1,573 research outputs found

    ADOP2T for Metal Forming and Machining Sectors

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    The Illinois Sustainable Technology Center (ISTC) has developed a technical assistance program to improve adoption of pollution prevention technologies in the metal forming and machining sectors. The Accelerated Diffusion of Pollution Prevention Technologies Program (ADOP2T) is a process of identifying best practices and executing brief demonstrations and extended pilot trials of pollution prevention practices and technologies in actual industrial facilities. These pilot trials will provide the site specific information required to influence companies decisions to adopt these technologies where economically and technically feasible

    Filling the Hole in Indonesia's Constitutional System: Constitutional Courts and the Review of Regulations in a Split Jurisdiction

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    The Indonesian constitutional system contains a serious flaw that means that the constitutionality of a large number of laws cannot be determined by any court. Although the jurisdiction for the judicial review of laws is split between the Constitutional Court and the Supreme Court, neither can review the constitutionality of subordinate regulations. This is problematic because in Indonesia the real substance of statutes is often found in implementing regulations, of which there are very many. This paper argues that that is open to the Constitutional Court to reconsider its position on review of regulations in order to remedy this problem. It could do so by interpreting its power of judicial review of statutes to extend to laws below the level of statutes. The paper begins with a brief account of how Indonesia came to have a system of judicial constitutional review that is restricted to statutes. It then examines the experience of South Korea's Constitutional Court, a court in an Asian civil law country with a split jurisdiction for judicial review of laws like Indonesia's. Despite controversy, this court has been able to interpret its powers to constitutionally invalidate statutes in such a way as to extend them to subordinate regulations as well. This paper argues that Indonesia's Constitutional Court should follow South Korea's example, in order to prevent the possibility of constitutionalism being subverted by unconstitutional subordinate regulations

    Growing Jatropha curcas for Renewable Energy: Biodeisel Production in Haiti

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    Tim Lindsey and Joe Pickowitz - Illinois Sustainable Technology Center. Tim Lindsey and Joe Pickowitz of ISTC will discuss their recent trip to Haiti with Kathleen Robbins who works with the organization PARTNER FOR PEOPLE AND PLACE, which provides planning and technical assistance for humanitarian and environmental projects on the frontline of poverty. The group operates a Haitian nonprofit business, Jatropha Pepinye, to support the cultivation of Jatropha curcas, a plant that provides a cash crop to farmers, and oil for value-added products like biodiesel and soap. The business itself - a tree nursery - provides jobs and training to local residents and field trials for Jatropha research. In a related project, the organization is developing alternatives to traditional charcoal-making using sustainable forestry and high-efficiency energy conversion. The group sees renewable fuels as part of the effort to re-green Haiti, which is almost totally deforested

    Strengthening Ontario\u27s System of Housing for People with Serious Mental Illness

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    This article describes recent work to support recommendations for improving Ontario’s system of housing for people with serious mental illness. This multifaceted project engaged stakeholders in discussions concerning strategies for improving the system based on (a) values that underlie housing programs, (b) evidence of effective housing practices, (c) the current status of the system, and (d) international practices for monitoring community mental health systems. Stakeholders reviewed summaries of the work and discussed implications for improving the provincial system of housing and supports. Recommendations are made for improving the system, focusing on both regional and provincial level actions

    Application Virtualization utilizing Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM)

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    The National Air and Space Intelligence Center (NASIC) is the Department of Defense’s (DOD) primary source for intelligence on foreign air and space threats. Supporting the NASIC mission is the Communications & Information (SC) directorate. To continue to support the mission, SC has made the decision to explore virtual applications to create a more dynamic and flexible application deployment model that focuses on delivering end users applications quicker and more efficiently. To better understand the benefits of virtual applications the team established a Proof of Concept (PoC) and implemented Microsoft\u27s Application Virtualization (App-V) solution, as well as, reviewed the integration of App-V with the current software deployment solution, Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM)

