6,116 research outputs found

    Observational signatures of lithium depletion in the metal-poor globular cluster NGC6397

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    The "stellar" solution to the cosmological lithium problem proposes that surface depletion of lithium in low-mass, metal-poor stars can reconcile the lower abundances found for Galactic halo stars with the primordial prediction. Globular clusters are ideal environments for studies of the surface evolution of lithium, with large number statistics possible to obtain for main sequence stars as well as giants. We discuss the Li abundances measured for >450 stars in the globular cluster NGC6397, focusing on the evidence for lithium depletion and especially highlighting how the inferred abundances and interpretations are affected by early cluster self-enrichment and systematic uncertainties in the effective temperature determination.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, conference proceedings for IAU symposium 26

    Follow up on the crystal growth experiments of the LDEF

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    The results of the 4 solution growth experiments on the LDEF have been published elsewhere. Both the crystals of CaCO3, which were large and well shaped, and the much smaller TTF-TCNQ crystals showed unusual morphological behavior. The follow up on these experiments was begun in 1981, when ESA initiated a 'Concept Definition Study' on a large, 150 kg, Solution Growth Facility (SGF) to be included in the payload of EURECA-1, the European Retrievable Carrier. This carrier was a continuation of the European Spacelab and at that time planned for launch in 1987. The long delay of the LDEF retrieval and of subsequent missions brought about reflections both on the concept of crystal growth in space and on the choice of crystallization materials that had been made for the LDEF. Already before the LDEF retrieval, research on TTF-TCNQ had been stopped, and a planned growth experiment with TTF-TCNQ on the SGF/EURECA had been cancelled. The target of the SGF investigation is now more fundamental in nature. None of the crystals to be grown here are, like TTF-TCNQ, in particular demand by science or industry, and the crystals only serve the purpose of model crystals. The real purpose of the investigation is to study the growth behavior. One of the experiments, the Soret Coefficient Measurement experiment is not growing crystals at all, but has it as its sole purpose to obtain accurate information on thermal diffusion, a process of importance in crystal growth from solution

    Horizontal-branch morphology and multiple stellar populations in the anomalous globular cluster M22

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    M22 is an anomalous globular cluster that hosts two groups of stars with different metallicity and s-element abundance. The star-to-star light-element variations in both groups, with the presence of individual Na-O and C-N anticorrelations, demonstrates that this Milky-Way satellite has experienced a complex star-formation history. We have analysed FLAMES/UVES spectra for seven stars covering a small color interval, on the reddest horizontal-branch (HB) portion of this cluster and investigated possible relations between the chemical composition of a star and its location along the HB. Our chemical abundance analysis takes into account effects introduced by deviations from the local-thermodynamic equilibrium (NLTE effects), that are significant for the measured spectral lines in the atmospheric parameters range spanned by our stars. We find that all the analysed stars are barium-poor and sodium-poor, thus supporting the idea that the position of a star along the HB is strictly related to the chemical composition, and that the HB-morphology is influenced by the presence of different stellar populations.Comment: 21 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in Ap


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    The English National Spinal Unit at Stoke Mandeville is a unique centre in that it was the first hospital in the world where the treatment of spinal injuries was studied comprehensively and a completely new approach evolved. It began early during the Second World War with the increased number of spinal injuries. Dr. Ludwig Guttman, with difficulty, gained permission to put some new ideas into practice and began with one patient. The centre had, at the time I was there in 1951–1952, increased to one hundred and twenty beds in the hospital, had its own staff of doctors, surgeons, nursing staff and orderlies, and, of the eighteen physiotherapists employed at the hospital, sixteen worked full time in the unit. Between all the members of staff, from Dr. Guttman down, there was a tremendous spirit of cooperation and enthusiasm which inspired all the patients as well and made us all into a happy, purposeful, and single-minded team. Each physiotherapist had eight to ten patients to treat, and this, with weekly lectures on various aspects of spinal injury treatment by the medical staff, attendance at the initial examination of patients, and on ward rounds, meant a very full programme of work for all. The hospital itself was well constructed for paraplegic needs. It was built on one level with necessarily broad corridors to cope with high-speed wheelchair traffic. All stepped entrances had been converted into easily graded ramps. A handle on a chain hung over all beds, in all garages, toilets, and baths, to facilitate the patient's transfer without assistance from one place to another

