928 research outputs found

    Fungal infections in HIV/AIDS.

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    Fungi are major contributors to the opportunistic infections that affect patients with HIV/AIDS. Systemic infections are mainly with Pneumocystis jirovecii (pneumocystosis), Cryptococcus neoformans (cryptococcosis), Histoplasma capsulatum (histoplasmosis), and Talaromyces (Penicillium) marneffei (talaromycosis). The incidence of systemic fungal infections has decreased in people with HIV in high-income countries because of the widespread availability of antiretroviral drugs and early testing for HIV. However, in many areas with high HIV prevalence, patients present to care with advanced HIV infection and with a low CD4 cell count or re-present with persistent low CD4 cell counts because of poor adherence, resistance to antiretroviral drugs, or both. Affordable, rapid point-of-care diagnostic tests (as have been developed for cryptococcosis) are urgently needed for pneumocystosis, talaromycosis, and histoplasmosis. Additionally, antifungal drugs, including amphotericin B, liposomal amphotericin B, and flucytosine, need to be much more widely available. Such measures, together with continued international efforts in education and training in the management of fungal disease, have the potential to improve patient outcomes substantially

    Magnetic Resonance Investigation of the Human Brain after 6 Days of Acclimatization to 4554 m - Preliminary Results of the EFA study -

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    Objective: Hypoxia is the main trigger of acute mountain sickness (AMS). However it is not the cause of the actual symptoms of AMS. The biochemical mechanisms underlying the AMS development are not well understood what leads to a high uncertainty regarding the likeliness of AMS development in astronauts living in future moderate hypobaric hypoxic habitats on Mars or moon. The hypothesis of the EFA study (Edema Formation in the High Alps) was that hypoxia triggered inflammatory processes lead to a breakdown of the capillary barrier and edema formation in vulnerable tissues as the brain. Methods: 11 subjects (5 women) ascended within 48 h from 1154 m to the Capanna Regina Margherita in 4554 m. Brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was performed at sea level before the altitude exposure and within the first 12 h after descent. MRI included amongst others an anatomical 3D volumetric T1-weighted MPRAGE (magnetization-prepared rapid acquisition of gradient echo) scan, a susceptibility weighted gradient echo sequence, T2 weighted spin echo sequences and a diffusion weighted sequence to gain an apparent diffusion coefficient mapping and a trace image to test for volume changes of the different brain compartments, for hypoxic triggered brain edema and for micro-bleedings. Baseline measurements were performed at the DLR MRI lab in Cologne (77 m) whereas post line measurements were performed at the MRI department of the German Air Force in FĂŒrstenfeldbruck (517 m) by applying identical sequences at both centers. Results: Neither mean global intracranial volume (p=7.97) nor mean volumes of the particular brain compartments grey (p=0.279) and white matter (p=0.758) or cerebrospinal fluid (p=0.586) showed any significant differences after the altitude exposure with respect to baseline. However 6 days of altitude exposure lead to the exacerbation of pre-existing white matter lesions in one subject and the occurrence of a local hypoxic edema in the splenium of a second subjects in the sense of a reversible splenial lesion syndrome (RESLES) (1, 2). Conclusion: Contradictory to the current literature (3) we were not able to show a general volume gain of the intracranial compartments after high altitude adaptation. However our findings of white matter lesions (4) and RESLES in two subjects not presenting any symptoms of a high altitude cerebral edema (HACE) have, as far as we know, not been described before (5)

    Reactive Jumps Preserve Skeletal Muscle Structure, Phenotype, and Myofiber Oxidative Capacity in Bed Rest

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    © Copyright © 2020 Blottner, Hastermann, Weber, Lenz, Gambara, Limper, Rittweger, Bosutti, Degens and Salanova. Identification of countermeasures able to prevent disuse-induced muscle wasting is crucial to increase performance of crew members during space flight as well as ameliorate patient’s clinical outcome after long immobilization periods. We report on the outcome of short but high-impact reactive jumps (JUMP) as countermeasure during 60 days of 6° head-down tilt (HDT) bed rest on myofiber size, type composition, capillarization, and oxidative capacity in tissue biopsies (pre/post/recovery) from the knee extensor vastus lateralis (VL) and deep calf soleus (SOL) muscle of 22 healthy male participants (Reactive jumps in a sledge, RSL-study 2015–2016, DLR:envihab, Cologne). Bed rest induced a slow-to-fast myofiber shift (type I –>II) with an increased prevalence of hybrid fibers in SOL after bed rest without jumps (control, CTRL, p = 0.016). In SOL, JUMP countermeasure in bed rest prevented both fast and slow myofiber cross-sectional area (CSA) decrements (p = 0.005) in CTRL group. In VL, bed rest only induced capillary rarefaction, as reflected by the decrease in local capillary-to-fiber ratio (LCFR) for both type II (pre vs. post/R + 10, p = 0.028/0.028) and type I myofibers (pre vs. R + 10, p = 0.012), which was not seen in the JUMP group. VO2maxFiber (pL × mm–1 × min–1) calculated from succinate dehydrogenase (SDH)-stained cryosections (OD660 nm) showed no significant differences between groups. High-impact jump training in bed rest did not prevent disuse-induced myofiber atrophy in VL, mitigated phenotype transition (type I – >II) in SOL, and attenuated capillary rarefaction in the prime knee extensor VL however with little impact on oxidative capacity changes

    Developing a clinical trial unit to advance research in an academic institution

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    AbstractResearch, clinical care, and education are the three cornerstones of academic health centers in the United States. The research climate has always been riddled with ebbs and flows, depending on funding availability. During a time of reduced funding, the number and scope of research studies have been reduced, and in some instances, a field of study has been eliminated. Recent reductions in the research funding landscape have led institutions to explore new ways to continue supporting research. Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN has developed a clinical trial unit within the Department of Medicine, which provides shared resources for many researchers and serves as a solution for training and mentoring new investigators and study teams. By building on existing infrastructure and providing supplemental resources to existing research, the Department of Medicine clinical trial unit has evolved into an effective mechanism for conducting research. This article discusses the creation of a central unit to provide research support in clinical trials and presents the advantages, disadvantages, and required building blocks for such a unit

    Procalcitonin as a potent marker of bacterial infection in febrile Afro-Caribbean patients at the emergency department

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    Procalcitonin (PCT) has been shown to be of additional value in the work-up of a febrile patient. This study is the first to investigate the additional value of PCT in an Afro-Caribbean febrile population at the emergency department (ED) of a general hospital. Febrile patients were included at the ED. Prospective, blinded PCT measurements were performed in patients with a microbiologically or serologically confirmed diagnosis or a strongly suspected diagnosis on clinical grounds. PCT analysis was performed in 93 patients. PCT levels differentiated well between confirmed bacterial and confirmed viral infection (area under the curve [AUC] of 0.82, sensitivity 85%, specificity 69%, cut-off 0.24 ng/mL), between confirmed bacterial infection and non-infectious fever (AUC of 0.84, sensitivity 90%, specificity 71%, cut-off 0.21 ng/mL) and between all bacterial infections (confirmed and suspected) and non-infectious fever (AUC of 0.80, sensitivity 85%, specificity 71%, cut-off 0.21 ng/mL). C-reactive protein (CRP) levels were shown to be less accurate when comparing the same groups. This is the first study showing that, in a non-Caucasian febrile population at the ED, PCT is a more valuable marker of bacterial infection than CRP. These results may improve diagnostics and eventually decrease antibiotic prescriptions in resource-limited settings
