21 research outputs found

    Predicting Delay in Goal-Directed Action: An Experience Sampling Approach Uncovering Within-Person Determinants Involved in the Onset of Academic Procrastination Behavior

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    Academic procrastination involves the delayed implementation of actions required to fulfill study-related tasks. These behavioral delays are thought to result from momentary failures in self-regulation (i.e., within-person processes). Most previous studies focused on the role of trait-based individual differences in students’ procrastination tendencies. Little is known about the within-person processes involved in the occurrence of procrastination behavior in real-life academic situations. The present study applied an event-based experience sampling approach to investigate whether the onset of task-specific delay behavior can be attributed to unfavorable changes in students’ momentary appraisals of tasks (value, aversiveness, effort, expectations of success), which may indicate failures in self-regulation arise between critical phases of goal-directed action. University students (N = 75) used an electronic diary over eight days to indicate their next days’ intentions to work on academic tasks and their task-specific appraisals (n = 582 academic tasks planned). For each task, a second query requested the next day determined whether students’ task-related appraisals changed and whether they implemented their intention on time or delayed working on the respective task (n = 501 completed task-specific measurements). Students’ general procrastination tendency was assessed at baseline using two established self-report questionnaires. Stepwise two-level logistic regression analyses revealed that within-person changes in task-related appraisals that reflected a devaluation of the study-related tasks increased the risk for an actual delay. The risk to delay decreased when students maintained a positive attitude toward the task. Students’ general procrastination tendency did not predict individual differences in their task-specific delay behavior. We discuss these findings in light of the growing effort to understand the within-person processes that contribute to induce procrastination behavior under real-life academic conditions and illustrate how this knowledge can benefit the design of tasks and instructions that support students’ self-regulation to their best

    Specificity of emotion sequences in borderline personality disorder compared to posttraumatic stress disorder, bulimia nervosa, and healthy controls: an e-diary study

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    Background: Patients with borderline personality disorder (BPD) exhibit dysregulated emotion sequences in daily life compared to healthy controls (HC). Empirical evidence regarding the specificity of these findings is currently lacking. Methods: To replicate dysregulated emotion sequences in patients with BPD and to investigate the specificity of the sequences, we used e-diaries of 43 female patients with BPD, 28 patients with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), 20 patients with bulimia nervosa (BN), and 28 HC. To capture the rapid dynamics of emotions, we prompted participants every 15 min over a 24-h period to assess their current perceived emotions. We analyzed group differences in terms of activation, persistence, switches, and down-regulation of emotion sequences. Results: By comparing patients with BPD to HC, we replicated five of the seven previously reported dysregulated emotion sequences, as well as 111 out of 113 unaltered sequences. However, none of the previously reported dysregulated emotion sequences exhibited specificity, i.e., none revealed higher frequencies compared to the PTSD group or the BN group. Beyond these findings, we revealed a specific finding for patients with BN, as they most frequently switched from anger to disgust. Conclusions: Replicating previously found dysregulated and unaltered emotional sequences strengthens the significance of emotion sequences. However, the lack of specificity points to emotion sequences as transdiagnostic features

    Entwicklung und Evaluierung eines Stressbewältigungsprogramms für Studierende im Hochschulsetting = Development and evaluation of a stress management program for students

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    Nicht erst seit den Studierendenprotesten werden die Themen Stress und Belastung an Universitäten mannigfaltig thematisiert. Im Gegensatz zur enormen Bedeutung ist die Anzahl der evaluierten Stresstrainings, die speziell für Studierende entwickelt wurden, bestenfalls überschaubar. Ziel der vorliegenden Studie war es, ein auf die Bedürfnisse der Studierenden zugeschnittenes multimodales Stressbewältigungsprogramm zu entwickeln und auf seine Wirksamkeit zu überprüfen. Die Evaluierung des siebenwöchigen Trainings erfolgte durch ein randomisiertes Wartelisten-Kontrollgruppendesign an 63 Studierenden. Insgesamt zeigt sich eine deutliche Verbesserung (signifikante Interaktion Gruppe*Zeit) bezüglich einer Vielzahl gesundheitsrelevanter Parameter: Stressbelastung, Prüfungsangst, psychosomatische Beschwerden, depressive Symptomatik, Perfektionismus, Selbstwert, Erholungsfähigkeit, Beanspruchungs-Erholungs-Bilanz und Selbstmanagementfähigkeiten/Ressourcen. Zusammenfassend erscheint das Trainingsprogramm, mit seiner innovativen zielgruppenspezifischen Konzeption, als erfolgsversprechender Baustein einer präventiven Gesundheitsförderung im Hochschulsetting

