378 research outputs found

    Teacher assessment of students’ work and social behavior - a validation study

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    Beeinträchtigungen des Arbeits- und Sozialverhaltens sind in sonderpädagogischen Zielgruppen häufig und stellen ein Risiko für den schulischen Lernerfolg dar. Ziel dieser Studie ist die Validierung von Items, mit denen sonderpädagogische Lehrkräfte das aktuelle Arbeits- und Sozialverhalten ihrer Schülerinnen und Schüler erfassen können. Weiterführend könnten solche Items zur Auswahl und Evaluation von Fördermaßnahmen genutzt werden. Lehrkräfte schätzten elf Items, die erwünschtes Arbeits- und Sozialverhalten abbilden, für 373 Schülerinnen und Schüler aus vier sonderpädagogischen Gruppen (Förderbedarfe Lernen und Emotionale und Soziale Entwicklung) und einer Vergleichsgruppe ein. Zudem wurde für einen Teil der Stichprobe ein standardisiertes Fragebogenverfahren durchgeführt. Es zeigt sich erwartungskonform, dass die Gruppen mit Förderbedarf ein schlechteres Arbeits- und Sozialverhalten aufweisen als die Vergleichsgruppe. Die untersuchten Items korrelieren hoch mit dem standardisierten Fragebogen. Die Ergebnisse implizieren basierend auf der Methode bekannter Gruppen und der konkurrenten Validität, dass sich die untersuchten Items zur Erfassung des Arbeits- und Sozialverhaltens eignen. Da die Überprüfung der Dimensionalität der Items kein annehmbares Modell ergibt, wird eine modifizierte Kurzskala Erfolgreiches Arbeitsverhalten zur weiteren Überprüfung vorgeschlagen. (DIPF/Orig.)Students with special needs frequently exhibit poor work and social behavior, which represents a risk for academic success. The aim of this study is to validate items that enable special education teachers to assess the current work and social behavior of their students. Such items could also be used to select and evaluate interventions. Teachers rated eleven items on appropriate work and social behavior for 373 students from four groups with special needs (learning, emotional, and social problems) and a comparison group. In addition, a standardized questionnaire was administered to part of the sample. As expected, the groups with special needs showed poorer work and a social behavior than the comparison group. The items were found to correlate strongly with the items of the standardized questionnaire. The results imply, based on the method of known groups and the concurrent validity, that the examined items are appropriate for assessing work and social behavior. Since there was no acceptable model on the dimensionality of the items, a modified short scale, Effective Work Behavior, is proposed for further investigation. (DIPF/Orig.

    Kollegiale Beratungsformen

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    Die Dissertation untersucht die verschiedenen Entwicklungslinien, Konzepte und Einsatzmöglichkeiten kollegialer Beratung und erläutert sie exemplarisch. Eingebunden wird diese informelle als auch arbeitsplatznahe Lernform in die Debatte um Kompetenzentwicklung und die Perspektiven der betrieblichen Weiterbildung. Dabei diskutiert die Autorin kollegiale Beratung im Kontext wesentlicher Lerntheorien wie Behaviorismus, Kognitivismus und gemäßigtem Konstruktivismus. Zwei aufeinander aufbauende Untersuchungen zeigen die Relevanz kollegialer Beratung für berufliches Handeln im Spannungsfeld von Kompetenzentwicklung, Lernen und betrieblichen sowie gruppendynamischen Prozessen auf. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass kollegiale Beratungsformen in der betrieblichen Weiterbildung immer mehr an Bedeutung gewinnen werden

    Kollegiale Beratungsformen

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    Die Dissertation untersucht die verschiedenen Entwicklungslinien, Konzepte und Einsatzmöglichkeiten kollegialer Beratung und erläutert sie exemplarisch. Eingebunden wird diese informelle als auch arbeitsplatznahe Lernform in die Debatte um Kompetenzentwicklung und die Perspektiven der betrieblichen Weiterbildung. Dabei diskutiert die Autorin kollegiale Beratung im Kontext wesentlicher Lerntheorien wie Behaviorismus, Kognitivismus und gemäßigtem Konstruktivismus. Zwei aufeinander aufbauende Untersuchungen zeigen die Relevanz kollegialer Beratung für berufliches Handeln im Spannungsfeld von Kompetenzentwicklung, Lernen und betrieblichen sowie gruppendynamischen Prozessen auf. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass kollegiale Beratungsformen in der betrieblichen Weiterbildung immer mehr an Bedeutung gewinnen werden

    Development and validation of an online-survey to assess inclusive competence and attitudes of teachers