    Searching for optimal variables in real multivariate stochastic data

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    By implementing a recent technique for the determination of stochastic eigendirections of two coupled stochastic variables, we investigate the evolution of fluctuations of NO2 concentrations at two monitoring stations in the city of Lisbon, Portugal. We analyze the stochastic part of the measurements recorded at the monitoring stations by means of a method where the two concentrations are considered as stochastic variables evolving according to a system of coupled stochastic differential equations. Analysis of their structure allows for transforming the set of measured variables to a set of derived variables, one of them with reduced stochasticity. For the specific case of NO2 concentration measures, the set of derived variables are well approximated by a global rotation of the original set of measured variables. We conclude that the stochastic sources at each station are independent from each other and typically have amplitudes of the order of the deterministic contributions. Such findings show significant limitations when predicting such quantities. Still, we briefly discuss how predictive power can be increased in general in the light of our methods

    The interstellar gas experiment

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    The Interstellar Gas Experiment (IGE) exposed thin metallic foils to collect neutral interstellar gas particles. These particles penetrate the solar system due to their motion relative to the sun. Thus, it is possible to entrap them in the collecting foils along with precipitating magnetospheric and perhaps some ambient atmospheric particles. For the entire duration of the Long Duration Exposure Facility (LDEF) mission, seven of these foils collected particles arriving from seven different directions as seen from the spacecraft. In the mass spectroscopic analysis of the noble gas component of these particles, we have detected the isotopes of He-3, He-4, Ne-20, and Ne-22. In the foil analyses carried out so far, we find a distribution of particle arrival directions which shows that a significant part of the trapped particles are indeed interstellar atoms. The analysis needed to subtract the competing fluxes of magnetospheric and atmospheric particles is still in progress

    The Interstellar Gas Experiment: Analysis in progress

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    The Interstellar Gas Experiment (IGE) exposed thin metallic foils aboard the LDEF spacecraft in low Earth orbit in order to collect neutral interstellar particles which penetrate the solar system due to their motion relative to the sun. By mechanical penetration these atoms were imbedded in the collecting foils along with precipitating magnetospheric ions and, possibly, with ambient atmospheric atoms. During the entire LDEF mission, seven of these foils collected particles arriving from seven different directions as seen from the spacecraft. After the foils were returned to Earth, a mass spectrometric analysis of the noble gas component of the trapped particles was begun. The isotopes of He-3, He-4, Ne-20, and Ne-22 were detected. We have given a first account of the experiment. In order to infer the isotopic ratios in the interstellar medium from the concentrations found in the foils, several lines of investigation had to be initiated. The flux of ambient atmospheric noble gas atoms moving toward the foils due to the orbital motion of LDEF was estimated by detailed calculations. Any of these particles which evaded the baffles in the IGE collector could be entrapped in the foils as a background flux. However, the calculations have shown that this flux is negligible, which was the intent of the experiment hardware design. This conclusion is supported by the measurements. However, both the concentration of trapped helium and its impact energy indicate that the flux of magnetospheric ions which was captured was larger than had been expected. In fact, it appears that the magnetospheric particles constitute the largest fraction of the particles in the foils. Since little is known about this particle flux, their presence in the IGE foils appears fortunate. The analysis of these particles provides information about their isotropic composition and average flux

    Audience effects: what can they tell us about social neuroscience, theory of mind and autism?

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    An audience effect arises when a person’s behaviour changes because they believe someone else is watching them. Though these effects have been known about for over 110 years, the cognitive mechanisms of the audience effect and how it might vary across different populations and cultures remains unclear. In this review, we examine the hypothesis that the audience effect draws on implicit mentalising abilities. Behavioural and neuroimaging data from a number of tasks are consistent with this hypothesis. We further review data suggest that how people respond to audiences may vary over development, personality factors, cultural background and clinical diagnosis including autism and anxiety disorder. Overall, understanding and exploring the audience effect may contribute to our models of social interaction, including reputation management and mentalising
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