36 research outputs found

    Marble Spleen disease of the pheasant in France. Epidemiogical survey and results of a large vaccination in 1984-1985

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    Observée en France, dès 1973, la maladie de la rate marbrée est très répandue. Une enquête épidémiologique, faite sur 29 élevages disséminés dans les principales régions d’élevages de faisans, a montré que 80 % des élevages étaient infectés, sans pour autant que la séropositivité s’accompagne de signes cliniques. Une vaccination faite en 84-85, sur 300 000, pui 800 000 faisandeaux, avec le vaccin, souche Domermuth, destiné à prévenir l’entérite hémorragique de la dinde, a donné des résultats très intéressants. Tous les animaux sont séropositifs 28 jours après la vaccination qui a lieu à 4 semaines. La mortalité, toutes causes confon dues, a baissé après vaccination de 30 à 50 %. La vaccination systématique contre la M.R.M. est donc fortement indiquée chez le faisan d’élevage.It was first observed in France, in 1973, the Marble Spleen disease is now widespread. An epidemiological survey was made in 29 farms taken among the main regions of pheasant rearing. This survey showed that 80 % of these farms were infected. But the seropositivity was not necessarily accompanied with clinical signs. Mater nal antibodies disappear in the young pheasant between the 21st and 28th day of age. 300 000 young pheasants, in 84, then, 800 000 young pheasants, in 85, were vaccinated with the Domermuth strain, normally used to pre vent the hémorragie enteritis of the turkey. This vaccination gave very interesting results in the pheasants. All the birds were seropositive 28 days after the vaccination, which occurred at four weeks of age. The total mortality fall to 30-50 % of the initial level. So, the systematical vaccina tion against M.S.D. is strongly recommended in pheasant-farms in France

    Marble Spleen disease of the pheasant in France. Epidemiogical survey and results of a large vaccination in 1984-1985

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    Observée en France, dès 1973, la maladie de la rate marbrée est très répandue. Une enquête épidémiologique, faite sur 29 élevages disséminés dans les principales régions d’élevages de faisans, a montré que 80 % des élevages étaient infectés, sans pour autant que la séropositivité s’accompagne de signes cliniques. Une vaccination faite en 84-85, sur 300 000, pui 800 000 faisandeaux, avec le vaccin, souche Domermuth, destiné à prévenir l’entérite hémorragique de la dinde, a donné des résultats très intéressants. Tous les animaux sont séropositifs 28 jours après la vaccination qui a lieu à 4 semaines. La mortalité, toutes causes confon dues, a baissé après vaccination de 30 à 50 %. La vaccination systématique contre la M.R.M. est donc fortement indiquée chez le faisan d’élevage.It was first observed in France, in 1973, the Marble Spleen disease is now widespread. An epidemiological survey was made in 29 farms taken among the main regions of pheasant rearing. This survey showed that 80 % of these farms were infected. But the seropositivity was not necessarily accompanied with clinical signs. Mater nal antibodies disappear in the young pheasant between the 21st and 28th day of age. 300 000 young pheasants, in 84, then, 800 000 young pheasants, in 85, were vaccinated with the Domermuth strain, normally used to pre vent the hémorragie enteritis of the turkey. This vaccination gave very interesting results in the pheasants. All the birds were seropositive 28 days after the vaccination, which occurred at four weeks of age. The total mortality fall to 30-50 % of the initial level. So, the systematical vaccina tion against M.S.D. is strongly recommended in pheasant-farms in France

