224 research outputs found

    Regional kustfiskövervakning i Egentliga Östersjön

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    Kustfiskövervakning i Öresund, 2012

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    To lose a referendum : the rhetorical situation of David Cameron’s EU referendum speech through the lens of the Outsider Tradition

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    Kesäkuussa 2016 järjestetty kansanäänestys Ison-Britannian EU –jäsenyydestä johti maan eroon Euroopan unionista. Tapahtuman poliittiset vaikutukset ovat olleet mittavat ja syitä äänestyksen tulokselle on etsitty monesta paikasta. Tämä Englannin kielen ja kirjallisuuden pro gradu –tutkielma tutkii retoriikkaa, jota Britannian pääministerit ovat käyttäneet puhuessaan maansa suhteista Euroopan unioniin. Analyysin keskiössä on konservatiivipääministeri David Cameronin (2010-2016) ”Bloomberg”-puhe, jossa hän julkisti aikeensa järjestää kansanäänestys Britannian EU-jäsenyydestä. Tutkielma jäljittää Britannian EU –jäsenyyden narratiivista historiaa ja tutkii kuinka tämä historia, ja sen aikana rakennettu tarina Britanniasta vastentahtoisena jäsenenä, vaikuttaa Cameronin puheeseen ja hänen argumentaatioonsa. Analyysin tukena on Oliver Daddow:n teoria ”ulkopuolisuuden perinteestä” (Outsider Tradition), jota on luotu ja ylläpidetty poliittisien puheiden voimalla. Perinne sisältää uskomuksia Britannian kansallisidentiteetistä, historiasta sekä politiikasta, ja on syntynyt auttamaan maata sovittamaan itsenäisyytensä ja ainutlaatuisuutensa yhteen monikansallisen unionin jäsenyyden kanssa. Tutkielma esittelee ulkopuolisuuden perinteeseen nojaavan kertomuksen (narrative) kehittymistä pääministereiden puheissa Margaret Thatcherista (1979–1990) Gordon Browniin (2005–2010), asettaen Cameronin puheen tähän kontekstiin retorisen tilanteen teorian kautta. Retorisella tilanteella tarkoitetaan retorista tekoa ympäröivää tilannetta. Retorinen tilanne koostuu neljästä komponentista: syy retoriselle teolle (exigence), puhuja (rhetor), yleisö (audience) ja rajoitukset (constraints). Tutkielma tarkastelee Cameronin luomaa retorista tilannetta eri komponenttien osalta ja arvioi niiden vaikuttavuutta ottaen huomioon aiempien pääministerien rakentaman kertomuksen. David Cameronin ”Bloomberg” –puhe ammentaa paljon etenkin konservatiivipääministerien puheista, vahvistaen ulkopuolisuuden kertomusta. Cameronin puhe osoittaa kertomuksen sisäisen ristiriidan. Vaikka Cameron esittää Britannian vastentahtoisena EU-jäsenenä, joka vastustaa syvempää integraatiota, eikä halua menettää itsemääräämisoikeuttaan keskeltä hallitulle unionille, hän silti vakuuttaa Briteille, että EU:sta lähteminen olisi suuri virhe. Ulkopuolisuuden perinne on ollut tasapainoilua kansallisten myyttien ja tosielämän tarpeiden välillä. Cameronin argumentaatio ja hänen luomansa retorinen tilanne jatkavat tätä nuoralla tanssimista. Puheen retorinen tilanne on kaikkien komponenttien osalta ristiriitainen, sillä se perustuu kertomukseen, joka on luonut Britannialle roolin EU:sta aina hieman erillään olevana maana. Tämä kertomus kulminoituu Britannian EU-eroon ja sen vaikutus kansanäänestyksen tulokseen on nähtävissä tutkielman analyysissä

    Lung fractional moving blood volume in normally grown and growth restricted foetuses.