    Improving Motor Activity Assessment in Depression: Which Sensor Placement, Analytic Strategy and Diurnal Time Frame Are Most Powerful in Distinguishing Patients from Controls and Monitoring Treatment Effects

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    Background Abnormalities in motor activity represent a central feature in major depressive disorder. However, measurement issues are poorly understood, limiting the use of objective measurement of motor activity for diagnostics and treatment monitoring. Methods To improve measurement issues, especially sensor placement, analytic strategies and diurnal effects, we assessed motor activity in depressed patients at the beginning (MD; n=27) and after anti-depressive treatment (MD-post; n=18) as well as in healthy controls (HC; n=16) using wrist- and chest-worn accelerometers. We performed multiple analyses regarding sensor placements, extracted features, diurnal variation, motion patterns and posture to clarify which parameters are most powerful in distinguishing patients from controls and monitoring treatment effects. Results Whereas most feature-placement combinations revealed significant differences between groups, acceleration (wrist) distinguished MD from HC (d=1.39) best. Frequency (vertical axis chest) additionally differentiated groups in a logistic regression model (R2=0.54). Accordingly, both amplitude (d=1.16) and frequency (d=1.04) showed alterations, indicating reduced and decelerated motor activity. Differences between MD and HC in gestures (d=0.97) and walking (d=1.53) were found by data analysis from the wrist sensor. Comparison of motor activity at the beginning and after MD-treatment largely confirms our findings. Limitations Sample size was small, but sufficient for the given effect sizes. Comparison of depressed in-patients with non-hospitalized controls might have limited motor activity differences between groups. Conclusions Measurement of wrist-acceleration can be recommended as a basic technique to capture motor activity in depressed patients as it records whole body movement and gestures. Detailed analyses showed differences in amplitude and frequency denoting that depressed patients walked less and slower

    Assessing affect in adolescents with e-diaries: multilevel confirmatory factor analyses of different factor models

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    In the last two decades, e-diary studies have gained increasing interest, with a dominant focus on mood and affect. Although requested in current guidelines, psychometric properties are rarely reported, and methodological investigations of factor structure, model fit, and the reliability of mood and affect assessment are limited. We used a seven-day e-diary dataset of 189 adolescent participants (12–17  years). The e-diary affect assessments revealed a considerable portion of within-person variance. The six-factor model showed the best model fit compared to the less complex models. Factor loadings also improved with the complexity of the models. Accordingly, we recommend that future e-diary studies of adolescents use the six-factor model of affect as well as reporting psychometric properties and model fit. For future e-diary scale development, we recommend using a minimum of three items per scale to enable the use of confirmatory multilevel factor analyses

    Predicting delay in goal-directed action: an experience sampling approach uncovering within-person determinants involved in the onset of academic procrastination behavior

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    Academic procrastination involves the delayed implementation of actions required to fulfill study-related tasks. These behavioral delays are thought to result from momentary failures in self-regulation (i.e., within-person processes). Most previous studies focused on the role of trait-based individual differences in students’ procrastination tendencies. Little is known about the within-person processes involved in the occurrence of procrastination behavior in real-life academic situations. The present study applied an event-based experience sampling approach to investigate whether the onset of task-specific delay behavior can be attributed to unfavorable changes in students’ momentary appraisals of tasks (value, aversiveness, effort, expectations of success), which may indicate failures in self-regulation arise between critical phases of goal-directed action. University students (N = 75) used an electronic diary over eight days to indicate their next days’ intentions to work on academic tasks and their task-specific appraisals (n = 582 academic tasks planned). For each task, a second query requested the next day determined whether students’ task-related appraisals changed and whether they implemented their intention on time or delayed working on the respective task (n = 501 completed task-specific measurements). Students’ general procrastination tendency was assessed at baseline using two established self-report questionnaires. Stepwise two-level logistic regression analyses revealed that within-person changes in task-related appraisals that reflected a devaluation of the study-related tasks increased the risk for an actual delay. The risk to delay decreased when students maintained a positive attitude toward the task. Students’ general procrastination tendency did not predict individual differences in their task-specific delay behavior. We discuss these findings in light of the growing effort to understand the within-person processes that contribute to induce procrastination behavior under real-life academic conditions and illustrate how this knowledge can benefit the design of tasks and instructions that support students’ self-regulation to their best

