30 research outputs found

    Transcriptome and Physiological Analyses for Revealing Genes Involved in Wheat Response to Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress.

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    BACKGROUND: Wheat production is largely restricted by adverse environmental stresses. Under many undesirable conditions, endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress can be induced. However, the physiological and molecular responses of wheat to ER stress remain poorly understood. We used dithiothreitol (DTT) and tauroursodeoxycholic acid (TUDCA) to induce or suppress ER stress in wheat cells, respectively, with the aim to reveal the molecular background of ER stress responses using a combined approach of transcriptional profiling and morpho-physiological characterization. METHODS: To understand the mechanism of wheat response to ER stress, three wheat cultivars were used in our pre-experiments. Among them, the cultivar with a moderate stress tolerance, Yunong211 was used in the following experiments. We used DTT (7.5 mM) to induce ER stress and TUDCA (25 μg·mL RESULTS: Morpho-physiological results showed DTT significantly reduced plant height and biomass, decreased contents of chlorophyll and water, increased electrolyte leakage rate and antioxidant enzymes activity, and accelerated the cell death ratio, whereas these changes were all remarkably alleviated after TUDCA co-treatment. Therefore, RNA sequencing was performed to determine the genes involved in regulating wheat response to stress. Transcriptomic analysis revealed that 8204 genes were differentially expressed in three treatment groups. Among these genes, 158 photosynthesis-related genes, 42 antioxidant enzyme genes, 318 plant hormone-related genes and 457 transcription factors (TFs) may play vital roles in regulating wheat response to ER stress. Based on the comprehensive analysis, we propose a hypothetical model to elucidate possible mechanisms of how plants adapt to environmental stresses. CONCLUSIONS: We identified several important genes that may play vital roles in wheat responding to ER stress. This work should lay the foundations of future studies in plant response to environmental stresses

    Osmotic Stress Induced Cell Death in Wheat Is Alleviated by Tauroursodeoxycholic Acid and Involves Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress–Related Gene Expression

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    Although, tauroursodeoxycholic acid (TUDCA) has been widely studied in mammalian cells because of its role in inhibiting apoptosis, its effects on plants remain almost unknown, especially in the case of crops such as wheat. In this study, we conducted a series of experiments to explore the effects and mechanisms of action of TUDCA on wheat growth and cell death induced by osmotic stress. Our results show that TUDCA: (1) ameliorates the impact of osmotic stress on wheat height, fresh weight, and water content; (2) alleviates the decrease in chlorophyll content as well as membrane damage caused by osmotic stress; (3) decreases the accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) by increasing the activity of antioxidant enzymes under osmotic stress; and (4) to some extent alleviates osmotic stress–induced cell death probably by regulating endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress–related gene expression, for example expression of the basic leucine zipper genes bZIP60B and bZIP60D, the binding proteins BiP1 and BiP2, the protein disulfide isomerase PDIL8-1, and the glucose-regulated protein GRP94. We also propose a model that illustrates how TUDCA alleviates osmotic stress–related wheat cell death, which provides an important theoretical basis for improving plant stress adaptation and elucidates the mechanisms of ER stress–related plant osmotic stress resistance

    Comparative Proteomic Analysis Provides New Insights Into Low Nitrogen-Promoted Primary Root Growth in Hexaploid Wheat

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    Nitrogen deficient environments can promote wheat primary root growth (PRG) that allows for nitrogen uptake in deep soil. However, the mechanisms of low nitrogen-promoted root growth remain largely unknown. Here, an integrated comparative proteome study using iTRAQ analysis on the roots of two wheat varieties and their descendants with contrasting response to low nitrogen (LN) stress was performed under control (CK) and LN conditions. In total, 84 differentially abundant proteins (DAPs) specifically involved in the process of LN-promoted PRG were identified and 11 pathways were significantly enriched. The Glutathione metabolism, endocytosis, lipid metabolism, and phenylpropanoid biosynthesis pathways may play crucial roles in the regulation of LN-promoted PRG. We also identified 59 DAPs involved in the common response to LN stress in different genetic backgrounds. The common responsive DAPs to LN stress were mainly involved in nitrogen uptake, transportation and remobilization, and LN stress tolerance. Taken together, our results provide new insights into the metabolic and molecular changes taking place in contrasting varieties under LN conditions, which provide useful information for the genetic improvement of root traits and nitrogen use efficiency in wheat

