28 research outputs found

    14C dating of lime mortar – preparation of the sample, a challenge for the geologist and the mineral chemist

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    Lime mortar from old constructions can he successfully dated using the 14C method if special care is taken during sampling and sample preparation. The main problems with dating is identification and removal of fossil limestone in the filler. Especially in limestone areas contamination from filler limestone can be severe. Proper identification of the contaminants enables us to develop optimal laboratory protocols for sample handling. Contaminants including limestone and marble filler material, incompletely burnt limestone residues, and recrystallisations in the mortar can be identified in thin sections of intact mortar samples and in the fine fractions of crushed mortars using polarising microscopy and cathodoluminescense. Careful crushing and sieving of the mortar samples, however, effectively removes limestone grains and particles. The proportion of limestone contaminant in the samples can be assessed by traditional point counting or computer image analysis of luminescence micrographs. A sufficient number of samples from each construction phase are needed for statistical significance of the dating

    Optimisation of the radiocarbon dating process of mortar samples. A case study in the Colosseum, Rome (Italy)

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    This project highlights the importance of an integrated planning of field and laboratory procedures for the success of the radiocarbon dating of mortar samples. In this research bulk mortar analysis was complemented with lime lump analysis. The two materials were dated at different laboratories. Results are discussed considering the historic and archaeological information available on the building and on the structure where the sample was collected

    Projektet Ålands kyrkor och murbruksdatering – rapport från en metodutveckling

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    The Åland Churches and Mortar Dating – State of Research from the Development of a Method. By Åsa Ringbom, Jan Heinemeier, Alf Lindroos & Àrny Sveinbjörnsdottir. Why mortar dating? The project the Åland Churches was initiated with the aim to finally reach a reliable chronology for a group of stone churches upon which there had been deep disagreement. Since there are no contemporary sources to shed light on the matter, and since coins and artefacts cannot date buildings, there was an obvious need for objective scientific methods on a larger scale. The method of dendrochronology was widely applied on wooden structures in the churches in 1991-1992. Even if dendrochronology could not date the first building stages of the churches, due to repairs and fires, this method was very important in providing firm dates for secondary structures, and for comparative research. Mortar is not an organic material. Yet, absorbing CO2 from the atmosphere during the hardening process, makes mortar an ideal material for 14C dating. Compared to all other datable materials, mortar has the advantage of being found in the original in large quantities, from all the different building stages. Thus, the project focused on developing the method of mortar dating. Since 1994, reliable results have been reached, thanks to the introduction 14C AMS (Accelerator Mass Spectrometry) analysis. To begin with the analysis took place in the 14C AMS Dating Centre at Aarhus University, Denmark. The project turned international in 1997 when the method was tested in classical archaeology, upon mortars from the margins of the Roman Empire, and on hydraulic pozzolana mortars from Rome itself. Since 2005 the collaboration for the analysis includes the Oxford Radiocarbon Accelerator Unit, and the NSF-Arizona AMS Laboratory, in Tucson. Our conclusion today is that non hydraulic lime mortars, whether medieval or classical, are well suited for mortar dating. From Åland, 96% of all the mortars with age control, have yielded convincing results (for further information see www.kyrkor.ax). It is hardly surprising that hydraulic pozzolana concrete, with an entirely different chemistry, is more difficult. But even so, several important structures in Rome have yielded an age well known from historical sources and brick stamps. From our vast experience we have been able to identify different criteria of reliability for interpreting results where mortar dating is the only method available

    AMS 14C dating of lime mortar

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    Om datering av Gotlands medeltida kyrkor

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    About Dating the Medieval Churches of Gotland By Heikki Ranta, Joakim Hansson, Alf Lindroos, Åsa Ringbom, Jan Heinemeier, Fiona Brock & Gregory Hodgins In 2006 the project »Mortar dating of the Gotland churches« was initiated, with the aim to test how mortar dating would work in a geological area so dominated by Silurian limestone, and how the results of this method could affect the prevailing chronology of the churches. Initial testing was done on three different churches, the church of Bro in the northern part of the island, and with Hamra and Vamlingbo in the south. The result is that mortar based on Silurian limestone behaves much the same way as mortar including Åland Ordovician limestone. Thus, based on mortar dating a chronology of the church of Bro can be seen as follows: A Romanesque nave from ca AD 1040-1160, with an almost contemporary tower in the west, with an additional chancel in the east from the 13th century. In the church of Hamra, the lower part of the west tower, and possibly also the earlier part of a cruciform plan, dates from 1165-1220. Later, in 1260-80, the tower was heightened. The chancel in the east is an addition from the 14th century. In Vamlingbo, the focus was on a secondary support construction of disputed age, built against a south portal. This time the mortar was contaminated by unburned limestone, and the result of mortar dating remains inconclusive. However, fragments of wood and charcoal, incapsuled in the mortar, suggest a terminus post quem some time in the 14th century. It is most likely that the supporting wall is a medieval construction. At this initial stage it seems that the results of mortar dating in turn support earlier prevailing views on the chronology. The results also coincide with occasional dendrochronological dates and with contemporary inscriptions in the churches. It seems that mortar dating can be a helpful tool in forming an objective base for a chronology of the Gotland churches

    Radiocarbon dating historical mortars: lime lumps and/or binder carbonate?

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    Lime lumps and bulk mortars show different 14C contamination when analyzed in several CO2 fractions isolated from the effervescence of an ongoing hydrolysis reaction. Age profiles of both materials are therefore highly complementary and together they can provide a reliable date. Furthermore, they can also reveal the complexity of the radiocarbon (14C) distribution within the mortar and thus prevent over-interpretation of the data. The lime lump versus bulk mortar dating data presented here has been collected over 22 years, with only a small fraction of the results so far published internationally. Since there has been an increasing interest in mortar dating over recent years with a special focus on lime lumps, and since many laboratories have just begun mortar dating experiments, we wish to present some of the extensive data that already exist. Previously published data from 15 lime lumps (including 34 14C measurements from sequential dissolution) and 43 new 14C measurements from 17 lime lumps are presented here. The samples are from medieval Finland and Sweden, classical Rome and medieval Italy, and the Roman Jerash (Gerasa), Jordan

    The Roman amphitheatre in mérida, Spain ˗Augustan or Flavian? Radiocarbon dating results on mortar carbonate

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    Four lime mortar samples from the Mérida amphitheatre in Spain were dated in 2001 and re-dated in 2019 with refined dating methods and focus on carbon dioxide that was released in late CO2 fractions when dissolved in phosphoric acid. The samples were difficult to date because they contained highly soluble, young carbonate contamination that dominated the carbon dioxide from the early stages of the reaction with the acid in the hydrolysis process. They were also rather hydraulic and rich in magnesium, which could have caused delayed hardening. However, there was very little dead carbon contamination so that late carbon dioxide fraction gave uniform 14C ages, pointing to a late 1st c. AD Flavian, or later age of the amphitheatre.ISSN:1733-8387ISSN:1897-169