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    Objective: To examine foetal lung blood perfusion using power Doppler ultrasound (PDU) and to compare fractional moving blood volume (FMBV) and mean pixel intensity (MPI) estimations in the lungs of normally grown (NG) foetuses and foetuses with intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) and also to correlate foetal lung FMBV and MPI with respiratory complications after birth. Methods: Lungs of 47 NG and 25 IUGR foetuses after 32 weeks of gestation were examined with PDU. FMBV and MPI were estimated in a defined region in the posterior part of the foetal lung closest to maternal abdominal wall. FMBV and MPI were correlated to foetal weight deviation and gestational age. Perinatal outcome and respiratory complications after birth were recorded in both groups. Results: There were significantly lower FMBV and MPI values in IUGR than in NG foetuses. The overall variation was lower for FMBV than for MPI. There was a slightly higher correlation between FMBV and foetal weight deviation [r = 0·33, 95% confidence intervals (CI) 0·11-0·52] than between MPI and foetal weight deviation (r = 0·26, 95% CI 0·03-0·46). There was no significant correlation between FMBV or MPI and gestational age. No differences between the groups were found in the rate of respiratory complications, and they were not correlated either to the FMBV or MPI. Conclusion: FMBV and MPI, estimated from the PDU signals of foetal lung circulation, showed lower values in third-trimester pregnancies complicated by IUGR. The frequency of neonatal respiratory complications was not increased in cases with low pulmonary FMBV and MPI values

    Attitudes of Swedish midwives towards management of extremely preterm labour and birth.

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    OBJECTIVE: the aim of the study was to ascertain the attitudes of Swedish midwives towards management of very preterm labour and birth and to compare the attitudes of midwives at university hospitals with those at general hospitals. DESIGN: this cross-sectional descriptive and comparative study used an anonymous self-administrated questionnaire for data collection. Descriptive and analytic statistics were carried out for analysis. PARTICIPANTS: the answers from midwives (n=259) were collected in a prospective SWEMID study. SETTING: the midwives had experience of working on delivery wards in maternity units with neonatal intensive care units (NICU) in Sweden. FINDINGS: in the management of very preterm labour and birth, midwives agreed to initiate interventions concerning steroid prophylaxis at 23 gestational weeks (GW), caesarean section for preterm labour only at 25 GW, when to give information to the neonatologist before birth at 23 GW, and when to suggest transfer to NICU at 23 GW. Midwives at university hospitals were prone to start interventions at an earlier gestational age than the midwives at general hospitals. Midwives at university hospitals seemed to be more willing to disclose information to the parents. KEY CONCLUSIONS: midwives with experience of handling very preterm births at 21-28 GW develop a positive attitude to interventions at an earlier gestational age as compared to midwives without such experience. IMPLICATIONS FOR PRACTICE: based on these results we suggest more communication and transfer of information about the advances in perinatal care and exchange of knowledge between the staff at general and university hospitals. Establishment of platforms for inter-professional discussions about ethically difficult situations in perinatal care, might benefit the management of very preterm labour and birth

    Biologisk recipientkontroll vid Södra Cell Värö

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    Sammanfattning Pappersmassafabriken Södra Cell Värös påverkan på fisksamhället har övervakats sedan 1983 genom provfisken med bottentrål i det havsområde där avloppsvattnet släpps ut (recipienten). Motsvarande undersökningar har utförts i ett opåverkat referensområde. Fångsten har främst dominerats av unga individer av flera torsk- och plattfiskarter. De vanligaste arterna i fisket är sandskädda och vitling. Den trend vi tidigare sett med ökande fångster under senare år har nu brutits och sett till den senaste tioårsperioden har fångsten av fler arter minskat än ökat. Fjärsing, tungevar, svart smörbult, simkrabba och krabba (krabbtaska) är arter som har ökat i båda områdena. Kolja och slätvar har ökat i recipientområdet, men ingen trend har kunnat urskiljas i referensområdet. Rödspätta och bergtunga däremot, saknar trend i recipienten men har minskat i referensen. Torsk har minskat på båda lokalerna den senaste tioårsperioden. Sedan provfiskets början har artrikedomen i fångsten ökat i både recipient- och referensområdet. Utifrån undersökningarna kunde ingen tydlig negativ effekt på fisk urskiljas från Södra Cell Värös utsläpp. Uppvandringen av ålyngel i Viskan har dokumenterats med hjälp av fällor i åmynningen sedan 1971. En stark nedgång i uppvandringen har skett sedan mitten av sjuttiotalet och totalfångsten under säsongen 2012 var den tredje lägsta som registrerats. Nedgången i Viskan har följt de trender som setts på andra platser i Europa och den bedöms inte ha något tydligt samband med verksamheten vid Södra Cell Värö. För att undersöka bottenförhållandena på och i anslutning till utsläppstuben har området filmats varje höst med en fjärrstyrd undervattensfarkost, en så kallad sjöuggla. Havsbotten i anslutning till tuben visade inte några tecken på syrebrist vid årets filmning

