1,822 research outputs found

    The role of culture in Theory of Mind

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    Theory of Mind (ToM) is defined as the ability to understand our own and otherpeople’s mental representations, characterised by individual perspectives and motives,with potential for directing human behaviour (Kuntoro, Saraswati, Peterson & Slaughter,2013). Over the past 30 years this concept has captured the attention of cognitive anddevelopmental psychologists and it has been established that typically developed childrenfrom individualistic, mainly from Anglo (English-speaking) countries are most likely toacquire this ability at the age of four. In the past decade, a growing interest in differences between children fromindividualistic and collestivistic cultural orientations led researchers to question the extentto which ToM is influenced by culture. Many cross-cultural studies that examined theToM performance have mainly focused on reporting on children from individualisticdominant cultures (mostly from English speaking countries) and countries frompredominantly collectivistic dominant cultures, and have found that children from theformer are more likely to develop advanced and earlier ToM, fuelling deeperinvestigation into sociocultural mechanisms influencing ToM performance incollectivistic children. In the present study, a narrative literature review was conducted to identify theevidence for differences and similarities in ToM performance of children from differentcultures; the potential sociocultural factors influencing ToM; and gaps in the currentliterature that will benefit from future research. The review comprised 131 studies andrevealed two main findings. Firstly, little is known about the mechanisms underlyingcultural variations in ToM. Secondly, parenting might be an important culturaltransmission mechanism that has only been partially investigated in past cross-culturalToM research. These gaps in the literature sparked my interest in advancing our understanding ofthe sociocultural influences on ToM performance, and ultimately led to this investigation.The main aim of my study was to explore the impact of sociocultural factors on ToMperformance in children from Australia and Colombia. To address the main aim of thisresearch, I explored the influence of sociocultural factors (i.e., parent-child relationshipsand child self-concept dimensions) in ToM in a sample of four- to six-year-oldColombian (N = 70) and Anglo-Australian children (N = 87). My results revealed that culture influences ToM performance. Mediation analysesconfirmed that children’s tendency towards following rules and parents’ participation inthe child’s everyday activities and knowledge about their child are potential influencingmechanisms that can explain ToM variability, although this was confined to the six-yearoldsonly. Moreover, important cultural differences and similarities in ToM performanceemerged from my findings. Similarly to that reported in previous studies, Anglo-Australian children presented more advanced ToM abilities than Colombian children andachieved significantly higher total scores on the ToM scale, as well as above-chancelevels on higher-order ToM tasks. However, a novel finding was that the order in theGuttman scalogram for ToM progression was similar between the cultural groups. Thelatter finding demonstrates there is still more to discover in the field of ToM to shed lighton new directions of ToM development in children across cultures. To sum up, this investigation contributed to the growing evidence of the influenceof collectivistic and individualistic orientations in parenting involvement styles andchildren’s norm awareness as potential cultural transmission mechanisms in ToM.Therefore, future investigations might be interested in broadening their scope ofinvestigation to socialization agents like parents and teachers and their influence inchildren’s ToM to consolidate our knowledge about the cultural transmission mechanismsin ToM. This, will to not only advance the field of ToM, but also enrich research in other disciplines, such as education

    Tributación II

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    Uno de las funciones fundamentales en el que se basa la contabilidad es la tributación, siendo este un conjunto de obligaciones que deben cumplir los contribuyentes respecto a sus rentas, propiedades, bienes o servicios que prestan, en beneficio del Estado para así obtener recursos que serán empleados para su sostenimiento y el suministro de servicios públicos a favor de la población. Al mismo tiempo, la tributación se basa en diversos instrumentos que el Estado utiliza para ser efectivo la creación, aplicación y cobro de los tributos y es sobre estos aspectos lo que trata el presente informe. En este sentido, este informe abarca temas relacionados con las finanzas públicas, que estudia el proceso ingreso-gasto del Estado, impuesto a la renta, código tributario y otros aspectos fundamentales de la tributación. Así mismo define que es el derecho financiero y principalmente que es el derecho tributario, haciendo referencia al poder tributario y sus limitaciones. Considera además los fines y principios de la tributación entre otros aspectos.Trabajo de suficiencia profesiona

