13,117 research outputs found

    UNFCCC COP26 Global Peatlands Pavilion Summary Report

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    More than a year before Climate COP26, Richard Lindsay (SRI) proposed to UNEP's Global Peatland Initiative (GPI) that the partnership should consider hosting a Peatland Pavilion when COP26 finally convened in Glasgow. The concept was embraced with considerable enthusiasm and initial steps involved UEL's MArch students in developing a concept for a Peatland Pavilion structure. The design, developed by students Hussein Ali Kasim and Mohammed Patel, was firstly adopted as the basis for a Virtual Peatland Pavilion which could run alongside a physical Pavilion, promote participation in the event and also provide a post-COP legacy. Subsequently the iconic 'water droplet tower' of Hussein and Mohammed's design was designed as a physical structure with the help of the 2021 MArch students then constructed as a central part of the physical COP26 Peatland Pavilion. This was the first time that a pavilion devoted to peatlands had featured at any inter-governmental treaty COP, and its success in promoting the global importance of peatlands is set out in this Summary Report

    Quantum Feynman-Kac perturbations

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    We develop fully noncommutative Feynman-Kac formulae by employing quantum stochastic processes. To this end we establish some theory for perturbing quantum stochastic flows on von Neumann algebras by multiplier cocycles. Multiplier cocycles are constructed via quantum stochastic differential equations whose coefficients are driven by the flow. The resulting class of cocycles is characterised under alternative assumptions of separability or Markov regularity. Our results generalise those obtained using classical Brownian motion on the one hand, and results for unitarily implemented flows on the other.Comment: 27 pages. Minor corrections to version 2. To appear in the Journal of the London Mathematical Societ

    The use of historical accounts of species distribution to suggest restoration targets for UK upland mires within a ‘moorland’ landscape

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    Using contemporary accounts of vegetation in the South Pennine landscape of northern England from the late 18th Century to the present day, we describe the degradation and subsequent partial recovery of these upland mire systems in terms of their vegetation biodiversity. The historical sources highlight several species that were once common on these peatlands but which do not currently feature as positive indicator species in monitoring or restoration programmes. The use of archival sources may provide additional evidence that complements palaeoecological data when setting restoration targets. For example, the historical accounts support the palaeoecological timeline for the disappearance of Sphagnum from these landscapes. As a step toward a possible expanded set of targets for restoration works, we suggest an extended list of positive indicator species for the South Pennines which could also be applicable elsewhere in the UK. These include species such as lesser twayblade (Neottia cordata) and the club mosses (Lycopodiaceae), which were noted to be common in the 18th and 19th centuries, but which had become rare by the early 20th century. We highlight changes in land ownership and land use through the process of enclosure, as well as indirect effects from industrialisation, as the dominant interacting drivers of vegetation change

    Randomized controlled trials in adult traumatic brain injury: A systematic review on the use and reporting of clinical outcome assessments

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    As part of efforts to improve study design, the use of outcome measures in randomized controlled trials (RCTs) in traumatic brain injury (TBI) is receiving increasing attention. This review aimed to assess how clinical outcome assessments (COAs) have been used and reported in RCTs in adult TBI. Systematic literature searches were conducted to identify medium to large (n ≥ 100) acute and post-acute TBI trials published since 2000. Data were extracted independently by two reviewers using a set of structured templates. Items from the Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT) 2010 Statement and CONSORT patient-reported outcomes (PRO) extension were used to evaluate reporting quality of COAs. Glasgow Outcome Scale/Extended (GOS/GOSE) data were extracted using a checklist developed specifically for the review. A total of 126 separate COAs were identified in 58 studies. The findings demonstrate heterogeneity in the use of TBI outcomes, limiting comparisons and meta-analyses of RCT findings. The GOS/GOSE was included in 39 studies, but implemented in a variety of ways, which may not be equivalent. Multidimensional outcomes were used in 30 studies, and these were relatively more common in rehabilitation settings. The use of PROs was limited, especially in acute study settings. Quality of reporting was variable, and key information concerning COAs was often omitted, making it difficult to know how precisely outcomes were assessed. Consistency across studies would be increased and future meta-analyses facilitated by (a) using common data elements recommendations for TBI outcomes and (b) following CONSORT guidelines when publishing RCTs