    Private/Public Partnerships for Sustainable Industrial Growth

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    Discusses WMRC's role in the development of Ford Motor Company's Chicago industrial park. This includes working with 10 of Ford's suppliers to work with them to incorporate P2 & industrial ecology at the design stage. Dr. Lindsey presented a summary of technical assistance initiatives, obstacles, and lessons learned so far associated with this Chicago Ford Industrial Park Initiative.Ope

    Sexual compulsivity, erectile dysfunction, and suicidality among male survivors of military sexual violence

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    Although military sexual trauma (MST) is associated with an increased risk of suicide, suicide attempts, and suicidal ideation among service members and veterans, there is limited knowledge regarding the mechanisms of MST and suicidality among men. The current study examined whether MST was associated with sexual compulsivity and/or erectile dysfunction and if these, in turn, explained elevated suicidal thoughts and the likelihood of engaging in future suicidal behavior after accounting for mental health, military, and demographic characteristics. Servicemembers and veteranswho reported their gender as male (N = 508) were recruited via social media and completed online self-report measures assessing MST, erectile dysfunction, sexual compulsivity, suicidal ideation frequency, and the likelihood of engaging in future suicidal behavior. Path analysis was used to examine the study hypotheses. In total, 67 participants (13.2%) reported a history of MST; of these individuals, 27 (40.3%) reported suicidal ideation in the past 12 months, and 29 (43.9%) reported an increased likelihood of engaging in future suicidal behavior. MST was associated with increased sexual compulsivity, which, in turn, predicted more frequent suicidal ideation as well as a higher self-reported likelihood of engaging in future suicidal behavior. MST was associated with higher levels of erectile dysfunction, but erectile dysfunction was not associated with suicidal ideation in the adjusted model. Although the data were cross-sectional, precluding determinations of causality, the results support assessing and intervening with regard to sexual compulsivity tomitigate the risk for suicide-related outcomes among men who experience MST

    Characterization of Hypertension Risk Factors at the Committee on Temporary Shelter

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    Introduction: The health of homeless populations is at risk due to a high prevalence of undiagnosed hypertension (HTN) and cardiovascular disease (CVD). The interaction of housing and socioeconomic status with the risk factors for HTN and CVD remains unclear. Prevention of HTN through a healthy diet, exercise, adequate sleep, and avoidance of tobacco has been well described, but financial limitations and competing priorities for shelter and food make blood pressure (BP) control difficult for this population. By characterizing the risk factors and awareness of hypertension within the homeless population at the Committee on Temporary Shelter Daystation (COTS) in Burlington, Vermont, we may be able to identify promising avenues for therapeutic intervention.https://scholarworks.uvm.edu/comphp_gallery/1226/thumbnail.jp