    Lignocellulosic agroindustrial waste in Peru: potential for bioethanol, energy, and reduction of CO2 emission

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    ABSTRACT The residues from agricultural and agroindustrial activities are not adequately valorised and at best they are destined for animal consumption or else they are inadequately disposed of. The objective of the present work was to estimate and highlight the energy (calorific and electric) potential of second-generation bioethanol production using lignocellulosic waste from the most important crops in Peru. In addition, the reduction of CO2 emissions by using bioethanol produced from those lignocellulosic wastes was estimated. The biomass considered in this study was from the harvest and processing of sugarcane, rice, banana, yellow corn, oil palm and asparagus. It was determined that the annual lignocellulosic biomass availability was ~22 million tons, from which, 33.03% correspond to banana waste, 28.56% correspond to sugarcane waste. The potential of bioethanol production and energy generation was obtained using a theory conversion of cellulose, hemicellulose of each biomass. It was calculated 3.51 million tons of bioethanol/year, which total energy corresponds to 2.16 million toe/year with an electric energy potential of 8.81 GWh/year. This quantity could be enough to supply 9.11% and the total national energy demand and 0.02% of the electric energy demand, besides, it could help reduce in about 19.86% the CO2 emissions

    Pre-treatments applied to rice husk enzymatic hydrolysis: effect on structure, lignocellulosic components, and glucose production kinetics

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    ABSTRACT Freezing (-20 °C, 12h) and alkaline (NaOH 8%) pretreatments were applied individually and combined in rice husk (Oryza sativa L.) before their hydrolysis with cellulase (EC: The effects on structural modifications, lignin content, cellulose, hemicellulose content and glucose production were evaluated. In addition, the glucose production kinetics were described by using the Peleg model. The homogenous rice husk (1 g) with and without pretreatments was hydrolysed with 150 U of Cellulase in 10 ml of acetate for 60 h (37 °C, pH 5.5, 100 rpm). As results, the SEM images evidenced porous microstructures with less agglomeration generated by all pre-treatments, which were intensified by the combined pretreatment. This pre-treatment allowed to obtain higher cellulose (62.51 ± 0.3 %) content. Besides, the glucose content after pretreatments increased. The Peleg model parameters from glucose production kinetics during enzymatic hydrolysis were related to initial glucose content (G0), glucose production rate (1/k1) and maximum glucose yield (1/k2). After enzymatic hydrolysis process, compared to control glucose yield (0.359 ± 0.002 g G/g rice husk), this was 27%, 71% and 88% higher for freezing, alkaline and combined pre-treatments respectively

    Osmotic dehydration effects on mass transfer kinetics and characteristics of fried banana (Musa balbisiana) chips

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    ABSTRACT This study evaluated the osmotic dehydration (OD) treatments (using sucrose at 60 °Brix and a solution of salt 1.5% (m/m) with sucrose at 45 °Brix) in banana slices. The effects on the mass transfer kinetics (water loss and solids gain) were evaluated and described using the Page, Weibull, Peleg, Azuara, and Lewis mathematical models. Besides, the effect of OD on fat content, instrumental colour, and sensorial attributes was assessed after the frying process. The results showed that water loss occurs firstly and more quickly than solids gain. At the end of OD, the highest water loses (0.31 g water/g sample) and solids gain (0.42 g solid/g sample) were reached using sucrose OD treatment. The water loss and solid gain behaviour were described not only by the kinetics parameters but also by equilibrium parameters values of mathematical models. Furthermore, after frying, the Control samples presented a fat content of 15.5 ± 0.3%, where the moisture reduction during OD allowed to obtain fried samples with lower fat content (9.8 ± 0.3%), as well as, their instrumental colour was significantly affected mainly decreasing the lightness. Regarding sensorial attributes of fried chips, it was preferred the colour and flavour of samples with sucrose OD treatment, however, the Control samples obtained the best scores in texture attribute. Therefore, it was demonstrated that mass transfer of water and solid during osmotic dehydration treatments did not occur similarly and there were influenced by the concentration and type of osmotic solution. In addition, the modifications in structure and composition during osmotic treatments allowed to obtain a low-fat product with good sensorial attributes. Keyword

