1,931 research outputs found

    Vitaminer og fedtsyrer i hø og ensilage – hvad sker der vid forvejring og lagring?

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    For at undersøge stabiliteten af vitaminer i moderne ensilage- og høproduktion, har FØJO III projektet ECOVIT, igennem to vækstår, målt vitaminindholdet i forskellige græsmarksafgrøder ved forskellige høsttidspunkter og sletintervaller. Resultaterne viser, at det største tab af vitaminer og umættede fedtsyrer sker i forbindelse med forvejringen, mens tabet i lagringsperioden er begrænset

    G359.87+0.18: An FR II Radio Galaxy 15 Arcminutes from Sgr A*. Implications for the Scattering Region in the Galactic Center

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    G359.87+0.18 is an enigmatic object located 15' from Sgr A*. It has been variously classified as an extragalactic source, Galactic jet source, and young supernova remnant. We present new observations of G359.87+0.18 between 0.33 and 15 GHz and use these to argue that this source is an Faranoff-Riley II radio galaxy. We are able to place a crude limit on its redshift of z > 0.1. The source has a spectral index \alpha < -1 (S \propto \nu^\alpha), suggestive of a radio galaxy with a redshift z >~ 2. The scattering diameters of Sgr A* and several nearby OH masers (~ 1" at 1 GHz) indicate that a region of enhanced scattering is along the line of sight to the Galactic center. If the region covers the Galactic center uniformly, the implied diameter for a background source is at least 600" at 0.33 GHz, in contrast with the observed 20" diameter of G359.87+0.18. Using the scattering diameter of a nearby OH maser OH 359.762+0.120 and the widths of two, nearby, non-thermal threads, G0.08+0.15 and G359.79+0.17, we show that a uniform scattering region should cover G359.87+0.18. We therefore conclude that the Galactic center scattering region is inhomogeneous on a scale of 5' (~ 10 pc at a distance of 8.5 kpc). This scale is comparable to the size scale of molecular clouds in the Galactic center. The close agreement between these two lengths scales is an indication that the scattering region is linked intimately to the Galactic center molecular clouds.Comment: Accepted for publication in the ApJ, vol. 515, LaTeX2e manuscript using aaspp4 macro, 19 pages, 8 figures in 11 PostScript file

    Picropodophyllin causes mitotic arrest and catastrophe by depolymerizing microtubules via Insulin-like growth factor-1 receptor-independent mechanism

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    Picropodophyllin (PPP) is an anticancer drug undergoing clinical development in NSCLC. PPP has been shown to suppress IGF-1R signaling and to induce a G2/M cell cycle phase arrest but the exact mechanisms remain to be elucidated. The present study identified an IGF-1-independent mechanism of PPP leading to pro-metaphase arrest. The mitotic block was induced in human cancer cell lines and in an A549 xenograft mouse but did not occur in normal hepatocytes/mouse tissues. Cell cycle arrest by PPP occurred in vitro and in vivo accompanied by prominent CDK1 activation, and was IGF-1R-independent since it occurred also in IGF-1R-depleted and null cells. The tumor cells were not arrested in G2/M but in mitosis. Centrosome separation was prevented during mitotic entry, resulting in a monopolar mitotic spindle with subsequent prometaphase-arrest, independent of Plk1/Aurora A or Eg5, and leading to cell features of mitotic catastrophe. PPP also increased soluble tubulin and decreased spindle-associated tubulin within minutes, indicating that it interfered with microtubule dynamics. These results provide a novel IGF-1R-independent mechanism of antitumor effects of PPP

    Evaporation of Compact Young Clusters near the Galactic Center

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    We investigate the dynamical evolution of compact young clusters (CYCs) near the Galactic center (GC) using Fokker-Planck models. CYCs are very young (< 5 Myr), compact (< 1 pc), and only a few tens of pc away from the GC, while they appear to be as massive as the smallest Galactic globular clusters (~10^4 Msun). A survey of cluster lifetimes for various initial mass functions, cluster masses, and galactocentric radii is presented. Short relaxation times due to the compactness of CYCs, and the strong tidal fields near the GC make clusters evaporate fairly quickly. Depending on cluster parameters, mass segregation may occur on a time scale shorter than the lifetimes of most massive stars, which accelerates the cluster's dynamical evolution even more. When the difference between the upper and lower mass boundaries of the initial mass function is large enough, strongly selective ejection of lighter stars makes massive stars dominate even in the outer regions of the cluster, so the dynamical evolution of those clusters is weakly dependent on the lower mass boundary. The mass bins for Fokker-Planck simulations were carefully chosen to properly account for a relatively small number of the most massive stars. We find that clusters with a mass <~ 2x10^4 Msun evaporate in <~ 10 Myr. A simple calculation based on the total masses in observed CYCs and the lifetimes obtained here indicates that the massive CYCs comprise only a fraction of the star formation rate (SFR) in the inner bulge estimated from Lyman continuum photons and far-IR observations.Comment: 20 pages in two-column format, accepted for publication in Ap

    EMIC Waves in the Outer Magnetosphere: Observations of an Off-Equator Source Region.

