20,698 research outputs found

    On 1-loop diagrams in AdS space and the random disorder problem

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    We study the complex scalar loop corrections to the boundary-boundary gauge two point function in pure AdS space in Poincare coordinates, in the presence of a boundary quadratic perturbation to the scalar. These perturbations correspond to double trace perturbations in the dual CFT and modify the boundary conditions of the bulk scalars in AdS. We find that, in addition to the usual UV divergences, the 1-loop calculation suffers from a divergence originating in the limit as the loop vertices approach the AdS horizon. We show that this type of divergence is independent of the boundary coupling, and making use of which we extract the finite relative variation of the imaginary part of the loop via Cutkosky rules as the boundary perturbation varies. Applying our methods to compute the effects of a time-dependent impurity to the conductivities using the replica trick in AdS/CFT, we find that generally an IR-relevant disorder reduces the conductivity and that in the extreme low frequency limit the correction due to the impurities overwhelms the planar CFT result even though it is supposedly 1/N21/N^2 suppressed. Comments on the effect of time-independent impurity in such a system are presented.Comment: 22 pages, 3 figures, Boundary conditions clarified, some typos fixed, presentations improved and references adde

    Diffusion of Point Defects in Two-Dimensional Colloidal Crystals

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    We report the first study of the dynamics of point defects, mono and di-vacancies, in a confined 2-D colloidal crystal in real space and time using digital video microscopy. The defects are introduced by manipulating individual particles with optical tweezers. The diffusion rates are measured to be Dmono/a23.27±0.03D_{mono}/a^{2}\cong3.27\pm0.03Hz for mono-vacancies and Ddi/a23.71±0.03D_{di}/a^{2}\cong3.71\pm0.03Hz for di-vacancies. The elementary diffusion processes are identified and it is found that the diffusion of di-vacancies is enhanced by a \textit{dislocation dissociation-recombination} mechanism. Furthermore, the defects do not follow a simple random walk but their hopping exhibits memory effects, due to the reduced symmetry (compared to the triangular lattice) of their stable configurations, and the slow relaxation rates of the lattice modes.Comment: 6 pages (REVTEX), 5 figures (PS

    Gamma-Ray Spectra & Variability of the Crab Nebula Emission Observed by BATSE

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    We report ~ 600 days of BATSE earth-occultation observations of the total gamma-ray (30 keV to 1.7 MeV) emission from the Crab nebula, between 1991 May 24 (TJD 8400) and 1994 October 2 (TJD 9627). Lightcurves from 35-100, 100-200, 200-300, 300-400, 400-700, and 700-1000 keV, show that positive fluxes were detected by BATSE in each of these six energy bands at significances of approximately 31, 20, 9.2, 4.5, 2.6, and 1.3 sigma respectively per day. We also observed significant flux and spectral variations in the 35-300 keV energy region, with time scales of days to weeks. The spectra below 300 keV, averaged over typical CGRO viewing periods of 6-13 days, can be well described by a broken power law with average indices of ~ 2.1 and ~ 2.4 varying around a spectral break at ~ 100 keV. Above 300 keV, the long-term averaged spectra, averaged over three 400 d periods (TJD 8400-8800, 8800-9200, and 9200-9628, respectively) are well represented by the same power law with index of ~ 2.34 up to ~ 670 keV, plus a hard spectral component extending from ~ 670 keV to ~ 1.7 MeV, with a spectral index of ~ 1.75. The latter component could be related to a complex structure observed by COMPTEL in the 0.7-3 MeV range. Above 3 MeV, the extrapolation of the power-law continuum determined by the low-energy BATSE spectrum is consistent with fluxes measured by COMPTEL in the 3-25 MeV range, and by EGRET from 30-50 MeV. We interpret these results as synchrotron emission produced by the interaction of particles ejected from the pulsar with the field in different dynamical regions of the nebula system, as observed recently by HST, XMM-Newton, and Chandra.Comment: To be published in the November 20, 2003, Vol 598 issue of the Astrophysical Journa

    Statistical Tests for CHDM and \LambdaCDM Cosmologies

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    We apply several statistical estimators to high-resolution N-body simulations of two currently viable cosmological models: a mixed dark matter model, having Ων=0.2\Omega_\nu=0.2 contributed by two massive neutrinos (C+2\nuDM), and a Cold Dark Matter model with Cosmological Constant (\LambdaCDM) with Ω0=0.3\Omega_0=0.3 and h=0.7. Our aim is to compare simulated galaxy samples with the Perseus-Pisces redshift survey (PPS). We consider the n-point correlation functions (n=2-4), the N-count probability functions P_N, including the void probability function P_0, and the underdensity probability function U_\epsilon (where \epsilon fixes the underdensity threshold in percentage of the average). We find that P_0 (for which PPS and CfA2 data agree) and P_1 distinguish efficiently between the models, while U_\epsilon is only marginally discriminatory. On the contrary, the reduced skewness and kurtosis are, respectively, S_3\simeq 2.2 and S_4\simeq 6-7 in all cases, quite independent of the scale, in agreement with hierarchical scaling predictions and estimates based on redshift surveys. Among our results, we emphasize the remarkable agreement between PPS data and C+2\nuDM in all the tests performed. In contrast, the above \LambdaCDM model has serious difficulties in reproducing observational data if galaxies and matter overdensities are related in a simple way.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures, LaTeX (aaspp4 macro), in press on ApJ, Vol. 479, April 199