    Surface structure on abandoned upland blanket peatland tracks

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    Temporary permissions are often granted for track use on peatlands. However, even when peatland track designs attempt to minimise environmental impacts via use of mesh systems, such linear disturbances may have persistent impacts. We evaluated the surface peatland structure of five abandoned tracks (four with a mesh surface, one unsurfaced) with varying past usage frequencies, at an upland site in northern England. Simplification of the surface nanotopography was found on all tracks compared to surrounding control areas, with increased micro-erosion patterns in rutted areas, and invasive species on some treatments. The frequency of previous usage was not found to be a significant factor controlling nano-topographic loss. Edge effects and hillslope position were influential in places, but these effects were not consistent across treatments. Nano-topographic recovery was found to be inhibited when track usage commenced within a short time frame after track construction. Mesh tracks appear to create a spatial constraint leading to poor development of plants and a reduced ability to form characteristic structures which are integral to mire function

    Assembly of proteasome subunits into non-canonical complexes in vivo

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    Proteasomes exist in all domains of life. In general, they are comprised of a compartmentalized protease whose activity is modulated by one or more regulatory complexes with which it interacts. The quaternary structure of this compartmentalized protease, called the 20S proteasome, is absolutely conserved and consists of four heptameric rings stacked coaxially. The rings are made of structurally related α and β subunits. In eukaryotes, assembly factors chaperone the α and β subunits during 20S biogenesis. Here we demonstrate that proteasome subunits can assemble into structures other than the canonical 20S proteasome in vivo. Specifically, the yeast α4 subunit forms high molecular weight complexes whose abundance increases when proteasome function is compromised. Results from a disulfide crosslinking approach are consistent with these complexes being ring-shaped. Though several eukaryotic α subunits can form rings when expressed recombinantly in bacteria, this is the first evidence that such non-canonical complexes exist in vivo

    Blanket bogs exhibit significant alterations to physical properties as a result of temporary track removal or abandonment

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    Temporarily consented tracks made from high-density polyethylene (HDPE) mesh have been used to mitigate both the physical and ecological impacts on peatlands from low-frequency vehicle usage. However, the impacts of mesh track removal or abandonment at the end of the consented period remain poorly understood. Over a 2-year period, we studied replicate sections of abandoned mesh track which, at the start of the experiment, had been unused for approximately 5 years, on a UK blanket bog. Some sections were removed (using two treatment methods – vegetation mown and unprepared), whereas others were left in situ. Metrics were compared both between treatments and to undisturbed reference areas. Significant differences in surface soil moisture were found between abandoned and removed tracks depending on season. Control areas had higher volumetric soil moisture than track locations. Compaction was significantly higher across all track locations in comparison to controls (p < 0.001), but rarefaction was not recorded post-removal, suggesting long-term deformation. Overland flow events were recorded in rut sections for a mean of 16% of the time, compared to <1% in control areas. Sediment traps on the tracks collected 0.406 kg compared to 0.0048 kg from the control traps, equating to a per trap value of 7.3 g from track samplers and 0.17 g from control samplers. Erosion and desiccation features occurred on both removed and abandoned track sections. Both abandonment and removal of mesh tracks have a wide range of impacts on the physical properties of peatlands, suggesting that only where access is a necessity should such a track be installed

    Infiltration and short-term movement of nitrogen in a silt-loam soil typical of rice cultivation in Arkansas

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    Rice production in Arkansas is one of the top three crop commodities in terms of cash receipts. Researchers and farmers report that nitrogen (N) needs to be managed according to a variety of factors with two important ones being soil and fertilizer type. The objectives of this experiment were to determine: 1) the degree to which floodwater-incorporated N applied as urea or as ammonium sulfate infiltrates intact cores (7.2-cm dia., 10-cm depth) containing DeWitt siltloam soil, and 2) the distribution of N during 12 h of ponding. Inorganic-N concentrations were analyzed at 2-cm depth intervals in cores following removal of the flood. Nitrogen from applied fertilizer was recovered as ammonium. Ammonium sulfate-N remained in the top 4 cm of soil with concentrations of 375 µg N g-1 in the surface 2 cm and 300 µg N g-1 at the 2 - 4 cm depth after 12 hr of ponding. At all depth intervals below 4 cm, ammonium sulfate-N remained below 30 µg N g-1. In contrast, after 12 h of ponding, N in soil receiving urea was 105 µg N g-1 in the top 2 cm and 173 µg N g-1 at 2-4 cm. At 4-6, 6-8, and 8-10 cm, N was 109, 108, and 35 µg N g-1, respectively, after 12 h of ponding. These results demonstrate immediate and deeper movement of ammonium into silt loam soil receiving urea as compared to ammonium sulfate, demonstrating how the form of N in fertilizer affects its movement into the soil profile
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