    Identification and characterization of CircRNAs involved in the regulation of wheat root length

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    Abstract Background Recent studies indicate that circular RNAs (circRNAs) may play important roles in the regulation of plant growth and development. Plant roots are the main organs of nutrient and water uptake. However, whether circRNAs involved in the regulation of plant root growth remains to be elucidated. Methods LH9, XN979 and YN29 are three Chinese wheat varieties with contrasting root lengths. Here, the root circRNA expression profiles of LH9, XN979 and YN29 were examined by using high-throughput sequencing technology. Results Thirty-three and twenty-two differentially expressed circRNAs (DECs) were identified in the YN29-LH9 comparison and YN29-XN979 comparison, respectively. Among them, ten DECs coexisted in both comparisons. As the roots of both LH9 and XN979 were significantly larger and deeper than YN29, the ten DECs coexisting in the two comparisons were highly likely to be involved in the regulation of wheat root length. Moreover, three of the ten DECs have potential miRNA binding sites. Real-time PCR analysis showed that the expression levels of the potential binding miRNAs exhibited significant differences between the long root plants and the short root plants. Conclusions The expression levels of some circRNAs exhibited significant differences in wheat varieties with contrasting root phenotypes. Ten DECs involved in the regulation of wheat root length were successfully identified in which three of them have potential miRNAs binding sites. The expression levels of putative circRNA-binding miRNAs were correlated with their corresponding circRNAs. Our results provide new clues for studying the potential roles of circRNAs in the regulation of wheat root length

    Association between tree-ring and needle δ13C and leaf gas exchange in Pinus halepensis under semi-arid conditions

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    Associations between δ13C values and leaf gas exchanges and tree-ring or needle growth, used in ecophysiological compositions, can be complex depending on the relative timing of CO2 uptake and subsequent redistribution and allocation of carbon to needle and stem components. For palaeoenvironmental and dendroecological studies it is often interpreted in terms of a simple model of δ13C fractionation in C3 plants. However, in spite of potential complicating factors, few studies have actually examined these relationships in mature trees over inter- and intra-annual time-scales. Here, we present results from a 4 years study that investigated the links between variations in leaf gas-exchange properties, growth, and dated δ13C values along the needles and across tree rings of Aleppo pine trees growing in a semi-arid region under natural conditions or with supplemental summer irrigation. Sub-sections of tissue across annual rings and along needles, for which time of formation was resolved from growth rate analyses, showed rapid growth and δ13C responses to changing environmental conditions. Seasonal cycles of growth and δ13C (up to ~4‰) significantly correlated (P<0.01) with photosynthetically active radiation, vapour pressure deficit, air temperature, and soil water content. The irrigation significantly increased leaf net assimilation, stomatal conductance and needle and tree-ring growth rate, and markedly decreased needle and tree-ring δ13C values and its sensitivity to environmental parameters. The δ13C estimates derived from gas-exchange parameters, and weighted by assimilation, compared closely with seasonal and inter-annual δ13C values of needle- and tree-ring tissue. Higher stomatal conductances of the irrigated trees (0.22 vs. 0.08 mol m−2 s−1 on average) corresponded with ~2.0‰ lower average δ13C values, both measured and derived. Derived and measured δ13C values also indicated that needle growth, which occurs throughout the stressful summer was supported by carbon from concurrent, low rate assimilation. For Aleppo pine under semi-arid and irrigated conditions, the δ13C of tree-ring and needle material proved, in general, to be a reasonable indicator of integrated leaf gas-exchange properties

    Identification and characterization of circRNAs involved in the regulation of low nitrogen-promoted root growth in hexaploid wheat

