la investigaciĂłn, recabar datos, explorar campos, pensar por caso y utilizar las controversias y los escĂĄndalos como puntos de entrada en el orden social y en la cuestiĂłn de su problemĂĄtica reproducciĂłn. Este artĂ­culo tiene por objeto caracterizar en diez puntos el estilo pragmĂĄtico en sociologĂ­a y precisar cuĂĄles son sus requisitos metodolĂłgicos y sus consecuencias prĂĄcticas en la conducciĂłn del trabajo de investigaciĂłn

    Sociologia pragmĂĄtica: guia do usuĂĄrio

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    Em trinta anos, a “sociologia pragmĂĄtica” (tambĂ©m denominada “sociologia das provas”) efetuou pesquisas empĂ­ricas relativas a todas as ĂĄreas da vida social. Em conformidade com os postulados teĂłricos que defendiam, os pesquisadores que se reconhecem nessa corrente sociolĂłgica criaram maneiras consideravelmente novas de efetuar a pesquisa, coletar dados, explorar os campos, pensar cada caso e se servir das controvĂ©rsias e dos escĂąndalos pĂșblicos como pontos de entrada na ordem social e na questĂŁo de sua problemĂĄtica reprodução. O objetivo deste artigo Ă© caracterizar em dez pontos o estilo pragmĂĄtico em sociologia e indicar seus requisitos metodolĂłgicos e suas consequĂȘncias prĂĄticas para o trabalho de investigação