    Epidemiology of bovine Q fever in France

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    Cette étude a porté sur le mode de contagion probable du bovin en France. Nous avons recherché et n'avons pas réussi à mettre en évidence Coxiella Bumetti sur 80 tiques hématophages, prélevées sur 3 bovins ayant présenté 1 à 2 mois auparavant un avortement F.Q. indiscu table (Stamp et séro-positifs). La contagion inter-animale reste la voie la plus probable. Celle-ci peut être affirmée lorsque l'on étudie la place des bovins infectés dans des étables positives dans lesquelles les bovins sont maintenus à l'attache. En stabulation libre, où les contacts entre animaux sont per manents, il n'a pas été possible de mettre en évidence une plus grande diffusibilité du germe. Ces observations plaident non pas en faveur d'une contamination par un vecteur acarien, mais plutôt en faveur d'une contamination inter-animale. De plus, les positivités observées montrent une conta giosité relativement limitée de l'agent.This study has been carried on the probable cattle contagion mode in France. We tried but failed to prove the presence of Coxiella burnetii in 80 haematophage ticks taken from three cows having undoubtedly presented a Q fever abortion 1 to 2 months previously (Stamp colo ration and serology positive). Interanimal contagion remains the most probable route. It can be affirmed where the localisation of infected cows in a Q fever positive farm practicing settled stalling is studied. In free stabling farms, where permanent contacts between ani mals occur, it has not been possible to prove a greater diffusibility of the germ. These observations do not advocate for a contamination by acarian vectors but rather for an interanimal contamination. Moreover, observed positivities show a relatively limited contagiosity of the agent

    Are Socioeconomic Benefits of Restoration Adequately Quantified? A Meta-analysis of Recent Papers (2000–2008) in Restoration Ecology and 12 Other Scientific Journals. Restoration Ecology

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    Many ecosystems have been transformed, or degraded by human use, and restoration offers an opportunity to recover services and benefits, not to mention intrinsic values. We assessed whether restoration scientists and practitioners use their projects to demonstrate the benefits restoration can provide in their peer-reviewed publications. We evaluated a sample of the academic literature to determine whether links are made explicit between ecological restoration, society, and public policy related to natural capital. We analyzed 1,582 peer-reviewed papers dealing with ecological restoration published between 1 January 2000 and 30 September 2008 in 13 leading scientific journals. As selection criterion, we considered papers that contained either “restoration” or “rehabilitation” in their title, abstract, or keywords. Furthermore, as one-third of the papers were published in Restoration Ecology, we used that journal as a reference for comparison with all the other journals. We readily acknowledge that aquatic ecosystems are under-represented, and that the largely inaccessible gray literature was ignored. Within these constraints, we found clear evidence that restoration practitioners are failing to signal links between ecological restoration, society, and policy, and are underselling the evidence of benefits of restoration as a worthwhile investment for society. We discuss this assertion and illustrate it with samples of our findings—with regards to (1) the geographical and institutional affiliations of authors; (2) the choice of ecosystems studied, methods employed, monitoring schemes applied, and the spatial scale of studies; and (3) weak links to payments for ecosystem service setups, agriculture, and ramifications for public policy.The authors thank the South African Water Research Commission which provided financial support for this study, under contract K5/1803, The impact of reestablishing indigenous plants and restoring the natural landscape on sustainable rural employment and land productivity through payment for environmental services, awarded to ASSET Research (Pretoria)

    The effects of postmenopausal hormone therapy on social activity, partner relationship, and sexual life – experience from the EPHT trial

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>With the exception of sexual functioning and weight, social and behavioural effects of postmenopausal hormone therapy (HT) have not been reported from trials. This paper reports such results from the EPHT-trial in Estonia.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A randomized trial, with a blind and non-blind sub-trial in Estonia. From 1999–2001, 1778 women were recruited. The mean follow-up was 3.6 years. Women's experiences were asked in the first and final study year by mailed questionnaires (74 and 81% response rates). Comparisons of the groups were made by cross-tabulation and logistic regression, adjusting for age.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>There were no differences between the HT and non-HT groups in regard to being employed, the extent of social involvement or marital status or opinions on aging. There was no difference in the frequency of free-time exercise, or overweight. Some of the indicators suggested less sexual inactivity, but the differences were small.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>In a trial setting, postmenopausal hormone therapy did not influence work or social involvement or health behaviour.</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p>ISRCTN35338757</p

    About the risk potentiel of the milk of the infected cows by Coxiella burnetti on the Human Health