    Diseño y montaje de un pasteurizador solar y evaluación en el tratamiento de leche de cabra

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     El objetivo del presente trabajo fue diseñar e instalar un pasteurizador solar en una zona rural de la provincia de Chao de la Región La Libertad-Perú, en el establo de la familia Vilcachahua (latitud 08°30´37´´, longitud 78°39´04´´), en el cual se procesó leche de cabra (LC) inmediatamente después de su ordeño. Se evaluó el efecto tiempo-temperatura en la pasteurización de leche y se realizó una comparación económica frente al uso alternativo de gas propano y energía eléctrica como fuente de calor. El pasteurizador contó con colector solar (CS) de 2 m2 con inclinación N-S de 13,89°, un tanque acumulador-intercambiador de calor (TAIC) provisto de serpentín de acero inoxidable (SAI) de 9,71 m, por donde circularon 3 batch de 10 L de leche a 2,15 L/s. El control de temperatura se realizó con tres sensores LM35 acoplados a una tarjeta Arduino Uno y a un ordenador en la cual se instalaron drivers de la tarjeta, el software LaVIEW y una interfaz de LabVIEW para Arduino, en donde se realizó la programación gráfica. El pasteurizador solar funcionó 6 horas y debido a las condiciones climáticas (04.03.2015) se utilizó un sistema auxiliar de gas propano por 20 minutos, cumpliéndose el tratamiento térmico temperatura-tiempo de 73 °C por 15 segundos, lo que permitió alcanzar un valor F = 6,6, asegurando la destrucción térmica del microorganismo de referencia Coxiella burnetti. La inversión para el montaje del pasteurizador solar para un procesamiento de 30 L/d de leche fue de US555,56,elqueaunpreciodeventade1,22US 555,56, el que a un precio de venta de 1,22 US/L de leche, se recuperaría en 60 días. El sistema de pasteurización solar permite una ganancia de 34,1%, ligeramente menor a un sistema de pasteurización eléctrico con el que se obtiene una ganancia de 35,6%, operando en similares condiciones.

    Factores psicosociales - estrés, en el trabajadores del hotel Siar en la ciudad Bogotá.

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    Evaluar los factores de riesgos psicosociales que inciden en el estrés laboral del personal del hotel Siar ubicado en Bogotá, por medio de la herramienta de evaluación y prevención de los riesgos psicosociales CoPsoQ-istas21.El trabajo de investigación se llevó a cabo en el Hotel Siar ubicado en la ciudad de Bogotá D.C. Presentando como objetivo principal, la evaluación del riesgo psicosocial, permitiendo conocer el estrés laboral que maneja el personal de servicio al cliente. Se utiliza el modelo de Cuestionario Psicosocial de Copenhague CoPsoQ Istas21 el cual fue aplicado a 15 trabajadores. Este cuestionario permite la identificación y medición de factores que afectan la calidad de vida del trabajador, tales como; exigencias psicológicas, doble presencia, control sobre el trabajo, apoyo social y calidad de liderazgo, compensaciones por el trabajo, donde la confiabilidad es máxima, se practica de manera voluntaria y confidencial. Una vez aplicado el instrumento se hace un análisis e interpretación de datos, luego se procede al diseño del material didáctico que incluye una cartilla de buenas prácticas, y actividades lúdicas las cuales serán el entregable al Hotel, todo esto encaminado a la prevención y control de los factores de riesgo psicosocial y estrés laboral.The research work was carried out at the Siar Hotel located in Bogota D.C. presenting as its main objective, the evaluation of psychosocial risk, allowing to know the work stress that the customer service personnel handle. The Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire model CoPsoQ Istas21 was used, which was applied to 15 workers. This questionnaire allows the identification and measurement of factors that affect the quality of the worker, such as; psychological demands, double presence, control over work, social support and leadership quality, compensation for work, where reliability is maximum, is practiced voluntarily and confidentially. Once the instrument is applied, an analysis and interpretation of data is made, then the didactic material is designed, which includes a booklet of good practices, and recreational activities which will be deliverable to the Hotel, all aimed at the prevention and control of psychosocial risk factors and work stress

