3,508 research outputs found

    The role of modular graphic identity in rebranding an educational programme

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    Trabalho de projetoEste trabalho de projeto propôs-se a lidar com o rebranding do programa Challenge Based Innovation (CBI). Este é um programa educacional para estudantes universitários, onde equipas de estudantes criam projetos inovadores de design. Estes ocorrem em colaboração entre universidades e a Organização Europeia de Investigação Nuclear (CERN), na Suíça. O CBI é um programa especial, não apenas pelo seu objetivo de criar inovação social disruptiva num dos principais centros de investigação do mundo, mas também porque cada universidade que participa no CBI cria a sua versão do programa. Portanto, este não é um programa fechado, mas sim aberto a diferentes currículos e períodos de tempo. Apesar do impacto sobre os participantes e do potencial do programa, este não é tão reconhecido internacionalmente quanto poderia ser, especialmente pela falta de identidade gráfica e consistência da comunicação. Desta forma, este projeto visa fazer o rebranding e redesign da identidade gráfica do CBI, a fim de comunicar melhor os seus objetivos, os resultados dos projetos e o processo de co-criação do programa. Além disso, o objetivo é aumentar a visibilidade do programa no CERN, nas universidades participantes e na comunidade de ensino superior. O projeto envolveu uma longa fase de investigação para compreender o problema e as perspectivas dos participantes no programa. Posteriormente, a componente prática do projeto foi desenvolvido, considerando as necessidades dos participantes do CBI. O resultado é uma marca modular distinta, que representa a abertura do programa e sua conexão com a tecnologia e a sociedade.This report of practice proposed to deal with the development of the rebranding of Challenge Based Innovation (CBI). This is an educational program for university students, where student teams create innovative design projects. These take place in collaboration between universities and the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), in Switzerland. CBI is a special program, not only for its motto of disruptive societal innovation in one of the world's leading research centers, but also because each university participating in CBI creates its version of the program. Thus, this is not a closed program, but open to different curricula, time periods and student backgrounds. Despite the impact on the participants and potential of the program, it is not as internationally recognized as it could be, especially for the lack of graphic identity and consistency of communication. With that in mind, this project aims to rebrand and redesign the graphic identity of CBI in order to better communicate its goals, project outcomes and the process of co-creating such a programme. Also, the goal is to increase the visibility of the programme inside CERN, inside the participating universities and among the higher education community. The project involved a long research phase to understand the problem and the perspectives of the programme’s stakeholders. Afterwards, the practical component of the project was developed, keeping in mind the needs and struggles of CBI’s participants. The result is a distinct modular brand, that represents the openness of the programme and its connection with technology and society

    The Packing Analogues of Sodalite, Tetrahedrite and Related Structures

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    Sodalite and tetrahedrite are normally treated separately because they are chemically very different and do not appear to be related. However, if appropriate representations (packing analogues) are used, one can realise how similar they are in crystal structure. Other interesting relationships, though not so close, may also be found with cristobalite and MgCu2 (Friauf-Laves phase)

    Numerical formulation for the study of the damped composite structures using First and Higher‐order Shear Deformation theories

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    Materiais compósitos vêm sendo largamente utilizados no projeto de estruturas aeronáuticas devido ao seu baixo peso e alta resistência mecânica. Porém, estruturas compósitas são expostas a perturbações estáticas e/ou dinâmicas. Assim, um grande esforço de pesquisa é empreendido no desenvolvimento de ferramentas numéricas para a análise e projeto de estruturas compósitas amortecidas. Neste sentido, este artigo apresenta a formulação numérica, via Método dos Elementos Finitos (MEF), de estruturas compósitas não amortecidas e amortecidas por tratamentos internos. Materiais viscoelásticos são os dispositivos utilizados como tratamento interno e são aplicados na forma de uma camada contínua inserida internamente ao estratificado. O amortecimento intrínseco do material compósito é considerado nos estudos realizados. São implementadas numericamente as teorias da Deformação Cisalhante de Primeira Ordem (FSDT) e Alta Ordem (HSDT). Elas se distinguem pela ordem das funções utilizadas na aproximação matemática do campo de deslocamentos mecânicos. Ambas as teorias são implementadas computacionalmente utilizando o elemento finito de placa, chamado Serendipity, dotado de 8 nós, 5 ou 11 graus de liberdade por nó, conforme a teoria utilizada, ou seja, FSDT ou HSDT respectivamente. Os resultados são comparados com os disponíveis na literatura científica, discutindo‐se as vantagens e desvantagens da utilização de cada teoria na modelagem de estruturas compósitas e sanduíches amortecidas.Composite materials have been used in the design of the aircrafts structures because their low weight and high mechanical strength. However, structures made in composite material are exposed to dynamical and/or static loading environments. Therefore, a major research effort is undertaken in the development of tools numerical for analysis and design of composite structures. This paper presents a numerical formulation of the composite structures using the Finite Element Method (FEM ). The damped composite structures, using inserted viscoelastic devices, and undamped composite structures are formulated by FEM . Viscoelastic materials are applied as continuous layers inserted on composite structures. The intrinsic damping of the composite material is included in the studies, too. The First‐order (FSDT ) and Higher‐order Shear Deformation (HSDT ) theories are formulated. They are distinguished by order of the approximation functions used in the mechanical displacements field. Both theories are computationally implemented using the Serendipity finite element. This is a rectangular finite element with 8 nodes, 5 or 11 degrees of freedom per node. The results are compared with papers predictions. The advantages and disadvantages of using each theory in the modeling of composite (thin or thick) and thick sandwiches structures, including the intrinsic and the viscoelastic damping, are discusses.Peer Reviewe

