639 research outputs found

    The NILE Project — Advances in the Conversion of Lignocellulosic Materials into Ethanol

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    NILE ("New Improvements for Lignocellulosic Ethanol") was an integrated European project (2005-2010) devoted to the conversion of lignocellulosic raw materials to ethanol. The main objectives were to design novel enzymes suitable for the hydrolysis of cellulose to glucose and new yeast strains able to efficiently converting all the sugars present in lignocellulose into ethanol. The project also included testing these new developments in an integrated pilot plant and evaluating the environmental and socio-economic impacts of implementing lignocellulosic ethanol on a large scale. Two model raw materials – spruce and wheat straw – both preconditioned with similar pretreatments, were used. Several approaches were explored to improve the saccharification of these pretreated raw materials such as searching for new efficient enzymes and enzyme engineering. Various genetic engineering methods were applied to obtain stable xylose- and arabinose-fermenting Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains that tolerate the toxic compounds present in lignocellulosic hydrolysates. The pilot plant was able to treat 2 tons of dry matter per day, and hydrolysis and fermentation could be run successively or simultaneously. A global model integrating the supply chain was used to assess the performance of lignocellulosic ethanol from an economical and environmental perspective. It was found that directed evolution of a specific enzyme of the cellulolytic cocktail produced by the industrial fungus, Trichoderma reesei, and modification of the composition of this cocktail led to improvements of the enzymatic hydrolysis of pretreated raw material. These results, however, were difficult to reproduce at a large scale. A substantial increase in the ethanol conversion yield and in specific ethanol productivity was obtained through a combination of metabolic engineering of yeast strains and fermentation process development. Pilot trials confirmed the good behaviour of the yeast strains in industrial conditions as well as the suitability of lignin residues as fuels. The ethanol cost and the greenhouse gas emissions were highly dependent on the supply chain but the best performing supply chains showed environmental and economic benefits. From a global standpoint, the results showed the necessity for an optimal integration of the process to co-develop all the steps of the process and to test the improvements in a flexible pilot plant, thus allowing the comparison of various configurations and their economic and environmental impacts to be determined. <br> Le projet NILE, acronyme de "New Improvements for Lignocellulosic Ethanol", Ă©tait un projet europĂ©en (2005-2010) consacrĂ© Ă  la conversion des matiĂšres premiĂšres lignocellulosiques en Ă©thanol. Ses principaux objectifs Ă©taient de concevoir de nouvelles enzymes adaptĂ©es Ă  l’hydrolyse de la cellulose en glucose et de nouvelles souches de levure capables de convertir efficacement tous les sucres prĂ©sents dans la lignocellulose en Ă©thanol. Une autre partie du projet consistait Ă  tester ces nouveaux systĂšmes dans une installation pilote et Ă  Ă©valuer les impacts environnementaux et socio-Ă©conomiques de la production et utilisation Ă  grande Ă©chelle d’éthanol lignocellulosique. Deux matiĂšres premiĂšres modĂšles (l’épicĂ©a et la paille de blĂ©) prĂ©traitĂ©es de façon semblable, ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©es. DiffĂ©rentes approches ont Ă©tĂ© tentĂ©es pour amĂ©liorer la saccharification de ces matiĂšres premiĂšres, par exemple, la recherche de nouvelles enzymes efficaces ou l’ingĂ©nierie d’enzymes. Plusieurs stratĂ©gies d’ingĂ©nierie gĂ©nĂ©tique ont Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©es pour obtenir des souches stables de Saccharomyces cerevisiae capables de fermenter le xylose et l’arabinose, et de tolĂ©rer les composĂ©s toxiques prĂ©sents dans les hydrolysats lignocellulosiques. L’installation pilote pouvait traiter 2 tonnes de matiĂšres sĂšches par jour, et l’hydrolyse et la fermentation pouvaient ĂȘtre menĂ©es successivement ou simultanĂ©ment. Un modĂšle global intĂ©grant la chaĂźne d’approvisionnement en matiĂšre premiĂšre a servi Ă  Ă©valuer les performances Ă©conomiques et environnementales de la production d’éthanol lignocellulosique. L’évolution dirigĂ©e d’une enzyme du cocktail cellulolytique produit par le champignon Trichoderma reesei, et la modification de la composition de ce cocktail amĂ©liorent l’hydrolyse enzymatique des matiĂšres premiĂšres prĂ©traitĂ©es. Cependant, ces rĂ©sultats n’ont pu ĂȘtre reproduits Ă  grande Ă©chelle. Le rendement de conversion et la productivitĂ© spĂ©cifique en Ă©thanol ont Ă©tĂ© sensiblement augmentĂ©s grĂące Ă  l’ingĂ©nierie mĂ©tabolique des souches de levure et au dĂ©veloppement d’un procĂ©dĂ© optimal de fermentation. Les essais en pilote ont confirmĂ© le bon comportement de ces souches de levure en conditions industrielles ainsi que la possibilitĂ© d’utiliser les rĂ©sidus riches en lignine comme combustible. Le coĂ»t de production de l’éthanol et le bilan des Ă©missions de gaz Ă  effet de serre Ă©taient trĂšs dĂ©pendants des sources d’énergie utilisĂ©es. D’un point de vue plus global, les rĂ©sultats ont montrĂ© que l’optimisation du procĂ©dĂ© nĂ©cessite de codĂ©velopper toutes les Ă©tapes de façon intĂ©grĂ©e et de valider les amĂ©liorations dans une installation pilote, afin notamment de pouvoir comparer diffĂ©rentes configurations et d’en dĂ©terminer les effets sur l’économie du procĂ©dĂ© et ses impacts environnementaux

