26 research outputs found

    Doprinos poznavanju faune tulara (Insecta: Trichoptera) jezera Leqinat i obližnjih potoka na području Bjeshkët e Nemuna (Kosovo)

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    Adult caddisflies were collected with entomological nets and ultraviolet light traps during August and September 2018 in Leqinat Lake, Drelaj Lake and five adjacent streams in Bjeshkët e Nemuna in Kosovo. Within the current study we found three first records for the caddisfly fauna of Kosovo: Limnephilus flavospinosus, Limnephilus flavicornis and Oligotricha striata. The genus Oligotricha is reported for the first time from Kosovo. We also found few rare species which have been reported only from few localities in the Balkan Peninsula such as: Plectrocnemia mojkovacensis, Rhyacophila balcanica and Drusus tenellus.Odrasli tulari prikupljani su pomoću entomološke mrežice i UV svjetlosnih zamki tijekom kolovoza i rujna 2018. na jezerima Leqinat i Drelaj te pet obližnjih potoka, na području Bjeshkët e Nemuna na Kosovu. Tijekom istraživanja zabilježili smo tri prva nalaza za faunu tulara Kosova: Limnephilus flavospinosus, Limnephilus flavicornis i Oligotricha striata. Po prvi puta za Kosovo je zabilježen rod Oligotricha. Također smo našli neke rijetke vrste zabilježenih na samo nekoliko lokaliteta na Balkanu, npr.: Plectrocnemia mojkovacensis, Rhyacophila balcanica i Drusus tenellus

    Prvi nalazi roda Micropterna Stein, 1873 (Insecta: Trichoptera) na Kosovu s podacima o rasprostranjenosti i ekološkim značajkama

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    Until recently the caddisfly fauna of Kosovo was poorly known, with only several records. During a two-year period of investigation (2009–2010) adult caddisflies were collected with ultraviolet light, aerial net and hand picking. The genus Micropterna Stein, 1873 is reported for the first time in Kosovo with four species: Micropterna caesareica Schmid, 1959, Micropterna fissa McLachlan, 1875, Micropterna nycterobia McLachlan, 1875 and Micropterna sequax McLachlan, 1875. In this paper we present the distribution characteristics of the genus Micropterna in Kosovo with ecological notes on habitat characteristics and flight period. All four species of the genus Micropterna have limited distribution in Kosovo, being present only in seven out of forty-three investigated stations. The documentation of the genus Micropterna in Kosovo presents a contribution to a better understanding of distributional patterns of this genus in the Balkan Peninsula and South-Eastern Europe.Fauna tulara Kosova je donedavno bila slabo istraživana, sa samo nekoliko podataka. Tijekom dvogodišnjeg perioda istraživanja (2009-2010) odrasli oblici tulara prikupljani su UV lampom, entomološkom mrežom i manualno. Rod Micropterna Stein, 1873 po prvi je puta zabilježen na Kosovu s četiri vrste: Micropterna caesareica Schmid, 1959, Micropterna fissa McLachlan, 1875, Micropterna nycterobia McLachlan, 1875 i Micropterna sequax McLachlan, 1875. U ovome radu predstavljamo značajke rasprostranjenosti roda Micropterna na Kosovu s ekološkim podacima o staništu i vremenu emergencije. Sve četiri vrste roda Micropterna na Kosovu imaju usku rasprostranjenost i prisutne su samo na sedam od ukupno četrdeset i tri istraživane postaje. Nalaz roda Micropterna na Kosovu predstavlja doprinos boljem razumijevanju distribucijskih obrazaca ovog roda na Balkanskom poluotoku i jugoistočnoj Europi

    The spider fauna (Arachnida, Araneae) of abandoned military bunkers in Albania

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    We investigated 11 pillbox bunkers in Dibër Municipality and one military tunnel near Tirana (Albania). We found 101 spider specimens belonging to 15 species, of which two species are reported for the first time from Albania: Leviellus thorelli (Ausserer, 1871) (Araneidae) and Meta bourneti Simon, 1922 (Tetragnathidae). This paper contributes new information on the diversity, distribution and natural history of spider fauna in the bunkers of Albania

    Spiders from Sharr Mountain - new faunistic data (Arachnida: Araneae)

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    In this paper, we present new faunistic data of the spider fauna from the Sharr Mountains (Kosovo), one of the least investigated areas in the Balkans. Previously only 27 species of spiders were known from the Kosovo part of the Sharr Mountains but with this investigation, the number has increased to 74. Pictures of rare and interesting species are provided. We also include a new record from the North Macedonian part of the Sharr Mountains. In total we report fifty species, eight of which are first records for Sharr Mountains, twenty-eight are first records for Kosovo, and one species is reported for the first time for North Macedonia. Species recorded for the first time from the Sharr Mountains belong to the following genera: Histopona, Clubiona, Zelotes, Ceratinella, Mughiphantes, Robertus and Ozyptila. We also provide a checklist of spider species for the Sharr Mountains in Kosovo