    Specificity of emotion sequences in borderline personality disorder compared to posttraumatic stress disorder, bulimia nervosa, and healthy controls: an e-diary study

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    Abstract Background Patients with borderline personality disorder (BPD) exhibit dysregulated emotion sequences in daily life compared to healthy controls (HC). Empirical evidence regarding the specificity of these findings is currently lacking. Methods To replicate dysregulated emotion sequences in patients with BPD and to investigate the specificity of the sequences, we used e-diaries of 43 female patients with BPD, 28 patients with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), 20 patients with bulimia nervosa (BN), and 28 HC. To capture the rapid dynamics of emotions, we prompted participants every 15 min over a 24-h period to assess their current perceived emotions. We analyzed group differences in terms of activation, persistence, switches, and down-regulation of emotion sequences. Results By comparing patients with BPD to HC, we replicated five of the seven previously reported dysregulated emotion sequences, as well as 111 out of 113 unaltered sequences. However, none of the previously reported dysregulated emotion sequences exhibited specificity, i.e., none revealed higher frequencies compared to the PTSD group or the BN group. Beyond these findings, we revealed a specific finding for patients with BN, as they most frequently switched from anger to disgust. Conclusions Replicating previously found dysregulated and unaltered emotional sequences strengthens the significance of emotion sequences. However, the lack of specificity points to emotion sequences as transdiagnostic features

    Kurzversion der Borderline-Symptom-Liste (BSL-23) : Entwicklung und ĂśberprĂĽfung der psychometrischen Eigenschaften

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    (Dt.:) Bei der etablierten Langform der Borderline-Symptom-Liste (BSL-95) handelt es sich um ein Selbstbeurteilungsverfahren zur quantitativen Erfassung borderline-spezifischer Symptomatik, bestehend aus 95 Items. Um Patientenbelastung und Auswertungszeit zu reduzieren, entwickelten wir eine auf 23 Items reduzierte Kurzform der BSL. Die Evaluation der Kurzform (BSL-23) basierte auf fünf Stichproben mit Borderline-Patienten (n=694). Es fanden sich sehr hohe Werte für die interne Konsistenz (Cronbach's α=0,94-0,97). Auch die weiteren Ergebnisse zur Psychometrie (insbes. zur Test-Retestreliabilität, Validität, Änderungssensitivität und Differenzierbarkeit zwischen Patientengruppen) entsprachen den hohen Standards der Langform. Die Ergebnisse der Studie sprechen dafür, dass es sich bei der BSL-23 um ein Selbstbeurteilungsinstrument mit sehr guten psychometrischen Eigenschaften handelt, welches in der Verlaufs- und Ergebnismessung von Behandlungsstudien effizient eingesetzt werden kann. (Engl.:) The Borderline Symptom List (BSL-95) has initially been developed as a self-rating instrument for specific assessment of borderline-typical symptoms. In order to reduce patient burden and assessment time we developed a short-version of the BSL. Twenty-three of the original 95 BSL-items were included into the short-version (BSL-23). The evaluation was based on five different samples with borderline patients (n=694). The internal consistency of the BSL-23 was high: Cronbach's alpha: 0.94-0.97. The remaining results regarding test-retest-reliability, validity, ability to discriminate between patient groups and sensitivity for change according to therapy were very satisfactory throughout. The results indicate that the BSL-23 is an efficient and convenient self-rating instrument that displays very good psychometric properties comparable to those of the full version of the BSL

    Differences in mean motor activity and motion patterns over a 24 hour period among MD patients in the beginning (MD-pre) and after 4 weeks (MD-post) of in-patient treatment—itemised in several feature-placement combinations measured in different accelerometer axes and sorted according to effect sizes by Cohen.

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    <p>Abbreviations: SD: standard deviation; n.s. = not significant;</p><p>*p≤0.05;</p><p>d: Cohen’s effect size.</p><p><sup>1</sup>calculated with spectral analysis;</p><p><sup>2</sup>arbitrary unit: values are based on g but attenuated due to the computation of the spectrum and the nonstationarity of the data;</p><p><sup>3</sup>cumulative acceleration of the three axes of the chest sensor computed following the rules of vector addition.</p><p>Differences in mean motor activity and motion patterns over a 24 hour period among MD patients in the beginning (MD-pre) and after 4 weeks (MD-post) of in-patient treatment—itemised in several feature-placement combinations measured in different accelerometer axes and sorted according to effect sizes by Cohen.</p