    Rich methane laminar flames doped with light unsaturated hydrocarbons. Part II: 1,3butadiene

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    In line with the study presented in the part I of this paper, the structure of a laminar rich premixed methane flame doped with 1,3-butadiene has been investigated. The flame contains 20.7% (molar) of methane, 31.4% of oxygen and 3.3% of 1,3-butadiene, corresponding to an equivalence ratio of 1.8, and a ratio C4H6 / CH4 of 16 %. The flame has been stabilized on a burner at a pressure of 6.7 kPa using argon as dilutant, with a gas velocity at the burner of 36 cm/s at 333 K. The temperature ranged from 600 K close to the burner up to 2150 K. Quantified species included usual methane C0-C2 combustion products and 1,3-butadiene, but also propyne, allene, propene, propane, 1,2-butadiene, butynes, vinylacetylene, diacetylene, 1,3-pentadiene, 2-methyl-1,3-butadiene (isoprene), 1-pentene, 3-methyl-1-butene, benzene and toluene. In order to model these new results, some improvements have been made to a mechanism previously developed in our laboratory for the reactions of C3-C4 unsaturated hydrocarbons. The main reaction pathways of consumption of 1,3-butadiene and of formation of C6 aromatic species have been derived from flow rate analyses. In this case, the C4 route to benzene formation plays an important role in comparison to the C3 pathway

    MLVA polymorphism of Salmonella enterica subspecies isolated from humans, animals, and food in Cambodia

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>Salmonella </it>(<it>S</it>.) <it>enterica </it>is the main cause of salmonellosis in humans and animals. The epidemiology of this infection involves large geographical distances, and strains related to an episode of salmonellosis therefore need to be reliably discriminated. Due to the limitations of serotyping, molecular genotyping methods have been developed, including multiple loci variable number of tandem repeats (VNTR) analysis (MLVA). In our study, 11 variable number tandem-repeats markers were selected from the <it>S. enterica </it>Typhimurium LT2 genome to evaluate the genetic diversity of 206 <it>S. enterica </it>strains collected in Cambodia between 2001 and 2007.</p> <p>Findings</p> <p>Thirty one serovars were identified from three sources: humans, animals and food. The markers were able to discriminate all strains from 2 to 17 alleles. Using the genotype phylogeny repartition, MLVA distinguished 107 genotypes clustered into two main groups: <it>S. enterica </it>Typhi and other serovars. Four serovars (Derby, Schwarzengrund, Stanley, and Weltevreden) were dispersed in 2 to 5 phylogenic branches. Allelic variations within <it>S. enterica </it>serovars was represented using the minimum spanning tree. For several genotypes, we identified clonal complexes within the serovars. This finding supports the notion of endemo-epidemic diffusion within animals, food, or humans. Furthermore, a clonal transmission from one source to another was reported. Four markers (STTR3, STTR5, STTR8, and Sal20) presented a high diversity index (DI > 0.80).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>In summary, MLVA can be used in the typing and genetic profiling of a large diversity of <it>S. enterica </it>serovars, as well as determining the epidemiological relationships of the strains with the geography of the area.</p

    Oral rehydration therapies in Senegal, Mali, and Sierra Leone: A spatial analysis of changes over time and implications for policy

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    Background: Oral rehydration solution (ORS) is a simple intervention that can prevent childhood deaths from severe diarrhea and dehydration. In a previous study, we mapped the use of ORS treatment subnationally and found that ORS coverage increased over time, while the use of home-made alternatives or recommended home fluids (RHF) decreased, in many countries. These patterns were particularly striking within Senegal, Mali, and Sierra Leone. It was unclear, however, whether ORS replaced RHF in these locations or if children were left untreated, and if these patterns were associated with health policy changes.Methods: We used a Bayesian geostatistical model and data from household surveys to map the percentage of children with diarrhea that received (1) any ORS, (2) only RHF, or (3) no oral rehydration treatment between 2000 and 2018. This approach allowed examination of whether RHF was replaced with ORS before and after interventions, policies, and external events that may have impacted healthcare access.Results: We found that RHF was replaced with ORS in most Sierra Leone districts, except those most impacted by the Ebola outbreak. In addition, RHF was replaced in northern but not in southern Mali, and RHF was not replaced anywhere in Senegal. In Senegal, there was no statistical evidence that a national policy promoting ORS use was associated with increases in coverage. In Sierra Leone, ORS coverage increased following a national policy change that abolished health costs for children.Conclusions: Children in parts of Mali and Senegal have been left behind during ORS scale-up. Improved messaging on effective diarrhea treatment and/or increased ORS access such as through reducing treatment costs may be needed to prevent child deaths in these areas

