16 research outputs found

    JakobiaaniyhtÀlöstÀ ja Hardy-avaruudesta H^1(C)

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    The dissertation deals with the Jacobian equation in the plane. R.R. Coifman, J.-P. Lions, Y. Meyer and S. Semmes proved in their seminal paper from 1993 that when a mapping from the n-space to the n-space belongs to a suitable homogeneous Sobolev space, its Jacobian determinant belongs to a real-variable Hardy space. Coifman, Lions, Meyer and Semmes proceeded to ask the following famous open problem: can every function in the Hardy space be written as the Jacobian of some Sobolev mapping? It follows from the work of G. Cupini, B. Dacorogna and O. Kneuss that the range of the Jacobian operator is dense in the Hardy space. As a consequence of this, solving the Jacobian equation reduces to proving that every so-called energy-minimal solution satisfies certain natural a priori estimate. In the dissertation we use Lagrange multipliers in Banach spaces to prove the sought after a priori estimate for a large class of energy-minimal solutions. It remains unclear whether the class is large enough to imply the surjectivity of the Jacobian operator, but we present many partial results on the properties of the class. To cite an example, when the Hardy space is endowed with a particular norm that is well suited to the study of the Jacobian equation, all the extreme points of the unit ball are Jacobians. Furthermore, the energy-minimal solutions for the extreme points satisfy the wanted a priori estimate. As one of the main results of the dissertation we reduce solving the Jacobian equation to a fairly concrete finite-dimensional problem. As the main tools of the dissertation we use Banach space geometry, harmonic analysis in the plane and methods from the theory of incompressible elasticity.Monografiamuotoisen vÀitöskirjastyöni keskiössÀ on C.G.J. Jacobin mukaan nimetty jakobiaani eli Jacobin determinantti, jota kÀytetÀÀn muun muassa, kun kahdessa tai useammassa ulottuvuudessa halutaan tehdÀ integraalissa muuttujanvaihto. Jakobiaani saadaan, kun otetaan kuvauksen osittaisderivaatoista muodostettu derivaattamatriisi ja lasketaan sen determinantti. Jakobiaani myös kertoo, venyttÀÀkö kuvaus joukkoja paikallisesti suuremmiksi tai puristaako se niitÀ kokoon. R.R. Coifman, J.-P. Lions, Y. Meyer ja S. Semmes todistivat vuonna 1993 julkaistussa artikkelissaan, ettÀ jos kuvaus n-ulotteiselta avaruudelta n-ulotteiselle avaruudelle kuuluu tiettyyn Sobolev-avaruuteen, niin sen jakobiaani kuuluu reaalimuuttujan Hardy-avaruuteen. Coifman, Lions, Meyer ja Semmes myös esittivÀt kuuluisan avoimen ongelman: onko jokainen Hardy-avaruuden alkio jonkin Sobolev-kuvauksen jakobiaani? TÀtÀ voidaan ajatella yhtÀlönÀ, jonka toinen puoli, Hardy-avaruuteen kuuluva funktio, tunnetaan, ja halutaan löytÀÀ kuvaus, jonka jakobiaani on yhtÀ suuri kuin tÀmÀ tunnettu funktio. YhtÀlöÀ kutsutaan jakobiaaniyhtÀlöksi. Tutkin vÀitöskirjassani jakobiaaniyhtÀlöÀ kaksiulotteisessa tasossa kÀyttÀmÀllÀ monen muuttujan analyysista tuttua Lagrangen kertoimien menetelmÀÀ. TiheÀssÀ olevalle osajoukolle Hardy-avaruuden funktioista jakobiaaniyhtÀlöllÀ on olemassa ratkaisu, ja yhtÀlön ratkaiseminen kaikissa tapauksissa onnistuisi, jos kaikille niin sanotuille energian minimoiville ratkaisuille saataisiin johdettua erÀs luonnollinen normiarvio. Lagrangen kertoimien avulla saan todistettua halutun normiarvion varsin suurelle joukolle energian minimoivia ratkaisuja. SitÀ, onko nÀin saatu ratkaisujen joukko riittÀvÀn iso, en saa selvitettyÀ, mutta esitÀn monia osittaistuloksia ratkaisujoukon koosta ja muista ominaisuuksista. JakobiaaniyhtÀlö on ÀÀretönulotteinen ongelma, mutta yhtenÀ vÀitöskirjan pÀÀtuloksena saan palautettua yhtÀlön ratkaisemisen ÀÀrellisulotteiseen kysymykseen, joka vaikuttaa vÀhemmÀn vaikealta lÀhestyÀ kuin alkuperÀinen Coifmanin, Lionsin, Meyerin ja Semmesin asettama ongelma. MenetelminÀ vÀitöskirja hyödyntÀÀ erityisesti viime vuosisadan jÀlkipuoliskolta lÀhtien kehitettyÀ tÀydellisten normiavaruuksien geometrista teoriaa, kokoonpuristumattomien elastisten materiaalien teorian menetelmiÀ sekÀ kompleksitason harmonista analyysia