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    The aim of the Kiwiana and Industry Partner Playing Field Opening Reception is to enable conference delegates to meet colleagues, make new acquaintances, learn about New Zealand (NZ) culture, experience quality NZ cuisine, and interact with new digital technology. The informative speeches (e.g. wine and food matching, cloudy bay clam research, Kiwiana research), thematic food stations (i.e. beach bach, farm, modern Kiwiana), interactive “ice-breaking” activities and competitions (e.g. jig saw building, gum boot throwing, number 8 wire sculpture, fishing), and social media photo opportunities (e.g. Kiwiana photo booth with VUTA) have been designed to help delegates achieve these goals. Native bird songs play while delegates walk into the fern and flax adorned atrium after the official opening. Delegates will receive a bubbly, beer, juice or mineral water on entry. Mr Kelly Sheerin, as the coordinator of the ISBS 2018 Conference industry partnership engagement programme, will outline the evening’s fun activities in the “Industry Playing Field” interactive events, and opportunities to win prizes. Dr Sarah-Kate Millar will provide the Karakia—blessing of the food. AUT Group Chef Matthew Farley, AUT Hospitality Services will explain the food and the Sileni wine for the evening. There are three savoury and two sweet canapés from cookbooks written by lecturers at AUT’s School of Hospitality and Tourism. Food is available from the Beach Bach, Farm, and Kiwiana themed areas. Lindsay Neill, kiwiana and Kiwi identity researcher, School of Hospitality, Tourism and Events, will outline the importance of kiwiana to New Zealand. His showcase will include the famous Buzzy Bee and findings from his latest research on kiwiana. Lindsay will highlight the uses of beetroot, tomato sauce, chocolate fish, Tip Top ice cream, and hokey pokey – regular food items for many NZers! We are really excited to showcase a special modern kiwiana food station with finger food adapted from books by AUT School of Hospitality, Tourism and Events staff. Students from the School’s culinary programmes are assisting to prepare and serve the food for your enjoyment including: Cured salmon, rice cracker, pickled ginger, spring onion; Corn fritters; Suqaar Digaag Somali chicken; White chocolate tart with chocolate cremeux and Swiss merengue; Misiluki banana pudding with Siamu Popo. Professor Lindsay White, Cloudy Bay Clams researcher, School of Applied Sciences, will outline the research behind producing Cloudy Bay Clams. His showcase will provide tastings of fresh seafood. Surf clams is the collective term for seven commercially harvested molluscs that live on almost all of NZ sandy, high wave energy beaches. They live buried in the sand, just in or behind the breaking waves. Regional small-scale studies indicate that surf clams have the potential to be NZ’s most valuable fishery resource, but a lack of scientific knowledge about these species allows only a tiny fraction of the sustainable harvest to be currently harvested. Our research to date has had a huge impact on the national fishery, more than doubling the total catch of surf clams, which equates to increases in annual export earnings of over $27 million. Based on this work, in 2013 we jointly won the Kiwi Supreme Prize for Commercialisation of Research. Tim Davison’s team will introduce the interactive virtual AUTer (VUTA). VUTA is the virtual MC for the Opening Kiwiana event alongside Kelly Sheerin as the in-the-flesh MC! Tim will explain how delegates can interact with VUTA by scanning the code in messenger. VUTA can make announcements, answer questions, display messages, greet people, and move around. Tim has been able to customise her to do just about anything. Samsung flip screens (https://displaysolutions.samsung.com/digital-signage/e-board/flip) are used for directional information and Tim’s VUTA. Thanks to Industry partner Samsung for providing the hardware to enable VUTA to come to life. Professor Len Gillman, School of Applied Sciences - Conference Sustainability—ecological responsibility, will explain the food and waste compositing, no single use plastics, and vegan options for the conference. Len and Professor Thomas Neitzert (School of Engineering) have calculated the carbon footprint for international delegates flying to NZ for the conference is 186.5 tonnes of carbon! Therefore 1.86 hectares (4.6 acres) will need to be planted to offset the conference travel. Strategies undertaken by the ISBS 2018 conference organising committee to help offset the carbon cost include the planting of native trees, promotion of recycling of bottles and compositing of food during the conference, vegan meal options, use of low energy LED lights and solar lights, minimised use of plastic products with no single-use plastic, digital posters rather than printing posters, and puffer jackets as the ‘conference bag’ as a useful reusable item. Lindsey du Preez is the AUT Sustainability Officer. Lindsey has worked with the AUT Hospitality Services team to provide initiatives that have a strong focus on sustainability for the conference. Some of the key initiatives are: This is a paperless conference and all material is digital including conference proceedings and posters; AUT is working towards eliminating ‘single use plastic’, so this is avoided wherever possible. Water will be provided in jugs with glass containers, and unpacked teabags and chocolates have been sourced directly from suppliers to reduce unnecessary packaging; Reusable cutlery and crockery will be provided to avoid unnecessary waste; Serviettes are compostable; 25% of the food provided is vegetarian and food is sourced locally wherever possible; three bin-system will be provided for rubbish, mixed recycling (plastic bottles types 1 & 2, essentially milk bottles and drink bottles, glass, cans) and organic waste; All leftover food will be composted, and every effort made to avoid over catering; Support of Fair Trade and all coffee is Fair Trade; The conference is next to a major bus terminus for easy access to public transport. The Kiwiana interactive showcase photo competition will be run by Kylie Robinson. Post the best photo of you and fellow delegates in the Kiwiana interactive showcase photo booth that includes jandals, flora (flax, punga ferns), fauna (Tui, Kiwi, geko, pukeko, kea), paua, a rugby ball, NZ sliver fern, flags, sheep, swandri, gumboots, #8 wire, L&P bottle, chocolate fish, tomato sauce bottle, buzzy bee, kiwi fruit. Thanks to AMTI for the chocolate fish. We have taken a different approach to our “sponsors” for the conference, preferring to have engaged industry partners. Industry Partners are treated like any other conference delegates in terms of registration, with an expectation that there is active engagement and preparation of a workshop, applied session or industry partner playing field event – just like a delegate would prepare an oral podium or a poster pitch and digital poster. Our industry partners have adapted to this new format with enthusiasm. We hope that delegates take up the opportunity to interact with the Industry Partner delegates, particularly in the playing field sessions where there are participatory games. Aerobe will be demonstrating their simple to use active marker technology Codamotion system to track the knee and ankle joints during a series of jump activities. Thanks to the industry partners who have participated in the industry partner programme. Platinum industry partner VICON are providing the ISBS 2018 conference puffer jackets to those who registered by the standard registration date. Vicon are also providing beverages for conference events. Diamond industry partner SILENI are providing amazing wines for all the conference events. We have a large selection from the Sileni range including Marlborough Sauvignon blanc, pinot gris, pinot noir, sparkling cuvee brut, merlot etc. Diamond industry partner SAMSUNG are providing new FLIP technology screens, 55” screens for the digital poster sessions, and the Note9 and DeX station for social media interaction and prizes. Gold industry partner ACC is supporting the Keynote panel speakers and a round table luncheon. Gold industry partner KISTLER are supporting two round table luncheons, and Olympic athletes at the AUT Millennium event. Gold industry partners QUALISYS and NORAXON are providing workshops and AUT Millennium applied sessions. Gold industry partner AMTI are supporting the chocolate box stations and the student evening at the marae. Silver industry partner FORCEDECKS are supporting the Commercialisation and Funding Monday workshop. Bronze industry partner CHANUI are providing tea and biscuits for breaks. Bronze industry partner AEROBE are supporting the Wise Wizards keynote panel. Bronze industry partner TEKSCAN are supporting the Sports Technology long table luncheon. Bronze industry partner STT Systems are supporting the fruit baskets. Bronze industry partner ASICS are providing shoes for social media prizes and a chill-out zone. Bronze industry partner SIMI are showcasing their technology at an industry booth


