9 research outputs found

    Entity-Enriched Neural Models for Clinical Question Answering

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    We explore state-of-the-art neural models for question answering on electronic medical records and improve their ability to generalize better on previously unseen (paraphrased) questions at test time. We enable this by learning to predict logical forms as an auxiliary task along with the main task of answer span detection. The predicted logical forms also serve as a rationale for the answer. Further, we also incorporate medical entity information in these models via the ERNIE architecture. We train our models on the large-scale emrQA dataset and observe that our multi-task entity-enriched models generalize to paraphrased questions ~5% better than the baseline BERT model


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    Cross-document co-reference resolution (CDCR) is the task of identifying and linking mentions to entities and concepts across many text documents. Current state-of-the-art models for this task assume that all documents are of the same type (e.g. news articles) or fall under the same theme. However, it is also desirable to perform CDCR across different domains (type or theme). A particular use case we focus on in this paper is the resolution of entities mentioned across scientific work and newspaper articles that discuss them. Identifying the same entities and corresponding concepts in both scientific articles and news can help scientists understand how their work is represented in mainstream media. We propose a new task and English language dataset for cross-document cross-domain co-reference resolution (CD2 CR). The task aims to identify links between entities across heterogeneous document types. We show that in this cross-domain, cross-document setting, existing CDCR models do not perform well and we provide a baseline model that outperforms current state-of-the-art CDCR models on CD2 CR. Our data set, annotation tool and guidelines as well as our model for cross-document cross-domain co-reference are all supplied as open access open source resources

    An empirical investigation of neural methods for content scoring of science explanations

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    With the widespread adoption of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), science teachers and online learning environments face the challenge of evaluating students' integration of different dimensions of science learning. Recent advances in representation learning in natural language processing have proven effective across many natural language processing tasks, but a rigorous evaluation of the relative merits of these methods for scoring complex constructed response formative assessments has not previously been carried out. We present a detailed empirical investigation of feature-based, recurrent neural network, and pre-trained transformer models on scoring content in real-world formative assessment data. We demonstrate that recent neural methods can rival or exceed the performance of feature-based methods. We also provide evidence that different classes of neural models take advantage of different learning cues, and pre-trained transformer models may be more robust to spurious, dataset-specific learning cues, better reflecting scoring rubrics