    The Dirichlet problem for the Jacobian equation in critical and supercritical Sobolev spaces

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    We study existence and regularity of solutions to the Dirichlet problem for the prescribed Jacobian equation, det⁥Du=f\det Du = f, where ff is integrable and bounded away from zero. In particular, we take f∈Lpf\in L^p, where p>1p > 1, or in Llog⁥LL\log L. We prove that for a Baire-generic ff in either space there are no solutions with the expected regularity.Comment: 14 page

    Rigorous results on conserved and dissipated quantities ideal MHD turbulence

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    We review recent mathematical results on the theory of ideal MHD turbulence. On the one hand, we explain a mathematical version of Taylor's conjecture on magnetic helicity conservation, both for simply and multiply connected domains. On the other hand, we describe how to prove the existence of weak solutions conserving magnetic helicity but dissipating cross helicity and energy in 3D Ideal MHD. Such solutions are bounded. In fact, we show that as soon as we are below the critical L-3 integrability for magnetic helicity conservation, there are weak solutions which do not preserve even magnetic helicity. These mathematical theorems rely on understanding the mathematical relaxation of MHD which is used as a model of the macroscopic behaviour of solutions of various nonlinear partial differential equations. Thus, on the one hand, we present results on the existence of weak solutions consistent with what is expected from experiments and numerical simulations, on the other hand, we show that below certain thresholds, there exist pathological solutions which should be excluded from physical grounds. It is still an outstanding open problem to find suitable admissibility conditions that are flexible enough to allow the existence of weak solutions but rigid enough to rule out physically unrealistic behaviour.Peer reviewe

    On the proof of Taylor's conjecture in multiply connected domains

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    In this Letter we extend the proof, by Faraco and Lindberg (2020), of Taylor's conjecture in multiply connected domains to cover arbitrary vector potentials and remove the need to impose restrictions on the magnetic field to ensure gauge invariance of the helicity integral. This extension allows us to treat general magnetic fields in closed domains that are important in laboratory plasmas and brings closure to a conjecture whose resolution has been open for almost 50 years. (C) 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    A Note on the Jacobian Problem of Coifman, Lions, Meyer and Semmes

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    Coifman, Lions, Meyer and Semmes asked in 1993 whether the Jacobian operator and other compensated compactness quantities map their natural domain of definition onto the real-variable Hardy space H-1(R-n). We present an axiomatic, Banach space geometric approach to the problem in the case of quadratic operators. We also make progress on the main open case, the Jacobian equation in the plane.Peer reviewe

    Energy Minimisers with Prescribed Jacobian

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    We consider the class of planar maps with Jacobian prescribed to be a fixed radially symmetric function f and which, moreover, fixes the boundary of a ball; we then study maps which minimise the 2p-Dirichlet energy in this class. We find a quantity lambda[f] which controls the symmetry, uniqueness and regularity of minimisers: if lambda[f]Peer reviewe