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    Une récente enzootie de Fièvre Q bovine en France a réactualisé le problème de l'infection humaine par l’ingestion du lait cru contaminé par Coxiella. Après avoir décrit nos méthodes de recherche, nous présentons nos résultats sur des exploitations saines et contaminées. Notre expérimentation portant sur plus de 400 laits a abouti aux conclusions suivantes : • L’excrétion virulente est rare, irrégulière et très faible. Celle-ci se situe aux environs de 20 germes/ml. • De plus, l'infection orale nécessitant 10 000 fois plus de « Coxiella » que la voie péritonéale utilisée couramment au laboratoire, nous ne croyons pas au danger réel de l’absorption par l'homme au lait infecté par « Coxiella burnetti ». Nous proposons, néanmoins, un plan de surveillance et d'action dans les troupeaux indemnes et contaminés.A recent enzooty of Q Fever in France has again actualized the pro blem of human infection by ingestion of raw milk contaminated by Coxiella. After having described our methods of research, we present our results on healthy and contaminated breeding farms. Our experimentation covering more than 400 milks have led to the following conclusions: • Virulent excretion is rare, irregular and very weak. This amounts to about 20 germs/ml. • Moreover, the oral infection requiring 10.000 times more «Coxiella» than the peritoneal route frequently used in the laboratory, we do not believe in the real danger of absorption by man from milk infected by «Coxiella burnetti». We propose, nevertheless, a programme of surveillance and action in the unaffected and contaminated herds

    Contribution of the ELISA Test to the diagnostis of the Avian chlamydiosis. Application to the cas of infectious rhinotracheites of the turkey

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    Un diagnostic de chlamydiose omithose ayant été posé lors d’une épizootie de rhinotrachéite infectieuse de la dinde, nous avons mis au point la technique ELISA dans le sérodiagnostic de la chlamydiose de la dinde ; celle-ci se révèle pratiquement la seule méthode utilisable pour cette espèce, dans le cas de la chlamydiose. L'application de la méthode à une enquête sérologique sur troupeaux atteints et indemnes de rhinotrachéite infectieuse, montre que cette affection, d’étiologie encore obscure, ne relève très probablement pas d’une infection chlamydienne.A diagnosis of chlamydiosis ornithosis was given to an outbreak of infectious Rhinotracheitis in Turkey Breeds. To certify such a statement, use of ELISA serological test for infectious diseases of the turkey has been perfected. ELISA appears to be the only suitable test in chlamydiosis of that species. Thus, it has been applied in a general investigation among flocks free or not from clinical infectious rhinotracheitis: results show that the disease — despite an undetermined aetiology — is unlikely due to an infection by chlamydie

    Bovine Q fever. Effets of the vaccination and the antibiotherapy on the clinical evolution and the excretion of Coxiella burnetti in the milk and the uterine secretions

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    Une expérimentation a été menée pendant plusieurs années, en milieu infecté, sur 30 000 bovins en France et 4 100 bovins de 88 exploitations en Allemagne. Elle a prouvé que : 1. L’efficacité de la vaccination dans les formes cliniques de fièvre O est indiscutable ; les rares échecs partiels ou totaux sont attribués à des infections intercurrentes (I.B.R., B.V.D., etc.). 2. L'éradication de la fièvre O dans les troupeaux infectés peut être obtenue en 4 à 5 ans, par des vaccinations répétées couplées ou non à l’élimination des animaux excréteurs. 3. Cet assainissement peut être considérablement raccourci et ramené à 1 an, lorsque l’on associe l’antibiothérapie (Terramycine LA) à la vaccination. 4. Cette association thérapeutique diminue encore les risques de contamination du consommateur de lait cru ; elle devrait être préconisée pour toutes les exploitations vendant du lait cru et infectées par Coxiella Burnetti.An experimentation has been carried for several years, in infected environment on 30 000 cattles in France and 4 100 cattles belonging to 88 farms in Germany. It has shown that: 1. The efficacy of vaccination on clinical forms of Q fever is beyond argument. The few partial or total failures are attributed to intercurrent infections (I.B.R., B.V.D., etc.). 2. The eradication of Q fever in infected herds can be obtained within four to five years, with repeated vaccinations associated or not with withdrawing of excreting animals. 3. This sanitation period may be considerably shortened to 1 year, when Antibiotherapy (Terramycine LA) is associated to vaccination. 4. This therapeutical association lessens even more the risks of contamination of crude milk consumers. It should be advocated for all farms selling crude milk and infected by Coxiella Bumetti