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    Electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC) waves at large L shells were observed away from the magnetic equator by the Magnetospheric MultiScale (MMS) mission nearly continuously for over four hours on 28 October 2015. During this event, the wave Poynting vector direction systematically changed from parallel to the magnetic field (toward the equator), to bidirectional, to antiparallel (away from the equator). These changes coincide with the shift in the location of the minimum in the magnetic field in the southern hemisphere from poleward to equatorward of MMS. The local plasma conditions measured with the EMIC waves also suggest that the outer magnetospheric region sampled during this event was generally unstable to EMIC wave growth. Together, these observations indicate that the bidirectionally propagating wave packets were not a result of reflection at high latitudes but that MMS passed through an off-equator EMIC wave source region associated with the local minimum in the magnetic field

    Hyperstrong Radio-Wave Scattering in the Galactic Center. II. A Likelihood Analysis of Free Electrons in the Galactic Center

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    The scattering diameters of Sgr A* and several nearby OH masers (~ 1" at 1 GHz) indicate that a region of enhanced scattering is along the line of sight to the Galactic center. We combine radio-wave scattering data and free-free emission and absorption measurements in a likelihood analysis that constrains the following parameters of the GC scattering region: The GC-scattering region separation, d; the angular extent of the region, \psi_l; the outer scale on which density fluctuations occur, l_0; and the gas temperature, T. The maximum likelihood estimates of these parameters are d = 133_{-80}^{+200} pc, 0.5 degrees <= \psi_l <~ 1 degrees, and (l_0/1 pc)^{2/3}T^{-1/2} = 10^{-7 +/- 0.8}. As host media for the scattering, we consider the photoionized surface layers of molecular clouds and the interfaces between molecular clouds and the 10^7 K ambient gas. We are unable to make an unambiguous determination, but we favor an interface model in which the scattering medium is hot (T ~ 10^6 K) and dense (n_e ~ 10 cm^{-3}). The GC scattering region produces a 1 GHz scattering diameter for an extragalactic source of 90", if the region is a single screen, or 180", if the region wraps around the GC, as appears probable. We modify the Taylor-Cordes model for the Galactic distribution of free electrons in order to include an explicit GC component. Pulsars seen through this region will have a dispersion measure of approximately 2000 pc cm^{-3}, of which 75% arises from the GC component. We stress the uniqueness of the GC scattering region, probably resulting from the high-pressure environment in the GC.Comment: 39 pages with 9 PostScript figures; LaTeX2e with AASTeX macro aaspp4, to be published in Ap

    Tissue-Informative Mechanism for Wearable Non-invasive Continuous Blood Pressure Monitoring

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    Accurate continuous direct measurement of the blood pressure is currently available thru direct invasive methods via intravascular needles, and is mostly limited to use during surgical procedures or in the intensive care unit (ICU). Non-invasive methods that are mostly based on auscultation or cuff oscillometric principles do provide relatively accurate measurement of blood pressure. However, they mostly involve physical inconveniences such as pressure or stress on the human body. Here, we introduce a new non-invasive mechanism of tissue-informative measurement, where an experimental phenomenon called subcutaneous tissue pressure equilibrium is revealed and related for application in detection of absolute blood pressure. A prototype was experimentally verified to provide an absolute blood pressure measurement by wearing a watch-type measurement module that does not cause any discomfort. This work is supposed to contribute remarkably to the advancement of continuous non-invasive mobile devices for 24-7 daily-life ambulatory blood-pressure monitoring.open

    Sub-milliarcsecond imaging of a bright flare and ejection event in the extragalactic jet 3C 111

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    Flares in radio-loud AGN are thought to be associated with the injection of fresh plasma into the compact jet base. Such flares are usually strongest and appear earlier at shorter radio wavelengths. Hence, VLBI at mm-wavelengths is best suited to study the earliest structural changes of compact jets associated with emission flares. We study the morphological changes of the parsec-scale jet in the nearby (z=0.049) gamma-ray bright radio galaxy 3C111 following a flare that developed into a major radio outburst in 2007. We analyse three successive observations of 3C111 at 86 GHz with the Global mm-VLBI Array (GMVA) between 2007 and 2008 which yield a very high angular resolution of ~45muas. In addition, we make use of single-dish radio flux density measurements from the F-GAMMA and POLAMI programmes, archival single-dish and VLBI data. We resolve the flare into multiple plasma components with a distinct morphology resembling a bend in an otherwise remarkably straight jet. The flare-associated features move with apparent velocities of ~4.0c to ~4.5c and can be traced also at lower frequencies in later epochs. Near the base of the jet, we find two bright features with high brightness temperatures up to ~10^11K, which we associate with the core and a stationary feature in the jet. The flare led to multiple new jet components indicative of a dynamic modulation during the ejection. We interpret the bend-like feature as a direct result of the outburst which makes it possible to trace the transverse structure of the jet. In this scenario, the components follow different paths in the jet stream consistent with expectations for a spine-sheath structure, which is not seen during intermediate levels of activity. The possibility of coordinated multiwavelength observations during a future bright radio flare in 3C111 makes this source an excellent target for probing the radio-gamma-ray connection.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication by Astronomy & Astrophysic