122 research outputs found

    Intelligent Malware Detection Using File-to-file Relations and Enhancing its Security against Adversarial Attacks

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    With computing devices and the Internet being indispensable in people\u27s everyday life, malware has posed serious threats to their security, making its detection of utmost concern. To protect legitimate users from the evolving malware attacks, machine learning-based systems have been successfully deployed and offer unparalleled flexibility in automatic malware detection. In most of these systems, resting on the analysis of different content-based features either statically or dynamically extracted from the file samples, various kinds of classifiers are constructed to detect malware. However, besides content-based features, file-to-file relations, such as file co-existence, can provide valuable information in malware detection and make evasion harder. To better understand the properties of file-to-file relations, we construct the file co-existence graph. Resting on the constructed graph, we investigate the semantic relatedness among files, and leverage graph inference, active learning and graph representation learning for malware detection. Comprehensive experimental results on the real sample collections from Comodo Cloud Security Center demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed learning paradigms. As machine learning-based detection systems become more widely deployed, the incentive for defeating them increases. Therefore, we go further insight into the arms race between adversarial malware attack and defense, and aim to enhance the security of machine learning-based malware detection systems. In particular, we first explore the adversarial attacks under different scenarios (i.e., different levels of knowledge the attackers might have about the targeted learning system), and define a general attack strategy to thoroughly assess the adversarial behaviors. Then, considering different skills and capabilities of the attackers, we propose the corresponding secure-learning paradigms to counter the adversarial attacks and enhance the security of the learning systems while not compromising the detection accuracy. We conduct a series of comprehensive experimental studies based on the real sample collections from Comodo Cloud Security Center and the promising results demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed secure-learning models, which can be readily applied to other detection tasks

    Pilot CEOs and Corporate Cash Holdings

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    We examine the effect of situation awareness developed from aviation training and experiences on corporate cash policies. We find that firms led by pilot CEOs are more likely to have higher cash holdings and higher market value of cash holdings. The findings suggest that pilot CEOs have greater situation awareness, and that these CEOs are more likely to plan ahead to cope with future liquidity needs. In addition, we find that the level of pilot certification is associated with corporate cash holdings and the value of cash holdings. These findings provide further evidence that situation awareness can be developed through training and aviation experience. We also find that the effect of pilot CEOs on corporate cash holdings is more pronounced for firms with high growth opportunities and firms with financial constraints. These results indicate that pilot CEOs tend to hold more cash when they are aware of future opportunities and risks

    Are Your Explanations Reliable? Investigating the Stability of LIME in Explaining Text Classifiers by Marrying XAI and Adversarial Attack

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    LIME has emerged as one of the most commonly referenced tools in explainable AI (XAI) frameworks that is integrated into critical machine learning applications--e.g., healthcare and finance. However, its stability remains little explored, especially in the context of text data, due to the unique text-space constraints. To address these challenges, in this paper, we first evaluate the inherent instability of LIME on text data to establish a baseline, and then propose a novel algorithm XAIFooler to perturb text inputs and manipulate explanations that casts investigation on the stability of LIME as a text perturbation optimization problem. XAIFooler conforms to the constraints to preserve text semantics and original prediction with small perturbations, and introduces Rank-biased Overlap (RBO) as a key part to guide the optimization of XAIFooler that satisfies all the requirements for explanation similarity measure. Extensive experiments on real-world text datasets demonstrate that XAIFooler significantly outperforms all baselines by large margins in its ability to manipulate LIME's explanations with high semantic preservability.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures. Replacement by the updated version to be published in EMNLP 202

    Hierarchical Knowledge Distillation on Text Graph for Data-limited Attribute Inference

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    The popularization of social media increases user engagements and generates a large amount of user-oriented data. Among them, text data (e.g., tweets, blogs) significantly attracts researchers and speculators to infer user attributes (e.g., age, gender, location) for fulfilling their intents. Generally, this line of work casts attribute inference as a text classification problem, and starts to leverage graph neural networks (GNNs) to utilize higher-level representations of source texts. However, these text graphs are constructed over words, suffering from high memory consumption and ineffectiveness on few labeled texts. To address this challenge, we design a text-graph-based few-shot learning model for attribute inferences on social media text data. Our model first constructs and refines a text graph using manifold learning and message passing, which offers a better trade-off between expressiveness and complexity. Afterwards, to further use cross-domain texts and unlabeled texts to improve few-shot performance, a hierarchical knowledge distillation is devised over text graph to optimize the problem, which derives better text representations, and advances model generalization ability. Experiments on social media datasets demonstrate the state-of-the-art performance of our model on attribute inferences with considerably fewer labeled texts.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures, uses log_2022.st