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    Abundance estimates allow wildlife managers to make informed management decisions, but differential detectability of individuals can lead to biased estimates of abundance. Our objective was to quantify detectability for non-territorial and territorial sandhill cranes (Grus canadensis tabida) during summer. We hypothesized that territorial sandhill cranes would be detected more often than non-territorial cranes. In 2009, 3 wetland areas were surveyed 2 days per week during the nesting season near Briggsville, Wisconsin. We created capture histories for color-marked territorial (n = 52) and color-marked nonterritorial cranes (n = 23) and used the Huggins closed capture model in program MARK to estimate detection probability and abundance for each group. A priori models were developed that explained daily crane detection over the sampling period using distance from road, territorial status, observation event, and time of season as variables. The best approximating model included the variables territorial status and observation event (AICc weight = 0.92). Probability of detection was higher for territorial (0.11, 95% CI = 0.08-0.14) than for non-territorial ( 0.03, 95% CI = 0.01-0.07) sandhill cranes. In subsequent observation events, detection probability almost doubled to 0.18 (95% CI = 0.17-0.20) for territorial cranes, and almost tripled to 0.11 (95% CI = 0.09-0.14) for non-territorial cranes. Potential reasons for differential detection during subsequent observations include differing degrees of movement by birds and/or an observer effect in which the ability to observe birds or the perception by technicians of birds increased over time