144 research outputs found

    A convolutional attentional neural network for sentiment classification

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    Neural network models with attention mechanism have shown their efficiencies on various tasks. However, there is little research work on attention mechanism for text classification and existing attention model for text classification lacks of cognitive intuition and mathematical explanation. In this paper, we propose a new architecture of neural network based on the attention model for text classification. In particular, we show that the convolutional neural network (CNN) is a reasonable model for extracting attentions from text sequences in mathematics. We then propose a novel attention model base on CNN and introduce a new network architecture which combines recurrent neural network with our CNN-based attention model. Experimental results on five datasets show that our proposed models can accurately capture the salient parts of sentences to improve the performance of text classification

    Commonsense knowledge enhanced memory network for stance classification

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    Stance classification aims at identifying, in the text, the attitude toward the given targets as favorable, negative, or unrelated. In existing models for stance classification, only textual representation is leveraged, while commonsense knowledge is ignored. In order to better incorporate commonsense knowledge into stance classification, we propose a novel model named commonsense knowledge enhanced memory network, which jointly represents textual and commonsense knowledge representation of given target and text. The textual memory module in our model treats the textual representation as memory vectors, and uses attention mechanism to embody the important parts. For commonsense knowledge memory module, we jointly leverage the entity and relation embeddings learned by TransE model to take full advantage of constraints of the knowledge graph. Experimental results on the SemEval dataset show that the combination of the commonsense knowledge memory and textual memory can improve stance classification

    Convolution-based neural attention with applications to sentiment classification

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    Neural attention mechanism has achieved many successes in various tasks in natural language processing. However, existing neural attention models based on a densely connected network are loosely related to the attention mechanism found in psychology and neuroscience. Motivated by the finding in neuroscience that human possesses the template-searching attention mechanism, we propose to use convolution operation to simulate attentions and give a mathematical explanation of our neural attention model. We then introduce a new network architecture, which combines a recurrent neural network with our convolution-based attention model and further stacks an attention-based neural model to build a hierarchical sentiment classification model. The experimental results show that our proposed models can capture salient parts of the text to improve the performance of sentiment classification at both the sentence level and the document level

    Transition-based directed graph construction for emotion-cause pair extraction

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    Emotion-cause pair extraction aims to extract all potential pairs of emotions and corresponding causes from unannotated emotion text. Most existing methods are pipelined framework, which identifies emotions and extracts causes separately, leading to a drawback of error propagation. Towards this issue, we propose a transition-based model to transform the task into a procedure of parsing-like directed graph construction. The proposed model incrementally generates the directed graph with labeled edges based on a sequence of actions, from which we can recognize emotions with the corresponding causes simultaneously, thereby optimizing separate subtasks jointly and maximizing mutual benefits of tasks interdependently. Experimental results show that our approach achieves the best performance, outperforming the state-of-the-art methods by 6.71% (p<0.01) in F1 measure

    Quality Index for Stereoscopic Images by Separately Evaluating Adding and Subtracting

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    The human visual system (HVS) plays an important role in stereo image quality perception. Therefore, it has aroused many people’s interest in how to take advantage of the knowledge of the visual perception in image quality assessment models. This paper proposes a full-reference metric for quality assessment of stereoscopic images based on the binocular difference channel and binocular summation channel. For a stereo pair, the binocular summation map and binocular difference map are computed first by adding and subtracting the left image and right image. Then the binocular summation is decoupled into two parts, namely additive impairments and detail losses. The quality of binocular summation is obtained as the adaptive combination of the quality of detail losses and additive impairments. The quality of binocular summation is computed by using the Contrast Sensitivity Function (CSF) and weighted multi-scale (MS-SSIM). Finally, the quality of binocular summation and binocular difference is integrated into an overall quality index. The experimental results indicate that compared with existing metrics, the proposed metric is highly consistent with the subjective quality assessment and is a robust measure. The result have also indirectly proved hypothesis of the existence of binocular summation and binocular difference channels

    Capacity Constrained Influence Maximization in Social Networks

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    Influence maximization (IM) aims to identify a small number of influential individuals to maximize the information spread and finds applications in various fields. It was first introduced in the context of viral marketing, where a company pays a few influencers to promote the product. However, apart from the cost factor, the capacity of individuals to consume content poses challenges for implementing IM in real-world scenarios. For example, players on online gaming platforms can only interact with a limited number of friends. In addition, we observe that in these scenarios, (i) the initial adopters of promotion are likely to be the friends of influencers rather than the influencers themselves, and (ii) existing IM solutions produce sub-par results with high computational demands. Motivated by these observations, we propose a new IM variant called capacity constrained influence maximization (CIM), which aims to select a limited number of influential friends for each initial adopter such that the promotion can reach more users. To solve CIM effectively, we design two greedy algorithms, MG-Greedy and RR-Greedy, ensuring the 1/21/2-approximation ratio. To improve the efficiency, we devise the scalable implementation named RR-OPIM+ with (1/2−ϵ)(1/2-\epsilon)-approximation and near-linear running time. We extensively evaluate the performance of 9 approaches on 6 real-world networks, and our solutions outperform all competitors in terms of result quality and running time. Additionally, we deploy RR-OPIM+ to online game scenarios, which improves the baseline considerably.Comment: The technical report of the paper entitled 'Capacity Constrained Influence Maximization in Social Networks' in SIGKDD'2

    VoxGenesis: Unsupervised Discovery of Latent Speaker Manifold for Speech Synthesis

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    Achieving nuanced and accurate emulation of human voice has been a longstanding goal in artificial intelligence. Although significant progress has been made in recent years, the mainstream of speech synthesis models still relies on supervised speaker modeling and explicit reference utterances. However, there are many aspects of human voice, such as emotion, intonation, and speaking style, for which it is hard to obtain accurate labels. In this paper, we propose VoxGenesis, a novel unsupervised speech synthesis framework that can discover a latent speaker manifold and meaningful voice editing directions without supervision. VoxGenesis is conceptually simple. Instead of mapping speech features to waveforms deterministically, VoxGenesis transforms a Gaussian distribution into speech distributions conditioned and aligned by semantic tokens. This forces the model to learn a speaker distribution disentangled from the semantic content. During the inference, sampling from the Gaussian distribution enables the creation of novel speakers with distinct characteristics. More importantly, the exploration of latent space uncovers human-interpretable directions associated with specific speaker characteristics such as gender attributes, pitch, tone, and emotion, allowing for voice editing by manipulating the latent codes along these identified directions. We conduct extensive experiments to evaluate the proposed VoxGenesis using both subjective and objective metrics, finding that it produces significantly more diverse and realistic speakers with distinct characteristics than the previous approaches. We also show that latent space manipulation produces consistent and human-identifiable effects that are not detrimental to the speech quality, which was not possible with previous approaches. Audio samples of VoxGenesis can be found at: \url{https://bit.ly/VoxGenesis}.Comment: preprin
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