    Potamophylax kosovaensis sp. nov. (Trichoptera, Limnephilidae), a new species of the Potamophylax winneguthi species cluster from the Ibër River Basin in Kosovo

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    The Potamophylax winneguthi species cluster comprises species with limited distribution, currently documented from Kosovo, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Bulgaria.In this paper, we describe a new species, Potamophylax kosovaensis sp. nov., discovered in two tributaries of the Ibër River Basin, within the Kopaonik Mountains of the Republic of Kosovo. Morphologically, males of this species closely resemble those of P. idliri Ibrahimi, Bilalli & Kučinić, 2022 from Serbia's Jastrebac Mountain and P. humoinsapiens Ibrahimi & Bilalli, 2023 from the Sharr Mountains in the Republic of Kosovo. However, the new species can be distinguished by its smaller aedeagus, thicker and differently-shaped parameres, as well as distinctive patterns and elongated spines on the parameres. Notably, this species is restricted to spring areas, indicating sensitivity to water pollution and habitat degradation. Additionally, we provide a list of caddisfly species found in sympatry with the new species.Potamophylax kosovaensis sp. nov. is the third known species within the Potamophylax winneguthi species cluster, identified in the Republic of Kosovo

    Data from: The caddisfly fauna (Insecta, Trichoptera) of the rivers of the Black Sea basin in Kosovo with distributional data for some rare species

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    Adult caddisfly specimens were collected by the means of UV light trap in twelve stations that belong to the Black Sea water basin in Kosovo. Sixty-five species out of seventy-six reported in this paper are first records for the Kosovo caddisfly fauna. Most of the species belong to the Palearctic type of fauna (17) followed by the Euro-Asian group with 16 species, the European group with 10 species, the Middle or South-European group with 7 species, than the Balkanic group, the Balkanic-Carpathian group and the Middle or South-Eastern European group with 6 species each, the Mediterranean group with 5 species and finally the Eurosibirian group with 3 species. A sudden discovery of several species during this investigation (Agapetus delicatulus McLachlan, 1884, Psychomyia klapaleki Malicky, 1995, Tinodes janssensi Jacquemart, 1957, Hydropsyche emarginata Navas, 1923, Drusus botosaneanui Kumanski, 1968, Potamophylax rotundipennis (Brauer, 1857), Potamophylax schmidi Marinković, 1970, Ceraclea albimacula (Rambur, 1842), Helicopsyche bacescui Orghidan & Botosaneanu, 1953, Adicella filicornis Pictet, 1834, Beraea maurus (Curtis, 1834) and Beraeamyia hrabei Mayer, 1937) shows that in future data from poorly investigated areas in Europe will revise the existing knowledge on distribution of these and other species with known limited distributions

    Potamophylax kosovaensis sp. nov. (Trichoptera, Limnephilidae), a new species of the Potamophylax winneguthi species cluster from the Ibër River Basin in Kosovo

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    The Potamophylax winneguthi species cluster comprises species with limited distribution, currently documented from Kosovo, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Bulgaria.In this paper, we describe a new species, Potamophylax kosovaensis sp. nov., discovered in two tributaries of the Ibër River Basin, within the Kopaonik Mountains of the Republic of Kosovo. Morphologically, males of this species closely resemble those of P. idliri Ibrahimi, Bilalli & Kučinić, 2022 from Serbia's Jastrebac Mountain and P. humoinsapiens Ibrahimi & Bilalli, 2023 from the Sharr Mountains in the Republic of Kosovo. However, the new species can be distinguished by its smaller aedeagus, thicker and differently-shaped parameres, as well as distinctive patterns and elongated spines on the parameres. Notably, this species is restricted to spring areas, indicating sensitivity to water pollution and habitat degradation. Additionally, we provide a list of caddisfly species found in sympatry with the new species.Potamophylax kosovaensis sp. nov. is the third known species within the Potamophylax winneguthi species cluster, identified in the Republic of Kosovo

    Contribution to spider fauna (Arachnida: Araneae) from Bjeshkët e Nemuna mountains (Kosovo)

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    Since Kosovo is the least explored territory in the Balkan Peninsula when it comes to the study of spider fauna, with large, untouched areas, we aim to explore it in detail. From Bjeshkët e Nemuna Mountains only 15 species have been reported. We collected and identified 323 spider specimens (88♂♂, 235♀♀) from April 2018 to August 2021 at 20 sites in Bjeshkët e Nemuna National Park between 529 and 2066 m a.s.l. These specimens belong to 90 species, 65 genera, and 23 families. Of these, 42 species, 13 genera, and 2 families are new records for the spider fauna of Kosovo, and 90 species are new for the mountains. As a result of our research, the list of species known from the studied region increased from 15 to 105 and the number of known spiders in Kosovo increased to 248 species