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    Abstract Background CircRNAs are widespread in plants and play important roles in response to abiotic stresses. Low nitrogen (LN) promotes the growth of plant root system, allowing it to explore more nitrogen. However, whether circRNAs involved in the response to LN stress and the regulation of LN-promoted root growth in wheat remains unclear. Methods Two wheat varieties (LH9 and XN979) with contrasting root phenotypes to LN stress were used as materials to identify circRNAs under control and LN conditions by using high-throughput sequencing technology. Results Six differentially expressed circRNAs (DECs) involved in the common response to LN stress and 23 DECs involved in the regulation of LN-promoted root growth were successfully identified. GO analysis of the DEC-host genes involved in the regulation of LN-promoted root growth showed that GO terms related to biological regulation, responses to stimuli and signalling were significantly enriched. Moreover, seven DECs were predicted to have miRNA binding sites and may serve as miRNA sponges to capture miRNAs from their target genes. Conclusions LN stress altered the expression profiles of circRNAs in wheat. This is the first report of LN stress responsive circRNAs in plants. Our results provided new clues for investigating the functions of circRNAs in response to LN stress and in the regulation of LN-promoted wheat root growth

    Identification of Two Novel Wheat Drought Tolerance-Related Proteins by Comparative Proteomic Analysis Combined with Virus-Induced Gene Silencing

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    Drought is a major adversity that limits crop yields. Further exploration of wheat drought tolerance-related genes is critical for the genetic improvement of drought tolerance in this crop. Here, comparative proteomic analysis of two wheat varieties, XN979 and LA379, with contrasting drought tolerance was conducted to screen for drought tolerance-related proteins/genes. Virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS) technology was used to verify the functions of candidate proteins. A total of 335 differentially abundant proteins (DAPs) were exclusively identified in the drought-tolerant variety XN979. Most DAPs were mainly involved in photosynthesis, carbon fixation, glyoxylate and dicarboxylate metabolism, and several other pathways. Two DAPs (W5DYH0 and W5ERN8), dubbed TaDrSR1 and TaDrSR2, respectively, were selected for further functional analysis using VIGS. The relative electrolyte leakage rate and malonaldehyde content increased significantly, while the relative water content and proline content significantly decreased in the TaDrSR1- and TaDrSR2-knock-down plants compared to that in non-knocked-down plants under drought stress conditions. TaDrSR1- and TaDrSR2-knock-down plants exhibited more severe drooping and wilting phenotypes than non-knocked-down plants under drought stress conditions, suggesting that the former were more sensitive to drought stress. These results indicate that TaDrSR1 and TaDrSR2 potentially play vital roles in conferring drought tolerance in common wheat

    QTLs for seedling traits under salinity stress in hexaploid wheat

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    <div><p>ABSTRACT: Soil salinity limits agricultural production and is a major obstacle for increasing crop yield. Common wheat is one of the most important crops with allohexaploid characteristic and a highly complex genome. QTL mapping is a useful way to identify genes for quantitative traits such as salinity tolerance in hexaploid wheat. In the present study, a hydroponic trial was carried out to identify quantitative trait loci (QTLs) associated with salinity tolerance of wheat under 150mM NaCl concentration using a recombinant inbred line population (Xiaoyan 54×Jing 411). Values of wheat seedling traits including maximum root length (MRL), root dry weight (RDW), shoot dry weight (SDW), total dry weight (TDW) and the ratio of TDW of wheat plants between salt stress and control (TDWR) were evaluated or calculated. A total of 19QTLs for five traits were detected through composite interval mapping method by using QTL Cartographer version 2.5 under normal and salt stress conditions. These QTLs distributed on 12 chromosomes explained the percentage of phenotypic variation by individual QTL varying from 7.9% to 19.0%. Among them, 11 and six QTLs were detected under normal and salt stress conditions, respectively and two QTLs were detected for TDWR. Some salt tolerance related loci may be pleiotropic. Chromosome 1A, 3A and 7A may harbor crucial candidate genes associated with wheat salt tolerance. Our results would be helpful for the marker assisted selection to breed wheat varieties with improved salt tolerance.</p></div