45 research outputs found

    Femtosecond laser preparation of resin embedded samples for correlative microscopy workflows in life sciences

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    Correlative multimodal imaging is a useful approach to investigate complex structural relations in life sciences across multiple scales. For these experiments, sample preparation workflows that are compatible with multiple imaging techniques must be established. In one such implementation, a fluorescently labeled region of interest in a biological soft tissue sample can be imaged with light microscopy before staining the specimen with heavy metals, enabling follow-up higher resolution structural imaging at the targeted location, bringing context where it is required. Alternatively, or in addition to fluorescence imaging, other microscopy methods, such as synchrotron x-ray computed tomography with propagation-based phase contrast or serial blockface scanning electron microscopy, might also be applied. When combining imaging techniques across scales, it is common that a volumetric region of interest (ROI) needs to be carved from the total sample volume before high resolution imaging with a subsequent technique can be performed. In these situations, the overall success of the correlative workflow depends on the precise targeting of the ROI and the trimming of the sample down to a suitable dimension and geometry for downstream imaging. Here, we showcase the utility of a femtosecond laser (fs laser) device to prepare microscopic samples (1) of an optimized geometry for synchrotron x-ray tomography as well as (2) for volume electron microscopy applications and compatible with correlative multimodal imaging workflows that link both imaging modalities

    A criação de multiplicadores para a inclusão digital e seus desafios

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    Trabalho apresentado no 31º SEURS - Seminário de Extensão Universitária da Região Sul, realizado em Florianópolis, SC, no período de 04 a 07 de agosto de 2013 - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina.A inclusão digital é um tema bastante, e cada vez mais, explorado na sociedade. Diversos são os projetos que objetivam realizar inclusão social através da utilização de tecnologias da informação. Entretanto um dos grandes desafios associados a inclusão digital é o desenvolvimento de mecanismos que possibilitem a continuidade de processos que efetuem essa inclusão, mesmo quando os projetos que os originaram já tenham se encerrado. Este artigo apresenta a experiência de um projeto realizado na cidade de Rio Grande/RS, na tentativa de utilizar multiplicadores para criar um processo contínuo de inclusão social em comunidades em condições de vulnerabilidade social

    Blood-Brain Barrier Disruption Mediated by FFA1 Receptor-Evidence Using Miniscope

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    Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 PUFAs), obtained from diet and dietary supplements, have been tested in clinical trials for the prevention or treatment of several diseases. n-3 PUFAs exert their effects by activation of free fatty acid (FFA) receptors. FFA1 receptor, expressed in the pancreas and brain, is activated by medium- to long-chain fatty acids. Despite some beneficial effects on cognition, the effects of n-3 PUFAs on the blood-brain barrier (BBB) are not clearly understood. We examined the effects of FFA1 activation on BBB permeability in vitro, using rat brain microvascular endothelial cells (RBMVEC), and in vivo, by assessing Evans Blue extravasation and by performing live imaging of brain microcirculation in adult rats. AMG837, a synthetic FFA1 agonist, produced a dose-dependent decrease in RBMVEC monolayer resistance assessed with Electric Cell-Substrate Impedance Sensing (ECIS); the effect was attenuated by the FFA1 antagonist, GW1100. Immunofluorescence studies revealed that AMG837 produced a disruption in tight and adherens junction proteins. AMG837 increased Evans Blue content in the rat brain in a dose-dependent manner. Live imaging studies of rat brain microcirculation with miniaturized fluorescence microscopy (miniscope) showed that AMG837 increased extravasation of sodium fluorescein. Taken together, our results demonstrate that FFA1 receptor activation reduced RBMVEC barrier function and produced a transient increase in BBB permeability

    Quantum Boltzmann Liquids

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    Epilepsy surgery as emergency treatment for status epilepticus

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