    Human capital and innovation:the importance of the optimal organizational task structure

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    Management literature has identified high-skilled human capital as a crucial dimension of innovation processes at the firm level. In this study, we introduce an alternative view of human capital based on the tasks that firms’ workers perform. We propose a measure of cognitive analytical and interpersonal tasks: the degree of abstractism. We argue that the level of abstractism of a firm has an effect on a firm's propensity to innovate and on its product innovation performance. We hypothesize that while the degree of abstractism has a linear positive relationship with the propensity to innovate, the relationship between abstractism and product innovation performance follows an inverted u-shaped relationship. We find partial support to our hypotheses using data from more than six thousand Portuguese firms. We discuss how these results change our understanding of the relationship between human capital and innovation at the firm level

    Urban space living in a changing city: sidewalks of Curitiba / Espaço urbano viver numa cidade em mudança: calçadas de Curitiba

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    This article aims to discuss the experience of the urban space, focusing on the conditions for pedestrian circulation, in the use of sidewalks, in Curitiba-PR, Brazil. In this city, as well as in the rest of the country, the use of public space is changing due to several factors, among them, the following stand out: the aging of the population and the greater participation of minority groups in decisions regarding public space, such as pedestrian groups. There was a problematic situation consisting of urban spaces designed primarily for automobiles, making it difficult for pedestrians to use such space or even preventing it in many cases. From this problem, it is questioned how the pedestrian, in three points of view, is using the sidewalks in Curitiba: a) the risks of being trampled; b) accessibility; and c) in terms of constructions and design quality. The assumption adopted is that the use of urban space by the pedestrian is a fundamental factor for sustainability by providing the practices of living and collective enjoyment of the same, by establishing relationships of sociability, physical exercises, recreation and leisure. The methodology used was based on the collection of information from municipal public agencies and bibliographical review of literature and academic research, using some categories of analysis: the public user; the building pattern; environmental conditions and municipal management practices. An analysis was made of the Strategic Plan of Sidewalks (PlanCal) of Curitiba and also the legislation regarding the construction and maintenance of public tours. The preliminary results showed that, in a city where the public transportation system was modeled on the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) model, there is currently a high rate of individual motorization, the highest growth between 2001 and 2014 in the metropolitan Brazilian Regions areas, and an attention to the pedestrian that demands greater detailing and prioritization of work, investments and maintenance. Among the difficulties for the pedestrian are the following: the risks of being run over; low quality of accessibility; and problems in the execution and maintenance of the public tours, besides the need to expand the spaces destined to walking. This paper was originally published at Changing Cities 3rd International Conference on Changing Cities: Spatial, Design, Landscape & Socio-economic Dimensions- 2017. Here is published an update version

    Evaluation of the supply chain network design at United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) - Through the development of a performance measurement system