    Quantum Averaging I: Poincar\'e--von Zeipel is Rayleigh--Schr\"odinger

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    An exact analogue of the method of averaging in classical mechanics is constructed for self--adjoint operators. It is shown to be completely equivalent to the usual Rayleigh--Schr\"odinger perturbation theory but gives the sums over intermediate states in closed form expressions. The anharmonic oscillator and the Henon--Heiles system are treated as examples to illustrate the quantum averaging method.Comment: 12 pages, LaTeX, to appear in Journ. Phys.

    Major bleeding during negative pressure wound/V.A.C.Âź - therapy for postsurgical deep sternal wound infection - a critical appraisal

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    Negative-pressure wound therapy, commercially known as vacuum-assisted closure (V.A.C.Âź) therapy, has become one of the most popular (and efficacious) interim (prior to flap reconstruction) or definite methods of managing deep sternal wound infection. Complications such as profuse bleeding, which may occur during negative-pressure therapy but not necessarily due to it, are often attributed to a single factor and reported as such. However, despite the wealth of clinical experience internationally available, information regarding certain simple considerations is still lacking. Garnering information on all the factors that could possibly influence the outcome has become more difficult due to a (fortunate) decrease in the incidence of deep sternal wound infection. If more insight is to be gained from fewer clinical cases, then various potentially confounding factors should be fully disclosed before complications can be attributed to the technique itself or improvements to negative-pressure wound therapy for deep sternal wound infection can be accepted as evidence-based and the guidelines for its use adapted. The authors propose the adoption of a simple checklist in such cases

    Effects of Curcuma longa (turmeric) on postprandial plasma glucose and insulin in healthy subjects

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Previous animal studies have shown that <it>Curcuma (C.) longa </it>lowers plasma glucose. <it>C. longa </it>may thus be a promising ingredient in functional foods aimed at preventing type 2 diabetes. The purpose of the study is to study the effect of <it>C. longa </it>on postprandial plasma glucose, insulin levels and glycemic index (GI) in healthy subjects.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Fourteen healthy subjects were assessed in a crossover trial. A standard 75 g oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) was administered together with capsules containing a placebo or <it>C. longa</it>. Finger-prick capillary and venous blood samples were collected before, and 15, 30, 45, 60, 90, and 120 min after the start of the OGTT to measure the glucose and insulin levels, respectively.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The ingestion of 6 g <it>C. longa </it>had no significant effect on the glucose response. The change in insulin was significantly higher 30 min (<it>P </it>= 0.03) and 60 min (<it>P </it>= 0.041) after the OGTT including <it>C. longa</it>. The insulin AUCs were also significantly higher after the ingestion of <it>C. longa</it>, 15 (<it>P </it>= 0.048), 30 (<it>P </it>= 0.035), 90 (<it>P </it>= 0.03), and 120 (<it>P </it>= 0.02) minutes after the OGTT.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The ingestion of 6 g <it>C. longa </it>increased postprandial serum insulin levels, but did not seem to affect plasma glucose levels or GI, in healthy subjects. The results indicate that <it>C. longa </it>may have an effect on insulin secretion.</p> <p>Trial registration number</p> <p>NCT01029327</p

    Low availability of carnitine precursors as a possible reason for the diminished plasma carnitine concentrations in pregnant women

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>It has been shown that plasma carnitine concentrations decrease markedly during gestation. A recent study performed with a low number of subjects suggested that this effect could be due to a low iron status which leads to an impairment of carnitine synthesis. The present study aimed to confirm this finding in a greater number of subjects. It was moreover intended to find out whether low carnitine concentrations during pregnancy could be due to a reduced availability of precursors of carnitine synthesis, namely trimethyllysine (TML) and Îł-butyrobetaine (BB).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Blood samples of 79 healthy pregnant women collected at delivery were used for this study.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>There was only a weak, non-significant (P > 0.05), correlation between plasma concentration of ferritin and those of free and total carnitine. There was no correlation between other parameters of iron status (plasma iron concentration, hemoglobin, MCV, MCH) and plasma concentration of free and total carnitine. There were, however, significant (P < 0.05) positive correlations between concentrations of TML and BB and those of free and total carnitine in plasma.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The results of this study suggest that an insufficient iron status is not the reason for low plasma carnitine concentrations observed in pregnant women. It is rather indicated that low plasma carnitine concentrations are caused by a low availability of precursors for carnitine synthesis during gestation.</p