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    Inklusiver Unterricht konfrontiert Lehrpersonen mit neuen und komplexen Herausforderungen, zu deren Bewältigung positive Einstellungen und professionelle Kompetenzen zentrale Ressourcen darstellen. Vorliegende Erhebungsinstrumente zu ausgewählten Einstellungsaspekten sind mehrheitlich methodisch eindimensional konzipiert, handlungsleitendes Wissen und Kompetenzen werden nicht ausreichend berücksichtigt. Der Beitrag dokumentiert die Entwicklung und Validierung eines mixed-method Online-Fragebogens zur Erhebung der Einstellungen und Kompetenzen von Lehrkräften zur Inklusion. Zur Überprüfung der inhaltlichen Validität sowie der Testnebengütekriterien wurden kognitive Interviews mit 12 Lehrpersonen geführt und inhaltsanalytisch ausgewertet. Zur Reliabilitätsprüfung wurde das Instrument an einer Stichprobe von N = 77 Lehrpersonen pilotiert und statistisch analysiert. Die Ergebnisse belegen gute Reliabilitätskennwerte sowie eine inhaltlich valide, drei-dimensionale Faktorenstruktur. Die Aussagen der Interviewpartner lieferten eine hochwertige Datengrundlage zur empirisch-begründeten Revision des Instruments hinsichtlich Item-Formulierung, Antwortformate und Online-Präsentation. (DIPF/Orig.)Inclusive Education signifies new and complex challenges for teachers. To meet these challenges favorable attitudes and professional competencies are essential requirements. Current instruments focusing on specific attitude aspects are constructed methodologically one-dimensional. Practice related knowledge and competencies are taken into account insufficiently. The paper presents the generation and validation of a mixed-method Online-Questionnaire for measuring attitudes and competencies of teachers regarding inclusion. To access content validity and a high methodological quality, cognitive interviews with 12 teachers were run and analyzed using content-analysis. For reliability analysis the instrument was piloted in a sample of N =77 teachers. Statistical analyzis show high reliability scores and a valid, three dimensional factor structure. The statements of the interviewees provide detailed and sophisticated data for empirical revisions of the instrument regarding question-wording, response-format and online-presentation. (DIPF/Orig.

    Effects of Intralipid infusion on hemorheology and peripheral resistance in neonates and children

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    Deleterious microcirculatory effects of Intralipid (IL) infusion may be caused by hemorheological or vascular effects. The aim of this investigation was to study vascular and hemorheological effects of IL in preterm and fullterm neonates and children. Ten preterm newborns, 10 fullterm neonates, and 10 children received an initial infusion of IL (0.6g/kg) over 4h. Calf blood flow (venous occlusion plethysmography), blood pressure (Dinamap), whole blood and plasma viscosity (capillary viscometer), red blood cell deformability (rheoscope), and erythrocyte aggregation (aggregometer) were measured before and after administration of IL. Plasma triglyceride levels showed the greatest increase in preterm infants. Whole blood viscosity decreased by about 10% in all three groups because of a similar reduction in hematocrit. Red blood cell aggregation decreased by about 20% after IL infusion. Blood pressure rose by 10%, and peripheral blood flow declined by about 10% in the three groups. Vascular hindrance, a calculation of blood pressure divided by blood flow and viscosity, was raised by about 20%, suggesting marked vasoconstriction of peripheral arteries. Vasoconstriction rather than hemorheological changes during infusion of IL may play a crucial role in the pathogenesis of circulatory alterations in parenterally-fed neonate

    Class climate from the perspective of students with immigration backgrounds

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    Die Qualität von Schule und Unterricht zeigt sich u. a. darin, der Reproduktion sozialer Ungleichheit im Bildungswesen durch Benachteiligung von Schüler:innen mit Migrationshintergrund entgegenzuwirken. Im Rahmen aktueller Modelle zur Beschreibung von Schul- und Unterrichtsqualität wird das Klassenklima hervorgehoben; es fehlt jedoch an differenzierten Befunden zur Beurteilung des Klassenklimas aus Sicht von Schüler:innen mit Migrationshintergrund. In der vorliegenden Studie beurteilten 1292 Schüler:innen aus 49 Schulklassen der Jahrgangsstufen vier bis acht das Klassenklima auf Schul-, Klassen- und Individualebene. Mehrebenenanalysen zeigen, dass Schüler:innen mit Migrationshintergrund die Interaktion mit Lehrkräften als strenger und restriktiver wahrnehmen und den bestehenden sozialen und leistungsbezogenen Druck auf Klassenebene höher bewerten. Demgegenüber werden die Lerngemeinschaft und Schülerzentriertheit tendenziell positiver wahrgenommen. Die Befunde geben einen differenzierten Einblick in die subjektiven Wahrnehmungen einzelner Dimensionen des Klassenklimas und legen nahe, migrationsbedingte Unterschiede in der Bewertung der Lernumgebungen im Schulkontext sensibler zu berücksichtigen. (DIPF/Orig.)Counteracting the disadvantages of students with a migration background is, among other things, a quality characteristic of education and teaching. Within the framework of current models describing school and teaching quality, class climate is emphasized; however, there is a lack of differentiated findings on the evaluation of class climate from the perspective of students with a migration background. In the present study, 1292 students from 49 school classes in grades four to eight evaluated the class climate on school, class, and individual level. Multilevel analyses show that immigrant students perceive interactions with teachers as more restrictive and evaluated the social- and performance-related pressure at class level higher. In contrast, students with a migration background tent to perceive the learning community and the student centeredness of their classes more positive. The findings provide a differentiated insight into the subjective perceptions of class climate as a multidimensional construct from the perspective of students with a migration background and suggest that migration-related differences in the assessment of learning environments in the school context should be considered more sensitively. (DIPF/Orig.