    Using catch statistics from the small scale coastal Baltic fishery for status assessment of coastal fish

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    Healthy coastal fish stocks and communities comprise an important part of the environmental targets of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive and Baltic Sea Action Plan, both in Sweden and the Baltic Sea as a whole. As such, the status of fish communities along our coasts should be assessed and Good Environmental Status (GES) should be achieved in 2020 by using a suite of selected indicators. Many coastal fish stocks in the Baltic Sea are typically local in their appearance and response to environmental conditions. In spite of a well-developed coastal fish monitoring program in Sweden, there are still spatial gaps in its coverage limiting the potential for a full comprehensive status assessment of coastal fish. Within the commercial fishery, all fishermen are obliged to report the catches and effort of their fishery to the European Commission via daily logbooks. To date, however, the information gathered from the small-scale coastal fisheries has not been used to assess the status and development of coastal fish stocks and communities. In this report we assess the potential for using data collected within the small-scale coastal fishery for indicator development and status assessments of coastal fish by 1) screening the species targeted and gears used in the commercial fishery, 2) comparing the temporal development of indicators derived from the commercial fishery and fishery independent coastal fish monitoring, and 3) comparing the outcome of status assessments derived from indicators developed using the two sources of data. Our results show that the commercial coastal fishery in Sweden is mainly targeting cod, herring, whitefish, flounder and perch, and to a minor extent also pike and pike-perch. These species are mainly caught using gillnets, but in some areas traps or trap-nets are of importance. Catches of species of noncommercial value as roach and breams and other members of the carp family are very low or not registered, and the data is hence limited to a few species of commercial importance. We found an overall weak match and substantial variation across coastal areas between indicators derived from the commercial fishery and fisheries independent monitoring data. There was, however, a reasonable concordance between the Abundance of large perch (above 25 cm) from monitoring data and catch-per-unit-effort (CPUE) of perch in the commercial fishery. When assessing the environmental status of the fish communities based on indicators derived from the two sources of data, there was a rather good overall match in GES for the indicators Abundance of perch, Abundance of large perch and Abundance of piscivores and CPUE based indicators from the commercial fishery. The match was lower for the indicator Abundance of large piscivores and indicators ignoring effort data in the commercial fishery. Our results suggest that CPUE data from the coastal commercial fishery could potentially be used as a complement and give additional support for status assessments of coastal fish in Sweden, particularly for the indicator Abundance of large perch. Since no information on size structure or the abundance of species of low commercial value could be obtained from the coastal commercial fisheries statistics, the data reported is in its current form of limited use for more detailed assessments of coastal fish communities. This regards important parameters such as size structure and the abundance of important functional groups as carp fishes. The fisheries statistics includes many sources for potential errors, but there are some means that can be used to increase the value of this data for assessments. The quality of the reporting can be improved, a selected number of coastal fishermen can be contracted for more detailed self-reporting of their catches and efforts. It is especially important to focus on registration of by-catch (both undersized fish of focal species and species of non-commercial value), subsampling for length and age estimates, and improved resolution of the effort and fishing location. This would be especially valid for those species and stocks that we have limited information on in the fishery independent gillnet monitoring programs as for example whitefish, pike-perch, pike and flatfishes

    Design of an AI Support for Diagnosis of Dyspneic Adults at Time of Triage in the Emergency Department

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    We created an AI support for diagnosis in dyspneic adults at time of triage in the emergency department.Complete data from an entire regional health care system was analyzed, to find AI-derived, unknown, important diagnostic predictors. Most important were prior diagnoses of heart failure or COPD, daily smoking, atrial fibrillation/flutter, life difficulties and maternal care.Sensitivity for AHF, eCOPD and pneumonia was 75%, 93%, and 54%, respectively, with a specificity above 75%. Each patient visit received an individual graph with the AI´s underlying decision basis