569 research outputs found

    A Content Analysis of Advertising in Popular Video Games

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    There have been a plethora of analyses on the effects of and brand image of advertising in video games, but a dearth of analyses simply examining the role advertising has played in video games over the years. This study seeks to add to the available research on this topic. This study has yielded a great amount of information which should have pre-dated any analysis of the effects of advertising in video games, or brand placement and recall, and certainly any analysis on purchase intent as a result of interacting or observing brand or product placement in video games. Not only do the results of this analysis have a great deal of potential real world implications, but should help advance the literature on the subject. It was shown that the amount of advertising in video games has significantly increased over the past thirteen years. Sports games are the most likely to include advertising, and shooters are the least likely, but until a more concise classification system is established, we can only use the current one to the best of its ability. This study also illustrated that in-game advertisements were significantly higher for real products than fictitious product

    A Content Analysis of Advertising in Popular Video Games

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    There have been a plethora of analyses on the effects of and brand image of advertising in video games, but a dearth of analyses simply examining the role advertising has played in video games over the years. This study seeks to add to the available research on this topic. This study has yielded a great amount of information which should have pre-dated any analysis of the effects of advertising in video games, or brand placement and recall, and certainly any analysis on purchase intent as a result of interacting or observing brand or product placement in video games. Not only do the results of this analysis have a great deal of potential real world implications, but should help advance the literature on the subject. It was shown that the amount of advertising in video games has significantly increased over the past thirteen years. Sports games are the most likely to include advertising, and shooters are the least likely, but until a more concise classification system is established, we can only use the current one to the best of its ability. This study also illustrated that in-game advertisements were significantly higher for real products than fictitious product

    Effect of a new antenatal care programme on the attitudes of pregnant women and midwives towards antenatal care in Harare

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    A clinical study on the importance of women participation and co-operation,them being a key stakeholder of any Antenatal Care (ANC) programme that may be introduced in Zimbabwe's health delivery system.Health providers have 'only recently been paying attention to the attitudes of women towards antenatal care programmes. Previously, the benefits of antenatal care (ANC) were considered so self evident that the consumers could not question how the services were delivered. However, the success of any ANC programme depends to a greater or lesser degree on the co-operation of the women. One of the aims of increased satisfaction with ANC is to achieve better compliance with the advice given, which may lead to improved pregnancy outcome. Satisfaction with the services, rather than the mere improvement of pregnancy outcome is also: now considered a goal in its own right

    Analysis of Perinatal Mortality at a Teaching Hospital in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, 1999-2003

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    We conducted a retrospective analysis of perinatal mortality at Muhimbili National Hospital (MNH), Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 1999-2003 in order to categorise/classify perinatal deaths as well as to identify key factors in perinatal care that could be improved. Data were retrieved from the MNH obstetric database and causes of early neonatal deaths were traced from the neonatal ward register. The study includes all foetuses weighing ≥500g. A modified Nordic-Baltic classification was used for classification of perinatal deaths. Over a 5-year period there were 77,815 babies born with a perinatal mortality rate of 124 per 1000 births, 78% of which was labour related stillbirth. The PMR was 913/1000 for singleton births and 723/1000 for multiple births for babies weighing less than 1500 grams and 65/1000 for singleton births and 116/1000 for multiple births for babies weighing 2500 grams or more. Babies weighing less than 1500 grams contributed 26% of PMR, whereas 41% occurred in babies weighing 2500 grams or more. The majority (79%) of neonatal deaths had Apgar scor

    Staffing needs for quality perinatal care in Tanzania

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    In Tanzania maternal and perinatal mortalities and morbidities are problems of public health importance, and have been linked to the shortage of skilled staff. We quantified the available workforceand the required nursing staff for perinatal care in 16 health institutions in Dar es Salaam. WHO safe motherhood needs assessment instruments were used to assess the availability of human resources,WHO designed Workload Indicators for Staffing Need (WISN) and Tanzanian standard activities and components of the workload for labour ward nursing were used to calculate nurse staffing requirementsand WISN ratios. There was a severe shortage of essential categories of health staff for perinatal care in all institutions. The ranges of WISN ratios for nursing staff working in the municipal hospitals’ labourwards were; nurse officers 0.5 – 1, trained nurses/midwives 0.2 - 0.4 and nurse assistants 0.1. These findings reflect extremely huge perinatal care workload pressure and suggest the urgent need for morestaff in order to achieve the global millennium development goals set for maternal and infant survival (Afr J Reprod Health 2008; 12[3]:113-124)

    Dilemmas and paradoxes in providing and changing antenatal care: A study of nurses and midwives in rural Zimbabwe

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    This paper describes the experiences of caregivers in a rural district in Zimbabwe, in caring for pregnant women within a context of changing antenatal care routines. Data were generated using individual interviews with 18 nurses and midwives. The caregivers experienced their working situation as stressful and frustrating due to high staff turnover, inconsistent policies, parallel programmes and limited resources, including time. They also faced difficulties when implementing some of the proposed changes. Furthermore, the caregivers had to deal with the pressure and resistance from the pregnant women, whose reasoning and rationale for using care appeared different from those of the health professionals. In light of the above, we stress the necessity for reflecting on and including the experiences and perspectives of caregivers and the users of care, as well as their contexts and realities, when implementing change

    Lymph node tissue kallikrein-related peptidase 6 mRNA: a progression marker for colorectal cancer

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    BACKGROUND: A most important characteristic feature for poor prognosis in colorectal cancer (CRC) is the presence of lymph node metastasis. Determination of carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) mRNA levels in lymph nodes has proven powerful for quantification of disseminated tumour cells. Here, we investigate the utility of human tissue kallikrein-related peptidase 6 (KLK6) mRNA as a progression biomarker to complement CEA mRNA, for improved selection of patients in need of adjuvant therapy and intensified follow-up after surgery. METHODS: Lymph nodes of pTNM stage I-IV CRC-(166 patients/503 lymph nodes) and control (23/108) patients were collected at surgery and analysed by quantitative RT-PCR. RESULTS: Lymph node KLK6 positivity was an indicator of poor outcome (hazard ratio 3.7). Risk of recurrence and cancer death increased with KLK6 lymph node levels. Patients with KLK6 lymph node levels above the 90th percentile had a hazard ratio of 6.5 and 76 months shorter average survival time compared to patients with KLK6 negative nodes. The KLK6 positivity in lymph nodes with few tumour cells, that is, low CEA mRNA levels, also indicated poor prognosis (hazard ratio 2.8). CONCLUSION: In CRC patients, lymph node KLK6 positivity indicated presence of aggressive tumour cells associated with poor prognosis and high risk of tumour recurrence. British Journal of Cancer (2012) 107, 150-157. doi: 10.1038/bjc.2012.220 www.bjcancer.com Published online 14 June 2012 (C) 2012 Cancer Research U
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