    Preparations for the Evaluation of a Speech Recognition System in Neonatology (U2)

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    Background: before using a speech recognition system for the neonatal documentation, the underlying neonatal information has to be specified and structured. Up to now, the pre-structuring the first comprehensive examination of newborn (U2) and the respective data set entries has not been described in literature, yet. The common booklet for the documentation of the German U2 does not contain all examinations required nor does it show the choice of all respective finding statements. Objectives: to set up a documentation standard for the U2 distinguishing the most important diseases/disorders at a limited level of detailing. Methods: the finding scheme of the U2 has been specified based on the German national recommendation for the U2. Here, the U2 is the first exhaustive examination of the newborn. Due to a lack of detailed descriptions, the U2 has been formalized and arranged in cooperation with experienced medical experts, which carry out the U2 in daily routine. Results: if all possible finding statements are presented in a hierarchical structure, – even with a small font size – it would cover more than 20 pages. Hence, a more condensed structure has been set up for presentation. If the general practitioner (GP) is to see (a) the finding statements necessary but (b) no more, additional rules can be set up for the masking of finding statements excluded by the results of the prior investigation. Conclusions: the proposed structure for neonatal documentation serves as a basis for statistical analysis. On its basis, investigation can be carried out about (a) problems during the individual examination, (b) problem with the documentation and (c) the benefits of automated speech recognition systems

    The Relationship Between the Site of Metastases and Outcome in Children With Stage IV Wilms Tumor: Data From 3 European Pediatric Cancer Institutions

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    The aim of this study was to analyze in detail the site of metastasis of stage 4 Wilms tumor (WT) and its correlation with outcome. The databases from 3 major European pediatric cancer institutions were screened for children with WT between 1994 and 2011. Of 208 children identified, 31 (14.9%) had metastases at diagnosis. The lung was affected in 29 children (93.5%) and the liver in 6 children (19.4%). Twenty-seven children (87.1%) had metastases isolated to 1 organ, with the lung being the most common site (80.7%). Five-year overall survival was significantly better in those children with distant disease in either lung or liver (95.8%) compared with those affected in both lung and liver (57.1%, P=0.028). Further, prognostic markers were the response of metastases to preoperative chemotherapy (P=0.0138), high-risk histology (P=0.024), and local stage (P=0.026). Five-year overall survival was 82.1% and 5-year event-free survival was 67.9%. The overall follow-up time was 74.1 and 87.2 (2 to 151) months among survivors, and the treatment-related complication rate was 16.7%. In conclusion, in our series of stage 4 WT, prognosis was excellent if histology was favorable, metastatic disease was isolated to either lungs or liver, and if metastases responded to preoperative chemotherapy

    The Relationship Between the Site of Metastases and Outcome in Children With Stage IV Wilms Tumor: Data From 3 European Pediatric Cancer Institutions

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    The aim of this study was to analyze in detail the site of metastasis of stage 4 Wilms tumor (WT) and its correlation with outcome. The databases from 3 major European pediatric cancer institutions were screened for children with WT between 1994 and 2011. Of 208 children identified, 31 (14.9%) had metastases at diagnosis. The lung was affected in 29 children (93.5%) and the liver in 6 children (19.4%). Twenty-seven children (87.1%) had metastases isolated to 1 organ, with the lung being the most common site (80.7%). Five-year overall survival was significantly better in those children with distant disease in either lung or liver (95.8%) compared with those affected in both lung and liver (57.1%, P=0.028). Further, prognostic markers were the response of metastases to preoperative chemotherapy (P=0.0138), high-risk histology (P=0.024), and local stage (P=0.026). Five-year overall survival was 82.1% and 5-year event-free survival was 67.9%. The overall follow-up time was 74.1 and 87.2 (2 to 151) months among survivors, and the treatment-related complication rate was 16.7%. In conclusion, in our series of stage 4 WT, prognosis was excellent if histology was favorable, metastatic disease was isolated to either lungs or liver, and if metastases responded to preoperative chemotherapy
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