15 research outputs found

    Trophic Relationships and Habitat Preferences of Delphinids from the Southeastern Brazilian Coast Determined by Carbon and Nitrogen Stable Isotope Composition

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    To investigate the foraging habitats of delphinids in southeastern Brazil, we analyzed stable carbon (ÎŽ13C) and nitrogen (ÎŽ15N) isotopes in muscle samples of the following 10 delphinid species: Sotalia guianensis, Stenella frontalis, Tursiops truncatus, Steno bredanensis, Pseudorca crassidens, Delphinus sp., Lagenodelphis hosei, Stenella attenuata, Stenella longirostris and Grampus griseus. We also compared the ÎŽ13C and ÎŽ15N values among four populations of S. guianensis. Variation in carbon isotope results from coast to ocean indicated that there was a significant decrease in ÎŽ13C values from estuarine dolphins to oceanic species. S. guianensis from Guanabara Bay had the highest mean ÎŽ13C value, while oceanic species showed significantly lower ÎŽ13C values. The highest ÎŽ15N values were observed for P. crassidens and T. truncatus, suggesting that these species occupy the highest trophic position among the delphinids studied here. The oceanic species S. attenuata, G. griseus and L. hosei had the lowest ÎŽ15N values. Stable isotope analysis showed that the three populations of S. guianensis in coastal bays had different ÎŽ13C values, but similar ÎŽ15N results. Guiana dolphins from Sepetiba and Ilha Grande bays had different foraging habitat, with specimens from Ilha Grande showing more negative ÎŽ13C values. This study provides further information on the feeding ecology of delphinids occurring in southeastern Brazil, with evidence of distinctive foraging habitats and the occupation of different ecological niches by these species in the study area.Peer reviewe

    Standardization of the NEO-PI-3 in the Greek general population

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    BACKGROUND: The revised NEO Personality Inventory (NEO-PI-3) includes 240 items corresponding to the Big Five personality traits (Extraversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Neuroticism, and Openness to Experience) and subordinate dimensions (facets). It is suitable for use with adolescents and adults (12 years or older). The aim of the current study was to validate the Greek translation of the NEO-PI-3 in the general Greek population. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The study sample included 734 subjects from the general Greek population of whom 59.4% were females and 40.6% males aged 40.80 +/- 11.48. The NEO-PI-3 was translated into Greek and back-translated into English, and the accuracy of the translation was confirmed and established. The statistical analysis included descriptive statistics, confirmatory factorial analysis (CFA), the calculation of Cronbach's alpha, and the calculation of Pearson product-moment correlations. Sociodemographics groups were compared by ANOVA. RESULTS: Most facets had Cronbach's alpha above 0.60. Confirmatory factor analysis showed acceptable loading of the facets on their own hypothesized factors and very good estimations of Cronbach's alphas for the hypothesized factors, so it was partially supportive of the five-factor structure of the NEO-PI-3.The factors extracted with Procrustes rotation analysis can be considered reasonably homologous to the factors of the American normative sample. Correlations between dimensions were as expected and similar to those reported in the literature. DISCUSSION: The literature suggests that overall, the psychometric properties of NEO-PI-3 scales have been found to generalize across ages, cultures, and methods of measurement. In accord with this, the results of the current study confirm the reliability of the Greek translation and adaptation of the NEO-PI-3. The inventory has comparable psychometric properties in its Greek version in comparison to the original and other national translations, and it is suitable for clinical as well as research use

    Morphological and Morphometric Study of the Mental Foramen on the M-CP-18 Jiachenjiang Point

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    The purpose of this work was to study the morphology and morphometry of the mental foramen (MF), as well as to evaluate its morphological configuration; in addition to taking measures of its localization using as a parameter the distances of the foramen to the inferior border of the mandible and at the alveolar ridge. 80 dry mandibles were analyzed using the test of Qui-square and T test, with 5% of significance. Its average distance, on the right side, at the inferior edge of the mandible (IEM) was of 12.96(+/- 1.57) mm and of the alveolar ridge (AR) was of 12.82(+/- 3.4) mm. On the left side it was found distant of IEM 12.96(+/- 1.32) mm and of the AR 12.82(+/- 3.22) mm. The largest horizontal diameter found was of 3.32 (+/- 0.91) mm to the right and 3.25 (+/- 0.86) mm to the left side while the largest vertical diameter was of 2.38 ( +/- 0.63) mm on the right and of 2.39 (+/- 0.58) mm on the left side. It was predominantly found in the oval form, on the right side, of which 98.3% presented as a larger diameter the horizontal (type I). On the left side, all the oval foramens were classified as of type I. 76 (95%) appeared single on both sides. As to the localization related to the mandibular dentition, it was localized in similar statistic proportions between the 1(st) and 2(nd) premolars and above the 2(nd) premolar, in 45.17% of the mandibles, on the right side. On the left side it was predominantly found between the 1(st) and 2(nd) premolars 48.48% of the mandibles. The study of the MF is of vital importance to the acupuncture practice, as well as to modern surgical procedures, like anesthesia, requiring a detailed and precise study of the morphology and morphometry of the area.27123123