76 research outputs found

    Achievable Outage Rate Regions for the MISO Interference Channel

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    We consider the slow-fading two-user multiple-input single-output (MISO) interference channel. We want to understand which rate points can be achieved, allowing a non-zero outage probability. We do so by defining four different outage rate regions. The definitions differ on whether the rates are declared in outage jointly or individually and whether the transmitters have instantaneous or statistical channel state information (CSI). The focus is on the instantaneous CSI case with individual outage, where we propose a stochastic mapping from the rate point and the channel realization to the beamforming vectors. A major contribution is that we prove that the stochastic component of this mapping is independent of the actual channel realization.Comment: Accepted for publication in IEEE Wireless Communications Letter

    Efficient Computation of Pareto Optimal Beamforming Vectors for the MISO Interference Channel with Successive Interference Cancellation

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    We study the two-user multiple-input single-output (MISO) Gaussian interference channel where the transmitters have perfect channel state information and employ single-stream beamforming. The receivers are capable of performing successive interference cancellation, so when the interfering signal is strong enough, it can be decoded, treating the desired signal as noise, and subtracted from the received signal, before the desired signal is decoded. We propose efficient methods to compute the Pareto-optimal rate points and corresponding beamforming vector pairs, by maximizing the rate of one link given the rate of the other link. We do so by splitting the original problem into four subproblems corresponding to the combinations of the receivers' decoding strategies - either decode the interference or treat it as additive noise. We utilize recently proposed parameterizations of the optimal beamforming vectors to equivalently reformulate each subproblem as a quasi-concave problem, which we solve very efficiently either analytically or via scalar numerical optimization. The computational complexity of the proposed methods is several orders-of-magnitude less than the complexity of the state-of-the-art methods. We use the proposed methods to illustrate the effect of the strength and spatial correlation of the channels on the shape of the rate region.Comment: Accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Signal Processin

    Möglichkeiten und Probleme bei der Anwendung der Klebtechnik

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    Nur wenn eine klebgerecht ausgeführte Konstruktion mit dem richtigen Klebstoff nach optimaler Oberflächenbehandlung und mit angepssten Abbindebedingungen gefertigt wird, sind Klebverbindungen von maximaler Festigkeit und Alterungsbeständigkeit zu erzielen. Am Beispiel von Bremsbelägen wird gezeigt, dass bei einer entsprechenden Erprobung auch sogenannte Sicherheitsteile durch Kleben hergestellt werden könne

    Parameterization of the MISO IFC rate region: the case of partial channel state information

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    Selfishness and altruism on the MISO interference channel: the case of partial transmitter CSI

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    Turbo Decoding With Early State Decisions

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    Turbo codes was first presented in 1993 by C. Berrou, A. Glavieux and P. Thitimajshima. Since then this class of error correcting codes has become one of the most popular, because of its good properties. The turbo codes are able to come very close to theoretical limit, the Shannon limit. Turbo codes are for example used in the third generation of mobile phone (3G) and in the standard IEEE 802.16 (WiMAX). There are some drawbacks with the algorithm for decoding turbo codes. The deocoder uses a Maximum A Posteriori (MAP) algorithm, which is a complex algorith. Because of the use of many variables in the decoder the decoding circuit will consume a lot of power due to memory accesses and internal communication. One way in which this can be reduced is to make early decisions. In this work I have focused on making early decision of the encoder states. One major part of the work was also to be sure that the expressions were written in a way that as few variables as possible are needed. A termination condition is also introduced. Simulations based on estimations of the number of memory accesses, shows that the number of memory accesses will significantly decrease

    The MISO Interference Channel as a Model for Non-Orthogonal Spectrum Sharing

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    The demand for wireless communications services has increased during the last decades. To meet this demand, there is a need for allocating larger frequency bands. However, most of the frequency bands (or spectrum) suitable for wireless communication are occupied and allocated to licensed systems. Long-term (order of years) contracts enforce the operators to use separate bands. Also, within an operator, neighboring cells have used separate frequency bands to avoid causing interference to each others' mobile users. The drawback of such operation is low spectral efficiency due to unused spectrum and low flexibility in the allocation of resources for the mobile users. To overcome these problems, so-called spectrum sharing has been proposed. The idea is that different operators (inter-operator spectrum sharing) or neighboring cells (intra-operator spectrum sharing) can borrow spectral resources from each other for short time frames (order of milliseconds). For each of these spectrum sharing scenarios, we can use either orthogonal or non-orthogonal spectrum sharing. In orthogonal spectrum sharing, the operator that borrows the spectrum can use it exclusively. Hence, the operators will not cause interference to each others users. The drawback with orthogonal sharing is that it might not exploit all degrees of freedom or diversity in the wireless channels. In non-orthogonal spectrum sharing, two or more operators or neighboring cells of one operator, simultaneously use the same piece of spectrum at a given physical location. One drawback of such sharing is that the operators or base stations cause interference to each others' users. This can substantially degrade the performance of the mobile users. On the other hand, the flexibility increases and we can potentially increase the number of served users or the data rate of the users with non-orthogonal sharing. In this thesis, we focus on the downlink of the non-orthogonal spectrum sharing scenario. We use the interference channel (IC) as a model to understand the impact of the interference and how the operations can be coordinated. An IC consists of KK transmitter (TX)-receiver (RX) pairs, e.g., base station-mobile user pairs, where each TX serves one RX. Since the TX-RX pairs operate simultaneously in the same frequency band, they causeinterference to each other. To suppress the interference, we can employ multiple antennas at the TXs. Then, the TXs are able to steer, or beamform, the radiated power such that they provide the intended RXs with strong signals and cause weak interference to the unintended RXs. The IC with multiple-antennas TXs and single-antenna RXs constitutes a multiple-input single-output (MISO) IC. In the first part of this thesis, we gain understanding of the fundamental performance limits of the two-user MISO IC, i.e., there are two TX-RX pairs. We study various achievable rate regions and methods for computing them. The first contribution is on efficient computation of the outer boundary of the rate region when the TXs have instantaneous channel state information (CSI) and the receivers are capable to perform successive interference cancellation. We split the problem in to the four subproblems corresponding to the different combinations of decoding strategies (decode interference or treat it as noise). The optimization problems we solve are scalar and quasi-concave and can be solved either on closed form or by a numerical gradient ascend method. The second contribution is on the ergodic rate region with statistical CSI. We characterize the transmit covariance matrices which potentially yield points on the outer boundary of the rate region. Using these characterizations, we can reduce the search space in the design of the optimal transmit covariance matrices. The third contribution considers a slow-fading channel and provides four different definitions of outage rate regions. These definitions depend on whether there is instantaneous or statistical CSI and whether outage is declared individually or in common. In the two latter contributions, the RXs treat interference as noise. The second part of this thesis addresses the resource allocation problem in a small cellular network. The first contribution considers the inter-operator spectrum sharing problem in a single cell. The results illustrate that if user selection is not possible and there are always users to serve for both operators, there is no gain of non-orthogonal spectrum sharing over orthogonal sharing. For the same setup, the second contribution considers the user selection problem. The base stations select one user each to serve. The computational complexity of optimal user selection is high. Therefore, we propose to use simple beamforming schemes in order to select a user pair. Once a pair is chosen, we use optimal beamforming. The performance loss of this algorithm, compared to using optimal beamforming vectors for the scheduling is negligible