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    Background: UNFPA is a subsidiary organ to the United Nations (UN) with a primary focus on population and development strategies, sexual and reproductive health and gender equality. In March 2005 the UNDP/UNFPA Executive Board had realized that for the UNFPA Procurement Services Branch (PSB) to operate in line with its mission, focus would need to be directed specifically towards improvements in the areas of procurement, supply and logistics. Several studies were conducted that resulted in a recommendation to implement regional warehouses. However, the conclusion of the studies was that further quantitative analysis was needed in terms of performance measures for transportation, warehousing costs and lead-times to make an informative decision. PSB now has an opportunity to utilize United Nations Humanitarian Response Depots (UNHRDs) as regional warehouses. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to develop a performance measurement system for PSB’s supply chain network design. In addition, the purpose was to use the performance measurement system in an evaluation of the alternative supply chain network design with regional warehouses. Research questions: 1. Which performance measures need to be considered when developing a new performance measurement system for PSB? 2. Should PSB keep its current supply chain network design or switch to a supply chain network design with regional warehouses in the UNHRDs? Method: First, exploratory interviews were held to get an understanding for PSB, its supply chain and where to direct the focus for this study. Second, several interviews were held with employees at PSB regarding PSB’s supply chain, supply chain strategy and performance measurement system. A performance measurement system could thereby be developed through these interviews and the frame of reference developed for this study. Third, order data from PSB’s information was used to determine the performance for the current and alternative supply chain. Finally, the performance of the two supply chain network designs was compared and a recommendation regarding PSB’s supply chain network design was presented. Conclusions: A new performance measurement system was developed for PSB. It was developed to contain measures from the three categories; resource, output and flexibility. The developed performance measurement system was used to analyze and compare the current supply chain network design to a supply chain network design with regional warehouses in the UNHRDs. It was found that the supply chain network design performed better or equal to the current supply chain for 11 out of the 13 performance measures. The supply chain with regional warehouses scored high in the areas that PSB had expressed as important to their strategy such as freight performance, responsiveness and customer satisfaction. All regional warehouses except for the one in Brindisi were found suitable. Therefore, the authors recommend PSB to start utilizing the UNHRDs in Accra, Dubai, Panama and Subang.Bakgrund: UNFPA är en underorganisation till Förenta Nationerna (FN). UNFPA fokuserar på populations- och utvecklingsstrategier och jämlikhet mellan könen. I mars 2005 bestämdes det i UNDP/UNFPAs styrelse att UNFPAs inköpsavdelning (PSB) skulle behöva förbättras om de skulle nå upp till sina mål. Flera studier har genomförts och resultatet av dessa visade bland annat på en rekommendation att införa regionala lager för att kunna minska ledtiderna mot kund. De visade dock också på att en mer kvantitativ analys skulle behövas med avseende på potentiella transport- och lagerkostnader innan ett informativt beslut skulle kunna tas. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie var att utveckla ett system med mätetal för att utvärdera PSBs försörjningskedja. Syftet var också att med hjälp av detta system utvärdera fördelarna och nackdelarna för PSB att ha regionala lager för att slutligen kunna ge en rekommendation angående huruvida PSB ska börja lagra produkter i UNHRDs eller ej. Forskningsfrågor: 1. Vilka mätetal behöver inkluderas för att kunna utvärdera PSBs försörjningskedja med avseende på regionala lager? 2. Borde PSB behålla sin nuvarande design på försörjningskedjan eller ändra till en design som inkulderar regionala lager med UNHRD? Metod: Inledande intervjuer hölls med anställda på PSB i studiens början för att få en djupare förståelse för PSB, dess försörjningskedja och var fokus skulle läggas. Ytterligare intervjuer hölls sedan angående PSB’s försörjningskedja, strategi och system med mätetal. Genom dessa intervjuer och det teoretiska rameverket kunde ett system med mätetal utvecklas. Detta system andvändes sedan för att mäta skillnaden mellan den nuvarande försörjningskedjan och den alternativa försörjningskedjan med regionala lager. Analysen av mätetalens resultat låg till grund för rekommendationen till PSB. Slutsatser: Ett system med mätetal utvecklades för PSB utifrån de tre kategorierna; tillgångar, resultat och flexibilitet. Detta system användes för att analysera och jämföra PSBs nuvarande försörjningskedja med en försörjningskedja med regionala lager hos UNHRD. Resultatet visade att försörjningskedjan med regionala lager fick bättre resultat på 11 av de 13 mätetalen som användes i analysen. Försörjningskedjan med regionala lager fick höga poäng för mätetal som PSB hade uttryckt att de tyckte var extra viktiga, såsom leveranstid, möjligheten att snabbt kunna leverera akuta ordrar samt kundnöjdhet. Alla UNHRDs regionala lager ansågs vara passande förutom lagret i Brindisi på grund av för små och infrekventa ordrar. Författarna reklommenderar därför PSB att börja lagra sina produkter in UNHRDs lager i Accra, Dubai, Panama och Subang