98 research outputs found

    Hadron masses in cavity quantum chromodynamics to order αs2\alpha_s^2

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    The non-divergent diagrams describing two-gluon exchange and annihilation between quarks and antiquarks are calculated in the Feynman gauge, based on quantum chromodynamics in a spherical cavity. Using the experimental NN, Δ\Delta, Ω\Omega, and ρ\rho masses to fit the free parameters of the M.I.T.\ bag model, the predicted states agree very well with the observed low-lying hadrons. As expected, the two-gluon annihilation graphs lift the degeneracy of the π\pi and η\eta, while the ρ\rho and ω\omega remain degenerate. Diagonalizing the ηη\eta - \eta' subspace Hamiltonian yields a very good value for the mass of the η\eta meson.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figure

    On the psycho-emotional deficitisation of workers in the age of cognitive enhancement

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    Despite being the subject of public and scholarly debates for some time, the topic of cognitive enhancement remains theoretically under-developed in organisation studies. This is because the ‘dots’ still have to be ‘connected’ between macro-level phenomena (here, the therapeutic ethos and cognitive capitalism), and micro-level phenomena (in this case, cognitive abilities). In this essay, we use Fromm’s notion of social character to theorise dialectally about the interaction between these macro and micro-level phenomena. Doing so enables us to examine how the macro/micro interaction fosters to adoption of cognitive enhancement in the context of work, and what kinds of consequences might emerge from this. We propose the psycho-emotional deficitisation of workers as a central consequence of the aforementioned interaction, and define it as an internalised version of external ideals of what it means to be a productive worker under cognitive capitalism, which over time generates and reinforces the affective experience of being deficient. Our theorising around socially patterned defects of a cognitive kind has crucial ramification for our understanding of technology-mediated affective control at work and how human–technology interactions shape the subjectivities of workers towards greater self-inferiorisation vis-à-vis the perceived superiority of technology. We close by foreshadowing avenues for future research

    Gauging the Shadow Sector with SO(3)

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    We examine the phenomenology of a low-energy extension of the Standard Model, based on the gauge group SU(3) x SU(2) x U(1) x SO(3), with SO(3) operating in the shadow sector. This model offers νeνs\nu_{e} \to \nu_{s} and νμντ\nu_{\mu} \to \nu_{\tau} oscillations as the solution of the solar and atmospheric neutrino problems. Moreover, it provides a neutral heavy shadow lepton X that could play the role of a cold dark matter particle.Comment: 8 page

    Timing and Synchronization of the DUNE Neutrino Detector

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    The DUNE neutrino experiment far detector has a fiducial mass of 40 kt. The O(1M) readout channels are distributed over the four 10 kt modules and need to be synchronized with respect to each other to a precision of O(10 ns). The entire system needs to be synchronized with respect to GPS time to O(100 ns). The system needs to be reliable, simple and affordable. Clock and synchronization information encoded on the same fibre using a protocol based on duty cycle shift keying (DCSK) with 8b10b encoding to ensure DC-balance. The use of DCSK allows the clock to be recovered directly by PLL based clock generators without needing to use a separate clock and data recovery (CDR) device. Small scale tests show a timing jitter at the endpoint of approximately 10 ps with respect to the timing master.Comment: conferenc

    Nonlinear evolution of dark matter and dark energy in the Chaplygin-gas cosmology

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    The hypothesis that dark matter and dark energy are unified through the Chaplygin gas is reexamined. Using generalizations of the spherical model which incorporate effects of the acoustic horizon we show that an initially perturbative Chaplygin gas evolves into a mixed system containing cold dark matter-like gravitational condensate.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures, substantial revision, title changed, content changed, added references, to appear in JCA

    Horseplay, care and hands on hard work: gendered strategies of a project manager on a construction site

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    The discourse of managerial expertise favours rational analysis and masculine ideals but contemporary management literature also recognises the value of well-being and employee voice in the workplace. Drawing upon narrative analysis of interview data, we share unique insights into the lived experiences of Laura, one female project manager who recently managed a construction site in the Midlands in the UK. In contrast to previous research which indicates that female managers tend to conform to quite a traditional set of gender behaviours, Laura embraces a range of workplace appropriate gendered strategies, such as hard work and horseplay, together with sensitivity and caring. She draws from this mix of gendered strategies in negotiating between two different discourses of construction; one professional and one tough and practical. Her behaviour both reproduces the masculine ideals (through horseplay and heroic management) and opens up possibilities for modernising construction management (by caring). It is this combination of strategies that is at the heart of tacit expertise for Laura. Theoretically, the discussion adds to the development of a more nuanced understanding of management expertise as situated and person specific knowledge that draws on both the explicit and tacit. Specifically, the centrality of gendered strategies beyond the masculine ideals to success on site is highlighted

    The future of research in an artificial intelligence-driven world

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    Current and future developments in artificial intelligence (AI) systems have the capacity to revolutionize the research process for better or worse. On the one hand, AI systems can serve as collaborators as they help streamline and conduct our research. On the other hand, such systems can also become our adversaries when they impoverish our ability to learn as theorists, or when they lead us astray through inaccurate, biased, or fake information. No matter which angle is considered, and whether we like it or not, AI systems are here to stay. In this curated discussion, we raise questions about human centrality and agency in the research process, and about the multiple philosophical and practical challenges we are facing now and ones we will face in the future