    Southern Sky Redshift Survey: Clustering of Local Galaxies

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    We use the two-point correlation function to calculate the clustering properties of the recently completed SSRS2 survey. The redshift space correlation function for the magnitude-limited SSRS2 is given by xi(s)=(s/5.85 h-1 Mpc)^{-1.60} for separations between 2 < s < 11 h-1 Mpc, while our best estimate for the real space correlation function is xi(r) = (r/5.36 h-1 Mpc)^{-1.86}. Both are comparable to previous measurements using surveys of optical galaxies over much larger and independent volumes. By comparing the correlation function calculated in redshift and real space we find that the redshift distortion on intermediate scales is small. This result implies that the observed redshift-space distribution of galaxies is close to that in real space, and that beta = Omega^{0.6}/b < 1, where Omega is the cosmological density parameter and b is the linear biasing factor for optical galaxies. We also use the SSRS2 to study the dependence of xi on the internal properties of galaxies. We confirm earlier results that luminous galaxies (L>L*) are more clustered than sub-L* galaxies and that the luminosity segregation is scale-independent. We find that early types are more clustered than late types, but that in the absence of rich clusters, the relative bias between early and late types in real space, is not as strong as previously estimated. Furthermore, both morphologies present a luminosity-dependent bias, with the early types showing a slightly stronger dependence on luminosity. We also find that red galaxies are significantly more clustered than blue ones, with a mean relative bias stronger than that seen for morphology. Finally, we find that the relative bias between optical and iras galaxies in real space is b_o/b_I \sim 1.4.Comment: 43 pages, uses AASTeX 4.0 macros. Includes 8 tables and 16 Postscript figures, updated reference

    Aharonov-Anandan phase in Lipkin-Meskov-Glick model

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    In the system of several interacting spins, geometric phases have been researched intensively.However, the studies are mainly focused on the adiabatic case (Berry phase), so it is necessary for us to study the non-adiabatic counterpart (Aharonov and Anandan phase). In this paper, we analyze both the non-degenerate and degenerate geometric phase of Lipkin-Meskov-Glick type model, which has many application in Bose-Einstein condensates and entanglement theory. Furthermore, in order to calculate degenerate geometric phases, the Floquet theorem and decomposition of operator are generalized. And the general formula is achieved

    Halo Geometry and Dark Matter Annihilation Signal

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    We study the impact of the halo shape and geometry on the expected weakly interacting massive particle (WIMP) dark matter annihilation signal from the galactic center. As the halo profile in the innermost region is still poorly constrained, we consider different density behaviors like flat cores, cusps and spikes, as well as geometrical distortions. We show that asphericity has a strong impact on the annihilation signal when the halo profile near the galactic center is flat, but becomes gradually less significant for cuspy profiles, and negligible in the presence of a central spike. However, the astrophysical factor is strongly dependent on the WIMP mass and annihilation cross-section in the latter case.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, PR

    Bound on the Dark Matter Density in the Solar System from Planetary Motions

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    High precision planet orbital data extracted from direct observation, spacecraft explorations and laser ranging techniques enable to put a strong constraint on the maximal dark matter density of a spherical halo centered around the Sun. The maximal density at Earth's location is of the order 10510^5 GeV/cm3{\rm GeV/cm^3} and shows only a mild dependence on the slope of the halo profile, taken between 0 and -2. This bound is somewhat better than that obtained from the perihelion precession limits.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figur

    Origins of the semiannual variation of geomagnetic activity in 1954 and 1996

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    International audienceWe investigate the cause of the unusually strong semiannual variation of geomagnetic activity observed in the solar minimum years of 1954 and 1996. For 1996 we separate the contributions of the three classical modulation mechanisms (axial, equinoctial, and Russell-McPherron) to the six-month wave in the aam index and find that all three contribute about equally. This is in contrast to the longer run of geomagnetic activity (1868-1998) over which the equinoctial effect accounts for ?70% of the semiannual variation. For both 1954 and 1996, we show that the Russell-McPherron effect was enhanced by the Rosenberg-Coleman effect (an axial polarity effect) which increased the amount of the negative (toward Sun) [positive (away from Sun)] polarity field observed during the first [second] half of the year; such fields yield a southward component in GSM coordinates. Because this favourable condition occurs only for alternate solar cycles, the marked semiannual variation in 1954 and 1996 is a manifestation of the 22-year cycle of geomagnetic activity. The 11-year evolution of the heliospheric current sheet (HCS) also contributes to the strong six-month wave during these years. At solar minimum, the streamer belt at the base of the HCS is located near the solar equator, permitting easier access to high speed streams from polar coronal holes when the Earth is at its highest heliographic latitudes in March and September. Such an axial variation in solar wind speed was observed for 1996 and is inferred for 1954. Key words. Magnetosphere (solar wind ? magnetosphere interactions; storms and substorms