    Factores psicosociales - estrés, en el trabajadores del hotel Siar en la ciudad Bogotá.

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    Evaluar los factores de riesgos psicosociales que inciden en el estrés laboral del personal del hotel Siar ubicado en Bogotá, por medio de la herramienta de evaluación y prevención de los riesgos psicosociales CoPsoQ-istas21.El trabajo de investigación se llevó a cabo en el Hotel Siar ubicado en la ciudad de Bogotá D.C. Presentando como objetivo principal, la evaluación del riesgo psicosocial, permitiendo conocer el estrés laboral que maneja el personal de servicio al cliente. Se utiliza el modelo de Cuestionario Psicosocial de Copenhague CoPsoQ Istas21 el cual fue aplicado a 15 trabajadores. Este cuestionario permite la identificación y medición de factores que afectan la calidad de vida del trabajador, tales como; exigencias psicológicas, doble presencia, control sobre el trabajo, apoyo social y calidad de liderazgo, compensaciones por el trabajo, donde la confiabilidad es máxima, se practica de manera voluntaria y confidencial. Una vez aplicado el instrumento se hace un análisis e interpretación de datos, luego se procede al diseño del material didáctico que incluye una cartilla de buenas prácticas, y actividades lúdicas las cuales serán el entregable al Hotel, todo esto encaminado a la prevención y control de los factores de riesgo psicosocial y estrés laboral.The research work was carried out at the Siar Hotel located in Bogota D.C. presenting as its main objective, the evaluation of psychosocial risk, allowing to know the work stress that the customer service personnel handle. The Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire model CoPsoQ Istas21 was used, which was applied to 15 workers. This questionnaire allows the identification and measurement of factors that affect the quality of the worker, such as; psychological demands, double presence, control over work, social support and leadership quality, compensation for work, where reliability is maximum, is practiced voluntarily and confidentially. Once the instrument is applied, an analysis and interpretation of data is made, then the didactic material is designed, which includes a booklet of good practices, and recreational activities which will be deliverable to the Hotel, all aimed at the prevention and control of psychosocial risk factors and work stress

    Study of the rehydration kinetics of nixtamalized corn by using two nixtamalization methods

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    The present work aimed to study the rehydration kinetics of previously nixtamalized and dried corn. Nixtamalization was carried out by two methods: using wood ash (classical method) and using calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2) (traditional method), after the samples were sun-dried. The rehydration kinetics was described using six mathematical models (Fick, Peleg, Weibull, Page, Ibarz et al. and first-order model) in which the possible interpretation of its parameters and the goodness of fit was evaluated. As results, it was obtained that the nixtamalization with wood ash obtained better rehydration properties. The kinetic parameters values of all the used models showed that the rehydration in this treatment was the fastest. In addition, this treatment also reached a high moisture content (49.22 ± 2.10% w.b.) compared to other treatments (Control and Ca(OH)2). The evaluation of the models fit suggests that the firstorder model is not adequate to describe the rehydration in any treatment here evaluated, while Fick is suitable to describe the rehydration of Control samples (without treatment), and the models such as Page, Peleg or Weibull are suitable for describing rehydration in samples processed by nixtamalization, especially with ash
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