    Knowledge is Power: Understanding Causality Makes Legal judgment Prediction Models More Generalizable and Robust

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    Legal judgment Prediction (LJP), aiming to predict a judgment based on fact descriptions, serves as legal assistance to mitigate the great work burden of limited legal practitioners. Most existing methods apply various large-scale pre-trained language models (PLMs) finetuned in LJP tasks to obtain consistent improvements. However, we discover the fact that the state-of-the-art (SOTA) model makes judgment predictions according to wrong (or non-casual) information, which not only weakens the model's generalization capability but also results in severe social problems like discrimination. Here, we analyze the causal mechanism misleading the LJP model to learn the spurious correlations, and then propose a framework to guide the model to learn the underlying causality knowledge in the legal texts. Specifically, we first perform open information extraction (OIE) to refine the text having a high proportion of causal information, according to which we generate a new set of data. Then, we design a model learning the weights of the refined data and the raw data for LJP model training. The extensive experimental results show that our model is more generalizable and robust than the baselines and achieves a new SOTA performance on two commonly used legal-specific datasets

    Generalized Munchausen Reinforcement Learning using Tsallis KL Divergence

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    Many policy optimization approaches in reinforcement learning incorporate a Kullback-Leilbler (KL) divergence to the previous policy, to prevent the policy from changing too quickly. This idea was initially proposed in a seminal paper on Conservative Policy Iteration, with approximations given by algorithms like TRPO and Munchausen Value Iteration (MVI). We continue this line of work by investigating a generalized KL divergence -- called the Tsallis KL divergence -- which use the qq-logarithm in the definition. The approach is a strict generalization, as q=1q = 1 corresponds to the standard KL divergence; q>1q > 1 provides a range of new options. We characterize the types of policies learned under the Tsallis KL, and motivate when q>1q >1 could be beneficial. To obtain a practical algorithm that incorporates Tsallis KL regularization, we extend MVI, which is one of the simplest approaches to incorporate KL regularization. We show that this generalized MVI(qq) obtains significant improvements over the standard MVI(q=1q = 1) across 35 Atari games.Comment: Accepted by NeurIPS 202

    Are Large Language Models Good Fact Checkers: A Preliminary Study

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    Recently, Large Language Models (LLMs) have drawn significant attention due to their outstanding reasoning capabilities and extensive knowledge repository, positioning them as superior in handling various natural language processing tasks compared to other language models. In this paper, we present a preliminary investigation into the potential of LLMs in fact-checking. This study aims to comprehensively evaluate various LLMs in tackling specific fact-checking subtasks, systematically evaluating their capabilities, and conducting a comparative analysis of their performance against pre-trained and state-of-the-art low-parameter models. Experiments demonstrate that LLMs achieve competitive performance compared to other small models in most scenarios. However, they encounter challenges in effectively handling Chinese fact verification and the entirety of the fact-checking pipeline due to language inconsistencies and hallucinations. These findings underscore the need for further exploration and research to enhance the proficiency of LLMs as reliable fact-checkers, unveiling the potential capability of LLMs and the possible challenges in fact-checking tasks

    Mining Themes in Clinical Notes to Identify Phenotypes and to Predict Length of Stay in Patients admitted with Heart Failure

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    Heart failure is a syndrome which occurs when the heart is not able to pump blood and oxygen to support other organs in the body. Identifying the underlying themes in the diagnostic codes and procedure reports of patients admitted for heart failure could reveal the clinical phenotypes associated with heart failure and to group patients based on their similar characteristics which could also help in predicting patient outcomes like length of stay. These clinical phenotypes usually have a probabilistic latent structure and hence, as there has been no previous work on identifying phenotypes in clinical notes of heart failure patients using a probabilistic framework and to predict length of stay of these patients using data-driven artificial intelligence-based methods, we apply natural language processing technique, topic modeling, to identify the themes present in diagnostic codes and in procedure reports of 1,200 patients admitted for heart failure at the University of Illinois Hospital and Health Sciences System (UI Health). Topic modeling identified twelve themes each in diagnostic codes and procedure reports which revealed information about different phenotypes related to various perspectives about heart failure, to study patients\u27 profiles and to discover new relationships among medical concepts. Each theme had a set of keywords and each clinical note was labeled with two themes - one corresponding to its diagnostic code and the other corresponding to its procedure reports along with their percentage contribution. We used these themes and their percentage contribution to predict length of stay. We found that the themes discovered in diagnostic codes and procedure reports using topic modeling together were able to predict length of stay of the patients with an accuracy of 61.1% and an Area under the Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve (ROC AUC) value of 0.828